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Enero 2023

Reported Speech
A) Write these statements in the Reported Speech form

1. ¨Our teacher will go to this museum tomorrow¨ Emily said.

2. Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday at 6 pm."
3. ¨We are not visiting Paris during our trip¨ They said
4. I need my shoes! Tommy claimed.
5. My sister told me you can come with us.
6. Robert: "My father flew to Dallas last year."
7. My mother will celebrate her birthday tonight. Carla said
8. I´ve never been here before, he said.

9. David: ¨My son hasn´t eaten breakfast this morning¨.

10. Lucky: I have already seen this movie.
11. Are you working tonight? Sarah asked.
12. "Don't play on the grass" the teacher told to the boys
13. He should go to the doctor if he is sick, His mum suggested.
14. ¨I can swim very fast¨ Lucky said.

15. ¨The children might be hungry¨ The teacher said.

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16. Tyler: "Ian had been sleeping a lot last night"


17. Dominic: ¨These trees have fallen just now¨


18. The policeman explains: ¨First, they had to sign the documents¨

19. Robert: "Dennis never downloaded the latest tunes."


20. Olivia: "Leroy is out riding his new wakeboard now."


21. Marian: ¨My sister has been here before¨.


22. ¨I should call the doctor¨, Frank told Anna.


23. Violet: ¨I would help but I don´t feel well¨


24. Mandy: "Trees are orange and yellow during autumn"


25. ¨I´m going to give the dog a treat tonight¨ Lia told her daughter.

26. Teacher to the students: ¨Don´t forget to do the homework¨

The teacher reminded the students __________________

27. Yvonne promised her friend: ¨I will talk to your neighbour¨


28. Laura to her son: ¨Please help your sister¨


29. Karen: "Don't play football in the garden kids!"

Karen _________________________________________

30. Mike: ¨Don´t shout at Peter¨


31. Luke: ¨These are our dogs¨

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32. The boss: ¨I might be late for the meeting¨

33. ¨You must keep your voices down in this library¨
The librarian told the kids __________________________

34. Tony explained ¨Planets are revolving around the sun¨


35. Jane: ¨I love riding my bike with my cousins¨.

Jane told me yesterday ___________________________

36. You must be at home when I come home tonight¨

Dad said _______________________________________

37. ¨You won´t improve your cooking skills unless you practice every day¨
Sarah told her niece _______________________________

38. I found an old Roman coin in the garden yesterday and I am going to take it to
the museum this afternoon”, he said.
He said __________________________________________

39. “I can see you tomorrow”, she said.

She said __________________________________________

40. Susan told her son: ¨Go to bed and don’t get up till you’re called.”
Enero 2023

B) Interrogatives

41. Did you go to New York? John asked Gloria


42. Do you want to go camping with us next summer?

He invited _______________________________

43. Have you studied German last year?


44. Sophie: ¨Grandma, can you help me with my homework tomorrow? ¨


45. Anne: "Should I buy a new book?"

Yesterday Anna asked me ______________________________

46. Jason: ¨Who gave you this laptop?

Yesterday Jason wanted to know ______________________________

47. Jennifer ¨Where do you play football today? ¨

Jennifer wanted to know _______________________________

48. Lucas ¨What was your sister doing yesterday at 6 pm?

Lucas asked me ________________________________________

49. Nancy: ¨Why didn´t Nick go to New York last summer?

Nancy asked me ________________________________________

50. My Grandmother: "Where are my glasses?"

My grandmother ________________________________________

51. A man: "When does the train to Liverpool leave?"

Enero 2023

52. Mark asked Tony: ¨Is he coming here today? ¨


53. Andrew: ¨Are your cousins travelling now? ¨


54. Luke ¨Do you know what to do, Gloria? ¨


55. Anthony: ¨Do you prefer going to the cinema or to the theatre?
Anthony asked his girlfriend _______________________________

56. Susan asked Paula: ¨Where have you bought the blue dress?¨

57. The police-officer to the shop owner:

- ¨ What were they wearing?¨
¨Has this ever happened before?¨

C) Key Word Transformation

Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. Use between
2-6 words including the one in brackets

1) "How far is Valencia from here?" Peter asked Alfred. (FAR)

Peter asked Alfred .................................. from there.

