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Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR INVESTIGATION AND DETECTIVE MANAGEMENT ‘Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City DIOM(E}-240912-0812 MEMORANDUM TO : See Distribution FROM : TDIDM SUBJECT : Revised/Updated UPER Parameters DATE: ag § 2004 1. References: a. Memorandum from this Directorate dated March 7, 2024 with subject Submission of the Synchronized/Harmonized AOPB and UPER Parameters; and b. Memorandum from OIC, DPL dated March 1, 2024 with subject Submission of the Synchronized/Harmonized AOPB and UPER Parameters. 2. In connection with the above references, attached are the revised/updated Unit Performance Evaluation Rating (UPER) parameters for PROs and NSUs to be used for the month of March 2024 onwards. 3. For information. EQ M FRANCISCO Major General} Incl Distribution: D, NSUs (Attn: C, Investigation) RD, PROs (Attn: C, RIOMDs) A Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR INVESTIGATION AND DETECTIVE MANAGEMENT Camp BGen Rafael T Grame, Quezon City ipa @)-240907-0286 MEMORANDUM FOR : TOPL FROM Olc, DIDM SUBJECT : Submission of the Synchronized/Harmonized AOPB and UPER Parameters pate: _ MAR O7 2024 1. Reference: Memorandum from that Directorate dated March 1, 2024 with the same subject as above. 2. In connection with the above reference, attached are the AOPB templates for PROs, NSUs, and revised/updated UPER Parameters for PROs and NSU of this Directorate. 3. For reference. affoolro DCASTIL, JR Polic# Brigadier Genera Inc: als TABLE OF CONTENTS UPER Parameters for Police Regional Office (PROs) UPER Parameters Under Functional Unit of DIDM (ACG, CIDG and FG) UPER Parameters Not Under Functional Unit of DIDM (AKG, AVSEG, CSG, DEG, EOD/K9, HPG, IG, IMEG, MG, PCADG, PSPG and SAF) UPER Parameters for National Administrative Support Unit (NASUs) TAB POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE (PRO) 5 s Fe. TBO Conse pani : amber of Refored Aarne Canis raat ard Ix Resoviono Refer Compan (Carpe Rarer of Reered naira Con as J. Reston! Retard Comat Comp 2 Monty vented “Tattoo tered Pare ; Iimserof Resear o Repo anaes Comelaris 5 Resoaton ot nepertes Complains Compa 2 Monty evil ard invested Toi Numoe of Conplts Prone fom PROGNIS a epee 0 ODI) ines on rele Roo of PNP Prsonna Adria Charged Bases on IG, tnisfon of Acifekiys CormrislisiC=ees 2 Monthiy Iheie Criminal Acts ~ Total Number of PNP Personne! with Ingane\ PND Posonel wth Grneal Canes tn imi Ace To Mamie of Bat [Norbert PHP Powonne Adrmsratvey Corp or Wa D. intiation of Administrative Complaints/Cases |Attending Court Hearings ~ Total Number of PNP Personnel who {against PHP: Festaioed wi faien fn aout 2 Weekly |Falled to Attend Court Hearings generated from e-Subpoena x foros (eaibpoot grated) Este Ain Iams PP Porson amin arabvy Charged wowed E. kelision of Admiisaive Comelnintceees | Positive for Illegal Drug Use * Total Number of PNP Personne! [nant PP eral whe wer ound Pee fo 2 Wee Peter Hepa! Dug Use «Tt Number PH Per tect tepa Ones to ware JBUBWISION OF REPORTS (RECHARGE fnvesricarion REPORTS AND OTHER ‘pone Complete and tiny subission a |COMPLIANCES) ol report igifooanae Acimey i Monti Wesky | i a oa oat Gomera 1 von weay gets a ptt sibs orbs a getie c. Timeliness 1 ootnny meee 50 pt if 3 days late TAT ov ays i PT COIIOG [HANDLING OF VAWC CASES: 45. WCPC 100% Compliance Ta Ranier af Conpianis (VAWCTTIreferadts Prowsuoa > a epost of cases on VANCIP 2 Monty [times Campls Nats Fle a Coe crer Tota Nombet cums WANT reeves PA mor elie (VAWCITP) etre for Tevenien Soca vo ater Goverret hgenter a |b. Disposition of Victims of VAWC/TIP 2 Monthly: ee (LSA DOHIEST a oom hoes Non Government Agencies ) over Number OF (VAWCITIP) recieved x PA [Number of CICL referred for