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University of Cagayan Valley

School of Criminology



This chapter presents the reports of the study,

including the presentation of relevant quantitative data.

Findings were written up patterned after the descriptive

comparative research design. For a systematic presentation,

the sequence of the results was aligned after the statement

of the problem presented in Chapter 1.

1. Profile of the Community Residents

1.1 Respondents’ Age

Table 2a. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents as to Age

Age Frequency Percentage

Young Adults (18-35) 240 80.00
Middle Aged adults (36-55) 59 19.67
Older Adults (56 and above) 1 0.33
Total 299 100
Mean Age 29.76

The data above show that 240 or 80.00% of the

respondents are young adults while only 1 or 0.33% is an

older adult. It also shows that the respondents’ mean age is

29.76. It indicates that the majority of respondents were

young adults and that the mean age was relatively young.
University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

This further means that the data gathered in the survey

conducted was based more on younger adults’ experiences,

opinions, and attitudes toward the MASA-MASID than older


1.2 Respondents’ Sex

Table 2b. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents as to Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 193 64.33
Female 107 35.67

Total 300 100.00

The table above shows that 193 or 64.33% of the

respondents are males while 107 or 35.67% of the respondents

are females. It points out that the majority of the data

gathered in this study was based more on the perspective of

males than females.

University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

1.3 Respondents’ Highest Educational Attainment

Table 2c. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents as to Highest Educational Attainment

Highest Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage

Elementary Graduate 15 5.00

High School Graduate 224 74.67

College Graduate 44 14.67

Graduate School Studies 17 5.67

Total 300 100

The results of the survey present that 224 or 74.92% of

the respondents were high school graduates while 15 or 5.02%

were elementary graduates. This indicates that all of the

respondents reported having a formal education. On the other

hand, it generally presents that the respondents have

relatively low levels of educational attainment.

University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

2. Extent of Implementation of MASA-MASID as Assessed by

Barangay Officials and Community Residents

2.1 Implementation of MASA-MASID as Assessed by

Barangay Officials and Community Residents Along

Table 3a. Weighted Mean of the Assessment of Barangay

Officials and Community Residents on the Implementation of
MASA-MASID along Anti-Criminality

Barangay Officials Community Residents

Overall Descriptive
Anti-Criminality Item Descriptive Item Descriptive Mean Value
Mean Value Mean Value
9. Exercising stop
and frisk to a Very Much Very Much Very Much
2.97 2.68 2.83
suspicious person Implemented Implemented Implemented
in the community.
protection of Very Much Very Much Very Much
2.94 2.69 2.82
lives and Implemented Implemented Implemented
8. Assists in all
other socio-
economic Very Much Very Much Very Much
2.97 2.66 2.82
activities of the Implemented Implemented Implemented
people in the
2. Regularly
Very Much Very Much Very Much
conducts 2.91 2.70 2.81
Implemented Implemented Implemented
coordination with
concerned agencies Very Much Very Much Very Much
2.94 2.68 2.81
on the law of Implemented Implemented Implemented
anti-gambling is
3. Immediate
response in case
Very Much Very Much Very Much
of emergency (must 2.94 2.65 2.80
Implemented Implemented Implemented
be responsive and
4. Police officers
are in complete Very Much Very Much Very Much
2.91 2.68 2.80
uniform when Implemented Implemented Implemented
5. Police officers
are visible in
Very Much Very Much Very Much
public places like 2.97 2.63 2.80
Implemented Implemented Implemented
plazas and
7. Regularly
conducts seminars
Very Much Very Much Very Much
regarding crime 2.91 2.64 2.78
Implemented Implemented Implemented
1. Conducts patrol
using patrol cars Very Much Very Much Very Much
2.91 2.63 2.77
any time of the Implemented Implemented Implemented
day and night.
Very Much Very Much Very Much
Category Mean 2.94 2.67 2.80
Implemented Implemented Implemented
University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

Table 3a presents the assessment of barangay officials

and community residents on the implementation of MASA-MASID

along Anti-Criminality. The barangay officials had the

highest mean on item no. 5 “Police officers are visible in

public places like plazas and markets”, item no. 8 “Assists

in all other socio-economic activities of the people in the

community”, and item no. 9 “Exercising stop and frisk to a

suspicious person in the community.” with an item mean of

2.97 or Very Much Implemented while they rated the lowest

mean on item no. 7 “Regularly conducts seminars regarding

crime prevention programs.” with an item mean of 2.91 or

Very Much Implemented. Generally, the barangay official had

a category mean of 2.94 or Very Much Implemented.

