Research Papers On Tuberculosis in India

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Title: Crafting Compelling Research Papers on Tuberculosis in India: A Daunting Task

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis, particularly on a complex topic like tuberculosis in
India, can be a daunting task. The intricacies of conducting in-depth research, analyzing vast
amounts of data, and presenting findings in a coherent and compelling manner can overwhelm even
the most seasoned scholars. When it comes to delving into the nuances of tuberculosis within the
context of India, the challenges multiply, requiring a keen understanding of the socio-economic,
cultural, and healthcare landscape of the country.

Writing a research paper on tuberculosis in India demands meticulous attention to detail, a

comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, and proficiency in academic writing. From
formulating a research question to conducting literature reviews, gathering and analyzing data, and
drawing meaningful conclusions, every step of the thesis-writing process requires dedication,
perseverance, and expertise.

Navigating through the vast array of existing literature on tuberculosis in India, deciphering statistical
data, and identifying gaps in research pose significant challenges. Moreover, contextualizing findings
within the broader socio-political and economic framework of India adds another layer of complexity
to the task.

For many students and researchers, balancing the demands of academic writing with other
commitments can be overwhelming. The pressure to meet deadlines and produce high-quality work
can take a toll on one's mental and emotional well-being.

In light of these challenges, seeking professional assistance can be a prudent decision. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for individuals grappling with the complexities of
writing a thesis on tuberculosis in India. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in public
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Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis on tuberculosis in India deter you from pursuing your
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The national TB helpline should be strengthened, and patients should have a choice of texting,
calling, emailing or engaging through social media—whatever is convenient to them. JAPI, 37: 205-
206. Avery, G.S., 1980. Drug Treatment: Principles and Practice of Clinical Pharmacology and
Therapeutics. 2nd Edn., Adis Press, Churchill Livingstone. Bailey, M.C. and P.C. Windle-Taylor,
1981. In persons predisposed to pyridoxine-deficiency anemia, the administration of isoniazid may
result in dramatic anemia, but treatment with large doses of vitamin B6 gradually returns the blood
to normal in such cases. In 1983, Tuberculosis Research Centre, Madras, pilot tested SCC in 18
districts of the country to assess the feasibility of its implementation on a larger scale. Adjustment of
dosage is not necessary in patients with impaired renal function. DP led the design of the study, its
implementation, and contributed to the writing of the study. New Delhi, pp: 171-182. TCC, 1964. A
concurrent comparison of intermittent (twice-weekly) Isoniazid plus streptomycin and daily
isoniazid plus PAS in the domiciliary treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Bull. World Health
Organ., 31: 247-271. Direct Link WHO, 1992. Pyridoxine, vitamin B 6, (10 to 50 mg per day)
should be administered with isoniazid to minimize the risks of peripheral neuropathy and central
nervous system toxicity (see below) in malnourished patients and those predisposed to neuropathy
(e.g., the elderly, pregnant women, HIV-infected individuals, diabetics, alcoholics and uremics) (
Snider, 1980 ). Screening for diabetes in patients with TB will not only ensure early case detection
but also better management of diabetes and will lead to better TB treatment outcome. Further,
patients with high alcohol intake had threefold higher odds of developing hepatotoxicity. Patients
who weigh less than 30 kg receive drugs as per body weight. Being infected does put them at a
higher risk of developing active TB. Patients who weigh 60 kg or more receive additional refampicin
150 mg. Infection control has received tremendous attention during this pandemic, including
widespread use of personal protection equipment, use of face masks, safe disposal of sputum and
physical distancing. Expanding testing and treatment of tuberculosis infection is critical to achieving
this goal. The dosage strengths are as follows: H: Isoniazid (600 mg), R: Rifampicin (450 mg), Z:
Pyrazinamide (1500 mg), E: Ethambutol (1200 mg), S: Streptomycin (750 mg). In 2018, there were
10 million new TB cases and 1.5 million TB deaths in the world, according to the World TB Report
2019. Two coders (RJ and DB) reviewed the transcripts and discussed the emerging themes with the
senior author (DP). They had studied the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class II alleles
and clinical risk factors for the development of hepatotoxicity in 346 patients with tuberculosis
undergoing antituberculosis treatment at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, North India. If the
smear is positive, PCR or gene probe tests can confirm the M. Other relatively frequent problems
included rash (in 2%) and fever (in 1.4%). The incidence of congenital malformations in newborns
was examined in 1619 mothers who had received treatment for tuberculosis with streptomycin,
hydrasid and p-amino salicylic acid. The excretion rate for aminoglycosides after parenteral
administration is dependent on renal function and is linearly related to the creatinine clearance rate.
