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December 30, 1896)

Francisco Mercado (1818-1898)
➢ born in Binan, Laguna on May 11, 1818
➢ studied Latin and Philosophy at the College of San Jose in Manila became a tenant-
farmer of the Dominican-owned hacienda
➢ died in Manila on January 5, 1898 at the age of 80
Teodora Alonso Realonda (1826-1911)
➢ born in Manila on November 8, 1826
➢ educated at the College of Santa Rosa, a well-known college for girls in the city
➢ a remarkable woman, possessing refined culture, literary talent, business ability, and
the fortitude of Spartan women
➢ is a woman of more than ordinary culture: she knows literature and speaks Spanish
(according to Rizal)
➢ died in Manila on August 16, 1911 at the age of 85

-Eleven children-two boys and nine girls
1. Saturnina (1850-1913) -nicknamed Neneng
▪ oldest of the Rizal children
▪ married Manuel T. Hidalgo of Tanawan, Batangas
2. Paciano (1851-1930)
▪ older brother and confident of Jose Rizal
▪ was a second father to Rizal
▪ immortalized him in Rizal's first novel Noli Me Tangere as the wise Pilosopo
▪ Rizal regarded him as the "most noble of Filipinos
▪ Became a combat general in the Philippine Revolution
▪ died on April 13, 1930, an old bachelor aged 79 -had two children by his mistress
(Severina Decena)-a boy and a girl
3. Narcisa (1852-1939)- her pet name was Sisa
▪ married to Antonio Lopez (nephew of Father Leoncio Lopez), a school teacher of
4. Olimpia (1855-1887) - Ypia was her pet name
▪ married Silvestre Ubaldo, a telegraph operator from Manila
5. Lucia (1857-1919)
▪ married to Mariano Herbosa of Calamba, who was a nephew of Father Casanas
▪ Herbosa died of cholera in 1889 and was denied Christian burial because he was a
brother-in-law of Dr. Jose Rizal
6. Maria (1859-1945) - Biang was her nickname
▪ married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Binan, Laguna
7. Jose (1861-1896) - nickname was Pepe
▪ the greatest Filipino hero and peerless genius
▪ lived with Josephine Bracken, Irish girl from Hong Kong
▪ had a son but this baby-boy died a few hours after birth; Rizal named him
"Francisco" after his father and buried him in Dapitan
8. Concepcion (1862-1865) - her pet name was Concha
▪ died of sickness at the age of 3
▪ her death was Rizal's first sorrow in life
9. Josefa (1865-1945) -her pet name was Panggoy
▪ died an old maid at the age of 80
10. Trinidad (1868-1951) - Trining was her nickname
▪ she died also an old maid in 1951 aged 83
11. Soledad (1870-1929)
▪ youngest of the Rizal children
▪ her nickname was Choleng
▪ married Pantaleon Quintero of Calamba

• Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonso Realonda married on June 28, 1848, after which
they settled in Calamba
• The real surname of the Rizal family was Mercado, which was adopted in 1731 by
Domingo Lamco (the paternal great-great grandfather of Jose Rizal), who was a full
blooded Chinese)
• Rizal's family acquired a second surname-Rizal-which was given by a Spanish alcalde
mayor (provincial governor) of Laguna, who was a family friend

• Doña Teodora- His mother is his first teacher, barely 3 years old, Rizal learned the alphabet
from his mother. He was taught how to read and write in Spanish
. • Maestro Celestino- 1st private tutor
• Maestro Lucas Padua- 2nd private tutor
• Leon Monroy- former classmates of rizal’s father, become his tutor, he instructed Jose in
Spanish and latin- he died 5 months later.
✓ His mother’s cousin, Uncle Manuel Alberto, Uncle Jose, and Uncle Gregorio also taught
▪ When he was four years old, his sister Concepcion, the eighth child in the Rizal family,
died at the age of three.
✓ Father Leoncio Lopez, helped Rizal understand the philosophy of life and learned the
value of scholarship and intellectual honesty.
❖ He went on to study at the Ateneo Municipal and then the University of Santo
Thomas. He was known to be a well-rounded student, having studied medicine and the
humanities simultaneously. In addition to being a qualified ophthalmic doctor, Rizal was
also a writer, poet, ethnologist, sculptor, cartoonist, fencer, sharpshooter, and linguist.
❖ He finished his degree in Philosophy and Letters and Medicine in Unibersidad Central
de Madrid
❖ Later on, he specialized in ophthalmology in Paris and Heidelberg under Dr. Louis de
Wecker and Dr. Otto Becker respectively.
Dapitan Exile
July 17, 1892 – when Jose Rizal arrived in Dapitan.
Captain Ricardo Carnicero – head of the politico-military outpost of the Spaniards who is also a
close friend of Rizal during his exile.
September 21, 1892 – when Rizal won the second prize lottery with Ricardo Carnicero and
another Spaniard.
Talisay – where Rizal built his house in the seashore, as well as a school and a hospital within
the area.
Josephine Bracken – Rizal’s lover in Dapitan
George Taufer – Josephine Bracken’s stepfather who came to Dapitan after knowing Rizal’s
fame as a ophthalmologist.
Father Obach – the parish priest of Dapitan who denied the sacrament of marriage of Rizal.
Dr.Pio Valenzuela – he visited Rizal in Dapitan and informed him about Katipunan
Ramon Blanco – the governor general at Dapitan who received Rizal’s request to review his
July 30, 1896 – when Rizal’s request to General Ramon was approved to go to Cuba.
September 3, 1896 – when Rizal boarded the steamer Isla De Panay which will bring him to
Governor-General Eulogio Despujol – who ordered to ship back Rizal to Manila.
November 3, 1896 – when Rizal arrived at Manila and was Immediately brought to Fort
November 21,1896 – the date of Rizal’s Interrogation
Doroteo Cortes and Marcelo H. del Pilar – Persuading the Japan’s government to extend
assistance to the Filipinos.
Martin Constantino – policeman from Bulacan who said that the object of Katipunan was to
massacre the Spaniards and proclaimed a independence.
December 12,1896 – The date of the investigation of Rizal by officer Rafael Dominguez.
December 7, 1896 - The case was ready for trial in a military court.
Luis Taviel de Andrade – he is the brother of Jose Taviel de Andrade who was assigned to Rizal
as his bodyguard in 1887. The one who will handle the Rizal’s defense.
December 10, 1896 - Rizal requested that he be allowed to issue a Manifesto to his countrymen.
This was granted by the Governor General on December 13 and Rizal was informed December
He pleaded his innocence but he was still convicted on all three charges of rebellion, sedition and
conspiracy and sentenced to death. Earlier, Rizal was already considered as an enemy of the state
by the Spanish authorities with the publication of his two great novels — Noli Me Tangere and
El Filibusterismo. Thus, Rizal was executed on December 30, 1896 in Bagumbayan (Luneta),
which has been renamed Rizal Park in his memory
December 30, 1896 – Rizal’s public execution was carried out in Manila when he was 35 years

Life and Works of Rizal by Gregorio Zaide
The Trial of Rizal: A Century After by Ambeth Ocampo

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