Intervention/Diversion over Number > Osseo oF cic. 2 Meni aca gc en Sa ankera Waring Samora o Wrkahop enacted over 1 Monti uncer ot ogormesraningSennaeause cr wekshop PAU per il and GPOFPO) s-ennance Capes o he WCPO ofa acy of Be Number of Training/Seminar/Course or Workshop attended over 1 Monty Nove Progarnned TranngSaminesCoue or worahep PA (ter Ria. cPorPo, CPanIPs) ea . umber ite AvarenessCanpaigo End Vere Aga Aces hides edna loan ae 1 Wont lwcmen ara Chiron over Regure (1 Br Non per CPSIMPS, - |CPO/PPO, RHQ) x PA Nance of Requre ater of Wand WOPD Parone : Wont [etest2 per Crees, cPOP 90, RHO) x PA No dal issoonnies wor fnctong tect for PCO nd YB fr PCO Preses of 247 WCPO Aen Puls Heinen even PS FPO. 1 Monit: ICPO, RHQ resco Natron Untages on Worn ard | vom ander of Raqured Weaing Wh oir Gh, 'GUs NGr ad seen G50 (pr MPS, FPO. GPO, an RHO) x PA Ore Conplansea Gibran of oer heieerdnee peer Son Monty submission of ober comptances and cect encoding of CRAS) —— 3 Fipacaras er i Monthly 50 ptf did not follow format conan fi pitconsioe ® Compt 1 ene ip tcone on Fp sobre ono SS Re SRE ¢ Timeliness 1 Mentiy 50 ptif 3 days late Ta ore aj ete TACTACONSTED |e:Projects Compliance Efficioncy 2 To. oom Comphance fi. compliance too Projets pan : = [Romero Enea Ce asses wan 2a Vrs pan cans ae Monti [Searing utr! trcosed Crna neem) xP Rota Babey Bal (Number of Uploaded Mugshots within 24 Hours upon arrest Total bie-omte Gallery. Syst s8 oni |Number of Uploaded Mugshots) x PA o Ehanced Waren Sytem 30 Wont umber of Atos WOA/Total Number of WOA Fle) xPA | Nanbor of Uploaded Gate Foro Number of Subrited 4.c1ous 38 Wont Qaanber st Uns dale we ay [Nonbor f -Subpcua Anan odpoaTanbar oe Subpoena [Received) x PA !2. Submission of Compliances and Reports [Complete and timely submission (Number of Compliances! Required Compliance) x PA report frpttacsurie m Accimacy ‘ Monty '50 pt if aid not folow format i ptifcomplete ‘eComnplaterast 1 Monshy ‘50 ptif incomplete: ptf submited on or bare he target ine Timeliness 1 Monthly io taden ie ae TPS ormore days ate of id Tot SoMpID a mE 7500% quvalent poi & based on the CRAG pars alocalon GaABased ITCCEIOSE large is accomplished, automate full pais i ae OTE quale pois is bated on te CRAG ports alocaon GAA Based IT CCEICSE targets sccomplshed, automatic ful pints ee Subirizson of Reports every 3d 3 crac | day ofthe month using ine proscribed forma! Tratraccurte a enaacy 1 ey 50 ptif did not follow format_ 7 f ptifcompiete b Compieteness 1 Monthly eacernae ptf submited on or balers he Target one c Timeliness 4 Monty 50 ptif 3 days late OPTS or more days ate oF ol compte STED CASES = ETFS 700% Conpance ttevosgnton of P58 and oterSquating road (Number of Refered PSSS, Case Intated by PROS and Other _— aaa! ee if PSSS related Cases divided # Total of Cases Reported) x Points: by PROs and Monitoring of Referral Complaint to the points laliocated . Mi Prosecutor's Offer and Filed Cases in Cout) 2. Submission of Reports (Proactive Measures in the vive Against PSSS. Community Dialogue, Focus a [Group Discussion, Case Conference, Meetings as Vice [Chatman of LCAPSSS and Other Complance) Fipiacauae Sipoolaaty) ‘ RATAN ‘50 pt if did not follow format . Completeness 1 Monthly Hp comete 50 ptf ncompiete {AM AND ACTIVI ©. Timeliness ‘Montniy pif get time. 50 ptif 3 days late Tr ar aga SCSI SORTS ans z a {Submision of vestigation “coms esse Suunoe Seen a as — umber Conpied Repos Nnberof Reged Repo) xPA aaa : Cagis and ely sub a 2. otter Compliance Reporte 2 pone ia Tm 2 TaTacamas ‘pecuracy i Monthly 50 ptif did not follow format, Tatton Conpiseness 7 Wontiy 1s compte can planta or os Pa Tn c Timeliness 1 y ‘50 ptif 3 days ate Taso aoe is TATA eK ; 14 ‘si0D 100% Compliance Upgrading the vestigate and Osicion capabiny af pe Personnel