The increase in free oleic acid concentration could be due to the decrease in tuberculostearic acid
seen during the total fatty acid analysis, since oleic acid is the substrate for tuberculostearic acid
biosynthesis. Formatting An optional research article manuscript template can be downloaded. The
IGRA test is not performed by all laboratories. To be effective, conventional treatment had to be
continued for at least 12-18 months. Science Alert works with a wide variety of publishers, including
academic societies, universities, and commercial publishers. The plasma half-life of isoniazid in
patients with normal renal and hepatic function ranges from 1-4 h, depending on the rate of
metabolism. TB nurse specialist can assist in the management of side-effects or drug formulations
that may come up among patients. Interviews of key Senior Administrative staff and Stakeholders
were conducted and textbooks, articles and internet materials were used.
The glomerular filtration rate is reduced after several additional days ( Schentag et al., 1979 ). The
nonoliguric phase of renal insufficiency is thought to be due to the effects of aminoglycosides on the
distal portion of the nephron with a reduced sensitivity of the collecting-duct epithelium to
endogenous antidiuretic hormone ( Appel, 1982 ). Table 1 outlines the baseline characteristics of the
study participants. Such include early identification, isolation and effective treatment of people who
have been diagnosed with active Tuberculosis. Therefore, it is vital to provide accurate and valid
phone numbers. There are no pre-requisites for this Achievement Standard so it can be placed in any
course. Chest X-rays may suggest TB, but are never diagnostic of TB. Streptomycin does not
concentrate in the renal cortex and is the least nephrotoxic. The patient categorization and treatment
regimens and definitions used under the RNTCP are shown in Table 2 and 3, respectively. Where
possible, treatment support could be done remotely using telemedicine and digital adherence
technologies such as 99DOTS, smart pillboxes and video DOT. 26 Medicine vending machines and
e-pharmacies that can deliver medicines to homes of patients are other approaches worth trying. The
NSS (1955 to 1958) was an eye opener, which revealed that the problem of TB was uniformly
distributed, both in the urban and rural population of the country ( ICMR, 1959 ). Reynolds, J.E.F.,
1989. Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopeia. 29th Edn., Pharmaceutical Press, London, ISBN: 0 7020
2617 4, pp: 1249. Additional evidence, including blood and sputum eosinophilia and the rapidity of
its response to corticosteroid, suggested that the pulmonary infiltrates might also be eosinophilic in
nature. However, scheduling intervention visits on the days of routine DOTS visits in this study
enabled the community health workers to manage both tasks without much inconvenience. The half-
life of rifampicin decreased from 3.5 h at start of therapy to 2 h after daily administration for 1 to 2
weeks and remained constant thereafter ( Molavi, 1990 ). The procedure died down a little due to
the decrease of the disease but it is still used sometimes, such as for screening prisoners, immigrants
etc. Every healthcare facility should have written policies and guidelines that have been put in place
and such need to be reviewed periodically so as to ensure their effectiveness. The International
Diabetes Federation estimated that 72.9 million Indians had Dm in 2017 ( 10 ) and number is
projected to increase to 101.2 million in 2030 ( 10 ). According to the World Health Organization it
is a proven fact that one-third of the world is infected with the Tuberculosis bacterium. This chain
can be broken through proper treatment of the primary diseases and recognition of the high risk
people and giving them the care that will ensure they do not fall susceptible to the infection
(Vaishnavi, 2013). While severe acute tubular necrosis may occur rarely, the most common
significant finding is a mild rise in plasma creatinine (5 to 20 mg mL -1; 40 to 175 mM). TB is closely
linked to malnutrition, as IndiaSpend reported in May 2017. Experts criticised the restrictive criteria
for testing, warning that additional testing was required to detect COVID-19 faster and prevent its
spread, as IndiaSpend reported on March 19, 2020. It aims at getting the best outcome from
treatment with medicines. For example, an older person with HIV or AIDS will have a much harder
time surviving Tuberculosis than a young, healthy 25-year-old. Further research was, therefore,
needed to harness the potential of these newly discovered drugs. In this case, additional tests are
needed to determine if the person has latent TB infection or TB disease. Amongst them, 49 patients
had declared outcomes and were analyzed further. 98 TB patients without diabetes, diagnosed during
the same period, were selected randomly in 1:2 ratio as the control group. Plasma half-life shortens
to 1.8 to 3.1 h in the presence of anaemia ( Avery, 1980 ). Peripheral neuropathy has been reported in
3 tubercular patients who had received ethambutol 13 to 50 mg kg -1 b.wt., among other drugs. It
has been reported that a patient who took ethambutol 20 g, rifampicin 9 g and isoniazid 6 g made an
uneventful recovery after haemodialysis and treatment with pyridoxine ( Reynolds, 1989 ).
