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In today's world, human overpopulation stands as one of the most pressing issues of our time.

scholars and researchers delve into the complexities of this phenomenon, they often find themselves
facing the daunting task of crafting a thesis that effectively addresses the myriad aspects of this
global challenge.

The process of writing a thesis on human overpopulation is no easy feat. It requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of various disciplines such as sociology,
economics, environmental science, and public policy. Navigating through vast amounts of data,
academic literature, and conflicting viewpoints can be overwhelming for even the most seasoned

One of the biggest challenges in writing a thesis on human overpopulation is synthesizing diverse
perspectives into a cohesive argument. With so many factors at play – from resource depletion and
environmental degradation to social inequality and political instability – crafting a thesis that
captures the complexity of the issue while offering meaningful insights can seem like an
insurmountable task.

Moreover, the urgency of addressing human overpopulation adds an additional layer of pressure to
the writing process. As the global population continues to swell, the need for innovative solutions
becomes increasingly apparent. This sense of urgency can weigh heavily on researchers, driving them
to produce work that not only contributes to academic discourse but also informs real-world policy
and action.

In light of these challenges, many scholars turn to professional writing services for assistance. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for those grappling with the complexities of writing a
thesis on human overpopulation. With a team of experienced writers who specialize in a wide range
of disciplines, ⇒ ⇔ provides customized support tailored to the unique needs of
each client.

By entrusting their thesis to ⇒ ⇔, researchers can alleviate the burden of writing
while ensuring that their work meets the highest standards of quality and rigor. Whether in need of
assistance with literature review, data analysis, or thesis structure, ⇒ ⇔ offers
comprehensive support every step of the way.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on human overpopulation is a challenging endeavor that requires