So Never at hres aed ood GreT inntaraT Pane ivesgal Winer FeSO linvestigation Section S points ant |Assigned in Investigation Section) x PA gat ti [RANE CHEF OF FOLGE GOS] 560 2 Upneding tr Investigative snd aiooon Eapabiy te anette’ coPs 2: Numero OF rinedin 86 “pois wontiy in fs ed RS mapper FILLUP oF RVESTIGATWE POSTTONS 355 Fi up of vestigate Poston sper OPL Iiomorancum C73) ‘unr o Peso Aste investigation Seton win [p. muberot mesiatvePostons ‘ots Monty [Sma msesgnir rong! Nur Inasigate Poston) x PA uemssiow oF cowPuiances anDneronTs | pone ian tn wa ates a. Accuracy. 1 ‘Monthly . 20 ph fd ot elon at 1 stfcomoe b, Completeness. 1 ‘Monthly - ‘50 pt if incomplete Timeliness Monthiy / ptif submitted on or before the target tme 50 ptf days late OptiTS or more days late or did not complied Previous Month Ni 5 300 700% Compliance [STRENGTHENING INVESTIGATIVE CAPABILITY jose | GI ene dia oes ; | (umber of Training course Conducted / Nombe of Trainings Number of raining lucas poes: ‘Annualy | Quartery [Based on Target) x Points Allocation [SOLUTION OF HEINOUS CRIMES: 6 MD 700% Compliance Number of Reterred to PO trom the previous incident divided by la. Numbor of Cases Referred tothe Prosecutors fice] 3 sangs wes ine total numberof previous incidents which is subtracted to tha from the previous Incidents , m |sum of number of settied, dropped/closed, cold cases and referred) to ones Agencies and thon maliply by ts Points locaton INumber of Refered (0 PO fom the month in review divided by viiercitGoche Hibnedsthaiitonend ine number of recordes inecents fom the month in review which b.nuburof Cases Refonediothe Presector® Ofc#} a oige ont [subarea te sum ef moar of ee, cave, lroppecieosed and referred to other Agencies ac then mutily by ts Ponts Alocaton [DIDM UPER forthe month of August 025 of Gases Fed in Court roremenaeincan Y vides bythe sum of Referred to PO from the Monthly in Review [PsNnnincot Caress ties in eet pointe ‘woritiy Jand Referred to PO from the previous incidents and then multiply. [by its Points Allocation oeauea ptf submited on or bale he age ine |d. Timeliness of Heinous Crime Report 1 point Z 50 ptif 3 days late THIS or ve days ate oF not COMpTED OF WANTED PERSONS Et Ew 00% Comaliance ‘ARREST OF MOST WANTED PERSONS 3: vest of Top Ten Mosi Wanted Parsons pains Anes Atleasta rine [ATSSUATLaast 3 TTWP (National, Resional, PrownearDRt tuncipaStaion Level) D7 Beet of Won Wanted Parsons spams Tarest 7 WAV per Stalons with [Ares tor more MIWP par Stalons wi Most Warted Persons ine ist, e- Arest oft Wanied Parsons Surpass he 5% ofa Total Most 2 points pass the 6% ofthe Total Most lavret a Toa of 3% or More MINP in your AOR Tnerease Number cf Arestin 'b, ARREST OF OTHER WANTED PERSONS 2 points Current Month Compared to the |(CurTent Performance Raling Previous Performance RatingPrevieus Performance Rating x 100, [Managers of the PNP. a cu Taoz Conslanss sos Re somes Bi 4 [tumber of Cases Referred to PO aves by the number of amanie HA PrAN MARE OTS ponte, Honthly |Reported Incidents) x Points Allocation amie 7 [Number of Cases Fed in Cour divided by the total numberof ec Licsaelimanhl Sabi heninty |Cases Referred to PO) x Points Allocation [summation of rested Person dea and surendered dvidedby fc Arest of Threat to Natonal Secunty Group (TSG) | 2 points Monty ne total number of Wanted TNSG pereonalies ane tn mulsy forts Ponts Atocaton Femail Fp submited on or before te target time ld. Timely Submission of Report ‘point is “SO ptif3 days late TPIT or more day ale GFE ol coro |MoToR RING SUSPECT qwRsy z ea 700%. Compliance umberof Rote to PO om the prev inéden chided by JA. Number of Cases Referred othe Prosecutor's pons sonin the total number of previous incdons wich i subtaced lo the |Office from the previous Incidents 