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It can be grown on low fertility soils and is not dependent on the use of chemical fertilizers, hence, is
a boon for the vast arid and semi-arid regions ( Gull et al., 2014 ). The different genotypes of finger
millet have genes for early and vigorous growth, large panicle size, increased finger number and
branching as well as high-density grains. While finger millet can be a potential cereal for food
security under the rapidly changing cli- mate, alleviating its constraints will remain a challenging
task for the researchers. Hence, the materials were arbitrarily assigned to the two groups with the ten
white seeded genotypes purposely placed in the first set to al- low within group comparison among
white seeded en- tries. This unusable nitrogen is fast becoming an environmental threat. These
studies suggested that grain protein content was inversely correlated with NUE and nitrogen
utilization efficiency but positively correlated with nitrogen uptake efficiency. In addition, plants
usually respond to fungal infection by producing a variety of toxic compounds known as
phytoalexins, which may be one of the several ways toward extending defense capability of the
grains ( Snyder et al., 1991 ). Notwithstanding its importance, pub lished information is scarce on the
agronomy and genetics of the crop. Results revealed that, grain yield and B:C ratio increased
significantly from 75% RDF to 100% RDF but was non significant from 100% RDF to 125% RDF.
To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds
to upgrade your browser. Moreover, no agronomic recommendations such as spa- cing and fertilizer
rate are available to date for finger millet in the country. Grain yield, B:C ratio were also
significantly high for PR 10-35 than KOPN 942 and is also found superior to national and local
check varieties. Moreover, from a breeder’s point of view, these are the source of traits which can
improve hardiness of other widely grown cereals. It has high levels of methionine and lysine (
Mbithi-Mwikya et al., 2000 ), which are lacking in the diets based on starchy foods. However, only
three of them: Acc. 229469, Acc. 203410, and Acc. 203539, had significantly higher yield than the
entry mean. Among the colored set, five accessions, Acc. 229458, Acc. 203410, Acc. 203289, Acc.
215961, Acc. 203319, and the check variety Padet showed better stability than the rest of the en
tries ( Figure 2 ). Haussmann, Sy Ousmane Download Free PDF View PDF Agromorphological
Performance and Character Association of Finger Millet under Varying Phosphorus Regimes
Nicholas Korir, Wafula Nelson, Henry Ojulong Finger millet production on more than 30% of world
arable land is limited by P availability and more than 70% in the semi-arid and marginalized areas
which covers most of the Sub-Saharan Africa. The field was kept free of weeds throughout the
testing seasons. Another study by Nazni et al. (2010) showed the positive impact of weaning biscuits
supplements on the nutritional aspects and cognitive functions of children. Phosphatidylglycerol,
phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and digalactaosyl monoglycerides predominated in
the phospholipid and glycolipid fractions. Gaer tn), a membe r of the Poaceae ( Gramineae ) family,
is one of the most im- portant food cereals in the sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia. Since, these
methods can reduces the content of phytates, phenol, tannins and trypsin inhibitor activity and
improve the digestibility of millets and also makes bioavailability of minerals ( Shibairo et al., 2014 ).
Farmers grew five to nine different FM varieties with one most popular variety in each district,
Ikhulule in Busia, Aaran in Teso, and En. Keywords: AMMI, Finger Millet, Genotype, Environment,
Stability 1. Also, finger millet lipid contained more palmitic acid as compared to other millets.