However, some felt the need for longer practical training on use of the application, uploading and
saving data.
The end of study evaluation took place from Jan-June 2018. They reported that rifampicin-induced
thrombocytopenia after 6 weeks of treatment and skin rash, blood eosinophilia and pulmonary
infiltrates after 8 weeks of therapy. Science Alert works with a wide variety of publishers, including
academic societies, universities, and commercial publishers. However, the vaccine is not highly
recommended in the United States since the country has low risk of infection by the Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Dr. Walter Dorn Canadian Forces College 3 December 2007. Origins. General Charles
Krulak Marine Corps Commandant (1995-99). A number of mental abnormalities may appear during
the use of this drug, including euphoria, transient impairment of memory, separation of ideas and
reality, loss of self-control and florid psychoses. Higher doses may result in peripheral neuritis in 10
to 20% of patients. McHugh, T. D. (2011). Tuberculosis: Diagnosis and treatment. Treatment of
Tuberculosis is no fast and easy fix procedure as it requires a lot of caution and care from the
healthcare service providers as well as the infected individuals. Approximately 43 to 60% of oral
dose is excreted in the faeces. ( Van Scoy and Wilkowske, 1987 ). The main outcome analysed was
treatment outcome, with cases classified as completed (record of treatment completion noted),
transferred (patient transferred to another centre but no treatment results available), defaulted
(record of defaulting in patient chart but no record of treatment completion elsewhere, or patient still
receiving treatment more than 15 months after diagnosis) or dead (patient died before treatment
completion). This may be attributed to smaller sample size of this pilot study trial which aimed to
demonstrate feasibility over a short intervention period. Objective: The objective of the observational
study is to evaluate the prescription pattern, drug utilization and the audit of anti-TB drugs usage in
a tertiary care hospital in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. As a result the risk of treatment failure and
relapse are higher ( Yee et al., 2003 ). The occurrence, risk factors, morbidity and mortality of
adverse events from isoniazid (INH), particularly hepatotoxicity, have been well defined ( Gholami
et al., 2006; Li et al., 2007 ). Adverse reactions to rifampin (RIF) and ethambutol (EMB) have been
well documented although causality of these drugs may be less certain because the y are seldom
used alone. This may be due either to accidental injection of a nerve during the course of parenteral
therapy or to toxicity involving nerves remote from the site of antibiotic administration. Absorption
is not significantly impaired by food ( Reynolds, 1993 ). India is 17th among 22 High Burden
Countries in terms of TB incidence rate ( WHO, 2009a ). The dermatological manifestations due to
pyrazinamide gain attention, because patients may become noncompliant, which is one of the
common cause of treatment failure in TB therapy. If no sputum is being produced, the specimen can
be obtained by inducing sputum, genital warts, laryngeal swab, bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar
lavage, or fine needle aspiration of a collection. PubMed Sokoll, M.D. and S.D. Gergis, 1981.
Antibiotics and neuromuscular function. With the use of rifampicin, asymptomatic elevation of liver
enzyme was observed in 6.85% and jaundice in 5.7% of the 175 patients treated with drug. Hindawi
journals have no space restriction on methods. Each year nearly 2 million people in India develop TB,
of which around 0.87 million are infectious cases. Kumar said the coming months could see food
insecurity in these communities and a rise in TB cases, as he expects malnutrition to rise. Every
quarter, the RNTCP analyses performance of the programme in every districts, every state and the
country as a whole. Peripheral neuropathy has been reported in 3 tubercular patients who had
received ethambutol 13 to 50 mg kg -1 b.wt., among other drugs. It has been reported that a patient
who took ethambutol 20 g, rifampicin 9 g and isoniazid 6 g made an uneventful recovery after
haemodialysis and treatment with pyridoxine ( Reynolds, 1989 ). They found that the results of
domiciliary treatment were encouraging enough to warrant a shift of emphasis from hospitals and
sanatoria to clinics without waiting for any further trials ( Sikand and Pamra, 1956 ). NTI Newslett.,
19: 58-70. Direct Link Antony, V.B., 2003. Immunological mechanisms in pleural disease. Eur.
