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Crafting a thesis can be an arduous task, especially when delving into complex topics such as student

tardiness. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and articulate writing to produce a
comprehensive and compelling paper.

Student tardiness is a multifaceted issue that demands thorough investigation and insightful
interpretation of data. From exploring the underlying causes to examining its effects on academic
performance and overall school environment, a well-rounded thesis on this subject necessitates
meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the underlying factors at play.

Navigating through the vast literature and scholarly articles on student tardiness can be
overwhelming, requiring significant time and effort to sift through and synthesize relevant
information. Additionally, formulating a coherent argument and structuring the paper in a logical and
persuasive manner are essential components of a successful thesis.

Given the challenges associated with writing a thesis on student tardiness, seeking professional
assistance can greatly alleviate the burden and ensure a high-quality output. ⇒ ⇔
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research paper that sheds light on this critical issue in education.
According to John Curry (1984), formula respondents were taken 500 from the selected population.
Not only do students lose valuable educational instruction when they arrive late, but they disrupt the
10 educational environment and distract others who are in the class. When studying, make sure you
rid the room of ALL distractions. The papers and reports were then analyzed and organized
according to the definitions of lateness and various factors associated with students lateness behavior
and dealing strategies. A data of 220 employees were collected from middle and senior level
employees from a structured survey instrument. Slavin (2003) consequently emphasizes the
importance of teachers setting the tone for lessons during the start of the lesson. By continuing we’ll
assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. Thus punctuality could be seen in two dimensions
that is coming to the school at the right time and closing at the right time. In the school system,
discipline and duty masters are responsible for making sure school programmes and activities went
on as planned (Kachchar, 2002). Finally, the study concluded with a number of recommendations for
the administration and management team of the private universities in Mogadishu, Somalia. Almost
22% of the students said that they are tardy in their class. Students today has a bad habit of being
late all the time, and they don’t care what will be it's outcome. During the budget process, the
overall attendance budget was reduced to assist the superintendent with the task given to him by the
city manager to lower the 23 school division budget. This research aims to identify the effects of
students coming to the instituion late, the reasons that caused them tardiness and what are the
possible solutions that can take to solve this problem. Wong thus insist grades should not be used as
a deterrent but rather other approaches like awarding certificates with students being made aware of
the import of punctuality and potential rewards rather than the negativity aspects. Most teachers and
parents would say it’s because they’re in preparation for college. The study was also dependent on
the cooperation of the parents and fellow teachers thus leaving the researcher reliant on their
expediency. This is a qualitative study of the influence of training and development on employee
performance; a case study of family legacy missions Zambia. Methodology The design of this study
was classroom action research. The correlation between academics and tardiness is strong forit is the
basis of the student’s sense of understanding in the lessons all throughout the day. Explain to them
that you warned him about his tardiness, but he continues to come late to class. See Full PDF
Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers A review of Factors Associated with
Student's Lateness Bahavior and Dealing Strategies Mitchie Geil Salvador This study aimed to
systematically review studies that investigate factors associated with students lateness behavior and
dealing strategies. A history instructor might motivate interest in colonial history by showing how it
helps to explain contemporary geopolitical conflicts or environmental problems. Weade gathered data
from the schools of participating students. Actions to eliminate Tardiness 10 Analysis and findings
related to survey 12 Factors 12 Chapter IIISummary of data interpretation 22 Chapter IVConclusion
24 Chapter VBibliography 26 Chapter VIEvaluation Part 27 i Tardiness. Organizational climate also
can be considered as a measuring yardstick to predict the reason for absenteeism, lateness and
turnover intention. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. This was noted by the
researcher for this mall but dominant few had made significant stimulus in students who are easily
influencedbecause of varied reasons. Indeed, many previous researches indicated that class tardiness
among the students is a common phenomenon. The instrument was partly adopted, while the other
part was self constructed.