The table also shows that the community residents had

the highest mean on item no. 2 “Regularly conducts

checkpoint” with an item mean of 2.70 or Very Much

Implemented while rated the lowest mean on item no. 1

“Conducts patrol using patrol cars any time of the day and

night.” and item no. 5 ” Police officers are visible in

public places like plazas and markets.” with an item mean of

2.63 or Very Much Implemented. Generally, the community

University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

residents had a category mean of 2.67 or Very Much


Overall, based on the combined assessments of the

respondents, the data show that item no. 9 “Exercising stop

and frisk to a suspicious person in the community” had the

highest rating of 2.83 while item no. 1 “Conducts patrol

using patrol cars any time of the day and night” had the

lowest rating of 2.77 or Very Much Implemented. In summary,

the respondents’ overall assessment of the implementation of

MASA-MASID along Anti-Criminality is 2.80 or Very Much

Implemented. This indicates that the respondents believed

that the activities related to the implementation of the

MASA-MASID program specifically on actions and policies

aimed at preventing and reducing crime in their barangays

are very much evident.

University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

2.2 Implementation of MASA-MASID as assessed by

Barangay Officials and Community Residents along


Table 3b. Weighted Mean of the Assessment of Barangay

Officials and Community Residents on the Implementation of
MASA-MASID along Anti-Corruption

Barangay Officials
Residents Overall Descriptive
Item Descriptive Item Descriptive Mean Value
Mean Value Mean Value
2. Giving the appropriate
Very Much Very Much Very Much
action to someone who’s 2.97 2.67 2.82
Implemented Implemented Implemented
trying to bribe.
3. Do not permit any term Very Much Very Much Very Much
2.94 2.68 2.81
of corruption. Implemented Implemented Implemented
4. Do not tolerate any
Very Much Very Much Very Much
acts of corruption or 2.91 2.68 2.80
Implemented Implemented Implemented
5. Acts fairly and with
integrity in enforcing an
Very Much Very Much Very Much
effective system to 2.94 2.66 2.80
Implemented Implemented Implemented
counter such unlawful
1. Not accepting gifts or
bribes from anyone in Very Much Very Much Very Much
2.94 2.62 2.78
exchange for an official Implemented Implemented Implemented
Very Much Very Much Very Much
Category Mean 2.94 2.66 2.80
Implemented Implemented Implemented

Table 3b presents the assessment of barangay officials

and community residents on the implementation of MASA-MASID

along Anti-Corruption. The barangay officials had the

highest mean on item no. 2 “Giving the appropriate action to

someone who’s trying to bribe” with an item mean of 2.97 or

Very Much Implemented while they rated the lowest mean on

item no. 4 “Do not tolerate any acts of corruption or

bribery” with an item mean of 2.91 or Very Much Implemented.

University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

Generally, the barangay official had a category mean of 2.94

or Very Much Implemented.

The table also shows that the community residents had

the highest mean on item no. 3 “Do not permit any term of

corruption” and item no. 4 “Do not tolerate any acts of

corruption or bribery.” with an item mean of 2.68 or Very

Much Implemented while rated the lowest mean on item no. 1

“Not accepting gifts or bribes from anyone in exchange for

an official service” with an item mean of 2.62 or Very Much

Implemented. Generally, the community residents had a

category mean of 2.66 or Very Much Implemented.

As a whole, based on the respondents' collective

evaluations, the data show that item no. 2 “Giving the

appropriate action to someone who’s trying to bribe.” had

the highest rating of 2.82 or Very Much Implemented while

item no. 1 “Not accepting gifts or bribes from anyone in

exchange for an official service” had the lowest rating of

2.78 or Very Much Implemented. In summary, the respondents’

overall assessment of the implementation of MASA-MASID along

Anti-Criminality is 2.80 or Very Much Implemented. This

demonstrates that the respondents supported the view that

the activities related to the implementation of the MASA-

MASID program particularly the efforts aimed at preventing,

exposing, and punishing corrupt practices, which are actions

University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

that involve the abuse of power or authority for personal

gain are very much evident in their community.

2.3 Implementation of MASA-MASID as assessed by Barangay

Officials and Community Residents along Anti-Illegal Drugs

Table 3c. Weighted Mean of the Assessment of Barangay

Officials and Community Residents on the Implementation of
MASA-MASID along Anti-Illegal Drugs

Barangay Officials Community Residents

Overall Descriptive
Anti-Illegal Drugs Item Descriptive Item Descriptive Mean Value
Mean Value Mean Value
1. Strictly imposes the Very Much Very Much Very Much
2.89 2.74 2.82
War on Drugs campaign. Implemented Implemented Implemented
2. Regularly checks the Very Much Very Much Very Much
2.94 2.73 2.84
Oplan Tokhang list. Implemented Implemented Implemented
3. Conducts checkpoint to
Very Much Very Much Very Much
track down illegal drug 2.97 2.74 2.85
Implemented Implemented Implemented
4. Enforce security in
Very Much Very Much Very Much
each barangay to achieve a 2.97 2.70 2.84
Implemented Implemented Implemented
drug-free community.
5. Submit surrenders to
Very Much Very Much Very Much
concerned agencies for 3.00 2.70 2.85
Implemented Implemented Implemented
6. Assists other agencies
Very Much Very Much Very Much
to stop the distribution 2.94 2.73 2.84
Implemented Implemented Implemented
of illegal drugs.
Very Much Very Much Very Much
Category Mean 2.95 2.72 2.84
Implemented Implemented Implemented

The data presents the summary assessment of barangay

officials and community residents on the implementation of

MASA-MASID along Anti-Illegal Drugs. The barangay officials

had the highest mean on item no. 5 “Submit surrenders to

concerned agencies for rehabilitation” with an item mean of

3.00 or Very Much Implemented while they rated the lowest

mean on item no. 1 “Strictly imposes the War on Drugs

campaign” with an item mean of 2.89 or Very Much

University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

Implemented. Generally, the barangay official had a category

mean of 2.95 or Very Much Implemented.