Respir. J., 21: 539-544. Direct Link Appel, G.B., 1982. Aminoglycoside Nephrotoxicity: Physiologic
Studies of the Sites of Nephron Damage. The IUATLD International Study on x-ray classification
demonstrated high levels of disagreement among experts on the interpretation of chest radiographs (
Nyboe, 1968 ). A lot depends on how long service disruptions will continue in India and how quickly
essential health services can be ramped up. 20 We hope the Indian government will find a way to
restart and ramp up all essential health services, especially routine immunisation, TB diagnosis and
treatment. 20 Some states in India have done better than others in preserving routine health services,
21 and other states must learn from their experience.
If no sputum is being produced, the specimen can be obtained by inducing sputum, genital warts,
laryngeal swab, bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage, or fine needle aspiration of a collection.
Chest X-rays may suggest TB, but are never diagnostic of TB. Microbial resistance to rifampin is due
to an alteration of the target of this drug, DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, with resistance in most
cases being due to mutations between codons 507 and 533 of the polymerase rpoB gene ( Blanchard,
1996 ); the mutations reduce binding of the drug to the polymerase. Management actions taken for
patients with symptoms: All patients with chest symptoms (i.e., three weeks of cough) or other
symptoms suggestive of TB are advised to undergo three sputum examinations for acid-fast bacilli.
While some international organizations recommend the use of pyrazinamide in pregnancy, this is not
the case in the United States because of inadequate data on teratogenicity ( Bass et al., 1994 ).
Overdosage: No information of overdosage are available due to pyrazinamide. The last activities that
must be completed before an activity can begin. This study utilized an instructional video in biology
that showed scientific approach teaching in cooperative learning model. SA took active measures in
order to interrupt the spread of Covid-19 which were strict, rapid, and progressive in nature. Since
the government was not only concerned with TB but with other diseases and health infrastructure, it
constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Sir Joseph Bhore. All patients with TB in India
deserve sick pay to help them get through the long and difficult treatment period. Nilai kompos A1,
A2 dan A3 kompos berturut-turut 0,169%, 0,233% dan 0,200%.Nilai-nilai tingkat Potassium A1, A2
dan A3 berturut-turut 0,724%, 0,879% dan 0,817%. A modelling analysis by the Stop TB
Partnership and partners suggests that each month of lockdown in India could cause an additional
40?000 deaths over the next 5 years. 18 Another model estimate suggests that a 59% reduction in
TB case detection between the end March and May 2020 may result in an estimated additional 87
711 TB deaths in 2020. 19 How can India tackle the syndemic of TB and COVID-19. The presence
of viable microorganisms in abscesses and in the regional lymph nodes adds support to the concept
that the activity of streptomycin in vivo is to suppress, not to eradicate, the tubercle bacillus.
Neuromuscular blockade: An unusual toxic reaction of acute neuromuscular blockade and apnea has
been attributed to the aminoglycosides. Data comprising of thirty six hundred tokens of English front
vowels were analyzed using FormantPro (Xu, 2013) software. Nurses have had to visit the patients
at home three times a week and administering the treatment to them. If the smear is positive, PCR or
gene probe tests can confirm the M. Three intact class groups, at middle level from a public girls’
school, were assigned to experimental groups and control group. ICMR Guidelines For Management
of Type 2 Diabetes 2018) (110 029). In a study, it was found that 10 per cent of TB medicines
dispensed through pharmacies were spurious,” it says. The mechanisms responsible for this toxicity
are unknown, although acetylhydrazine, which is a metabolite of isoniazid, causes hepatic damage in
adults. They are however used to rule out the possibility of TB in those patients who have tested
positive to the tuberculin skin test but apart from that have no symptoms of the disease. The
development of the platform involved a process of summarizing the clinical guidelines, converting
this into a programmable algorithm, performing clinical validation of the algorithm and developing a
user interface. It suppresses the growth of most isoniazid-and streptomycin-resistant tubercle bacilli.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Mycolic acids are unique to mycobacteria,
explaining the high degree of selectivity of the antimicrobial activity of isoniazid. Hence, patients
who are rapid acetylators of isoniazid might be expected to be more likely to develop hepatotoxicity
than slow acetylators; whether this is true, however, is unresolved. Ministry of health and family
welfare; government of India. Furthermore, the infrastructure for delivering the Pharmacovigilance
and DOTS strategy will ensure that new tools and rational drugs are used correctly. This need to be
backed up with quick identification as well as isolation of infected individuals.