dedication, expertise, and perseverance. For those seeking guidance and support, ⇒
⇔ stands as a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of this critical issue. With their
assistance, researchers can confidently tackle the task of crafting a thesis that makes a meaningful
contribution to our understanding of human overpopulation and its implications for the future of our
This would help them and other people in the world to escape from worldwide poverty, lack of
education, not to suffer from pollution, crimes and lots of diseases. Give us your email address and
we’ll send this sample there. Sanitation becomes difficult when there is a water shortage and diseases
spread rapidly. Persell C. (1990). Understanding Society. Inquirer. p. 6. Nasif Nahle states in the
article of Overpopulation, every year, more than 81 million people are added to the world-wide
population (2003). Family planning basically means trying to create a balance between the resources
we have left and the population. The major consequences of overpopulation due to globalization can
be attributed to shortage of water and natural resources. Humans also continue to put a great
demand on the natural resources of our planet. The human population has increased gradually
throughout most of human history. In the event that the population in these settings continues to
increase, many people will be predisposed to water-borne illnesses Negative Population Growth 1.
The ice cap of the world has reduced significantly due to global warming. The rising population
must necessarily be stemmed, or the extinction of the human species is not far off. Governments
should pay special attention to it and start birth control programs to control it. Overpopulation is
growing at a very fast rate and the only way around this is to create awareness with people. Most of
the population lives in housing smaller than the average American apartment size (311 meters).
Desalination of sea and brackish water is the only solution offered for the water crises, and is not
really a very viable one. This article will discuss in length the devastating effects of overpopulation on
the earth’s environment as a whole, focusing specially on the effects that the high growth of
population has on the world’s natural resources. Get help Password recovery Recover your password
your email A password will be e-mailed to you. For the longest time, the world has depended on
fossil fuel and other non-renewable energy sources like coal for the supply of both electricity and
other energy. Here we refer to this term in respect to the human population and its natural habitat,
the Earth. People who are deprived from education cannot be able to understand the influences of
overpopulation on earth and humankind. Because of this problem many people especially children
will be malnourished because of lack of resources or supply but decrease in demand that can cause
famine. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. Conclusion The global
population has been on the increase in the past several decades. There are three popular definitions of
overpopulation. Learn More In order to study this complex aspect of the human race, I shall
implement the various theories and principals developed by credible scholars that try to explain the
causes, effects and solutions pertaining to overpopulation. The capacity of people to live freely with
all human needs is only limited count. So it is very important that we take action now and make sure
we create awareness for the future. Extinction of many plant and animal species from the face of this
world, are indeed very worrying signs of the twentieth century. However, no dangers are as
threatening to humanity as those created by humans themselves.
The other part is that they are bad for the environment. Apartments aren’t a solution to
overpopulation, only a deference. During the high employment many people were seen sleeping in
the street because they can't afford to buy homes. Family planning basically means trying to create a
balance between the resources we have left and the population. Because of low levels of technology,
a country operates below its potential output. They can be solved through proper knowledge about
sex, family planning, and being responsible person. You can also find more Essay Writing articles on
events, persons, sports, technology and many more. Because of Global warming, there is an increase
in temperature level and due to this, the melting of Antarctica increases the sea levels. Forests and
wild life need to be saved if we swish to save ourselves. As rains disappear, agriculture suffers, and
much of the land available for farming would also become unfit for growing crops, due to
desertification and salinization. Composing remarkable Research Papers is an even more exhausting
exercise. Surprisingly or not, overpopulation creates a challenge the society must meet in order to
survive. Ehrenstein C. (2001, May 4). World population. Inquirer.pA10. Population in a country also
increases due to the influx of immigrants or due to a decrease in emigrants (people who leave the
country). Report this Document Save Save RESEARCH PAPER For Later 0 ratings 0% found this
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Topics, Titles GradesFixer. Girls who get married right after puberty tend to beget more children. At
the current rate it is projected that by 2050, there would be around 9 billion people in this world. As
the demands for certain products go high, the more efforts the country has to put into supplying
those things. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Effects
of overpopulation of environment thus can be summarized into. In the event that the population in
these settings continues to increase, many people will be predisposed to water-borne illnesses
Negative Population Growth 1. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. The
concept of overpopulation in not new to the current world and has been debated upon much by the
researchers and authors. Another solution for overpopulation is to increase the ecological limit and its
efficiencies rather than reducing the population. Effects of Overpopulation Very few people
understand how severe the consequences of overpopulation can be. S military is the largest user of
petroleum in the world. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. With a shortage of jobs individuals struggle with
unemployment which can lead to drug addiction, homelessness, and a poor quality of life.
Overpopulation resulted risks and challenges to people as well. Such authors as P. Researchers state
that population growth has a great influence on food shortage. The major consequences of
overpopulation due to globalization can be attributed to shortage of water and natural resources.
Americans only make up 5% of the world’s population, yet they consume 20% of its resources
(Population Overload? ). Other countries, including Thailand, Mexico, South Korea and Tunisia were
able to decrease their birth rates; the dramatic decrease in birth rates ultimately led to a 33-percent
increase in economic growth in East Asia (Pakenham, 2004). An increasing population is a burden on
