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Topic: Drug Addiction

I find the topic of drug addiction interesting as it's a relevant issue that affects individuals of all
ages, including teenagers like myself. Understanding the causes, consequences, and potential
solutions to drug addiction can help me make informed decisions and support my peers who may
be facing such challenges. In addition, I can learn about the topic from the perspective of each of
the social sciences, and explore the impact of it on society as a whole.

Research Question: To what extent does drug addiction impact the overall quality of life, social
functioning, and relationships of individuals, and are there any notable differences based on the
type of drug addiction?

Primary Sources

JM;, L. M. J. J. (2010, August 27). The use of alcohol and drugs to self-medicate symptoms of
posttraumatic stress disorder. Depression and anxiety.

● I chose this source as it is a research article from the U.S. National Library of Medicine,
an official website of the United States government. It is the world's largest biomedical
library and a leader in research in computational health informatics.
The Ontario Student Drug Use and Mental Health Survey (OSDUHS). CAMH. (n.d.).

● I chose this source as it is a survey conducted by ‘The Centre for Addiction and Mental
Health’, a psychiatric teaching hospital. CAMH ranked Canada’s top mental health
research hospital with record research funding in 2021, which is another reason I chose to
use a survey conducted by them.
Secondary Sources

Robinson, L. (2023, June 12). Drug abuse and addiction.

● I chose this source because it is an article from a nonprofit organization that provides
trustworthy information people can use to improve their mental health and make healthy
changes. It is a pretty reliable secondary source.
Saah, T. (2005, June 29). The evolutionary origins and significance of drug addiction - harm
reduction journal. BioMed Central.

● I chose this source as it is a peer reviewed journal article, from BioMed Central, the first
and largest open access science publisher/database.
Butler, C. (2023, June 16). Are London’s street drugs getting more potent or more toxic? turns
out it’s a little of both | CBC news. CBCnews.

● I chose this source because it is a news article from CBC News, the largest news
broadcaster in Canada. CBC News is a quite reliable secondary source on various
different topics.

Source being used: Butler, C. (2023, June 16). Are London’s street drugs getting more potent or
more toxic? turns out it’s a little of both | CBC news. CBCnews.

Currency: The article was published on June 16, 2023, which makes it a recent source providing
up-to-date information on the issue of drug addiction, and the current situation in London,

Relevance: The article discusses drug addiction and its impact on individuals in the context of
London, Ontario. It addresses issues such as the increasing strength and toxicity of street drugs,
the rise in overdoses, and the experiences of drug users and healthcare professionals. Thus, it is
highly relevant to the topic of Drug Addiction.

Authority: The article is published by CBC News, a reputable and widely recognized news
organization in Canada. The author, Colin Butler, is identified as a reporter with 20 years of
experience in journalism. Although more information about the author's expertise on drug
addiction is not provided, the article includes interviews with individuals affected by drug
addiction and quotes from healthcare professionals, adding credibility to the information

Accuracy: As a news article, the information provided in the piece is based on interviews,
anecdotes from users and outreach workers, and information from a city hall report. While the
article does not provide that many references or citations, the use of quotes from individuals
involved in the issue adds to its reliability. Cross referencing information with different sources
for a better understanding would still be a great idea.

Purpose: The purpose of the article is to inform readers about the increasing strength, toxicity,
and visibility of drug addiction in London, Ontario. It talks about the experiences and
perspectives of drug users, healthcare professionals, and poverty activists while discussing the
distribution of naloxone kits and their beneficial impact. The article aims to raise awareness of
the issue and encourage further discussion and action.


Based on the CRAAP test, the article appears to be a relevant and informative source for
research on drug addiction. However, I still think consulting with a variety of other sources
would be great to get a better understanding of the topic.

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