However, while flexibility and choice can be motivating, it is also important to recognize that
weighing and choosing among alternatives requires cognitive effort and can create an extra burden
for students. Glasser makes an industrial analogy between school and the workplace, stating that
school should be made relevant and interesting because bored workers won't produce high quality
work. During the budget process, the overall attendance budget was reduced to assist the
superintendent with the task given to him by the city manager to lower the 23 school division
budget. Wolfgang, C. H. (2001). Solving discipline and classroom management problems: Methods
and models for today’s teachers (5th ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley, 85-88, 233-235, 243. Wong,
H. K. (2004). The first days of school: How to be an effective teacher. Interdisciplinary students
showed less absences and tardiness, as well as higher grades. Class tardiness influences the students
themselves as well as others. To understand educational policy in the United States, it is necessary to
understand each of these policymaking entities and the relationships among them. Be sure to refer to
the discussion you had with the student and mention the date of this discussion. 4. If this does not
produce results, send the next letter to the student’s dean and then get on with more important
things. The researcher want to know how tardiness can effect student specifically to understand these
of few tudent of Nangka High School and for us to give a tips and advice that can materialized and
become effective o the students to eliminate this bad habbits and it is the tardiness. Just talk to our
smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. After attending lectures for a period of
time, students start getting to know the lectures are conducted and therefore assume that there will
be no constructive activities happen for the first few minutes of the lecture. Ames (1990) views
motivation as a process aimed at creating motivational thought patterns that contribute to self-
regulating action. Valorous for the insightful ideas she had shared on how to. Since, by law, students
must attend school up to the state-mandated school-leaving age, attendance-related issues for local
policymakers do not concern rules so much as the consequences for absenteeism and attendance
practices (Duke and Canady, 1991). Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) emphasized that lateness or
tardiness is not just the problem of the late student but it affects the surrounding people. Students are
always blamed for late coming to school. This study made used of a descriptive-survey method. This
data could determine if the new attendance policy and attendance program had effected positively
high school attendance. The Remedies to stem out or uproot tardiness As the school inculcates
discipline to have a world class graduates, globally competitive and well. Express to him that his
tardiness won’t be tolerated by telling him his next tardy will result in a detention. 3 Give the student
an after school detention if she continues to come late to class. Students who come to school on time
are not given incentives or rewards. In addition, late comers usually get misinformed during lessons,
for they come to class while lessons have already began, they also disturb other students already in
class and many at times disrupt lessons. The result showed that statistically there was a significant
positive correlation between class attendance and students’ grades. We conducted a cross-sectional
study at Gulf Medical University in the Summer of 2018. This study is about effect of ardiness of
10-Rizal student unwillingnes. As generally known, students who possess regular attendance tend to
achieve better results as success is related to one's punctuality. Although much literature has been
expended over issues of indiscipline within the school system, very little has centered on tardiness
mainly evolving around absenteeism, drugs, gang links, gun control and violence. It will also
enhance their especially ability in teaching and will give more healthy lifestyle. Therefore, this
research will further investigate the phenomenon of class tardiness. Eggen and Kauchak (2001) are
also against extreme severe punishments for tardiness since some students are sometimes quite
ignorant of their actions.
It is because the students are most mindful and observant at this time of the day. Perhaps most
importantly, the habits of consistent and on- time attendance are habits that will serve young people
well in their future work lives (National Center for Education Statistics, 1996). Tardiness is an
instance of being late, especially for school or work, that is noted down as a misdemeanors. Students
can be motivated to compete against other classes and with each other as an impetus to advance
their class attendance and boost grades. Valorous for the insightful ideas she had shared on how to.
Not only do students lose valuable educational instruction when they arrive late, but they disrupt the
10 educational environment and distract others who are in the class. This study followed descriptive
study based on quantitative and qualitative data. The proponents conducted a quantitative research
to determine the number of students coming to school late. Tardiness A form of misconduct, quality
of contaminate or later in time. Gender has also shown to be a non-factor in the attendance and
punctuality of high school students. Almost 22% of the students said that they are tardy in their
class. Employees at work have a tendency of coming to work late, and showing up late after their
lunch break. It provided a lot of literature that observes correlations and factors affecting a student's
tardiness. While some students occasionally come to class late because they miss the bus, others are
chronically tardy. Besides that, this project had inculcated the value of being cooperative as a team
member in us and we had definitely acquired a brand new experience. Suprina (1979) reports that the
new policy implementation led to attendance being increased on an average of six additional school
days per student, with failing students gaining an average of 10 school days. Again, ask the teacher
if you could come at lunch to be tutored or to stay after school for extra help. A tardy mind student
intends not to care much of education. They arrive late to school at all hours of the day and appear
to have varying attitudes and stories for the attendance monitor regarding their repeated lateness.