6 |sum of number of settled, droppediciosed, and referred to other [Agencies an then muy bys Points locaton INunbe of Referred i PO or te month in review ideaby the numberof ecorde eden fom the month n review whieh 2, Number of Cases Retared othe Protectors 3 points Meaty inch van tin soir rereeicosiacl Iefeod to cher Agencies anc then mally by #2 Pens latocaton umber of Gases Fledin Court cided by the um of Reteres Jc. Number of Cases fled in Court ‘ point Monthy {oP trom ne Monthy ir Review and Reteres #9 PO om te [previous incidents and then multiply by its Points Allocation peswuaa 1 gif eubriled on or bts he eget |D. Timely Submission MRS Reports: ‘A point “ ‘50 ptif 3 days late TPIS or ore day ate ordi rol compted s oun 100% Compliance A, Number of Recommendees for he Cerbicaton a psf atleast one recommenda submited Program or Investgatr, Detectives and Case Spots Monty 1.50 pts no recommendee submitted [2 pts if submitted on or before the target tme. 150 pts if day lato i Prepared by Certified by: Noted by: PMSg Henry G 2 PLTCO) MARIE A DELIZO PCOL CRESEMCIANO AMLANDICHO ‘Action PNCO, CRAC-DIDM Assi Chief CRAC, DIDM NOSUs UNDER DIDM FUNCTIONAL UNITS. Investigation Section 2 FEED DO Gonatarce fepNp personnal Admins |ComplaintsiCases opens srt Raared anita Congas evaaad and Reson of Refer Complisonarced by seed vauaiegn Rast of Reta 5 Monti fete Yl mre Sanpete Pe Rube of Repo Aioatre Congas oahaievard a Resoton of Repoos (npn ogatd om 5 i Reston of Repaid Compt 5 Monty fecigs Tol rere Gages epteo P ae “youn ur of BHP Prcnna iminatavay Creed aed oa Eitan Adminstatve Compa ase 3 Monty Perini Ate Tes tuber of PNP Peso tn Cia aa PHS Poco Fac Cia Cases nt ie At «Tm Nba anon manana complantcanes Ite oP Pesca aria By Cargo Tol sein tantra Compares 5 vic [onan coer Ton vanir PF Per ho ies tstond Court esr unrated tom eSutpoora x doegs te utpoor erated) Fates Aten on oon onal an nlvaive Compl ror BHP Parson Aaninavaby Cargo wo aid een tine Connie : veo Nemes replay Une = Tu Numero PRP Persona st Poe foe For Patt vote Bw Pot E> saonaion of Rapes Pre Sarge vesaaten | prope Cais rd ny soon a [Reports and Other Compliances) ” report ieiteoorae a Acurcy 1 Monty Week spt ai nat ow et i etfconoie b. Completeness 1 Monthly? Weekly iat 3 50 pl neonaie ptt eat on oboe a yale ony Westy e-Tielnoss : Sop 3 casio TBS ore days lte 07 00rd % 00 100% Compliance fe Upgreding he vestigate and Dotocion = [Capability of PNP Personnel e Naar Tae vegas aera Tang HORS 1a Nesribat ot wrvesigatars Tested ne! masigned tt a ‘Monthly, lof Investigators Assigned in inves Section based on Target) x [Points location [Complete and timely submission of |(Number of Compliance / Total Number of Report) x Points l2. Submission of Compliances and Reports 3 points et fees ft ptit accurate a Acoura , sf ‘ ner 50 ptif cid rot flow format Fr ptit complete letoness Mont BCom 4 mY 50 ptif incomplete mn 1 ptit submitted on or before the get time Timeliness 1 Monthly 50 ptif 3 days ile TLS or more days late or Ginot compled [ANNUAL TRAINING PLAN 2 ‘SDD. 100% Compliance 1. Upgrading the Investigative and Detection aes |Capability of PNP Personnel au Ree Tnvestigation Training Based on |{Nombor of Training course Conducted Namber of Trainings Sie ol rere eae oe 2 MTAP [Based on Target x Poins Allocation compliances an oe Complete and timely submission of] Number of Training course Conducted iNumber of Trainings 2. Submission of Compl a Reperts! a report [Based on Target x Poin Allocation pif accurate Accuracy 1 Mont a ala 50 pif did notolow format om ptf complete Dicompeness ‘ Menihiy 50 pli incompote . pti submited on or before Te target tne © Timeliness 1 Menbiy. 