2) "Did you go to the concert on Sunday?" Maria asked Carlos. (GONE)

Maria asked Carlos .......................................... the concert on Sunday.

3) "Can I borrow your mobile, Mike?" asked Tracy. (LEND)

Tracy asked Mike .......................................... his mobile.

4) "What is the length of the pool?" Sam asked the lifeguard. (LONG)
Sam asked the lifeguard ...........................................
Enero 2023

5) "Don't play computer games without regular breaks," our parents told us.
Our parents …................................................. computer games without taking

6) "Do you realise what time it is?" Steve asked Chris. (WHAT)
Steve asked Chris .......................................... it was.

7) Patrick´s going to be disappointed if we don´t give him a nice present next

Christmas¨. (IF)
Adam remarked that Patrick .......................................... we didn´t give him a
nice present next Christmas¨.

8) ¨I broke my brother´s tablet yesterday¨. (ADMITTED)

Sarah .......................................... tablet the day before.

9) He said, “If my children were older, I would emigrate”.

He said that if .......................................... emigrate.

10) ¨Don’t go near the sea, kids¨. (WARNED)

The kid’s mother .......................................... the sea.

11) “Have your tickets ready, please.” (TO)

The inspector told us ..........................................

12) ¨I’ll bring my CDs to the party¨. (PROMISED)

He ..........................................

13) ¨Let’s go to the cinema tonight, shall we?¨ (SUGGESTED)

She ..........................................

14) “All right! I’ll share the expenses with you.” (AGREED)
My friend ..........................................

15) ¨Don´t swim out too far, boys¨. (WARNED)

Dad .......................................... too far.

16) "Would you like to go with me to the beach? he said." (INVITED)

He .......................................... to the seaside with him.

17) "Shall I ever understand women?", he asked himself. (IF)

He asked himself .......................................... women.
Enero 2023

18) She said she was very sorry she hadn't come to the meeting.
She .......................................... to the meeting.

19) "How long has Martin had his electric car?", he wanted to know.
He .......................................... his electric car.

20) "Me? No, I didn't take Clare's tablet", said Sophia. (DENIED)
Sophia .......................................... Clare's tablet.

21) "Don't touch the switch with wet hands", the electrician told me. (WARNED)
The electrician .......................................... the switch with wet hands.

D) Match the sentences with the reporting verbs. Then, write the sentences using reported

Admit offer Invite remind deny suggest

a) "Would you like to go to the theatre with me, Alice?", said Mark.

b) "Yes, I have been involved in the road accident", Susan told the police.
c) "No, it wasn't me. I didn't eat the last piece of pie", Paul said.
d) "If I were you, I would tell her the truth", said Robert.
e) "Don't forget to wash the dishes", the mom told her son.
f) "Would you like me to cook dinner tonight? ", Sam told me.
Enero 2023

E) Turn the following commands and requests into reported speech

1) "Change your pajamas and wash your face immediately." (order)

Sara´s mum _____________________________________.
2) "David, please, don't drink so much." (ask)
She ____________________________________________.
3) "Why don't you take an aspirin and go to bed?", his wife said (suggest)
4) "Would you like a cup of coffee?", the waitress said (offer)
5) "Please Mom don't make soup for dinner", the daughter said (beg)
6) ¨Don´t step on the grass, Charlie! ¨, the neighbor said (order)
7) ¨You must be 18 years old to drive¨ the police officer told Patrick.


Participal prepositions
F) Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1) ___ lunch, I sat in the garden with a drink.