Thus, it is a lot important to value time and practice being on time while being a student. A tardy
mind student intends not to care much of education. However, they assert discipline must be upheld
and the intervention timely and consistent to make the student aware of the need to be punctual. The
purpose of the present study is to propose a model that examines the relationship between human
relations and withdrawal behavior of employees with an organizational climate in selected BPOs in
Tiruchirappalli. Woog further suggests that administrators are confronted frequently by differing
philosophies of teachers as they try to enforce attendance policies in a consistent 31 manner.
Tardiness is not much of an issue for students nowadays; to them it seems to be a normal thing. There
has been a batch of argument late over the usage of school verifiers. In other words, where the
operation of pubic schools is concerned, a range of policy 16 sources can be identified. Much of the
time and wealth will be saved if this virtue will be carried out to the system of every responsible
citizen. Not studying could be a big reason why you aren’t passing the class. Graph 1 presents the
students’ different reasons f their being late in class. 62% of the students considered that waking up
late as their reason.
Actions to eliminate Tardiness 10 Analysis and findings related to survey 12 Factors 12 Chapter
IIISummary of data interpretation 22 Chapter IVConclusion 24 Chapter VBibliography 26 Chapter
VIEvaluation Part 27 i Tardiness. Tardiness is a problem whether it is practiced by students or
teachers. The assistant superintendent of administrative and alternative services formulated an
attendance committee to assist his staff in writing a draft attendance policy that could be brought
before the school board for consideration. So when students are late or are not present during this
time of the day, they, in effect, miss out most of the important lessons to be noted and learned. This
finding is further explained by the subthemes about teachers’ signals and reactions and the responses
from teachers and students. Studies by Forbes Magazine show that 51% of high school students
admit to cheating on at. However, the finding of this study indicate that there were conclusive
evidence from the reviewed literature regarding students lateness behavior, yet the number of articles
supporting it was small. The researchers choose high school students to be the respondents for they
can explain what makes them tired. Tardiness indeed is an indicator of responsiveness to problems
like this rooted from parents-teachers guidance and care. Without intervention, tardy behaviors often
result in learning disabilities, erious emotional and social problems. Sixteen (16) students from
Salabaca National High School, Salabaca, Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat undergone the program for
20hrs. Foreign Literature Tardiness As a student, we are expected to perform well everything that we
do, most especially in the academic aspect. Other schools initiated interdisciplinary curriculum that
integrates discipline and conduct in academics. It can be understood as an individual risk for future
problematic behavior leading to absenteeism, school dropout, exclusion and later health problems.
Tardiness can also be examined in relation to a broader social-ecological perspective on health. Data
collected was analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies for easy interpretation and
understanding. Effects of Tardiness Tardiness among students has its own negative repercussions.
The outcomes of HRM practice a positively and significantly correlated with job satisfaction. Our
study concluded that students having longer commutes experienced significant physical difficulties,
higher levels of stress, and an increased risk o. Download Free PDF View PDF Analysis on Students'
Late-Coming Factors in Selected Secondary Schools in Zaria: Implications for Educational Managers
Gwen Mendiola This study attempted to answer the following research questions among others: Has
gender any relation with students' late-coming to school. It was present as early as 1776 in the North
American region the expanded globally with different names derived from Greek alphabets. The
results hence indicated that class tardiness among first year first semester Chemical Engineering
students at UTP is a common phenomenon. It is because the students are most mindful and observant
at this time of the day. Express to him that his tardiness won’t be tolerated by telling him his next
tardy will result in a detention. 3 Give the student an after school detention if she continues to come
late to class. In the morning for instance the students benefit from the morning activities such as the
general assembly, where vital information, admonitions and prayers are made. When students are
absent from school, arrive late, or cut class, they are reducing their opportunities to learn. Finally,
conclusion of the study indicate tha dealing with disruptive behavior in the classroom is one of the
most challenging aspects of being a professor and the study recommended further investigations and
analysis could be beneficial to obtain a complete vision of patterns of lateness behavior and coping
strategies for the student. As is generally known, students who possess regular attendances tend to
achieve better results as success. During the budget process, the overall attendance budget was
reduced to assist the superintendent with the task given to him by the city manager to lower the 23
school division budget. The related journal papers and reports on factor associated with students
lateness behavior and dealing strategies were downloaded with cut off limit from 1991 to 2013. In
the school system, discipline and duty masters are responsible for making sure school programmes
and activities went on as planned (Kachchar, 2002).