Progress and prospects in genetic manipulation for the development of abiotic and biotic stress
tolerant varieties is also discussed. Furthermore, 54.6% and 46.19% o f the GEI sum of squares in th
e mixed and in the co lored set, respectively, were contributed by the first two interaction principal
component axes ( IPCA 1 and IPCA 2). Note that the information included here is relevant to Sri
Lankan condition. Phosphorus application significantly (P See Full PDF Download PDF See Full
PDF Download PDF Related Papers Phosphorus Influence on Plant Tissue Nitrogen Contents and
Yield Attributes of Finger Millet Varieties in Semi-arid Region of Kenya Wafula Nelson The
experiment was conducted with the aim of evaluating the effect of differential levels of P on finger
millet accumulation of N and yield components. Later on, identification and characterization of
chitinases in finger millets have revealed that their over-expression can combat fungal pathogens (
Cletus et al., 2013 ). As hormone signaling plays a central role in plant defense against fungus and
At present, the most widely used model is AMMI, which involves both ANOVA and principal
component analysis to dissect GEI into the causes of variation. Similarly, the range for plant height
was 94.5 cm to 117.3 cm in the mixed set and 85.5 cm to 111.6 cm in the colored set. This will
enable scientists to locate the key genes in the genome playing role in abiotic stress tolerance and
also other useful genes for crop improvement purposes. Seven and three of the genotypes in this set
out yielded the check varieties Tadesse and Padet, respectively. The on-station experiments were laid
out in Randomized Complete Block Design in factorial arrangement with three replications. The
increase of phosphorus levels significantly (P?0.05) increased the grain yield over the control up to
25 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 during the long rain seasons and 25 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 during the short rain seasons
in both sites. In addition to the prevailing production constraints of finger millet, which are mainly
related to poor management practices, some more are still emerging. Phosphatidylglycerol,
phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and digalactaosyl monoglycerides predominated in
the phospholipid and glycolipid fractions. Each plot consisted of three 5 m long rows spaced 0.75 m
apart. The seeds were manually drilled into each row and latter thinned to a spacing of 15 cm
between plants. Therefore, improved genetic manipulation of finger millets for resistance to both
abiotic and biotic stresses, as well as for enhancing nutrient content will be very effective in millet
improvement. Information on its status among farmers, especially variety characteristics and turnover
in western Kenya is scanty. Author: Tapas Chandra Roy, A Certified Farm Advisor on Millets. The
two earlier reports on finger millet transformation were through biolistic method ( Gupta et al., 2001;
Latha et al., 2005 ). Agrobacterium- mediated transformation of finger millet using shoot explants
was established by Ceasar and Ignacimuthu (2011). These entries were also screened for Blast
disease tolerance including blast susceptible check (Champavathi). Further inactivation or over-
expression studies of these stress responsive TFs genes can be done for the development of
transgenic crop with desired traits. Similarly, the association mapping using MLM of structure
software resulted in the identification of seven QTLs (three for finger blast, three for leaf blast and
one for neck blast). See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board
We're Hiring. Apart from its excellent nutritional value, its ability to tolerate various abiotic stresses
and resist pathogens make it an excellent model for exploring vast genetic and genomic potential of
this otherwise important crop and related cereal grasses. On the other hand, the Elucines generally
are reported to be strictly autogamous with low levels of heterozygosity. The second factor is
weeding on time (60 percent), third is the use of fertilizer properly (40 percent), fourth is the use of
improved variety (51 percent) and fifth is awareness and training (87 percent). Fortunately, this
species has preserved its biodiversity. It is grown for grains and fodder purposes under varied agro-
climate conditions in India. It has high levels of methionine and lysine ( Mbithi-Mwikya et al., 2000
), which are lacking in the diets based on starchy foods. These results suggests, at low nitrogen
condition the high grain protein content genotype is high nitrogen responsive compared to the low
grain protein content genotypes ( Gupta et al., 2011, 2013; Kumar et al., 2013 ). In order to
understand the molecular mechanism of NUE and how Dof1 regulate genes of carbon and nitrogen
metabolism, the expression of FmDof1 was studied under different light-dark conditions in two
genotypes of finger millet. Under stress various ion transporters and signaling cascades and
regulatory proteins are activated, knowledge of the proteins involved in these processes can give
insights into the unique characteristics of small millets that can be exploited for crop improvement
(Figure 1 ). Note that the information included here is relevant to Sri Lankan condition. It is also
found that old seedlings more than 25 days affect the yield. Amongst the small millets, finger millet
is the most climate resilient crop, which can be grown under a wide spectrum of extreme climatic
conditions. None of the genotypes was found free from disease incidence. Data were collected on
grain yield, days to flowering, and plant height.
It is a highly productive crop that can thrive under a variety of harsh environmental conditions, and
is also organic by default. For instance, in northern Ethiopia, the parasitic weed, Striga spp. KMR-
344 has exhibited highest seed yield among the white finger millet genotypes across environments.
Also, finger millet lipid contained more palmitic acid as compared to other millets. Single crops such
as rice and wheat might provide food security but their cost of production remain high, while millets
account for manifold securities including food, fodder, fiber, nutrition, health, environment and
livelihood at minimal cost, making them the essential guardians of agricultural security. Jacoby et al.
