Telemedicine Competency

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10/17/23, 1:48 PM Table - PMC

Table 1
Association of American Medical College (AAMC) Telehealth Competencies*

Competency Competency Entering Entering practice Experienced

domain definition residency (recent residency faculty physician
(recent medical graduate) (3–5 years post-
school graduate) residency)
1.Patient safety Clinicians will Explains to Explains and adapts Role models and
and appropriate understand when and patients and practice in context of teaches how to
use of telehealth^ why to use telehealth; caregivers the uses, limitations and practice telehealth,
how to assess patient limitations, and benefits of mitigate risks of
readiness, patient benefits of telehealth providing care at a
safety, practice telehealth distance, and assess
readiness, and end- methods for
user readiness improvement
2. Access and Clinicians will Defines how Leverages Promotes and
equity in telehealth understand telehealth telehealth can technology to advocates use of
delivery that affect health equity promote health telehealth to
addresses and and mitigate or equity and mitigate promote health
mitigates cultural amplify gaps in gaps in access to equity and access to
biases as well as access to care care care; advocate for
physician bias for or policy change in
against telehealth and telehealth to reduce
that accounts for inequities
physical and mental
disabilities, non-
individual and
community needs, and
3. Communication Clinicians will Develops effective Develops effective Role models and
via telehealth^ effectively rapport with rapport with teaches effective
communicate with patients via real or patients via video rapport-building
patients, families, simulated video visits, attending to with patients via
caregivers, and visits, attending to eye contact, tone, video visits,
healthcare team eye contact, tone, body language, and attending to eye
members using body language, and nonverbal cues contact, tone, body
telehealth modalities; nonverbal cues language and
Identifies three competencies discussed in our perspective piece and used for our direct observation tool 1/2
10/17/23, 1:48 PM Table - PMC

*Each competency includes multiple skills. This table defines each competency and highlights one skill in each domain across
the three developmental stages in physician development (e.g., entering residency, entering practice, and experienced faculty
physician). To view the full set of skills within each competency, refer to the AAMC’s “Telehealth Competencies Across the
Learning Continuum” document. Permission granted 11/9/21 from AAMC to adapt this table from “AAMC telehealth competen‐
cies across the learning continuum.” 2/2

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