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5 Types of

Narrative Structure
Narrative structure, a literary element, is
generally described as the structural framework
that underlies the order and manner in which a
narrative is presented to a reader, listener, or
viewer. Generally, the narrative structure of any
work can be divided into three sections, which is
referred to as the three-act structure:

• Act 1 – Setup

• Act 2 – Conflict

• Act 3 – Resolution
5 Types of Narrative Structure
Linear / Chronological

Non-Linear / Fractured


Circular / Epic

Why is a “Story Arc” in a series, called an “ARC”?
A story is told in a chronological order.

This type of structure may include flashbacks

but the majority of the story is told as it occurs.
Linear / Most books are written this way to avoid
Chronological confusion to its readers as it lacks visuals and
relies on imagination.
A nonlinear structure tells the story out of chronological
order, jumping disjointedly through the timeline.
Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar and Memento are
Non-Linear/ examples of this narrative structure, as it switches
between multiple characters at different points in time.
Two or more separate stories meets together at the end.
One of the best examples of Parallel Narratives is
Finding Nemo.

In a circular narrative, the story ends where it began.
Although the starting and ending points are the same,
the character(s) undergo a transformation, affected by
the story's events. J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings is a
perfect example of this narrative.
The reader / viewer makes choices throughout the
interactive narrative, leading to new options and
alternate endings. These stories are most prominent as

Interactive / "choose your own adventure" books / movies.

The 7 Basic Plots
• Overcoming the Monster - In the stories, this is where
the hero must destroy the monster to restore balance to
the world.

• Rags to Riches - In the stories, this is where a modest

7 Basic Plots and moral but downtrodden character achieves a happy

ending when their natural talents are displayed to the
Overcoming the Monster
world at large.

Rags to Riches • The Quest - The hero, often accompanied by sidekicks,

travels in search of a priceless treasure and must defeat
The Quest
evil and overcome powerful odds, and ends when he gets
Voyage and Return both the treasure and the girl.
Comedy • Voyage and Return - Stories of normal protagonists who
Tragedy are suddenly thrust into strange and alien worlds and
must make their way back to normal life once more.
Examples of this are Alice in Wonderland, or Cast Away.
• Comedy - Not in the "Haha" that's funny kind of way, but
more in the Shakespeare kind of way. The plot of a
comedy involves some kind of confusion that must be
resolved before the hero and heroine can be united in
love - very dramatic irony which provokes laughter.
7 basic plots • Tragedy - As a rule, the consequences of human
overreaching and egotism. Julius Caesar, Romeo and
Overcoming the Monster Juliet, Hamlet etc... Stories from this category are usually
very self evident.
Rags to Riches

The Quest
• Rebirth This story archetype almost always has a
threatening shadow that seems nearly victorious until a
Voyage and Return sequence of fortuitous (or even miraculous) events lead
to redemption and rebirth, and the restoration of a
happier world. The best example of this is "A Christmas
Tragedy Carol" where Scrooge much change his ways in order to
not be hated and have a much better impact on the world
around him.
Film Genres
RO M A N C E ? C O M E DY ? YO U N A M E I T.
Three of the most notable romance plot devices are:
• Friends become lovers
• You’re my soulmate, it’s fate
• This is my second chance to love again
Romance, as pointed out, is a type Things to keep in mind when writing Romantic Films:
of fiction, comprising idealized
love, chivalry, obsessive • Know your audience - According to survey results
association with somebody or from Romance Writers of America, 84 percent
some idea, and mysterious of romance readers are women and 16 percent are men
adventures. — up from 9 percent a few years ago.
Drama Three of the most notable drama plot (in PH) devices are:

Drama is a genre in literature / • Black sheep of the family fights back.

entertainment wherein the tone is
• Illegitimate daughter / son finds out she / he’s adopted.
intended to be more serious and
emotional. Relational development • Woman and cheating husband.
of realistic characters.
Action Three of the most notable action plot (in PH) devices are:

This major genre type includes • Guy friend 1 betrays guy friend 2.
films that have tremendous • Smuggling of illegal substance / devices, has been found by
impact, continuous high energy, the protagonist.
lots of physical stunts and activity,
possibly extended chase scenes, • Guy 1 gets chased for a crime he did not commit.
races, rescues, battles, martial
arts, etc,
Comedy Three of the most notable comedy plot devices are:

A genre of film wherein the • Love and sex gets a twist.

characters provoke laughter from
• Collective characters (family or friends) with awkward and
the audience. It exists in every
amusing dispositions.
culture on earth (though the
specifics of comedy can be very • Farce, or things that doesn’t make sense, makes sense with
different from one culture to the characters.
another), and has always been an
extremely popular genre of
Horror/Thriller Three of the most notable horror plot devices are:

Horror story, a story in which the • Family moves into house that probably has a grim history.
focus is on creating a feeling of
• Person inherits a mysterious doll/device from someone.
fear. Such tales are of ancient
origin and form a substantial part • Friends went to an adventure they didn’t hope for.
of the body of folk literature.

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