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a. Greeting, name, position: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is

Quoc Khanh and today I’m going to talk about the Golden-headed Langur.
b. Purpose/Objective: The purpose of this talk is to raise awareness about the
critical status of the Golden-headed Langur and discuss conservation efforts to
protect this species.
c. Connect with the audience: I can see that all of you appreciate the beauty of
wildlife and the importance of preserving our natural heritage.
d. Outline/Main part: I’ve divided my presentation into three main parts: an
overview of the Golden-headed Langur, the causes of its critical endangerment,
and the solutions to protect its existence.
e. Questions: Should you have any questions, please save them until the end of my

Let’s start with a brief overview information of this special species. The Golden-
headed Langur, which is a captivating primate native to Vietnam's lush forests,
boasts vibrant golden fur and captivating facial features. Renowned for their close-
knit social bonds and graceful treetop movements, these langurs stand out in their
habitat. These langurs once roamed the forests in substantial numbers; however,
their existence is under severe threat. Classified as critically endangered by the
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), their population has
drastically declined, putting them on the brink of extinction, due to various threats.

There are many reasons that lead to the loss of this species.
The first one is habitat loss, which driven by deforestation. It reduces langurs'
living space and food sources, while poaching for traditional medicine further
diminishes their numbers.
Next, it’s human-wildlife conflict that arises as settlements encroach on langur
habitats, leading to competition for resources and displacement of langurs.
Finally, it’s the lack of awareness impedes conservation efforts, making it difficult
to garner support for langur protection.

Despite challenges, extensive efforts are dedicated to protecting the Golden-headed

Langur. These efforts involve habitat preservation, anti-poaching measures,
community engagement, education, and advocacy.
Habitat preservation includes establishing protected areas, reforestation, and
habitat restoration. Anti-poaching measures focus on strengthening law
enforcement and imposing stricter penalties. Community engagement aims to
inform and involve local communities in conservation efforts.
Educational campaigns raise awareness about langur conservation, while advocacy
seeks policy changes to protect langurs and their habitats. Together, these
strategies aim to ensure the survival of the Golden-headed Langur and preserve
biodiversity for future generations.

C. Ending
a. Signaling the end: That brings me to the end of my presentation on the Golden-
headed Langur and the efforts to protect this endangered species.
b. Summary: Let me just run over the key points again. We discussed the critical
status of the Golden-headed Langur, its habitat loss, poaching, human-wildlife
conflict, and the lack of awareness as major threats. Despite these challenges,
extensive efforts involving habitat preservation, anti-poaching measures,
community engagement, education, and advocacy are underway to safeguard the
langur's survival and preserve biodiversity.
c. Closing: Thank you very much for your attention.
d. Inviting questions: I’d be glad to answer any questions you might have.

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