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Summarize the Relationship Between Attitudes and Behavior

• The attitudes that people hold Moderating Variables:

determine what they do. Mtitude' importance
• Festinger: cases of attitude Correspondence to behavior
following behavior illustrate Accessibility
the effects of cognitive
dissonance. Presence of social pressures
• Cbgnitive di$0nanoo is any Whether a person has direct
incompatibility an individual experience with the attitude
might perceive between two The attitude-behavior
or more attitudes or between relationship is I ikely to be much
behavior and attitudes. stronger if an attitude refers to
• Research has generally concluded something with which we have
that people seek consistency direct personal experience.
among their attitudes and
between their attitudes and their
Compare the Major Job Attitudes

4. Perceived 0-ganizational 9.Jpport (� 5. 8nployee Engagement

• Degree to which employees believe the • The individual' involvement with,
organization values their contribution satisfaction with, and enthusiasm
and cares about their well-being. for the work.
• Higher when rewards are fair, employees • Engaged employees are
are involved in decision making, and passionate about their work and
supervisors are seen as supportive. company.
• POS is important in countries where
power distance is lower.

Are these job attitudes really all that distinct?

No, these attitudes are highly related· and while there is some
distinction there is also a lot of overlap that may cause confusion.

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