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Show 1-iow Norms Bcert lnfluen� 0, AA Individual's Behavior

Norms: an acceptable standard of behavior within a group that are shared by the group,s

Norms and Emotions

• A recent study found that, in a taS< group, individuals, emotions influenced the
group,s emotions and vice versa.
• Researchers have also found that norms dictated the experience of emotions for the
individuals and for the groups - in other words, people grew to interpret their
shared emotions in the same way.
Positive Norms and Group Outcomes
• One goal of every organization with corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives is
for its values to hold normative sway over employees.
• If employees aligned their thinking with positive norms, these norms would become
stronger and the probability of positive impact would grow exponentially.
• Positive group norms may well beget positive outcomes, but only if other factors are
Show 1-iow Norms Bcert lnfluen� 0, AA Individual's Behavior
Typology of Deviant Workplace Behavior

Norms and Culture Qitegory Examples

Production Leaving earty
ml Do people in collectivist cultures lntentlona Hy warklns slowly

have different norms than people wasttna resources

in individualist cultures? Of course Property sabot.a1e
Lylng about hours worked
they do. Steallng from the organization

ml But did you know that our Polttlcal Sh owl ns favorltlsm

Gosslpln1 and spreading rumors
orientation may be changed, even Blaming coworkers
after years of living in one society. Personal auresslon sexual harassmem:
Verbal abuse
Stealing from caworkers

3)urces: Based on S. H. Appelbaum f G.D. laooni, and A. Matou.sek1 "Positive and

�ive Deviant Workola::e Behav1ors: Ca1193s, lm�ts, arid $>lu1ionA"
cnrporate G::>vernance 7. no. s (2007): 586-98; and R w. G--11 r1n and A O'Leary­
Kelly, lhe Dark 8de of OganizationaJ �havior (New York: WIiey, 2.004).

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