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Circulatory System ♥ ➿

Explain why does your heartbeat increase when you panic while getting stuck
in the lift alone?

When the person is stuck in the lift, the person will panic and the body cells
require more energy.

The heartbeat increases to pump blood containing more digested food,

oxygen and water to the body cells faster.
The body cells take in more digested food, oxygen and water to respire faster
and release more energy.

Explain why does your breathing rate decrease when you are resting on the
sofa? (2m)

When the person is resting, the body cells require less energy.
The person’s breathing rate decreases as less oxygen is needed by the body
The body cells take in less digested food, oxygen and water to respire slower
and release less energy.

Why did Jimmy pulse increase when he was scared?

When Jimmy was scared, his body was moving around and his body cells
requires more energy. The heart pumped more blood faster containing more
oxygen, digested food, and water to the rest of the body faster. Body cells
take in oxygen, digested food and water for respiration to release more
energy and carbon dioxide. Hence, his pulse rate increased.
In human circulatory system, blood flows in two loops. But in fish circulatory
system, blood flows in one loop.

Heat 🔥
Heat is energy and not matter
Temperature is the measurement of the hotness in matter.
Heat flows from a hotter region to a colder region until both at same
EXPANDS when temperature rises
CONTRACTS when temperature falls
Gain heat and expands
Lose heat and contracts
Heat is affected by the temperature and the same of the object/substances
Dark coloured surfaces - More heat is absorbed by the material. Temperature
of dark coloured object rises faster.
Bright coloured surface - Less heat is absorbed by the object. Temperature of
the object rises slower.
Air is a poorer conductor of heat than cotton. Heat lost from the hot water to
the surrounding air is slower in setup B than in setup A.
(More information on Heat is provided, please scroll down to see the images
Systems ♡
Breathing is inhaling and exhaling gases
Respiration is the process where your body cells take in oxygen, water and
digested food to give off carbon dioxide and release energy.
Stomata is not a cell it is just an opening
Plants release water vapour
Plants take in oxygen when there is no sunlight and give out carbon dioxide.
They respire at night
Sentence for Respiration♡
During exercise, body cells require more energy. The heart pumps blood
containing more oxygen, digested food and water to the rest of the body
faster. Body cells take in oxygen, digested food and water during respiration
to release more energy and carbon dioxide.
When we inhale, the diaphragm moves downwards to allow air to rush into
the lungs. The lungs expand. Therefore, _____ is the diaphragm that allows
the balloon to expand when it is pulled down.

Respiration process♡
The heart pumps blood faster to quickly transport blood containing carbon
dioxide and waste substances from the body cells to the organs for removal.
The asthmatic airways are narrower and have a smaller exposed surface area
for exchange of gasses in the lungs than normal airways. Thus, the lungs will
take in less oxygen from the inhaled air to be released into the blood stream.
The asthmatic person would need to breathe in faster to take in the same
amount of oxygen to the blood through the lungs. The oxygen is transported
to the rest of the body for respiration the release energy.
Photosynthesis and Respiration♡
Plants take in carbon dioxide, trap sunlight or light energy and takes in water
in the presence of chlorophyll to photosynthesise and make food.
Cells take in oxygen, food substances and water to release energy and give
off carbon dioxide.
Explain why organism X covered the surface in the water after a few weeks.
Organism X feeds on the nutrients and reproduce.
How does the Organism X covered water affect the submerged water plant
the live in the same tank?
The organism X blocks the sunlight. No sunlight can reach the plant so the
plant cannot photosynthesise and it cannot make food.
What if the tank is changed to a glass tank? What is observed?
The submerged plant will reproduce and grow healthily. Sunlight can reach
the submerged plant so that it can receive sunlight through the transparent
glass to photosynthesise and make food.
As ___________ respire, they breathe in dissolved oxygen and breathe out
carbon dioxide. When carbon dioxide came in contact with the water, it
became bubbles. Hence, the number of bubbles increased.
The plant was able to survive because it was respiring as it could take in
sunlight to photosynthesise as the glass was clear and it had water from the
moist soil.
The highly folded surfaces increase the surface area to allow better gaseous
exchange with surrounding.
Water containing dissolved oxygen enters the mouth of the fish, oxygen
enters the blood in the gills and as water flows out from under the gill covers,
carbon dioxide from the blood is carried away.
As _____ traps sunlight and take in carbon dioxide in the glass box to
photosynthesise and produce oxygen. Eventually, all the carbon dioxide in
the box runs out. The plant will not photosynthesise and the amount of
oxygen remains constant.
The oxygen from his lungs were pumped to his arms from his heart. The
oxygen was then used for respiration to produce energy.
The blood rich in oxygen were used for the legs to respire. After respiring,
the body will produce carbon dioxide. Hence, blood vessel __ and __ are rich
Leaves of plant trap sunlight using its chlorophyll, take in water and carbon
dioxide to photosynthesise and make glucose and produce oxygen gas.
Carbon dioxide.
The hydrilla plant in tank J takes in more dissolved carbon dioxide in the
water to photosynthesise faster and make more glucose than the plant in tank
Living organisms take in oxygen, digested food substances to respire and
release energy and give off carbon dioxide gas, water vapour and waste
There are more worms in setup Y than X. More worms take in more oxygen
to respire and release energy and give off carbon dioxide gas which was then
absorbed by the chemical which reduced the amount of air in the container.
LESS AIR OCCUPIES LESS SPACE Hence, the ink drop moved further
towards the left.
In a sealed container, the plants absorb all the carbon dioxide gas.
There is no carbon dioxide gas for the plant to photosynthesise and could not
produce any oxygen gas.
Leaves of plant trap / absorb sunlight using its chlorophyll, take in water and
carbon dioxide to photosynthesise and make glucose and produce oxygen