Graph 2 The students opinion if they are tired of going to school. The third reason to study school
policies according to Duke and Canady (1991) is the fact that the number of locally developed
policies is likely to increase in the future. Policy is a norm of conduct characterized by consistency
and regularity in some substantive action area. The superintendent requested the assistant
superintendent of administrative and alternative services to provide him with a data analysis that
could provide information to the school board. The students not wanting to be there in the class
makes them to be tardy. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best.
Almost 22% of the students said that they are tardy in their class. DuFours (1983) further reports that
improvement in attendance appeared to improve climate, attitude, and achievement. Since, by law,
students must attend school up to the state-mandated school-leaving age, attendance-related issues
for local policymakers do not concern rules so much as the consequences for absenteeism and
attendance practices (Duke and Canady, 1991). They should be punctual in their own meetings and
classes to avoid students to think that being late is just alright since even the authoritative persons
are doing it. In addition, making a big deal about her tardiness will also distract the other students
from learning. 2 Talk to the tardy student in private after class. Always and often times being tardy in
the flag ceremony, in attending classes after recess time in the morning and afternoon class sessions
and during the first period in the afternoon class session. Some of the implications are academic
failure, high school drop-outs, emotional dependency, drug dependency, fighting and bullying.
Tardiness is a problem whether it is practiced by students or teachers. These punishments have dual
effects on the students, thus afflicting pains and waste of time (non attending vital period of the
morning hours). Take advantage. Take advantage of things at your school. The complexity of the
Survey Sheet was intentionally prepared to extract valid and trustworthy answers from the subject
population. School personnel, school boards, and parents who examine this data will have a better
understanding of school tardiness, related school deviant behaviors. Studies have shown that looking
at the teacher while they are talking helps when it comes to listening. The last part was based on a
questionnaire adapted from Neihoff and Moorman (1993) consisting of 20 questions about
organizational justice perceptions. The results hence indicated that class tardiness among first year
first semester Chemical Engineering students at UTP is a common phenomenon. The other reasons
for being late needs some adjustments and self- regulation to stop committing it again. Figure 1. 8 20
Figure 1. 9 Figure 2 21 Figure 1. 9 and Figure 2 supports the leniency of students in their study. Not
only do students lose valuable educational instruction when they arrive late, but they disrupt the 10
educational environment and distract others who are in the class. The appointed school board
members were replaced by elected school board members. The data were analyzed by using thematic
content analysis. School as a system operates in interconnection and interrelatedness within and also
with the community (the home). This program establishes the criteria for how schools and school
divisions will be held accountable for meeting the commitment of improving learning for all.
Teachers cannot work without students likewise visa-versa. Countless thanks to our Lord God
Almighty for the blessings and vision he had shared to improve the impact of this work and for
supporting the researchers’ in the preparation for the fulfillment of this project. Some parents are at
fault for their child’s frequent tardiness.
Graph 1 presents the students’ different reasons f their being late in class. 62% of the students
considered that waking up late as their reason. Poor school attendance arouses strong feelings in
teachers, parents, members of the educational support services, educational administrators,
politicians, and pupils. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Will the alarm clocks initiative have any effect
on classroom attendance. Will seeking the parents’ assistance in the purchase of the alarm clocks
happen as expected. Graph 2 The students opinion if they are tired of going to school. By unraveling
these issues, I hope to propose a more lasting solution to this eternal dilemma hence assist all the
stakeholders resolve the predicament. Therefore, it is incumbent upon educators to do all they can to
promote good school attendance habits among their pupils. Though it was less appreciated in other
situations like productivity against punctuality, none the less, it is still very vital in situations that
needed it most. There has been a batch of argument late over the usage of school verifiers. Maina and
Jumare (2011) postulate that the principal is responsible for school programmes and activities which
cover planning, organizing, controlling, coordinating and evaluating the. An information systems
instructor, for example, can motivate students to learn information systems principles by pointing to
real-life database failures that resulted when these principles were not applied. Chapter Three will
describe the methodology used in this evaluation study. It will also enhance their especially ability in
teaching and will give more healthy lifestyle. Lastly, time constraints limited the research in
generating sufficient ground for a conclusive hypothesis. Most importantly students who are
punctual get full benefits of morning hour lessons, which are vital (English and Mathematics) for
these subjects are fixed during morning hours due to their importance. Knowing the possible effects
of lateness or tardiness, it is necessary for solutions to be executed. After attending lectures for a
period of time, students start getting to know the lectures are conducted and therefore assume that
there will be no constructive activities happen for the first few minutes of the lecture. As generally
known, students who possess regular attendance tend to achieve better results as success is related to
one’s punctuality. Answers are text amongst half or more of the students to hopefully pass, or ace,
their tests without punishment. Motivation isn't synonymous with achievement, but a positive feeling
of self-worth that is a strong motivational construct. I chose that class because I didn’t want to be as
every other high school student and just show up for 4years and then graduate. But the. What are the
reasons why you are tired of going to school? 3. The papers and reports were then analyzed and
organized according to the definitions of lateness and various factors associated with students
lateness behavior and dealing strategies. No one will let you ride into their tricycle because it’s too
far. A mixed questionnaire was employed for quantitative data and open ended questionnaire was
used to collect qualitative data. First you need to relax and think to yourself why you are failing this
class. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The superintendent appointed an
individual from outside of the school division as assistant superintendent of administrative and
alternative services. Her study was also able to show that attendance and punctuality of students are
not consistent throughout the year.
