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Narrator; As the sun began its descent behind the thick canopy of trees, young Miguel set out on

a journey to his uncle's house. As his mother tasked Miguel:

Maurine: Fetch your uncle some herbs, may that can help your uncle’s sickness.
Narrator: Despite warnings from his grandmother about the dangers that lurked within the
woods, Miguel was determined to prove his bravery.
As Miguel ventured deeper into the forest, he heard heavy footsteps behind him.
(Heavy footsteps)
Turning around, he saw a tall, thin man emerging from the shadows. The stranger's voice was
low and gravelly as he spoke:
Junyl: Ah, young Miguel, your uncle sent me to assist you. He's waiting for those herbs eagerly."
Narrator: Relieved to have some company, Miguel nodded and followed the man deeper into the
forest. Unbeknownst to him, the stranger was not what he seemed. It was a tikbalang in disguise,
luring the unsuspecting boy further away from safety.
(tikbalang eerie scary laugh)
Narrator: Hours passed, and Miguel suddenly found himself alone in the heart of the forest.
(Wild sound in the woods)
Narrator: Panic gripped his chest as he realized he was lost.
Sean: W-waitt…
Narrator: Before he could gather his wits, he heard a spine-chilling laugh echoing through the
trees. The tikbalang revealed its true form, its eyes glowing with malice as it vanished into the
darkness, leaving Miguel stranded and terrified. (scary eerie laugh and also Miguel scared up

Narrator: Eventually, Miguel regained consciousness, his head throbbing with pain. Disoriented
and afraid, he stumbled through the forest, desperate to find his way home. Suddenly, he
stumbled upon a quaint cottage nestled among the trees.

Narrator: Approaching cautiously, Miguel knocked on the door, hoping for help.
(Door sound opening)
The door creaked open, revealing a strange sight. An elderly couple stood before him, their
features twisted and grotesque. Behind them, Miguel glimpsed the silhouette of a deformed

Maurine: "Come in, child," the old woman crooned, her voice sending shivers down Miguel's

Narrator: Fear gnawed at Miguel's insides as he backed away, realizing too late that the couple
were not human at all, but tikbalangs in disguise. With a gut-wrenching laugh, they lunged at
him, their true forms revealed in all their horrifying glory.

Narrator: Miguel ran for his life, his heart pounding in his chest as he dodged traps set by the
tikbalangs. Their eerie laughter echoed through the forest, driving Miguel to the brink of despair.
(scary eerie laugh of the tikbalang and coughing and running voice of Miguel)

Just when he thought all was lost, Miguel woke up in his uncle's house, drenched in sweat. His
uncle stood over him, concern etched on his face.

Japhet: "You fainted outside, Miguel. Are you alright?"

Narrator: his uncle asked, his thin and tall figure looming over him.
Miguel's blood ran cold as he realized the truth. The nightmare hadn't ended. It had only just

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