Conclusion: The anti TB treatment offered in private and public sector in India is not satisfactory at
present and needs to be improved. Symptoms and diagnosis: TB is a highly contagious disease that is
usually transmitted by coughing and sneezing. The presence of viable microorganisms in abscesses
and in the regional lymph nodes adds support to the concept that the activity of streptomycin in vivo
is to suppress, not to eradicate, the tubercle bacillus. Precaution: Pyrazinamide inhibits renal
excretion of urates, frequently resulting in hyperuricemia which is usually asymptomatic. Key results
for India from a large civil society-led survey on the impact of COVID-19 on the TB epidemic.
Karnataka passes bill to tax temples in state, BJP slams Congress' govt Meet school dropout,
labourer's son who worked as office boy at Infosys for Rs 9000; now CEO of two companies worth.
Patient education is so important in understanding the disease nature (both TB and diabetes),
duration of treatment, side effects of drugs, and complications of disease as well as the promotion of
healthy lifestyle choices. Nurses perform a very crucial role in tuberculosis control program. Science
Alert works with a wide variety of publishers, including academic societies, universities, and
commercial publishers. About 95% of patients with TB live in the low and middle-income countries
and more than 70% of patients with DM also live in the same countries, especially in South East
Asia. Qualitative data were audio-recorded which were later transcribed and translated to English.
These drugs allowed Short Course Chemotherapy (SCC) and made it possible to simplify treatment
and reduce its duration. Amongst the TB-DM group, majority had Type 2 diabetes, poor glycemic
control and reported having major complications of their co-morbidity. Delivery of supportive care
intervention for DM and other cardiovascular diseases at the patient's doorstep by the community
health workers was found to be a key factor in achieving patient satisfaction for this intervention
strategy. Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. If the smear is
positive, PCR or gene probe tests can confirm the M. Reactions to isoniazid, ethambutol and
thiacetazone were not related to age, sex and duration of therapy. In addition to supervision by the
central, state and districts level, special supervisory staff has been posted at the sub-district level (TB
Unit) for this purpose ( WHO, 2009a ). There has been significant change in management of
tuberculosis never since pre-chemotherapeutic era to the present day RNTCP protocol based on
specific disease categories. Proper hand hygiene offers an essential aspect of hospital-associated
infection-reduction. Issuu turns PDFs and other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging content
for every channel. Report of an outbreak. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., 106: 357-365. PubMed Gholami,
K., E. Kamali, M. Hajiabdolbaghi and G. Adobe Express Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu
publication. Conversely, TB also affects glycemic control leading to hyperglycemia among patients (
7, 8 ). Ototoxicity is more likely to occur in patients with persistently elevated concentrations of
drug in plasma and is linked to mutations in a mitochondrial ribosomal RNA gene, indicating that a
gene is one of the factors for this side effect ( Bates, 2003 ). WB Saunders Co., London. Keating,
M.J., G.P. Bodey, M. Valdivieso and V. Rodriguez, 1979. A randomized comparative trial of three
aminoglycosides-comparison of continuous infusions of gentamicin, amikacin and sisomicin
combined with carbenicillin in the treatment of infections in neutropenic patients with malignancies.
Results and Conclusions: Men are more prone(62.5%) to TB than women(37.5%). In all age groups
men are more than females among the TB patients. This need to be backed up with quick
identification as well as isolation of infected individuals. The patients undergoing treatment on an
outpatient basis should be counseled for the early recognition of dermatological manifestations (
Khayyam et al., 2010 ). The incidence of major side effects associated with pyrazinamide (PZA), is
somewhat controversial. Ethambutol inhibits arabinosyl transferases involved in cell wall

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