This program establishes the criteria for how schools and school divisions will be held accountable
for meeting the commitment of improving learning for all. Our study determined statistically
significant associations between commute and a variety of factors such as physical difficulties,
stress, the prevalence of accidents, sleep schedule, etc. Tardiness indeed is an indicator of
responsiveness to problems like this rooted from parents-teachers guidance and care. Sleeping late
They sleep late because they always use computer. A detention may deter her from being late again
because she likely would rather spend time at home or with her friends than sit in a classroom after
school. Besides that, great appreciation goes to the course mates whom helped us from time to time
during the implementation of this assignment by helping us to fill in the questionnaires leading to our
success in producing the findings. When at home and doing your homework or studying, make sure
its quiet and again, no distractions. Bredahl (1981) reports that the absence rate was reduced by 30
percent. To reverse the situation and create competitiveness, employee utilization has been identified
as one of significant areas to improve for the company. It contains thousands of paper examples on a
wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. It is a habit of procrastination, delaying
arrivals and missing important events. This research aims to identify the effects of students coming to
the instituion late, the reasons that caused them tardiness and what are the possible solutions that can
take to solve this problem. Furthermore, this study is confined only to the students who are enrolled
during conduct of this study, which is within the school year 2013-2014. 4 Definition Of Terms
Research- methodical investigation into a subject to discover facts, to study something methodically
Researchers- investigator, Respondents- somebody who replies to something Questionnaire- list
containing questions. Methodology The design of this study was classroom action research. It tackles
not just school tardiness but its implications on work tardiness. Also, responses to tardiness are
lenient, that is nothing is done until the tenth strike or more. Education brings into focus the social
aspect of man. Its purpose is to get groups of classified, generalized, and interpret data for the
guidance of application in immediate future.” The results of this study had revealed that all of the
participants who travels a long distance from a school has a class scheduled at 7:00 AM and most of
them are females. Job satisfaction is played an important role to employees' turnover and absenteeism
because it would lead employee resigned, pre-retired from the organization when their job
satisfaction level is low. First, we will give a definition of tardiness and present some theories and
facts about it. Should High School Students Work During the School Year. The newly appointed
superintendent struggled with providing the school board with a definite answer because the
attendance data had been analyzed only by looking at raw data collection. Valuing the education has
more on affirmative impact on the chart below with the students who are positively reinforced by
parents. Figure 1. 6 18 The table below (Figure 1. 7) is representing the personal factor of every
student hich comprehensively supports the reasons in being late with; attending to classes, flag
ceremony, and submitting paper works, etc. Because there are a number of possible reasons students
arrive to class late, considering which causes are at the root of the problem can help guide instructors
to appropriate responses and strategies. This decision should be handled case-by-case, in consultation
with the student’s association dean. This study sought to answer the following questions based on
the demographic profile of the respondents which is their gender, address, waking time, and class
schedule. The hierarchy of needs as used in Maslow's theory of motivation are as follows: basic
physiological needs (food, water, shelter); security and safety; social affiliation; 26 esteem; and self-
actualization (Owens, 1987). I tell them i would like to be a cosmetologist and often, they have no
clue what that is. Your own enthusiasm about the course content can be powerful and contagious.
Motivation will be used as the intervention tool and its impact on the focal issues will be identified.

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