50 plif 3 days ate TALIS or more days late or Gidrot complied [Case Monitoring z 30, cD 0% Compliance H. Investigation of Gas TT points fa Fiing of Cases under their respective function a1 ina of Canes fiber [[Soive + ClearedyNo_ of incidents x 2-28] + 225 ia of Capen Sr the rnoah $8 Menhy INote: Base 50% of Ps Alocation-CIRAS Generaled — SA Gh PAPAS MEE con (Solve + Clearedyio, of nedents x2.25] + 225. a Fea et ane — ‘ beet Note: -Base 60% of Ps Alocation-CIRAS Generated lb. Compliance to LOI 03-08 (Procedure nthe iG eiionber |Submission of Tenprints Cards and Latent Prints tothe as Monthy ee |PNP Crime Laboratory for Encoding in the AFIS S Number of Compliance to Reforal/ Number of Warrant of Arest l2. Warrants of Arrest Referred 5 points Monthiy Reet eats [5 Arrest of Wanted Persons: S (Number of Warrant of Arrest Referred Number of Compliance to points Rotoral a Arentinonviariearermnalint) i Wionthiy7 Target Number of — |(Gurent Performance Rating Previous Performance Station/Units With MPs) |Rating\/Provious Performance Rating x 100 [Compliancos Tontiy Tegel (10% Taal [Caren Peromonce Rag Previous Porormance ‘&. Arreat of Other Wanted Persons e ‘Number of OWP) |Rating)/Previous Performance Rating x 100 Sones ae ety submis s Reporting of Otter Compliances 3 pois son iavacarme stones f heresy 50 pt if did not follow format, fattcomae b oanpltrass 7 ont gt Tne att sbeebs aT ¢, Timeliness 1 ‘Monthly ‘50 ptif 3 days late Tp ar eee a RTT » revsic | 100% compres Number of Apalecable Forensic Examination tamer Forest Exon Conducted dvds ye amber Jonauctea(Crme Seana Proves alice, | 7 hts sstepoted amber Fret Exam Cocca ded y SNAL son rn/Ghericl Examinations) aia Sa aT 2 otter Complance Reported oon (aaa il Taiacana ‘a. Accuracy 1 Monit, ‘50 ptif did not follow format fptteomaa 9 7 ony ee 7 fattened or be a agalin c. Timeliness. 1 Monthly 50 ptif'3 days late Taig eda ae a RTT H-Nambar of aa Foranae amination anne Dig Prenc Su inoton Coniod Seay Fe |Compliance " Toots narenoried, [Number of Digital Forensic Referred _x Points Allocation Cara a ney a otter Cmptance Reported a ta PES a Accuracy : Reciriy “50 pt if did not follow format, Som Completeness 1 Monty sb pt neonpiae ptt suerte oo baa a gti . Timeliness 1 boy ‘50 ptf 3 days late Tara as aT FN of veaigatanoterad Ges = raat uimoert Cases Resovedred avd ye mambo a7 Cases Referred x Points Allocation 2. Other Compliance Reported H A [Complete and imely submission of] 3 points ort fr ptiv accurate Accuracy 1 Monthly 50 pif ed not foiow format plete _ Fplif complete , Completeness 1 Monthly a EE F pli submited on orbefore he target ime 4 Mera ‘50 pt if 3 days late TALS or more days late or aid nt complies [HANDLING OF VAWEGASES a Wore, 700% Compliance umber of Complaints (VAWCTTIP) referred o Prosecutors + a. Disposition of eases on VAWCITIP 8 Monthy numberof Complaints Refused to File a Case over Total Number lof Complaints (VAWCITIP] recieved x PA umber of Complaints (VAWCITIP) refered for Socal Services b. Disposition of Vieims of VAWCITIP 5 Monthy [LSWDODOHILGUS and other Government Agencies over Number of Complaints (VAWGITIP) received x PA m Number of Comolants (VAWCITIP)recowved over Number of Je: Disposition of ICL " cy |Complaints (VAWCITIP) referred to Prosecutors x PA. [rei Te pois umber of TrarungSemnaCourse or Workshop conducted over 3 Monthy Number of Programmed TraningSSeminariCouree or WorkShop x Pa (1 per Offce) a. Ennance Capabity ofthe WCPD officers paity of he: com [Number of Training/Seminar/Gourse or Workshop attended over 3 Monthly Number of Programmed TraningSeminariCourse or workshop x PA per Office) Je, Advocacy to End Vilenee Against Women and 5 vies umber of niiated Awareness Campaign to End Violence Against |Children 7 |Women and Children over Required (1 per Month per Office) x PA mbar of Required sirengih of rained WOPO Personnel at (at casnnloneod WED 3 Monty lente