Electricity 🔋
Electricity flows from the negative end of the battery to the positive end of
the battery.
When electricity flows across the bulb, the bulb lights up, the heating element
heats up (Nichrome wire), The buzzer makes a sound, the magnetic material
is magnetised to form an electromagnet
More electricity flows across the device, the bulb shines brighter, the heating
element heats up faster, the buzzer makes a louder sound, the magnetic
material is magnetised to form a stronger electromagnet
When electricity flows around the coils of wire around the iron rods, the iron
rods are magnetised and becomes an electromagnet. However, Iron rod Y
batteries were added in series, so, there was more electricity flowing across
the rod.
When batteries are added in parallel, the electricity flow through the wire is
the same.
When batteries are in series, more electricity flows through the wire.
___ would swing towards _______. Batteries are arranged in series in Circuit
__ compared to Circuit __. Hence, there is more electricity flowing through
the coils of wire around _ and _. Iron rod is magnetised and becomes a
stronger magnetic force of attraction on the _________ then ____.
(More information on electricity provided below, please scroll down and see
the images attached)
The answering techniques ♥
The higher the number of batteries providing electricity to one light bulb, the
brighter the bulb.
When more batteries are added in series, there is more electricity flowing
across the bulb. The bulb shines brighter.
When more batteries are added in parallel, the same amount of electricity
flows across the bulb. The brightness of the bulb remains the same.
When electricity flows around the coils of wire around the magnetic rod, the
magnetic rod is magnetised and becomes an electromagnet.
As his brother steps onto the movable base, the base touches the contact
points and closed the circuit. Electricity flows through the coils of wire and
the iron core and magnetised it. The electromagnet will attract the steel
striker as it is a magnetic material. The striker moves and hit the bell.
When the rod is magnetised, it becomes an electromagnet. The likes of _____
and the iron rod are facing each other, so they will repel. When object repel
the iron rod, it creates a space for ____ to flow through.
When the tray is empty, the spring will push the tray up and ____ touches the
contact point. There is a close circuit and electricity flows through the coils
of wire around the iron rod which magnetised it and became and
electromagnet. ___ then repel_____ and the food can flow out of the box.
When the circuit is closed, the electricity flows through the coils of wires
around the magnetised rod. The rod is magnetised and became an
electromagnet. Hence, the iron ball will be attracted by the rod.
When the circuit is closed, electricity flows through the coils of wire around
the magnetised rod. The rod is magnetised and becomes and electromagnet.
There was not enough electrical energy to allow any of the bulbs to light up
Cells 😶
Cell wall allows all substances to pass through / Gives the cell its shape
Cell membrane allows some substances to pass through
Nucleus contains the genetic information and controls the substances entering
and exiting the cell
Chloroplast contains chlorophyll which helps to trap sunlight to make food
for the plant
Stomata usually found on the underside of leaves
Cytoplasm holds all of the substances and things inside the cell together
Water 💦🚴
Water in the moist soil gains heat from the sun and evaporates into water
vapour. (0.5m)
The leaves lose its water vapour through the stomata. (0.5m)

Warmer water vapour rises, touches the cooler inner surface of the glass
container, loses heat and condense to from water droplets.
The water droplets then flow back to the soil. The process repeats again.
Science knowledge:
- Mist, cloud, damp, moist - These words tell you they are made of water
- Water droplets exist in liquid state.
- You can see water droplets.
- Steam - This word tells you it is made of water vapour.
- Water vapour exists as gaseous state.
- You cannot see water vapour
Factors affecting rate of condensation:
- temperature of water vapour
- Material used to make the cooler surface (good conductors of heat,
condensation takes place faster over a short time)
- Temperature of cooler surface
- How large is the surface area
- How much water vapour is inside the sealed container.
What affects condensation???
-Temperature of water vapour
-Surface area of cooler surface
-Type of material of cooler surface 。。
-Temperature of cooler surface
As the temperature of water vapour is higher, it is easier
Water gains heat from (Any heat source) and evaporates into water vapour
If the temperature is not at boiling point or melting point, it could mean
room temperature.
1) When water vapour loses heat, the arrows are pointing away from
the water vapour.
2) 2) the greater water droplets OUTSIDE the room, the colder the air
in the room.
Melting point is 0 degrees / Boiling point is 100 degrees / Freezing point is 0
Melting is Solid to Liquid / Boiling is Liquid to Gas / Freezing is Liquid to Solid
/ Condensation is Gas to Liquid /


