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Các động từ phải có V-ING theo Các động từ phải có TO-V1 theo Các động từ + O + To -
sau sau infinitive

1. avoid (tránh ) + V-ING 1. afford (đủ khả năng ) + TO 1. advise (khuyên ) + O +

2. admit (thừ a nhận ) – V1 TO - V1
3. advise (khuyên nhủ ) 2. agree (đồng ý ) 2. allow ( cho phép )
4. appreciate (đánh giá ) 3. appear ( xuất hiện ) 3. ask ( yêu cầu )
5. complete ( hoàn thành ) 4. arrange ( sắp xếp ) 4. beg ( van xin )
6. consider ( xem xét ) 5. ask ( hỏi , yêu cầu ) 5. cause ( gây ra )
7. delay ( trì hoãn ) 6. beg ( nài nỉ , van xin ) 6. challenge ( thách thức )
8. deny ( từ chối ) 7. care ( chăm sóc ) 7. convince ( thuyết phục )
9. discuss ( thảo luận ) 8. claim (đòi hỏi , yêu cầu ) 8. dare ( dám )
10. dislike ( không thích ) 9. consent ( bằng lòng ) 9. encourage ( khuyến
11. enjoy ( thích ) 10. decide ( quyết định ) khích )
12. finish ( hoàn thành ) 11. demand ( yêu cầu ) 10. expect ( mong đợi )
13. keep ( tiếp tục ) 12. deserve ( xứng đấng ) 11. forbid ( cấm )
14. mention (đề cập ) 13. expect ( mong đợi ) 12. force ( buộc )
15. mind ( phiền , ngại ) 14. fail ( thất bại ) 13. hire ( thuê )
16. miss (nhớ , bỏ lỡ ) 15. hesitate (do dự ) 14. instruct ( hướng dẫn )
17. postpone ( trỉ hoãn ) 16. hope (hi vọng ) 15. invite ( mời )
18. practice (luyện tập ) 17. learn ( học ) 16. need ( cần )
19. quit (nghỉ , thôi ) 18. manage (sắp xếp ) 17. order ( ra lệnh )
20. recall ( nhắc nhở , nhớ ) 19. mean (ý định ) 18. permit ( cho phép )
21. recollect ( nhớ ra ) 20. need ( cần ) 19. persuade ( thuyết phục )
22. recommend (nhắc nhở ) 21. offer (đề nghị ) 20. remind ( nhắc nhở )
23. resent (bực tức ) 22. plan ( lên kế hoạch ) 21. require (đò hỏi )
24. resist (kháng cự ) 23. prepare ( chuẩn bị ) 22. teach ( dạy )
25. risk ( rủi ro ) 24. pretend ( giả vờ ) 23. tell( bảo )
26. suggest (đề nghị ) 25. promise ( hứa ) 24. urge ( thúc giục )
27. tolerate (tha thứ ) 26. refuse ( từ chối ) 25. want ( muốn )
28. understand ( hiểu ) 27. seem ( dường như ) 26. warn ( báo trước )
29. can’t help (ko thể tránh / 28. struggle (đấu tranh ) Ex: She allowed me to use
nhịn được ) 29. swear ( xin thề ) her car
30. can’t stand ( ko thể chịu 30. threaten (đe doạ )
đựng đc ) 31. volunteer ( tình nguyện )
31. can’t bear ( ko thể chịu đựng 32. wait (đợi )
đc ) 33. want ( muốn )
32. It is no use / It is no good ( 34. wish ( mong )
vô ích ) Ex : We agree to start early
33. would you mind (có làm
phiền ..ko)
34. to be used to ( quen với )
35. to be / get accustomed to
(dần quen với )
36. to be busy ( bận rộn )
37. to be worth ( xứng đáng )
38. to look forward to (trông
mong )
39. to have difficulty / fun /
40. to have a difficult time
41. TO GO + V-ING
Ex: We should avoid playing
with him

Note :
* Một số động từ chỉ tri giác theo sau là động từ nguyên mẫu hoặc V-ING ( nếu đang xảy ra )
See Watch look at listen to smell
Notice observe hear feel taste
* Các nhóm từ hoặc động từ theo sau là động từ nguyên mẫu :
- nothing but ( không gì …nhưng chỉ ) - would rather ( thích ….hơn ) Ex : We would rather
work than play
- cannot but ( không còn cách nào hơn là ) - Had better ( nên …..thì hơn ) Ex : You had
better work
- Let / help / make / have + S.O + V- ( bare infinitive )
Ex : - My father let me drive his car
- He helped me wash my car
- I made my brother carry my suitcase.
- I got my brother to carry my suitcase .
- I had my brother carry my suitcase .
- I had my suitcase carried by my brother .

Exercise . Give the correct form. Gerund or Infinitive?

1. Do you feel like (go)_______ to the theatre on Friday?
2. I spent a lot of time (make)_______ a birthday cake for him.
3. He agreed (see)_______ me at ten o'clock
4. They promised (read) _______my report today
5. I suggest (pay) _______by check, it's safer than cash
6. He offered (make) _______dinner for us.
7. He put off (see) _______her until very late in the afternoon.
8. I refused (pay) _______for the repairs.
9. I've finished (read)_______ that book at last!
10. We decided (go)_______ to the cinema instead
11. I enjoyed the play. The (act)_______ was very good.
12. I love going to her class, her (teach) _______is never boring.
13. He's my favourite writer, his (write) _______is wonderful.
14. His (complain)_______ is getting on my nerves. He's never happy.
15. They have terrible debts. Their (spend) _______is out of control
16. It's a very fit team. Their (train)_______ is very intensive.
17. I can still remember (visit)_______ my grandparents fifty years ago.
18. Please, remember (feed)_______ the dog while I'm away
19. I'll never forget (see)_______ that van Gogh exhibition in New York
20. Don't forget (post) _______my letters, please.
21. I regret (lend)_______ him the money. He never paid it back.
22. We regret (inform)_______ you that your application has been refused.
23. I'll just finish (clean) _______the kitchen then I'll stop.
24. She suggested (have)_______ dinner at her house.
25. She doesn't mind (do)_______ the boring jobs.
26. He keeps (ask)_______ me to go out with him.
27. He has given up (smoke)_______.
28. He's very good at (get)_______ me to do what he wants
29. He insisted on (be)_______ refunded immediately.
30. He failed. He's very bad at (do)_______ exams.
3. He agreed (see)_______ me at ten o'clock
4. They promised (read) _______my report today
6. He offered (make) _______dinner for us.
10. We decided (go)_______ to the cinema instead
3. His doctor advised him (give) _______up (smoke)_______.
2. They decided _________ (play) tennis with us last night.
3. Mary helped me ________ (repair) this fan and _______ (clean) the house.
4. We offer ________ (make) a plan.
5. We required them ________ (be) on time.
11. It took me 2 hours _______ (buy) the clothes and shoes.
12. Do you have any money ________ (pay) for the hat?
13. Would you like ________ (visit) my grandparents in Paris?
15. That questions need ___________ (reply).

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