en) xPa(No ca rors) Ne Cr PNCO z Moni Presence of 277 WOPD Aieng Puls Haline in every Offi Ig Presence of Network and Linkages on Women and Fs naa INumbar of Required Meeting with otter GAs, LGUs, NGOs and Children Ny |CSO (1 per Office) x PA frotat Ta por Ih. Submission of ComBubmission of Complianees and [Reports (Camplte and timely submission of ‘oport a Accuracy Monthly fi ptif accurate 150 pti dd not follow format tif compete ». Completeness 1 Mont " a 50 pt if incomplete won tif submited on or before he rae time «. Timeliness 1 50 phil days lle THATS ormore day te or didret combed rota Spon a 7 7 TOOK Coma F:Complance to e-Projecte pons [Rambo of Encoded Crime eens win 24 Hours upon 2 CIRAS 78 bias reparting/Total No. of Encoded Crime incidents) x PA ‘Numbo"o Uploaded Mugshots win 2¢ Hours upon areal ve Regie Galan Son 73 won ane Use payin yi 2+ io eWarant 7 Moniiy [Number of Acted WOA/Tolal Number of WOA Fied)xPA —— ve ede ene ef Unease Fle la Nobo cS TS eaunpoana = = emer sea Ranvier eSnor> Ez Submission of TD Compliances and Reports Spans Noa Rumbo of Sompfarces Requred Conplance] xPA — i ptf accurate i ~ i Monthy, ‘50 pt if cid not follow format. —— 7 ty lane — Frptisubmitted on or Boorse geting c. Timeliness 4 Monthly ‘50 pt if 3 days late TTS ortho Gay te OF GOT SOMBTED zs TRAE TORR Complance ‘Submission of Reports on Persons Under P 5 [custody PUPC) Zoe Spe teate ee 8 eth * me Morty 4 pts if did not follow format psf cony b.Completeness 7 Monthly pet mage E80 pis finconplte — ; a Fs submited on or before te rae ime 5.50 pis if 3 days late TPIS or more days late or not complied 2. Submission of Compliances and Reports Soxepiet end Frey sebenee ol report 2. Accuracy wenn fr ptfaccurate 50 pif didnot flow format Completeness Monthly } ptitcompete 50 ptif incomplete H ptf submited on or before the target time Month Timeliness - 50 ptif 3 days ate ‘OpliF ormore days late or did not complied [FoTAL Prepared by: Noted by: PMSg Penny G Tactay ESTELLA MARIE A DELIZO PCOL CRESENCIANO A LANBICHO Action PCO, CRAC-DIDM Chief CRAC, IDM essigned in investigation Section B Z mn PCED 0 Comes fe Disposition of ComplainsiCaso pons bar of otoredRarinaave Cio erat ard ses ater Pompton or 2 Monty pee god Tot Number of Compas Refer x Pins concerned NSUS) ee Nnber ot Repored Ainivaave Conpiris lated end 3 Resotston of Repred (Compl eight tom pamper of Repo area Co rade 2 Rexsten of Repared a Monthy csgsed “ouitunbrl Cran fe ‘8 5 Tune: of PHP Pasonel Aanivalvey Craraed Based on G-ntiation of Adria Complinistoases 1° rae 2 ‘Monthly heir Criminal Acts ~ Total Number of PNP Personnel with Criminal pe je] Fong Clirinal esas: |Complaints/Cases x Points Allocation ; arb of PRP Pesonne AdmnsreWeiy Charged rN? Petition ot arnratve Complies 2 wees Mirae coun eng = Tota numberof PNP Persomel who lAgainst PNP Personnel who fale to attend Court leekty Failed to Attend Court Hearings generated from e-Subpoena x earings (-upocne get) Fated tn nia of BNP Poona] Amina Charged who sed E. Inflation of Administrative Complaints Cases Positive for lilegal Drug Use * Total Number of PNP Personne! Jagan PNP personne! vo were Found Posty or 2 Weeki ree ne Foun Peter Ue of egal Dug x Points Use ftegs! rugs iowa Subateion af Reports (Pre arge HVESTHRTON| sprig mole anda suBTTSTEN Reports and oer Compliance) et [ipa a Aecuacy 1 Henin Welty 0 pif dl oto oat Fi eomoit a2. Completeness 1 oni ese LER ptt subaled on arbors te tage tine “Monthly! Weekly 7 ee 8.3, Timeliness 1 50 ptif 3 days late Tp sormare day of ark consled \TORS ASSIGNED IN RAINED oR 7 F : eae ; 1 sio0 0% Complnce Fr Upgreding the Investigative and Dotocon coms Capaniity of PNP Poreomel SRT a Ta vectors Aenea te Tang Wunber a. Number of Investigators Trained and 8 ‘Monthly lof Investigators Assigned in Inves