- Temperature of water remains at 0 degree until the solid becomes


- The temperature of the water remains at100 degrees until all the
water becomes steam(gas)

- When water is placed into the freezer, water loses heat and its
temperature slowly decreases to 0 degrees

- The temperature of water remains at 0 degrees during freezing until

all the water becomes ice ❄

- Heat loss process

- Does not occur at fixed temperature

- -Requires a cooler surface and water vapour in a warmer place

- Heat gain process

- Does not occur at a fixed temperature

- Evaporation happens all the time

- Even if the water is boiling at 100 degrees, evaporation is occurring

as well

What affects evaporation???

1. Temperature (More= faster)
2. Wind (More= faster)
3. Exposed surface area (More=faster)
4. Humidity (More=slower)
1) Boiling
2) Factors affecting the rate of condensation:
Conductors of heat

Factors affecting rate of condensation:

1) Temperature of the water vapour
2) temperature of the cooler surface
3) Area of the cooler surface
4) Conductors of heat
5) Amount of water vapour
Steam - Hot water vapour
Mist - Water droplets.
Dew - Water droplets
Cloud - Water droplets

Water vapour exist as gaseous state. Water vapour is

water droplets exist as liquid state. Water droplets is visible
Plants reproduction 🌸
-Pollination, Fertilisation, Dispersal, Germination
-Female ⚢ = Stigma, Ovaries, Ovule, Style
-Male ⚣ = Anther, Pollen grains, Filaments
-The neither = Petal, Sepal
-Dispersion ➡ Germination ➡ Pollination ➡ Fertilisation
- Germination =Warmth, Water, Oxygen
- Root to shoot to True leaves
- When it has the seed leaves, no sunlight needed but the seed leaves give
food to it

-Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma
-Pollination for only same species
-Petal to attract pollinators (usually brightly coloured)
-Stigma to receive pollen grains from the anther
-Style connects the stigma to the ovary
-Ovary contains the ovules and develops into a fruit after fertilisation
-Ovules contain egg cell and develop into seeds after fertilisation
-Anther produces pollen grains (Pollen grains usually sticky)
-Filament connects the anther to the flower

Insect Pollinate 🐦
-Sweet scent and nectar (Attract pollinators)
-Large petals that grows singly or small petals that grow in bunch
(more visible to pollinators)
- Pale flowers that reflect moonlight (visible to night pollinators)

Wind Pollinate 🍃
-Long filaments that hang out of the flower and sway easily in the wind
-Long and feathery stigma that hangs out of the flower to catch the pollen
grains floating in the wind
-Anther that produces light and powdery pollen grain

Fertilisation 🌍
-Pollen grain lands on the stigma, pollen tube grows towards the ovule in the
ovary, the male sex cell in the pollen grain travels down the tube, fertilisation
occurs when the male sex cell fuses with the female sex cell, after
fertilisation the ovary grows into a fruit and the ovules become the seeds
Pollen grain does not fuse with ovule it is male sex cell fuse with ovule

Dispersal 🌿
Plants disperse their seeds to avoid overcrowding which results in the
young plant competing for sunlight, water, mineral salt and space to
In open environment, air does not cause overcrowding

Wind dispersal 🍃
Hair-like structures to catch the wind
Wing-like structure to increase surface area and air resistance to enable the
seed to stay afloat longer

Water dispersal 💦
Waterproof skin to prevent the fruit from absorbing water and sinking
Fibrous husk which traps air and enables the fruit to float

Splitting / Explosive actions ⚘

Spilt along lines of weakness = Pod like structure
Seeds are flung out

Animal Dispersal 🐦
Fleshy fruits to attract animals
Large seed with is thrown away
As the seeds are large, they are not eaten but is thrown away. AS a result,
most of the large seeds are dispersed near the parent plant
Fleshy fruits to attract animals
Small, indigestible seeds which is eaten and passed out of the animal’s faeces
(Inedible= Cannot eat / Indigestible = Cannot digest)
When the animal eats the juicy fruit and small, undigestible seeds, the animal
travels far away from the parent plant and the seeds are passed out of the
animal’s faeces. The seeds are dispersed far away from the parent plant.
The plant has hooks or spikes
The stiff hooks or spiks or stiff hairs hooks onto the animal’s fur and drop off
when the animal goes elsewhere