The table also shows that the community residents had

the highest mean on item no. 1 “Strictly imposes the War on

Drugs campaign” and item no.3 “Conducts checkpoint to track

down illegal drug dealers” with an item mean of 2.74 or Very

Much Implemented while rated the lowest mean on item 4

“Enforce security in each barangay to achieve a drug-free

community” and item no. 5 “Submit surrenders to concerned

agencies for rehabilitation” with an item mean of 2.70 or

Very Much Implemented. Generally, the community residents

had a category mean of 2.72 or Very Much Implemented.

Overall, based on the combined assessments of the

respondents, the data show that item no. 3 “Conducts

checkpoint to track down illegal drug dealers” and item no.

5 “Submit surrenders to concerned agencies for

rehabilitation” both had the highest rating of 2.85 or Very

Much Implemented while item no. 1 “Strictly imposes the War

on Drugs campaign” had the lowest rating of 2.81 or Very

Much Implemented. In summary, the respondents’ overall

assessment of the implementation of MASA-MASID along Anti-

Criminality is 2.84 or Very Much Implemented. This shows

that the respondents deemed the MASA-MASID program’s

implementation operations, in particular, the measures and

University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

policies intended to prevent and lessen drug misuse and

drug-related crime are clearly visible in their barangays.

Table 3d. Respondents’ Overall Assessment on the

Implementation of MASA-MASID

Barangay Officials Community Residents

Dimensions of Overall Descriptive
MASA-MASID Weighted Descriptive Weighted Descriptive Mean Value
Mean Value Mean Value
Very Much Very Much Very Much
Anti-Criminality 2.94 2.67 2.80
Implemented Implemented Implemented
Very Much Very Much Very Much
Anti-Corruption 2.94 2.66 2.80
Implemented Implemented Implemented
Very Much Very Much Very Much
Anti-Illegal Drugs 2.95 2.72 2.84
Implemented Implemented Implemented
Very Much Very Much Very Much
Grand Mean 2.95 2.68 2.81
Implemented Implemented Implemented

The data presents the overall assessment of the

barangay officials and community residents on the

implementation of MASA-MASID in its three areas. The

barangay officials had the highest rating on Anti-Illegal

Drugs with a weighted mean of 2.95 or Very Much Implemented

while they had the lowest mean on Anti-Criminality and Anti-

Corruption with a weighted mean of 2.94 or Very Much

Implemented. Generally, the barangay officials had a grand

weighted mean of 2.95 or Very Much Implemented.

The table also shows that the community residents had

the highest rating on Anti-Illegal Drugs with a weighted

mean of 2.72 or Very Much Implemented while they had the

lowest rating on Anti-Corruption with a weighted mean of

University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

2.66 or Very Much Implemented. In general, the community

residents had a grand mean of 2.68 or Very Much implemented.

Based on the respondents’ collective ratings across all

MASA-MASID aspects, the data show that the dimension Anti-

Illegal Drugs was rated the highest with an overall mean of

2.84 or Very Much Implemented while the dimension Anti-

Criminality and Anti-Corruption had the lowest overall

rating of 2.80 or Very Much Implemented. As a whole, the

respondents’ overall assessment of the implementation of the

MASA-MASID is 2.81 or Very Much Implemented. This

demonstrates how strongly the respondents believed their

barangays were implementing the Philippine government’s

agenda to encourage good governance and combat corruption

and illicit narcotics at the local level.

3. Comparison of the Assessment on the Implementation of the

MASA-MASID Program between Barangay Officials and Community


Table 4a. Test of Difference Between the Assessment of Two

Groups of Respondents on the Implementation of the MASA-
MASID Relative to the Dimensions Above
Type of Sig(2-
Variable Mean N t df Decision
Respondent tailed)
Brgy. 2.9429 33
Anti- Reject
Community 2.6659 300 4.356 331 .000
Criminality Ho
Anti- Brgy. 2.9412 33 3.926 331 .000 Reject
Corruption Official Ho
Community 2.6602 300
University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

Brgy. 2.9503 33
Anti- Official
3.582 331 .000 Reject
Illegal Community 2.7212 300
Significant at 0.05 level

The table above shows that there is a significant

difference between the assessment of the two groups of

respondents on the implementation of the MASA-MASID relative

to all the dimensions cited above with the rejection of the

null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. This further

indicates that there is a noteworthy difference between the

two groups in terms of how they rated the implementation of

MASA-MASID concerning all the dimensions mentioned.

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