Section based on Target) x Points Allocation [Complete and timely submission of| (Number of Compliance / Total Number of Repost) x PA report fr pti accurate a Accuracy 1 Monthy £ 50 ptif cid nat flow format ft ptif complete b.Completeness, 1 Monthly S 30 plif incomplete F ptif submited on or before the target ime Monthiy © Timeliness 1 SOptitS days ate ‘O ptif3 or more days late or did nat complied 5 6 Hb. 700% Compliance I. Investigation of Cases Bpoints 100% Compliance fa Filing of Cases under their respective ltunction IiNamber of Cases Soive and ClearedyNo. of Report incidents x {a1 Filing of Cases For the Month 45 Monthly 12.25} 2.25 Note: -Base 50% of Ps Alocalion-CIRAS Generated (Number of Cases Solve end CleoredyNo, of Report inedants x a2 Filing of Cases From Previous Month to CY2016 4 Monthy +2 Note. -Base 60% of Pls Alocation GIRAS Generaied [2 Arrest of Wanted Persons poms epee oe odd vearnec Perea ‘Monthy Target (Number of — |{Current Performance Rating Previous Performance Avot of Most Wanted Persona (MWP) 3 Station/Units Wih MWPs)__[Rating)/Previous Performance Rating x 102 ns -Necied Pesan: Tonthiy Target (10% Total [(Current Performance Rating Previous Performance, bunmnest of nen Wanied Pe 2 Number of OWP) Rating)/Previous Performance Rating x 100, [s. Submission of Gompliances and Reports Sports orotate: nd ins anbrreseen ot report a Acoural pi eccorate — ‘ bis 50 ptf eid not foiow format pti complete ‘Completeness 1 weenie” Monty 50 plif incomplete a 1 pkif submitted on or before the target ime Timeliness 1 = 30 ptif3 days ate THUS or more days lale Oram notcompled 3 TFUSIG ‘As reported eee 4 point + point allocation Fi ptitcomplete 2a. Completeness 1 point Monthy 50 ptif incomplete rat submitted on or before ha target tne “ Monthy », Timeliness 1 point SO plif 3 days late ‘PLS or more daye late or did nal comple’ VAWE CASES wo Wore "ow Comptancs Number of Complains (VAWCTTIP) refered to Prosecutors + a. Disposition of eases on VAWCITIP 1 Monthy Number of Complaints Refuses to Fie @ Case over Total Number lof Complaints (VAWCITIP) recieved x PA [Number of Complaints (VAWCITIP) refered or Social Services lb. Dispostion of Vetins of VAWG/TIP 1 Monthy |(SWOOIDOHILGUs and other Government Agencies) over number of Complains VAWCMIP) recieved xPA [Number of CCL referred for Intervention over Number of CIC lc. Disposition of CICL 1 Monthy be rea ‘Total penis [Number of Training SemmnariCouree or Workshop conducted over 1 Monthly Number of Programmed Training/SeminariCourse or workshop x A(t per Offes) | Enhance Capabily ofthe WCPD officers ie rteses Capea of We WCPO oon Number of Trainng/SeminariCouree or Warkshop allonded over 1 Monthly Numoerof Programmed Taining'SeminariCourse or workshop x IPA (+ per Office) Je. Avocacy to End Violence Against Women and i ieee numer of niited Awareness Campaign to End Violence Against [chicren 4 lWemen and Children over Required (1 per Month per Office) x PA Number of Required stength of rained WOPD Personnel a (at sttutonal 7 os Monthy least 2 per Office) x PA (No dual functions) Note: CIC for PNCO |. insttaionalized WCPO: net me Oe oS Wont Presence of 24/7 WGPD Aleng Pals Hotine in every OFC ig: Presence of Network and Linkages on Women and = ont Number of Required Meeting wih other GAs, LGUs, NGOs and [Ghicren Y [CSO (1 per Offce) xPA Frotal pon In. Other Complances fi pelt accurate 1. Accuracy 1 Monthy # 50 ptf id rot follow format ptf complete . Completeness 1 Monthy — 50 ptf incomplete 1 pti submitted on or before the target time |Custody (PUPC) prescribed format Monthly Timeliness 1 50 ptif 3 days ite O ptif 3 or more days late or didnot complied [Total Spainis 7 io) 700% Compliance 7a points [ Number af Encoded Crime Inedents within 24 Hours upon a CIRAS 28 ‘Monty