Additional info ➰
Wind dispersal follows the wind
Water dispersal follows water directions
Splitting or explosive lands near the parent plant
- For large seeds,
the animal spits the seed out / throw the seed away.
- For small, indigestible seeds,
Animal eats the seed and juicy flesh and they are passed out as droppings or
animal waste.
Explain dispersion of sandbox fruit:
As the fruit dries up, it becomes tight and splits along the lines of weakness,
the seeds burst / explode out of the fruit
23(B) The ring shape is made of opaque material while the square shape is
made of translucent material
Adaptation: Wing-like structure
Function: Increase the exposed surface area for the wind to carry
the fruit away from the parent plant easily.
Adaptation: Parachute
Function: This increases the exposed surface area which
increases the air resistance acting upwards on the parachute. The
fruit stays / floats in the air longer and can travel a further distance
before hitting the ground.

Adaptation: Juicy fruit with large seeds

Function: Animals are attracted to eat the juicy fruit
and spit out / throw out the large seeds as the seeds
cannot be eaten.

Adaptation: Juicy fruit with small seeds

Function: Animals are attracted to eat the juicy fruit
and eat the small indigestible seeds. The animal
dispersed out the seeds by passing out the seeds as

Adaptation: Hook-like structure / spikes

Function: It hooks onto the furs or skin of animals and
the fruits are dispersed when the fruits are dropped to
the ground.
(More information on plants reproduction provided below, please scroll down
to view the images)

ANSWERING TECHNIQUES for both water cycle and plants

___ is the seed leaf which provides food for the seedling. AS the leaves are
not fully developed, the seedling cannot trap sunlight to photosynthesise and
cannot make food. If __ was removed, the seedling dies due to lack of food
Model Y would resemble the fruit more closely as the seed is water dispersal
and would need to have a fibrous husk which traps air to prevent the seed
from sinking. The bubble wrap traps air and is similar to the fibrous husk of
the fruit.
Make a larger toy parachute. Model X has a larger parachute. This increases
the exposed surface area which increases the air resistance acting upwards on
the parachute. The marble stays / floats in the air longer and can travel a
further distance before hitting the ground.
Water in the moist soil gains heat from the sun and evaporated into water
vapour. The leaves lose its water vapour through the stomata. Warmer water
vapour rises, touches the cooler inner surface of the glass container, loses
heat and condenses into water droplets. The water droplets than flow back to
the soil. The process repeats again.
Water in the ___ gain heat and evaporated into water vapour. The warmer
water vapour rose, came into contact with the cooler ___. It lost heat to the
___ and condensed to form tiny water droplets which dripped into the ___.
The water is colourless and tasteless.
The metal tray had gained heat and warmed up. Since the temperature
difference between the tray and steam was less, the steam lost heat at a
slower rate and condensed to form less water droplets.
Evaporation occurs at the surface of the water only but boiling occurs
throughout the water.
Evaporation can occur at any temperature between 0oC and 100oC but
occurs at 100oC only.
The water in the container in Set-up A gained heat from the surroundings and
evaporated to form water vapour which rose and came into contact with the
cooler inner surface of metal bowl. The warm water vapour lost heat to the
metal bowl and condensed to form tiny water droplets which dripped into the
Water from the soil gains heat from the __ and evaporates into water vapour
The fruit has seed pods that splits open to release the seeds inside. The seeds
have wing-like structure that increase surface area for the seed to stay afloat
in the air.
Water vapour comes into contact with the cooler surface of ___ and loses
heat and condenses to form water droplets
The temperature of the ___ is lower than the boiling water. When the ___ is
added, the boiling water loses heat to them.
Water in the ___ gains heat and evaporates into water vapour. The warmer
water vapour rises, touches the cooler inner surface of the glass, lose heat and
condenses to form water droplets. The water droplets __.
__ with a lighter mass, __ can cling onto the animal’s fur easily. The fruit will
not drop off easily and are dispersed further away from the parent plant.
Water vapour comes in contact with the cooler surface of the material and
Warmer water vapour comes into contact with the cooler inner / outer
surface, loses heat and condenses to form water droplets. Heat and condenses
to form water droplets.
The warmer water vapour in the surrounding air comes in contact with the
cold outer surface of the ___, loses heat and condenses to form water
The hot water vapour comes in contact with the surrounding air, loses heat
and condenses to form water droplets
Warmer water vapour comes into contact with the cooler inner / outer
surface, loses heat and condenses to form water droplets.
Since Tray P has a lower temperature than Q, warmer water vapour from the
flask loses heat and condenses faster onto the cooler surface of P to form
more water droplets.
When the steam comes into contact with the cooler surface of tray Q, the
steam would condense and lose heat to the tray faster compared to the steam
that condenses on tray P which forms more water droplets.
Explain why mist is observed outside the kettle vent when the water is
Liquid K. Rate of evaporation of K is the slowest. The gears will not cause
the liquid K to evaporate quickly and the liquid K can remain on the moving
parts for a longer time.
Hot water in the kettle boils and becomes steam.
The steam rises and escapes the vent, comes into contact with the cooler air
outside the kettle, loses heat and condenses to form mist. Mist is visible.
Material B. The temperature of the water in the beaker wrapped with Material
B was the highest after 20 minutes.
Fruit B (large seeds, animal)
Fruit B seed is dispersed by animals. As the seeds are large, they are not
eaten but is thrown away. As a result, most of the large seeds are dispersed
near the parent plant.
Fruit B has Juicy fruit with large seeds
Animals spit out / throw out the large seeds as the seeds cannot be eaten.
Fruit C is dispersed by water as it has a fibrous husk which traps air and
enables the fruit to float.
Fruit C is Waterproof. This prevents the fruit from getting wet and dispersed
by water. Fruit C has fibrous husk that traps air. This enables the fruit to float
on water.
Material is a good conductor of heat.
Material gains heat from the heat source quickly.