(2013) have provided a comprehensive method to rank the relatively important stress-responsive
proteins. Haussmann, Sy Ousmane Download Free PDF View PDF Agromorphological Performance
and Character Association of Finger Millet under Varying Phosphorus Regimes Nicholas Korir,
Wafula Nelson, Henry Ojulong Finger millet production on more than 30% of world arable land is
limited by P availability and more than 70% in the semi-arid and marginalized areas which covers
most of the Sub-Saharan Africa. An experiment was carried out to determine adaptation range of
diverse set of finger millet accessions and identify superior types with excellent yield potential for
use as cultivar or as germplasm source for fu- ture breeding endeavors. In view of the fact that,
common cereal genomes have limited gene pool for high NUE trait, an understanding on the
mechanism of high NUE of finger millet seems to be most fitting for agricultural research, as it can
thrive on almost no nitrogen inputs yet accumulates high quality proteins enriched with essential
amino acids in their grains. Some of the genotypes are water-efficient with elevated carbon dioxide
fixation rates and minimal leaf area and hence could perform extraordinary well in semi-arid
climates. The high fiber content of finger millet helps in preventing constipation, high cholesterol
formation, diabetes and intestinal cancer ( Devi et al., 2014 ). Kumari and Sumathi (2002) also
suggested significantly lower plasma glucose levels after consumption of finger millet based diets as
compared to those based on rice and wheat, due to higher fiber content. The degree of susceptibility
to abiotic stresses varies from species to species ( Dida and Devos, 2006 ). Gaer tn), a membe r of
the Poaceae ( Gramineae ) family, is one of the most im- portant food cereals in the sub-Saharan
Africa and south Asia. Phosphorus application significantly (P See Full PDF Download PDF See
Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers Phosphorus Influence on Plant Tissue Nitrogen Contents
and Yield Attributes of Finger Millet Varieties in Semi-arid Region of Kenya Wafula Nelson The
experiment was conducted with the aim of evaluating the effect of differential levels of P on finger
millet accumulation of N and yield components. To this end, we believe that the 4 genotypes
selected in this experiment will have signifi- cant contribution to enhance production in areas where
there is similar agro-climatic conditions with the test environments. Furthermore, 54.6% and 46.19%
o f the GEI sum of squares in th e mixed and in the co lored set, respectively, were contributed by
the first two interaction principal component axes ( IPCA 1 and IPCA 2). Keywords: AMMI, Finger
Millet, Genotype, Environment, Stability 1. Among the colored set, five accessions, Acc. 229458,
Acc. 203410, Acc. 203289, Acc. 215961, Acc. 203319, and the check variety Padet showed better
stability than the rest of the en tries ( Figure 2 ). Here we present the recent genomics and
proteomics approaches for exploiting the genetic potential of finger millet for developing resilience in
other crops and enhancing their productivity under sub-optimal growth conditions. This unusable
nitrogen is fast becoming an environmental threat. NUE in plants is a complex trait and hence it
involves the participation of many genes that are involved in nitrogen uptake, assimilation and
distribution within the plant. Article types Author guidelines Editor guidelines Publishing fees
Submission checklist Contact editorial office Submit your research Search Download article. Note
that the information included here is relevant to Sri Lankan condition. It would require annual
increases of approximately 44 million tons, which is 38% above current annual increases in food
production ( Tester and Langridge, 2010 ). This information will be highly helpful for better
understanding of the disease. Three finger millet varieties (U-15, P-224 and Ikhulule) were evaluated
under four P fertilizer levels (0, 12.5, 25 and 37.5 kg ha-1 P 2 O 5) at the International Crops
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Station, Alupe and the Kenya Agricultural and
Livestock Research Organization Station, Kakamega during the long and short rainy seasons of 2015
with the aim of determining their agromorphological response and trait associations. On-station
experiments were conducted at the KALRO-Kiboko crops research station in Makueni County
during the short and long rains of 2014 and 2015 respectively. Many farmers ranked FM among top
three crops both as food (12-42%) and cash crops (38-50%). Even if a person consumes enough
calories, it is likely that he may have an inadequate consumption of vital micronutrients such as
vitamins, minerals and trace elements leading to micronutrient undernourishment or what can be
termed as hidden hunger. This will enable scientists to locate the key genes in the genome playing
role in abiotic stress tolerance and also other useful genes for crop improvement purposes.