the economy and government’s reserves. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms
and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. One of the main reasons for
overpopulation is the difference between the death rate and the overall birth rate in the population.
The point of population stabilization is to reduce or minimize misery. This means that they will have
to import more than they can export, costing billions of dollars a year. As a result parents want to
have more children because of high infant mortality. So, if there is no shortage in near future people
do not need to concern about food. Education makes people aware about world’s issues and fell
them to do something about these issues. Manali Oak states, “Modern methods of birth control and
family planning do not reach the illiterate sections of society,” (2012). None of these approaches
worked instead, people tend to have more children and take this dangerous risk. As with human
beings, other living organisms need the land to exist their lives on earth as parallel. Every living thing
has an impact on its environment. The pollution levels have increased with our rapidly growing
population causing harm to our wellbeing and the environment. Revision Points on Population,
Urbanisation and Tourism with examples. Many non-renewable resources are being depleted due to
the unrestrained use of fuel and energy. The one-child policy had also prevented some environmental
problems in China. Some examples include the coal mining towns in rural Appalachia, indigenous
communities of the arctic and subarctic, the oil fields of Nigeria, and the oil refineries of the Gulf
Coast (Barajas-Roman, Hartmann 4). Since 1800s, scientist advanced using vaccinations and by
doing this prevented most of diseases like influenza, smallpox, and rubella. And almost 75% of this
came from the water that they are using. Conclusion The global population has been on the increase
in the past several decades. For the longest time, the world has depended on fossil fuel and other
non-renewable energy sources like coal for the supply of both electricity and other energy. Already
the world’s population has exceeded the earth’s carrying capacity, and as per the 2006 World Wide
Fund for Nature and Global Footprint Network reports we are already using 40% more than what
the Earth can resource back, and if the European consumption rates are taken as the world’s average,
then we are using around three times more than what the Earth can regenerate (WWF, 2006). The
government plays a very important role to reduce or control population growth by means of
establishing national state population policies.(Ordinario,2003) The school should also teach the
students about population education, teach a better sexuality education for students, media should
have the coverage about overpopulation. These causes will have an impact on the lives of the
humans that existed on the earth. Overpopulation exerts a negative influence on the world economy.
Water is essential for survival and while having easy access to fresh water is incredible, with more
people there are less resources. They have introduced the one-child policy, their family planning
policy which restricts married families to only have one child with the exception of rural couples,
ethnic minorities and parents with only one sibling, in 1978. This results in a cyclical pattern of
poverty perpetuated by overpopulation. Long Essay on Overpopulation Overpopulation is one of the
undesirable issues in the present day of the world. This is highly important as we can avoid many
issues such as the depletion of resources and avoid scarcity of resources. This is highly important as
we can avoid many issues such as the depletion of resources and avoid scarcity of resources.
Nielson, R. The little green handbook: seven trends shaping the future of our planet. By continuing,
you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Owing to river water pollution often the water is unfit for
consumption and agricultural purposes, and depleting underground water levels due to
overconsumption have become a source of constant worry for the scientists. While all this is good for
mankind, it isn’t good for the environment and the future. In this essay, we will address all the issues
that cause overpopulation. Overpopulated country suffers from different diseases such as
tuberculosis, parasites diseases and leprosy. There are a lot of health issues that occur and diseases
will spread easily as the people live in a limited area with high density. Give me your paper
requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. As the population is increasing day by day the
needs of people, land, and many others were increasing. Women must be able to have an abortion if
they decide that they cannot afford to raise a child. The reduction of the population is the only
answer for many environmental problems and endangered species on earth. One of the main reasons
for overpopulation is the difference between the death rate and the overall birth rate in the
population. A population can affect a country's economic status. Because of this problem many
people especially children will be malnourished because of lack of resources or supply but decrease in
demand that can cause famine. Apartments aren’t a solution to overpopulation, only a deference.
This essay explores the multifaceted impacts of overpopulation, specifically focusing on
unemployment and poverty, and advocates for effective policy interventions, such as comprehensive
birthrate control. So, if someone came and told you you’d be moving from Chicago to Zimbabwe,
you’d probably protest- you’ve grown attached to your home, and the cultural systems of your
home. Family planning involves aiding couples in making informed decisions about the number and
timing of their children through the use of birth control methods. Instead of having seven or eight
children, they have nuclear families and concentrate on the upbringing of their children, give them
proper education and morals. Another reason is because the more people a family had, the more
likely it was that some of the children would survive and help their parents when they became old.
Then we have no other choice but to go hungry to bed. World Wide Fund. Humanity's Demands
Exceed our Planet's Capacity to Sustain Us. The amount of people overpopulating a country isn’t
dealt with by building apartments, it’s only put off. Additional materials, such as the best quotations,
synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here.
Download Free PDF View PDF Human Impact on The Environment Peter M Mulenge Just look at
how the environment is affecting human health already. It is important that we find ways to look for
alternative power resources as the fossil fuels are fast coming to an end. During the high
employment many people were seen sleeping in the street because they can't afford to buy homes.
The author of the paper states that an individual is considered living under poverty if the monetary
income and the social, cultural, and material resources of the person are not enough to provide the
individual with a standard of living that is considered the norm within the society. Then we have no