The light from the sun is reflected off the helicopter and travels to
Maggie's eyes.

3 State of Matter

Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.

Non-matter does not have mass and does not take up space.

Solid ~

Has a definite shape

Has a definite volume

Cannot be compressed to occupy a smaller space

Cannot be stretched or spread out to occupy a larger space


Does not have a definite shape and takes the shape of whatever it is in

Has a definite volume

Cannot be compressed to occupy a smaller space

Cannot be stretched to occupy a bigger space


Does not have a definite volume

Does not have a definite shape

Can be compressed
(More information on light provided below, please scroll down to view
the images)

Thinking qns time

If I used a piece of plasticine to make a cube, then use the same piece of
plasticine to make a cylinder, would the volume and mass be different?

Ans: No. I did not take out any plasticine

Even if you suck out or add in air to a container, the volume of air will
always be the same.


No, it was dry. Air occupies space and was trapped in the container and
water could not enter to take its place

The tissue was wet. Air in the container escaped through the hole left by
stopper B. This allowed the water to enter and wet the tissue.

The cylinder occupied space in the beaker and caused it to push the
water out into the basin.

It would be the same. As the cylinder occupied the same amount of

space in the beaker and the marbles were inside the cylinder.

Air is trapped in the bottle and occupies the space, so the balloon does
not inflate.

The balloon will inflate. Air in the bottle can escape from the tiny
opening, hence, the balloon can inflate to occupy space.

No. 400ml of water is not enough is because there are also air gaps in
between the marbles and water can pass through them and occupy the
space in between the marbles.

__cm3.The __cm3 of air pumped in was compressed into the __cm3 of

space left in the container.
The air in the bottle occupy space in the basin and push the water out.

Some air in the bottle was compressed and this allowed 30cm3 of the
water to flow in and take the space.

That is because object P is submerged while object Q is not fully


Water will occupy space in the sponge. The sponge with some of the
water was removed from the basin.

A sponge is a solid. When we press it, the air is forced out and the shape
and volume changes. However, it requires an external force applied to
change the shape.

The water in syringe A was transferred to syringe B. Water has a definite

volume and cannot be compressed.

Air can be compressed and it does not have a definite volume.

The compressed air can cause the nail to fly out at a high speed and hurt

Water has a definite volume and cannot be compressed. Water is pumped

into the cylinder and pushes the platform up, which pushes the car up.


Opaque > No light can pass through

Translucent > Some light can pass through

Transparent > all light can pass through

When the light source is nearer to the object, the shadow is bigger

When the light source is further from the object, the shadow is smaller

When the screen is nearer to the object, the shadow is smaller

When the screen is further from the object, the shadow is bigger

When the object is nearer the screen and further from the light source,
the shadow is smaller

When the object is further from the screen and nearer to the light source,
the shadow is bigger

The light travels from the _____, reflects off the _____ and travels into
the eye

The _____ reflect light off the torch, into our eyes.

Light travels in a straight line

Aluminium or shiny objects do not give off light. They just REFLECT
MORE light.

The _____ gives off light which enters the eyes.

The number of light units will stay the same because clear plastic is
transparent and transparent objects allow all light to pass through.

His walking speed increases after he walked past point __ as the length
of his shadow increased faster from __ to__ than the distance from __ to

No. The light will be able to reach the plant from the side of the beaker
as it is transparent.

The shadow of the object will remain black and the same size and only
the background becomes blue.

When there are no objects, all the light passes through. When there is an
object, none of the light passes through.

