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Transcript: Lesson 4: Sample Interviews: Do’s and

Hello, in this and the next and final video in our course, we're going to look at some of the do's and don'ts of an
interview. We will look at what are acceptable things to see and hear in an interview in the United States, and
what are unacceptable things to see and hear. By the end of these two videos, you should have a clear
understanding of what a good interview should look and sound like. Let's get started.

We're going to begin, by looking at the beginning of an interview. This is when the interviewee will first meet the
interviewer and perhaps, make some small talk before the actual interview begins. As you watch, ask yourself the
question, is this interviewee making a good first impression? Why or why not?

After the scene, we'll come back and discuss your answers.

Interview 1 Transcript
>> [SOUND].

Ms. Hernandez: Come in.

>> [SOUND].

Ms. Hernandez: Come in.

Michael: Am I in the right place for the job interview?

Ms. Hernandez: Are you Michael Flatly?

Michael: The last time I checked I was.

Ms. Hernandez: Sorry?

Michael: I'm sorry, I'm Michael Flatly. I'm really sorry I'm late the train took forever getting here. Public
transportation in this city. I hate it. May I sit?

Michael: Sure.

I hope you agree that this was not the greatest of starts to an interview. First, the interviewee was late. Which is
not something you should ever be for an interview. Then he came dressed unprofessionally. Finally, his manner
was too informal, and casual, for a professional situation, like, an interview.

Let's try that once again, shall we? Again, ask yourself if this candidate is making a good first impression?

© 2021 by FHI 360. “Transcript: Lesson 4: Sample Interviews Dos and Don’ts, Part 1” for the Online
Professional English Network (OPEN), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by
the U.S. government and administered by FHI 360. This work is an adaptation of “Video: Sample Interviews 1
Dos and Don’ts”, by The University of Pennsylvania licensed under the Creative Commons Share-Alike
License. To view a copy of the license, visit
Interview 2 Transcript
>> [SOUND]

Ms. Hernandez: Come in.

Michael: Hi, Ms. Hernandez?

Ms. Hernandez: Yes, are you Michael Flatley?

Michael: That's right, I hope I'm not too early.

Ms. Hernandez: Not at all, it's very nice to meet you.

Michael: Nice to meet you too.

Ms. Hernandez: Did you have any trouble finding the building?

Michael: No, not at all, thank you.

Ms. Hernandez: Please have a seat and we'll get started.

Michael: Great.

Much better, I think you'll agree. No lateness, no unprofessional dress, no informal manner, so far so good. I hope
you'll agree that this candidate has made a good first impression.

In this video, we've looked at the beginning of an interview from the moment you walk in the door to the moment
that questions begin.

What’s Next?
In the next video, we'll look at the remainder of the interview and look at some more do's and don’ts.

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