other choice but to go hungry to bed. In a lot of families, the girls leave school at an early age and
then try to make a family. In this figure shows the increasing population continuously up to 20th
century and possible to the coming years. By promoting responsible family planning, governments
can curtail the rapid rise in population, subsequently alleviating the strain on employment
opportunities and diminishing the prevalence of poverty. Desalination of sea and brackish water is
the only solution offered for the water crises, and is not really a very viable one. Let us write or edit
the research paper on your topic. Another major factor that contributes to the meaning of this term is
the availability of resources. Water shortage crises: As the human population rises, there is an
increasing shortage of portable water necessary for agriculture, drinking and other human activities.
Rapid technological advancement led to the development of more sophisticated fertilizers,
machinery, and new kinds of seed, which altogether sped up the expansion of agricultural production
all over the world (Miller, 1995). Log into your account your username your password Forgot your
password. That overconsumption causes production to increase in factories, thus causing more
pollution. Under this movement, sterilization and birth controls were used. In some cultures,
especially in eastern ones, one gender is preferred for child. The negative factors in the community
that affect population lead to low levels of life expectancy. With the increase of human beings, the
need for transportation and other basic needs also increases. The ice cap of the world has reduced
significantly due to global warming. As a result of this progress in medical area, death rates in the
world have reduced. Additionally, certain cultural and economic incentives, such as social security
systems and pension plans, may encourage people to have larger families. From this paper, it is clear
that ' overpopulation ' is a term, which technically refers to the condition where the number of living
organisms far exceeds the carrying capacity of their natural habitat. Apartments, more modern and
compact forms of housing than traditional houses, are becoming extremely popular in countries such
as Japan and the Philippines, because they can fit lots of people into a small amount of space. This
makes denser cities, which leads to problems in city infrastructure, such as transportation and utility
distribution. The only way to resolve rate of population growth is by conscious control of
reproduction. We have to create policies that help people get a better understanding of the
overpopulation crisis and create stricter laws on birth control. R Ehrlich and Mike Davis pay a
special attention to the problem of overpopulation and its impact on famine. With more and more
babies born every day, the difference between supply and demand becomes huger. And what can we
do about it?One effect of the overpopulation in the Philippines is the enormous trade deficit relating
to the food consumption.
During the development, some of the activities cause harm to the environment. Keep on browsing if
you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Persell C. (1990). Understanding
Society. Inquirer. p. 6. F. Unemployment. This problem is of grave concern because of the poverty
that afflicts the people, High rate of unemployment is caused by burgeoning population. As the
population increases the scarcity of natural resources and deforestation increases. It is high time the
human society reconsidered its consumption patterns and addressed the existing overpopulation
concerns, before it is too late. Unfortunately, the rural poor are illiterate and they keep on having
children for the sake of having more earning hands and hence do not realize the importance of good
upbringing. The environmental writings by Carson and Hardin documented in the 1960s contain
lessons, which are certainly as urgent and relevant now as they were in modest times in different
ways. Rampant destruction of forest covers, to make space for farming or for growing cities, would
lead to fewer rains, which would in turn increase famines and drought. There are a lot of health
issues that occur and diseases will spread easily as the people live in a limited area with high density.
Factories have to make a lot of products, which causes the levels of pollution to rise continuously.
But now, owing to modern methods in medicine, pregnancies are safer for baby and mother. The
concern over the exploding population has become close to alarm. The impracticality of
accommodating such a vast number of job seekers simultaneously results in a surplus of qualified
individuals unable to secure employment. The human population has increased gradually throughout
most of human history. The hungry world cannot be fed until and unless the growth of its resources
and the growth of its population come into balance We urgently need to either start increasing the
size of our planet or stop increasing the size of our population. The world population is set to double
by the year 2050 which means we will run out of resources really fast and this means that our living
expenses by then will be a lot and not affordable for a lot of people. 3500 humans are born almost
every minute around the world and this could change so much in the 100 years. However, the
resource pie is far from big enough to divide it into equal pieces among everyone (Cassis, 2004). The
other part is that they are bad for the environment. The destruction of land and overused of natural
resources is the cause of over population. Therefore, depletion of natural resources, rise in pollution,
epidemics, and other diseases are the main consequences of overpopulation which this literature
review has discussed. Cultural influences are also is responsible for people for making. When the
rate at which resources deplete increases, upward pressure is put on the price level. Carolyn Kinder
states, “Between 1950 and 1984, for example, the amount of grain harvested worldwide increased
from 631 million ton to 1.65 billion tons; this represents a gain of 2.6 times at a time when the world
population increased by only 1.9 times,” (2012). This data means that, if people have children, they
can feed their children easily with additional food sources. Wastewater management has been
improved, but with overpopulation there is an increase in need of ingestible water. Rostow, the Great
Population Spike represents the rise and fall of population rates since the mid-eighteenth century and
the relative social and economic waves caused by below-replacement fertility causing newer forms of
political economies to emerging. Education makes people aware about world’s issues and fell them to
do something about these issues. According to Carolyn Kinder’s estimation many specialists admit
that there is no shortage of nourishment (2012). Overpopulation in the world is due to the
overpopulated countries of the world, these countries will have a high birth rate every year due to
improper rules and laws.

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