It is important for ___ to perform this experiment in a dark room

because the light can come from another light source in the room to
affect the size of the shadow.

The thicker the paper, the lesser light can pass through.


1. Magnetic materials are (Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Steel)

2. Non-Magnetic Materials are (Gold, Aluminium, Brass, Copper,


3. Like poles repel, unlike poles attract.

4. There are 8 types of magnets, (1. Horseshoe magnet, Ring magnet,
Cylindrical magnet, Bar magnet, Button magnet, Square magnet,
Crescent magnet, U-shaped magnet)

5. Steel will not allow the pull of the magnet to pass through it. If a
magnet was paired with steel and glass, the magnetism will not be able
to pass through it. But if the magnet is only pained with glass, the
magnetism will be able to be pass through.

6. To make a magnet, you will need 3 simple ways. 1.(you use a

magnet to stroke the magnetic material. Use the same pole to stroke it.
The more times you stroke, the more magnetic the temporary magnet
will be.)

7. Step no.2(make an electromagnet, the more wires and batteries

you put, the stronger the electro magnet will be.)

8. A magnet can be demagnetised by either heating over an open

flame or by dropping it on the floor repeatedly

Electromagnet ☼
13(A) When the circuit is closed, electricity flows through the coils of wire
around the iron bar. The iron bar is magnetised and becomes an

Since iron disc is a magnetic material, it is attracted by the electromagnet and

the reading on spring balance increases.
13(B) The reading on the spring balance remains the same.
Aluminium disc is not a magnetic material. There is no magnetic attraction
by the electromagnet.
(For more information on magnets, please scroll down to see the image

On plants:
Place 1 plant in each pot and fill the pot with the same amount of soil.

Each pot contains different types of soil.

The plant will die. The water from the roots cannot be transported to the
other parts of the plant and the food made by the leaves cannot be
transported to the other parts of the plant, therefore, the plant will slowly


As ___ increase/ decrease the number/amount / mass /volume of ___

will increase/ decrease

Wind-up the car even more.

When the spring in the toy car is compressed / extended / stretched more
and released, the spring exerts a greater elastic spring force onto the toy
car. Toy car moves a longer distance.

Wind-up the car even more.

When the spring in the toy car is compressed / extended / stretched more
and released, the spring exerts a greater elastic spring force onto the toy
car. Toy car moves a longer distance.

His aim is to find out how the height of the ramp / steepness of the ramp
affect the time taken for the wooden block to reach the bottom of the
- roughness of the slope and
- the mass of the wooden block
- Length of the ramp
- Material used to make the wooden block
- size of block is kept the same
Repeat the experiment at least 3 times and calculate the average time
taken for the block to reach the bottom of the ramp.

As the height of the ramp increases, the time taken for the wooden block
to reach the bottom of the ramp decreases.

Different materials

- Conductors of heat / electricity

- frictional force
Material C. Time taken for the wooden block to reach the bottom of the
ramp is the longest.
That means C is the roughest. There is greatest friction between the
wooden block and the ramp.
Superlative word:
Greatest, smallest,
Comparing with 3 or more objects.
Answering technique:

By adding powder onto the hands, the surface of his hands is rougher.
This increases the friction between the hand and the wall.
Material A. Time taken for the wooden block to reach the bottom is the
There was the least amount of friction between the bowl with material A
and the ball, which will cause the ball to roll the longest time before
coming to a stop.
Material A. Time taken for the wooden block to reach the bottom is the
A is the smoothest. There was the least amount of friction between the
bowl with material A and the ball, which will cause the ball to roll the
longest time before coming to a stop.

Some of the ball’s energy is converted to heat and sound energy. Hence,
there was in sufficient energy to bring the ball to its original position.

When the ball hits the ground, some of the kinetic energy is converted to
heat energy and sound energy.

The ball cannot bounce back to its original height. There is not enough
kinetic energy converted to potential energy.

Answering technique for energy conversion:

- Describe the situation

- Apply energy conversion / energy transfer concept.

Chemical potential energy of the battery -----> electrical energy of the

Electrical energy of pump ------> kinetic energy and gravitational

potential energy of water.

Elastic potential energy in the toy mouse -----> kinetic energy of the
moving mouse

Kinetic energy of moving mouse -----> kinetic energy of the cans

When the toy mouse is wound up more and then released, more elastic
potential energy is converted to more kinetic energy.

When the toy mouse hits the can, the more kinetic energy of the mouse
is transferred to the cans. More cans fall off.

As the car moves up the hill the gravitational potential energy is

converted into kinetic energy

What are the factors affecting the rate of condensation?

1) Temperature of the surface

2) Temperature of water vapour

3) Heat conductivity of the cooler surface

4) Amount of water vapour in the air.

5) The exposed surface area of the cooler surface

Material C. C is opaque and does not allow light to reach the solar panel.