IreportingrTotal Number of Encoded Crime Incidents) x Points lallocation mn (Number of Uploaded Mugshots within 24 Hours upon arrest/Total Bg Rogie Galery rem 28 Mookiy Number of Uploaded Mugshots) x Points Alocation ‘Aisani [(Number of Uploaded WOA within 24 Houre upon recsiptTotal © e Warrant 28 Monthly. Number of Uploaded WOA) x Points Allocation (Number of Uploaded Case Folders within 4 days upon cious 28 Monthy IreporingITotal Number Uploaded Case Folders) x Points lallocation = [Number of -Subpasna Acknowledged Dally /Number of = e-Subpoene ae Monthy [Subpoena Received) x Points Allocation LpOther iD Compliance Spans Monthly [junoer of Complances Requred Complanesh x Pots 1 ptit accurate ‘a Accuracy 1 Monthly ta ‘50 ptif did nat folow format 1 ptif complete b. Completeness 1 Monthly —— ‘50 ptif incomplete 1 pif submited on or before the target tme Monthly £ 2 . Timeliness 1 ‘50 plif 3 days late Optif’ or more days late or did not complied ice = ‘CRAG 100% Compliance in cdacpincd ‘Submission of Reports every 37d 11. Submission of Reports on Persons Under Poli pois agate eon Re a. Accuracy Monthly ft ptif accurate ‘50 ptif di not folow format 1 ptif complete 50 ptif incomplete Timeliness ‘Monthiy [pti submitted on or before the target time 50 ptif 3 days late Optif 3 or more days late or did not complied [Complete and timely submission of fa. Submission of Compliances and Roports 2 points feel i ptraceurate secur 1 Month ead v 50 pif eid nt flow format Fr ptifcomplete Completeness + Month [tptiteompete — : 50 ptifincomptate ‘ony ptf submited on or before he target ime ¢ Timeliness 1 0 pli days ate T pS or more days late or id nol complied [OTAL 7s T Prepared by: Cortified by: PMSg Henry G Tactay ‘Action PNCO, CRAC-DIDM MARIE A DELIZO PCOL CREGENCIAN' NDICHO Chief CRACIDIOM NATIONAL ADMINSTRATIVE SUPPORT UNIT (NASU) ND AC Use of legal Drugs 7% Compares Fr Disposition of ComplaitsiCases umber of Referred Adminisabve Complaints evaluated and A. Rescluton of Retard (Complaint forvardes by Number of Refer Acne Comat saa aad 7 Monty (avcsigtes © Toa Number of Complants Referred x Points tceaton umber of Reported Adminsretve Complains evaksted and a. Resolution ot Reported (Complaints ores tom aie gona Aen ae ; sion ene! 7 Monty fest = Yr Norbert Campari epee Ps umber of PNP Personnel Acministratvaly Charged Based on nate oar ConisitrCaeso PNP 7 Monthy [har tt Ae Total Number f PNP Personnel wh "8 |Criminal Complaints/Cases x Points Allocation numer ot BNP Persone! Adinsvavely Charged fr Not lo. insason of Administrative Complainsicases rer PNP Peron! Ain eal Jagainst PNP Personne! who failed to attend Court 7 Weekly Sind Meet pert ee rman idee” earings esunpocna generates) Fated to Aten Number of PNP Persone! Adminitratvely Charge who ese E.ttaton of Adminisatve Complint/Gones Persona drinrtty Charo ol |Against PNP Personnel who were Found Positive for 5 Weekly [Posie for legal Drug Use ~ Total Number of PHF Par 7 lwo were Found Positive for Use of llega! Drugs x Points fAiocaton 2. Submission of Roports(Pre-Charge Investigation | 3 points [Compete and timely submission of |Reports and Other Compliances) el report Tpit aceurate 2. Accura 1 MontiynWecks Y e y 50 ptf did not follow format r plifecompete », Compiotoness 1 MenthiWeek e i e ‘60 pt if incomplete i ptifsubritied on or before the target tim nanan tif submited on or bare te target tine © Timeliness 1 0 pti days ate Tpit oF more days late or did net complied 100% Compliance ° [number of e-Subpoena Acknowiedged Dally / Number ofe eo menitly, [Subpoena Received) x Points Allocation [rovaL 75 Prepared by: Certified by: Noted by: PMSg Henry G Tactay ‘Action PNCO, CRAC-DIDM MARIE A DELIZO Cc PCOL CRESHNCIANO ALANDICHO Chief CRACIDIDM

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