Having made
2) ___ for the bus, she slipped on some ice and fell over.
Having run
3) 3) On ___ her former owner, the dog ran across the room to greet
1) seeing
having seen
4) ___ in hospital for several weeks, she was delighted to be home.
g) Being
Having been
Enero 2023

h) ______ by all the attention, he thanked everyone for the cake and presents.
5) Embarrassing
Having embarrassed

6) The building collapsed, ___ two people.

6) injuring
having injured

7) 7) ___ by the sun, she didn't see the boy crossing the road.
7) Blinding
Having blinded

8) ___ by the changing information, they thought the plane was cancelled.
8) Confusing
Having confused

9) ___ at a low temperature, these jeans will keep their original color for a long time.
9) Washing
Having washed
10) ___ the paper, he saw the news about his hometown.
10) Reading
Having read
11) ___ by a local architect and artist, the house combines traditional materials with
original design.
11) Building
Having built
12) ___ in India for two years, Kaleem could speak some Hindi.
12) Living
Having lived
13) ___ in prisons throughout her twenties, she wrote her first play about life behind
13) After working
Having been worked

14) ___ through the woods, they found a bird with a broken wing.
Enero 2023

14) Walking
Having walked

15) ___ for the final interview, the candidates were asked to prepare a short
Having been selected

15) ___ under normal clothes, a thermal layer keeps you warm in minus temperatures.
Having been worn

16) _______ the bad conditions, the outdoor party was cancelled.
Have considered
Enero 2023

Rule Example verbs

verb + inf agree, offer, promise, claim, refuse,


verb + object + inf advise, ask, invite, order, persuade,

remind, tell, warn, convince, command,

verb + preposition + noun/+ing accuse of, admit to, apologise for,

complain about, boast about, insist on

verb + noun/+ing admit, deny, recommend, suggest

verb (+that) admit, agree, complain, deny, explain,

promise, recommend, say, suggest
Enero 2023

verb + object (+that) persuade, promise, remind, tell, warn,

announce, reply

1) If it ____________ (rain), you__________ (get) wet.
2) If we ___________ (mix) red and yellow, we ____________ (get) orange.
3) If you _____________ (break) an arm, it ___________ (hurt) a lot.
4) If you _____________ (press) that button, the radio _____________ (turn) off.
5) If you _____________ (drop) a mirror, it ________________ (break).

1) If we ______ (go) on holiday this summer, we _______________ (go) to Spain.
2) If we __________________ (do not hurry), we ________________ (miss) our bus.
3) If they _______________ (do not come) here, we __________________ (have) to go
4) She _________________ (cook) dinner, if you _____________ (go) to the supermarket.
5) She __________________ stay) in London, if she _______________ (get) a job.

1) If I _______________ (have) more money, I ______________ (buy) a
nice apartment.
2) If it ______________ not raining, we _______________ (go) out.
3) If they ______________ (speak) Spanish, we __________________
(understand) them.
4) If I _________________ (do not want) to go, I _________________
(tell) you.
5) If I ______________ (be) you, I ___________________ (buy) that car.

Enero 2023

1) If I ______________ (win) the lottery, I __________________ (travel) around the

2) If we _______________ (study) harder, we ______________________ (pass) the exam.
3) They _______________ (swim) in the sea, if there ________________ (not/be) so many
sharks there.
4) If she ______________ (take) the bus, she _____________________ (arrive) on time.
5) If we ______________ (go) to the cinema, we _________________ (see) my friend


Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. Use between
2-6 words including the one in brackets.

1) I won't be able to get to work if George doesn't give me a lift.

__________________ me a lift, I won't be able to get to work.

2) I didn´t go to your party because I was ill.

If _________________, I would have gone to your party.

3) She will come to the conference if she doesn't have to make a speech.
She will come to the conference _________________ she doesn't have to make a

5)If Monika is in Cambridge in June, she must visit her grandmother.

If Monika _________________ in Cambridge in June, she must visit her grandmother.