The solar panel cannot convert light energy to electrical energy (1m) and
the windmill does not spin.

To find out if/how the type/texture of material would affect the amount
of force needed to pull/move the block.

This experiment is fair as there is only one changing variable. The

material used on the ramp is the variable that affects the force needed to
pull the wooden block.

With greater mass in cart X, there is more potential energy in cart X. As

cart X rolls down the rail, more potential energy is converted to more
kinetic energy. As cart X hits cart Y, more kinetic energy is transferred to
cart Y. Hence, cart Y travels a longer distance.

When Jean swings from C to D, some kinetic energy is converted to

heat energy due to overcoming air resistance.

As a result, there is not enough kinetic energy converted to gravitational

potential energy and the swing cannot reach point A. The lubricant
reduces the friction between the swing and the bar. Hence, less kinetic
energy converted to heat energy due to overcoming less friction. There is
more kinetic energy left in the swing which enables it to move to and fro
more times.

As the water droplets falls down a greater distance, more gravitational

potential energy is converted to more kinetic energy. As the water
droplets hit the wheel, more kinetic energy is transferred to the water
The wheel spins faster.

His potential energy increases. He is at a higher point / position / height

above the ground.

With a smaller number of bees, lesser bees will pollinate the flowers.
Lesser flowers are fertilised and there will be lesser fruits harvested.

Man's impact on the environment

Organism E preyed on organism A. There is a smaller population of A.

Since A would prey on C, a smaller population of A would lead to a
bigger population of C as there are not enough A that would prey on
them. Since there is an increase in C, more C would lead to more of C
preying on the plant and the plant would decrease.

The caterpillars were feed on the leaves of the orchard, Moreover, there
are lesser predators feeding on the caterpillars. Hence, the caterpillars
develop int adults. They reproduce and its population increased.

2 factors affecting heat energy

- Volume / mass of substance / object - Temperature of the substance /

20 (B) like poles are facing each other. Magnetic force of repulsion
between magnets P and Q push magnet P up, causing P to be balanced
with X. (0.5m)
If magnet Q is removed, gravitational force acting on P does not need to
go against / does not need to overcome the upward magnetic force of
repulsion acting on P. Rod will tilt.(1m)That shows gravitational force
acting on X is weaker than the gravitational force acting on magnet P.

Answering technique for multiple forces acting on an object:

A force is strong enough to overcome / go against / equal to another


For changed variable, this must be labelled on the x-axis.

For measured variable, this is labelled on the y-axis

In option 2, "temperature of surroundings" did not indicate the

timeframe of a year. Hence this is not accurate.

"level of reproduction" not affected by changes in temperature within a

day. Timeframe is too short.
(B) The metal toy car has a greater mass/heavier than the plastic toy

Thus, there is more frictional force [1/2] between the wheels of the metal
toy and the ground compared to the plastic car.

Distance travelled by the metal car will be shorter

greater mass.


- Frictional force

- EPE convert KE

Without the stigma, the pollen grain is not able to land and grow a pollen
tube down to

the ovule. (1m) This prevents the male sex cell and the female sex cell
from fusing and

thus prevents fertilisation. (1m)

(B) This is to increase the chance of some pollen grains landing onto the
stigma for the flower to reproduce.

18(A) Nucleus

the sperm towards the egg.


freeze into solid / ice. [1/2]

Steam - Hot water vapour.

In order to burn, the flame requires oxygen. When the flame used up the
oxygen, less air in the beaker occupies less space. Hence, water enters
the beaker to occupy the space previously occupied by the air.

When the tire gets pumped until a lot, the volume does not change. But
if the tire is flat the volume does change.

30(A) The optimal / best / most suitable temperature for the eggs to
hatch is 35oC
(I) The water will gain heat from the bulb and evaporate into water
vapour. This

ensures that there is sufficient water vapour in the incubator.

30(B) (ii) WRONG: oxygen gas enters the incubator and allows the egg
to hatch.

Correct: The air holes allow some water vapour to escape so there is not
much water vapour in the air in the incubator

Like poles are facing X and Y in figure 2. There is magnetic force of

repulsion exerted by the magnets. THe upward magnetic force of
repulsion exerted by Y on X goes against the downward gravitational
force acting on X. Link: Hence, total force acting on the spring balance
is smaller and the reading shown is less than 0.5

Spring is neither compressed nor stretched!


33) No need to write "heat gain from...".

35(A) Setup Y.

Evidence: The roots in Y are wrapped in a plastic bag unlike W.

Reason: Plastic is waterproof. Hence, the roots in Y cannot absorb water.


- number of leaves trap more sunlight and absorb most water to

photosynthesise fastest
Greatest number of leaves, lose most water vapour. Plants in W absorb
the most water.