The high yielding Finger millet culture PPR 1012 with low blast disease incidence score (Leaf blast:
1, Neck blast: 9.46 %, Finger blast: 10.91 %) has been promoted to minikit testing during 2014 in
Andhra Pradesh state to study its performance in the farmer’s fields. Phosphatidylglycerol,
phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and digalactaosyl monoglycerides predominated in
the phospholipid and glycolipid fractions. Further, stable genotypes (with less GEI) are those, which
have IPCA 1 values closer to zero regardless of their sign. ABSTRACT Finger millet is one of the
mo st neglected and underutilized crop s worldwide, yet an important food cereal for millions of
poor farmers in Africa. However, none of these acces- sions had significantly higher yield than the
overall entry mean and the check varieties. To browse and the wider internet faster
and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The on-station experiments
were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design in factorial arrangement with three
replications. Many farmers ranked FM among top three crops both as food (12-42%) and cash crops
(38-50%). You can download the paper by clicking the button above. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). India has the
largest collection of finger millet germplasm followed by Ethiopia ( Dwivedi et al., 2012 ). There
could be immense morphological and genetic diversity among finger millet accessions or their core
collections. It is a highly productive crop that can thrive under a variety of harsh environmental
conditions, and is also organic by default. Therefore developing improved varieties and designing
newer approaches for crop improvement against stress tolerance have become a priority now-a-days.
According to the World Summit on Food Security at least 70% more food production is required by
2050 to feed the ever increasing population. A total of 44 indigenous accessions selected in previous
evaluations and two check varieties were tested in two sets ( mixed and colored ) each containing 22
entries in a total of 11 environments between 2004 and 2008 seasons. All genotypes assigned to the
second set have colored grains (copper, light red, dark red, brown, black) and hence were re- ferred
to as “colored set”. Indeed, extensive similarities have been known to be shared across plant
genomes of even distantly related species ( Guyot et al., 2012 ). Orthologous sequences in the
aligned genomes can be analyzed for the extent of conserved sites. The seed coat also shows anti-
cancer and anti-diabetic activities, mainly due to its high polyphenol content that indicates anti-
oxidant activity, and high fiber that promotes slow digestion and blood sugar stability ( Devi et al.,
2014 ). Therefore, finger millet has maintained high socio-economic importance in the context of
subsistence farmers of the Indian and African semi-arid tropic regions ( Gull et al., 2014 ). So far,
proteomics techniques have not yielded much information regarding the stress tolerance potential of
small millets particularly finger millet. One of the major constraints toward developing increased
resistance to pathogens has been the relatively low level of resistance obtained when a single plant
antifungal gene is used. Since, these methods can reduces the content of phytates, phenol, tannins
and trypsin inhibitor activity and improve the digestibility of millets and also makes bioavailability of
minerals ( Shibairo et al., 2014 ). Keywords: AMMI, Finger Millet, Genotype, Environment, Stability
1. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few
seconds to upgrade your browser. However, the presence of some anti-nutritional factors in whole
finger millet flour that could reduce starch digestibility and absorption may be responsible for the
lower glycemic response ( Shobana et al., 2007 ). Studies conducted by Pradhan et al. (2010) on male
and female diabetic patients spread across different rural and urban locations, also showed that the
glucose level was maintained after consuming multigrain chapati of finger millet and wheat in a ratio
of 30:70. Figure: Ranking of factors to increase the production of finger millet From the study, it is
understood that sowing in time is an important factor. Information on its status among farmers,
especially variety characteristics and turnover in western Kenya is scanty. Later on, Latha et al.
(2005) developed a transgenic finger millet resistant to fungal blast disease by chemically
synthesizing the prawn antifungal protein (PIN), cloning and transforming it into finger millet plants
that exhibited improved resistance to leaf blast disease. It is often valu ed as nutritious cereal by local
people. The results showed that genotypes were significantly different for all traits.None of the
genotypes were superior for all the traits. Only four of the eleven environments, B, D, F and K,
supported yields significantly higher than the overall mean.

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