6)Please come this way, and the chairman will see you in a moment.
_________________ this way, the chairman will see you in a moment.

7) Don´t go outside, it´s raining and you will get wet.

If you go outside, _________________.

8) I learnt to swim because you encouraged me.

I _________________ to swim if you hadn´t encouraged me.

9) He didn´t win the race because he isn´t a fast runner.

If he were a fast runner, he _________________ the race.
10) I don´t know her phone number so I won´t call her.
Enero 2023

_________________ I knew her phone number.

11) I think you shouldn´t tell anyone about it.

If _________________, I wouldn´t tell anyone about it.

I) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the First, second and third conditionals

1) If last week the students ________________ (not/be) late for the exam,
they ________________ (pass).

2) Last summer we ________________ (go) to the beach If the

weather ________________ (not/be) so cold,

3) She ________________ (email) me if she ________________ (have) her laptop

with her.

4) If the baby ________________ (sleep) better last night, I ________________

(not/be) so tired.

6) 5) What _______________ (you/do) if you _______________ (be) president?

6) If the teacher ________________ (give) us lots of homework this weekend,

I ________________ (not/be) happy.

7) If I ________________ (get up) earlier, I ________________ (catch) the earlier train.

8) If the children ________________ (not/eat) soon, they ________________ (be)


9) If I ________________ (not/go) to bed soon, I ________________ (be) tired in

the morning.

10) If I ________________ (want) a new car, I ________________ (buy) one.

11) If José ________________ (not/speak) good French, he ________________

(not/move) to Paris.

12) If John ________________ (drink) too much coffee, he ________________ (get)

Enero 2023


13) If we ________________ (tidy) our flat, we ________________ (not/lose) our


14) If Luke ________________ (not/send) flowers to his mother,

she ________________ (not/be) happy.

15) If the children ________________ (be) in bed, I ________________ (be able to)
have a bath.

16) If you________________ (not/be) so stubborn, we ________________ (not/have)

so many arguments.

17) Julie ________________ (go) to Germany if she ________________ (not/go) to


18) If she ________________ (go) to the library, she ________________ (study)


19) If we ________________ (not/have) an argument, we ________________

(not/be) late.

20) It ________________ (be) less stressful ________________ if you (arrive) early.

21) I ________________ (not/meet) Amanda if I ________________ (not/go) to the


22) If Julie ________________ (like) chocolate, I ________________ (give) her


23) I ________________ (see) Luke more often if he ________________ (live) in the


24) If the children ________________ (not/eat) all that chocolate, they

________________ (not/feel) sick.
Enero 2023

25) If they ________________ (not/arrive) soon, we ________________ (be) late.

26) If she ________________ (study) Mandarin, she ________________ (go) to


27) ________________ (you/go) out if you ________________ (not/be) tired?

28) If you ________________ (buy) the present, I ________________ (wrap) it up.

29) If Lucy ________________ (not/quit) her job soon, she ________________ (go)

30) If we ________________ (not/work) harder, we ________________ (not/pass)

the exam.

JJJ) Finish the sentences with a clause in the correct conditional

Enero 2023

K)Complete the following sentences with the appropriate modal verb (must,
should, need) in the affirmative or negative form

1) I went to the market already, you ______________ to go.

2) I ____________ go now, my husband is waiting for me.

3) Kids ___________ drink too much coke, it is not healthy.

4) Do you ___________ wear a tie for school?

5) I _________ remember to get a present for Daisy.

6) Passengers ___________ fasten their seat-belts.

7) You ____________ forget your passport to get on the airplane.

8) Maybe you _________ go for a walk and see if you feel better.

9) If you don´t like Tom, you ___________ to see him again.

10) Students __________ use their mobile phones during an exam.

11) You __________ be seventeen to drive a car in the UK.

12) You __________ arrive at the airport early in case there are delays.

13) People _________ call the emergency if they just have a cold.
Enero 2023

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