History Tute Grde 08

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01) What is meant by water technology?
02) What did the ancient Lankans use the technology for?
03) Where were tanks and anicuts first built? Why?
04) Why did people choose dry zone for settlements?
05) Why did dry zone people start constructing tanks during 3rd century BC?
06) Why did people start constructing giant tanks?
07) How did they construct those?
08) What is the origin of constructing small tanks?
09) How were small tanks built? Write step by step
10) What are “Village Tanks”?
11) What are the tanks that are constructed by King Pandukabhaya? Write 03.
12) What is the present name of “Abhaya Vapi”?
13) What are two tanks that can be seen in the present?
14) Who first started constructing large tanks?
15) What is the ruling period of the above king?
16) What is the main advantage of building giant tanks?
17) How many tanks did King Vasabha built?
18) Write the ancient names of the following:
a) Mahavilachchiya Wewa
b) Maanankattiya Wewa
c) Minneriya Wewa
d) Hurulu Wewa
e) Mahaakanadara Wewa
f) Maadathugama Wewa
g) Thalwathu Ela
h) Kabara
i) Thambara
j) Thopasha
19) How many tanks did King Mahasen Built?
20) How many tanks did King Dathusena Built?
21) What is the nickname of King Mahasen?
22) Write the motto of King Parakramabahu I.
23) How many tanks did he construct?
24) What are the achievements of Lankans consequent to construction of large scale tanks?
(Write 3)
25) What are the Challenges faced by Lankans while constructing Large scale tanks?
26) Write short notes on following topics:
a) The Sluice
b) Bisokotuwa
c) Break Water
d) Inner Spill and Outer spill
27) What is a “Bund”?
28) What is an “Anicut?”
29) List out the requirements for constructing a canal examples.
30) How may canals did King Vasabha construct?

31) Why was a dam built across Amban ganga and Elahera Ela?
32) Why did King Mahasen build Thalwathu Ela?
33) Why did King Dathusena build Yodha Ela?
34) Why did King Aggabodhi build Minipe Ela?
35) What was the challenge faced by Lankans when constructing Jaya Ganga? How did they
overcome it?
36) What were the common challenges faced when constructing long canals?
37) In which book does the writer mention about Elahera Ela? Who wrote it?
38) What were the measures taken to prevent the mentioned challenges?
39) How far does the history of ponds go?
40) Write short notes on following topics.
a) Ponds constructing for storing water for consumption
b) Ponds constructed for proper removal of water
c) Ponds constructed to add beauty
d) Ponds that have been constructed to keep the environment cool
41) What are the technologies used when constructing ponds? List out.
42) What are “water gardens”?
43) Who first constructed a water garden?
44) Give evidences to show that water gardens existed in Sri Lanka before the arrival of
Arahath Mahinda Thero.
45) Mention some gardens except Ranmasu uyana and Sigiriya water gardens that existed in
Sri Lanka along with the name of the king who constructed it.
46) List out the features of water gardens.
47) Write short notes on:
a) Ranmasu Uyana
b) Sigiriya water garden
48) What is a “potter’s wheel”?
49) How did the art of making pot improve after 3rd century BC? Give evidence
50) Write the steps to make clay objects in order
51) What is the evidence that prove bricks had been used in this country from around 3rd
century BC?
52) Why was aa kiln constructed in Galkadawala in Nuwaragama?
53) Give examples for ancient constructions that have been done using bricks.
54) Who is “Ulu Waduwa”?
55) How were the roofs of ancient buildings made?
56) During Rajarata Civilization tiled roofs were there for whose buildings?
57) Write the steps of producing roofing tiles.
58) What are the reason for use of metals in Sri Lanka after 3rd Century BC?
59) What were the use of iron and steel tools during 2nd Century AD – 2nd Century BC?
60) What were the metals that had been commonly used in Rajarata Civilization?
61) What were found from the excavations carried out in Abhayagiri Premises in
62) Why was use of iron essential?
63) Where were the two places where convincing evidences had been found revealing how
iron extraction was done in Sri Lanka?

64) Explain how iron was extracted in both those places separately?
65) Write short notes on:
a) Dagoba (Draw and name)
b) Chetiyagara
c) Bodhigara
d) Image houses (mention the three traditions with examples)
e) Temple monasteries
f) Devalas
g) Royal Palaces
h) Hospitals
i) Toilets and urinals
j) Statues
k) Sandakapahana
l) Paintings
66) From where art of carvings and sculptures were influenced?
67) Write two examples for great artistic creations
68) From where can we find statues carved on rock during the Anuradhapura period?
69) What were the examples for the bronze images made on hindu concepts in Polonnaruwa

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