36(a) Oxygen gas. Plants absorb light using its chlorophyll to

photosynthesis and produce oxygen gas.

She observed more bubbles Setup B. Bulbs in B are arranged in parallel

unlike series arrangement in A. There is more electric current flowing
across bulbs in B than in A. Bulbs in B shines brighter. (1m) Plant in B
absorb more light from the bulb to photosynthesise faster and produce
more oxygen bubbles. (1m)

37(A) Spring A.

Evidence: Spring A extends the most when 500g of load is added.

Reason: Spring A is the least stiff and compresses easily. Hence, least
force is exerted by Ben to pump out the liquid soap.

stiff and compresses easily. Hence, least force is exerted by Ben to pump
out the liquid soap.
Man's impact on the environment:

Man relies heavily on the environment for natural

resources for survival
• Sun
• Forests
• Fossil Fuels
• Land
• Water
• Food

Negative impacts on Man’s activities:

-depletion of natural resources
-global warming

What does Man get from natural resources?

Man obtains energy, materials and food from natural
resources for his survival.
1) Man uses land to grow plants for food.
2) Man uses running water to generate electrical energy.
Depletion of natural resources
-Natural resources can be renewable or non-renewable
-Non-renewable resources are depleted once they are
used up and it does not replace itself
-Renewable resources will also run out if we do not allow
enough time for it to be replaced
Exp of depletion of natural resources

Fossil Fuels
• Provide energy for machineries to work
• Non-renewable
• Metals, minerals and wood are used to make objects
• Non-renewable for metal and minerals
• Non-renewable for wood if the trees we cut is more than
trees replaced
Food Sources
• E.g Fishes from the sea can be overfished which could
lead to
extinction overtime

Types of ways of depletion of natural resources:

-Removal of trees by burning or cutting down to obtain land
Effect 1 : Loss of Habitats
• When trees are cut, organisms lose their shelter and food
sources which could lead to a decrease in population
Effect 2 : Lesser Rainfall
• Fewer trees to respire to give out water vapour and thus,
clouds form and hence the amount of rain decreases making
the land dry

Effect 3 : Soil Erosion

• There are fewer trees to hold the soil so wind and water can
easily washed off the soil. This can result in soil erosion
soil is washed into water bodies which can lead to pollution.

Effect 4 : Global Warming

• There is lesser trees to take in carbon dioxide during
photosynthesis and the amount of carbon dioxide in the air
increases. Carbon dioxide traps heat and thus, causes global

-Harmful substances (pollutants) are released into the land,
water or air
Harmful chemicals include chemicals in factory waste,
pesticides, fertilisers and oil.
1) If discharged into water bodies, they make the water
unsafe for use.
2) If substances get into the bodies of organisms, they
may get poisoned and die.

• Waste takes up space when it does not break down quickly
• Waste releases bad-smelling gases when it is broken down
• Bacteria from waste can enter water bodies and multiple
quickly which will compete with other organisms for oxygen
Harmful Chemicals
• Organisms can be poisoned and die

• Some harmful gases in smoke can dissolve In rainwater to
acid rain which can damage buildings, kill trees and organisms
living in water

How does smoke harm our health?

Smoke contains pollutants that are released into the air when
fuels such as oil, coal and wood are burnt in factories and
1) Harmful gases in smoke can dissolve in rainwater to form
acid rain.
2) Acid rain can damage buildings and structures made of
stone and metal.
3) Acid rain cause trees to die.
4) When acid rain gets into water bodies, it can kill organisms
living in the water.

• Occurs when there is too much dust or smoke in the air
can harm our health

• The Earth is surrounded by a layer of ozone which protects
harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun
• UV rays can cause sunburns, eye problems and skin cancer
• CFCs destroy the ozone layer by making it thinner
• CFCs were once used in refrigerators and spray cans
-Ozone surrounds the Earth and protects the Earth from
ultraviolet rays from the sun.
-UV rays can cause sunburns, eye problems, skin cancer and
even kill plants.

Global warming
When there is more carbon dioxide in the air, more heat is
on Earth which will cause the Earth’s average temperature to
This phenomenon is known as global warming

Effect 1 : Melting of Ice

• When a large amount of ice melts, the sea level will rise and
water will cover many areas near the sea

Effect 2 : World’s Weather Pattern

• Due to global warming, some places will have more frequent
heavy rain which could lead to flood and some places may
have little or no rain for a long period which could lead to
• These can destroy plants and affect our food supply

Positive effects on the environment by men

-Set up more natural parks to encourage wildlife to grow and
-Seeds and young plants are planted in forests where trees
have been removed
-Can reduce carbon dioxide level
• Restore habitats
Means that place is when seeds and young plants are planted
where trees had been removed.



Human reproduction:

Plants reproduction:

Plants(in general):
All the best for the exam!!

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