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6-Week Workout Plan

for Weight Loss
November 18, 2022 by Andreas

Are you looking to lose weight the easy

way without fad diets or excessive
exercise? In this article, I’ll guide you
through a six-week workout plan to
kick-start your weight loss journey. No
prerequisite knowledge is required:
you’ll get easy step-by-step
instructions on how to lose fat while
maintaining or gaining muscle.

Exercise is only half the equation for a

successful body recomposition. Even
the best fat-loss workout program can
fail without a diet plan to support it.
With StrengthLog’s Workout Plan for
Weight Loss, you also get realistic,
healthy tips on what and how much to
eat to reach your weight-loss goal
while keeping or adding to your lean
muscle mass.

Best of all, StrengthLog’s Workout Plan

for Weight Loss is easy and
sustainable. It is no quick fix promising
fast results you can’t maintain for more
than a few weeks. It’s a long-term
solution that doesn’t require spending
hours in the gym every day or counting


This premium workout split is available

in the StrengthLog workout tracker
app, which you can download for free
using the buttons below.

StrengthLog’s Workout
Plan for Weight Loss: Six
Weeks to Build Muscle and
Lose Fat
This weight loss workout plan guides
you through six weeks of training to
lose fat and improve your body
composition. Unlike many workout
routines that are insanely challenging
and impossible for most people to
maintain long-term, StrengthLog’s
Workout Plan for Weight Loss is
sustainable. The program might be six
weeks long, but you can keep at it for
as long as you want without getting
worn out or risking overtraining injuries
and nutritional deficiencies.


With a combination of weight training,

cardio workouts, and general
guidelines for healthy eating for weight
loss, you’ll experience faster results
without spending excessive time in the
gym or counting calories. You’ll do
some physical activity most days, but
never more than 30–60 minutes.

This guide is split into two main parts:

training and diet.


Let’s start with the training. It’s a

workout plan for weight loss, after all.
You can lose weight without exercise,
but the best fat-loss program includes
strength training exercises to build or
maintain muscle and a mix of cardio to
boost your calorie burn.

StrengthLog’s Workout
Plan for Weight Loss: The
When most people think of exercising
for weight loss, they think of cardio.
Walking, running, cycling, that sort of
thing. Hours of aerobic exercise to
“burn fat.”

Cardio does play a part in a fat loss

program, but not the most important

The single most crucial factor for

losing weight is a calorie deficit: you
have to eat fewer calories than your
body requires. That forces it to dip into
its energy reserves, your body fat, for


Cardio can help boost the number of

calories you burn, but the essential
types of exercises for a successful
body recomposition are resistance
training exercises.

Diet alone or cardio without weight

lifting often means losing as much
muscle as body fat. That’s no good.
Strength training is the most effective
way to ensure you lose fat, not

Adding some form of strength training,

be it free weights, machine training, or
working with your body weight and
resistance bands, to your weight-loss
workout plan allows you to maintain
your muscle tissue while boosting the
fat-burning process. You might even
experience muscle gain while losing fat
when you include weights in your
weekly routine. That never happens
when you lose weight through diet
alone or doing only cardio.


That’s why strength training, in

combination with a healthy diet, is the
best way to lose weight and reach your
fitness goals.

You shouldn’t just look at the scale.

What you lose is more important than

how much you lose. A successful
weight-loss program promotes weight
loss in the form of body fat, not muscle

That’s also why StrengthLog’s Workout

Plan for Weight Loss focuses on
strength exercises: compound
exercises that involve your entire body
and all your major muscle groups.
Maximum bang for the buck and the
best results for the time and effort you
put in.

Your Weekly Workout Plan

You’ll be doing five weekly workout
sessions from the start: three strength-
training sessions and two cardio


The weight sessions consist of full

body workouts focusing on compound
movements using relatively heavy
weights. You work all your muscle
fibers and boost the calories you burn
even after working out. Strength
training elevates your metabolic rate
following the training session more
than a cardio workout that burns the
same number of calories during

On the cardio days, you do 20–30

minutes of your favorite low to
medium-intensity cardio, be it walking,
jogging, riding a stationary bike, or
whatever you prefer. Walking at a brisk
pace is a great way to get your cardio
in that almost everyone can do.

The goal of your cardio sessions is not

to become an endurance athlete but to
boost the number of calories you burn
and teach your body to use fat as an
energy source. You want to get your
heart rate up, but not more than you’re
able to keep a conversation going. If
you can’t complete a sentence
because you’re panting too much, slow
down a little.


Following your cardio sessions, you’ll

also do some abdominal work. You can
do those exercises anywhere. In other
words, you don’t need to go to the gym
on your cardio days if you don’t want
to. The ab training is done in the form
of supersets, meaning you alternate
between two exercises, and rest once
you’ve completed a set of each

The first week of training in

StrengthLog’s Workout Plan for Weight
Loss looks like this:

Workout 1
1. Squat
2. Bench Press
3. Barbell Row
4. Romanian Deadlift
5. Dumbbell Shoulder Press


Workout 2
Superset: Lying Leg Raise +

Workout 3
1. Superset: Leg Extension + Leg
2. Superset: Push-Up + Lat
3. Superset: Dumbbell Lateral
Raise + Reverse Dumbbell Flyes
4. Superset: Dumbbell Curl +
Dumbbell Standing Triceps

Workout 4
Superset: Oblique Crunch +


Workout 5
1. Deadlift
2. Dumbbell Chest Press
3. Dumbbell Row
4. Overhead Press

Rest for 1–3 minutes between sets,

and try to increase the weight when
you can without sacrificing proper

As the weeks pass, the number of sets

you perform per full-body workout
increases slightly, as do your cardio
sessions. Eventually, you’ll add one
more day of cardio. No workout will
ever last more than an hour, tops,

You can select which days of the week

to work out to fit your schedule. On
your rest days, try to keep physically
active in your everyday life. For
example, take the stairs at work
instead of the elevator or walk to your
destination instead of taking the car if
it’s not too far away. Little things like
that add up. You burn more calories
over the week without much effort and
promote healthy habits in general. In
addition, active recovery, where you
move about and stay active, gives you
better results than being utterly
sedentary on a rest day.


Your cardio days are when you actively

try to get your heart rate up, but taking
regular walks, even daily, is only
beneficial. If you want to take a walk or
engage in fun and physical outdoor
activities on other days than your
designated cardio days, go for it. You
won’t get overtrained by walking, and it
does help you burn more calories.

You can see all six weeks of the

workout routine, the exact rep ranges,
and set configurations in StrengthLog.

StrengthLog’s Workout
Plan for Weight Loss: The
Let’s go through the workout days and
look at what you’ll be doing in
StrengthLog’s Workout Plan for Weight


Workout 1
This training session involves free
weights and some of the best
exercises for your lower and upper

The squat probably needs no
introduction. It’s hands-down the best
exercise for improving general physical
performance and building muscle and
strength in your lower body.

Squats are hard work because they

involve many of your largest muscle
groups. That’s why it’s a good idea to
make squats the first thing in your
workout when your energy levels are
the highest.

Select a weight that challenges you,

and don’t be afraid to use heavier
weights as you get stronger, as long as
you maintain proper form.



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