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RC Column size 500x500 cm ( Col H‐250x250x9x14 mm)

Trial and error C distance for find ΦPn( x or y)

e= 17.837 cm. covering 4 cm.

fc' = 280 ksc. Use Re‐bar( DB/RB) = DB 16 mm
cb 26.73 fy = 4000 ksc.
/* Assume c = 26.730 cm. b = 50 cm.
β1 = 0.8 h = 50 cm.
a = β1 c = 21.38 cm. d = 44.200 cm.
εy = 0.0020
Es = 2040000 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Concrete xi εsi fs As T Force Dist from Cc =0.85*fc'b β1 c Moment force Ref (1) X (Xi)
Reinforcement Bar (cm) (ksc) (cm²) (kg) Bottom bar (cm) Bottom bar position (kg.‐m)
Concrete 16.04 33.51 254469.6 8526767.4 40811.83
Steel Layer 1 3 DB 16 20.93 0.0023 4000.0 6.03 24127 38.400 926493.4 5049.87
Steel Layer 2 0 DB 16 11.33 0.0013 2594 0.00 0 28.800 0.0 0.00
Steel Layer 3 2 DB 16 1.73 0.0002 396 4.02 1593 19.200 30581.6 27.56
Steel Layer 4 0 DB 16 ‐7.87 ‐0.001 ‐1801.9 0.00 0 9.600 0.0 0.00
Steel Layer 5 3 DB 16 ‐17.47 ‐0.002 ‐3999.9 6.03 ‐24127 0 0 4214.92
Steel Layer 6 0 DB 16 0 0.000 0 0.0
Steel Layer 7 0 DB 16 0 0.000 0 0.0
Steel Layer 8 0 DB 16 0 0.000 0 0.0
37.0371 0.1957 9483842.29 50104.2
Check!! ==> Pne ‐0.85fc'bβ1 c (h/2 ‐1/2β1c)‐ Fscysc ‐FstYst =9483842/37.04‐50104/0.196=0 0
Trial & Error again No trial = Pass
Pn (kg) = 256063
At Balance section. Pu(kg) = ΦPn = 179244.3
Mu(kg*m) = ΦPnxe = 31972.0
Mode of Failure : = Balance failure
fsi < fy ?? = YES
NO ρg = 0.0064
Tie Bar Φ = 10 mm
< 8 x dia Main Bar = 128 mm
stirrup of Lo < 24xdia tie Bar = 240 mm
< 0.5x The Least dimention of
Column = 250 mm
< 300 mm. = 300 mm

Determine pure compression load at failure, Po

Po = 0.85fc'(Ag‐Ast) + Astfy = 655512 Kg.
øPo = 458858 Kg.
Determine pure moment at failure, Mo
Mo = AsFyd = 14219 Kg‐m.
øMo = 9953 Kg‐m.
Determine pure tension load at failure, Pt
Pt = Astfy = 64340 Kg.
øPt = 57906 Kg.

Interaction Diagram
Factored load


9.44 14.277 øM(Ton‐m)
øMo=9.95 øMb=31.97


Check case of maximum compression.

moment force of member 2.980 Ton‐m.

Check compression side

Maximum compression force =
= 35.2 Ton
Max bending moment from interaction diagram
Mu = 14.277 Ton‐m. > 2.98 O.K.

Check Shear force

Vu = 2.6 Ton.
From фVc = 0.85(0.53 ( 1+ 0.0071 Pu /Ag ) (fc')^0.5 b d ; kg/ cm^2
= 18.33 Ton.
but < 0.85(0.93 (fc')^0.5 b d ( 1+ 0.029Pu/ Ag )^0.5 ; kg/cm^2
= 34.69 Ton

Therefore фVc = 18.33 Ton

фVs = Use min strrirup Ton
Vs = use min shear strriru Ton
Strrirup DB10 spac = = 35.90 cm.

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