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A. PAGE 60

1. Is our reverence of science justified? Explain

Reverence for science is often considered justified due to its profound impact on our
understanding of the natural world and its contributions to the advancement of human
society. Scientific inquiry and the scientific method have enabled us to explain natural
phenomena, cure diseases, extend life expectancies, and improve quality of life through
technological innovations. However, the application of science does not always yield
positive outcomes; ethical considerations, unintended consequences, and the use of
science for harm must also be acknowledged. As such, reverence for science can be seen
as justified when it is accompanied by a commitment to ethical practice, responsibility,
and the consideration of broader societal impacts.
2. Were we successful so far in trying to tie down technology with what we
conceive as human flourishing?
The success of aligning technology with human flourishing is mixed and the subject of
ongoing debate. On one hand, technology has provided tools that enhance our abilities,
facilitate communication, and make information widely accessible, all of which can
contribute to aspects of human flourishing like education, health, and welfare. On the
other hand, challenges such as digital divides, loss of privacy, and the potential for
technology to contribute to social and economic inequality highlight that the relationship
between technology and human flourishing is complex. The critical point is that
technology itself is not inherently good or bad; its contribution to human flourishing
depends on how it is developed, managed, and integrated into society with consideration
for ethical implications and equitable access.
3. What do you think constitutes human flourishing?
Human flourishing is a concept often discussed in the context of well-being, happiness,
and a fulfilling life. Aristotle referred to it as 'eudaimonia,' which encompasses living well
and doing well. Factors that contribute to human flourishing typically include basic needs
being met (like food, shelter, and healthcare), the presence of positive relationships,
opportunities for personal and professional growth, freedom of expression, and the
capacity to pursue one's goals. Additionally, factors such as having a purpose, feeling
connected to others and one's environment, and having the agency to make decisions
about one's life are also seen as key elements. Essentially, human flourishing is a multi-
dimensional concept that goes beyond just survival or material wealth to include a range
of human experiences and values leading to a life of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Harley Sambo Favor


B. PAGE 73

1. What would have happened to humankind if technology did not exist?

If technology did not exist, the development and progression of humankind would have
been vastly different. Without technology, humans would have remained reliant on
natural resources in their raw forms, and any form of advancement would have been
limited to improvements in rudimentary tools and simple societal structures. The absence
of technology would mean no agriculture, no wheel, no writing, no advanced medicine,
and no rapid communication, which would likely have capped human societies at a level
similar to those of our distant ancestors. Populations would be smaller, spread thinner,
and limited by the carrying capacity of the environment and the inefficiency of manual
labor. The absence of technology would also mean that human knowledge would be
primarily experiential and oral, risking loss over generations.

2. Do you agree with Martin Heidegger in his idea that technology should
only be seen as one of the approaches in perceiving truth? What are
other possible approaches we should consider?
Martin Heidegger’s view that technology is merely one way of revealing truth suggests
that he saw it as a means to an end, rather than an end in itself. In this view, it's the use
and application of technology that brings forth truths about the world and our relationship
to it, rather than technology inherently holding truth. Other approaches to perceiving
truth include philosophy, which uses reason and logic; science, which uses empirical
evidence and the scientific method; art, which uses emotion and human experience;
religion and spirituality, which often rely on faith and dogma; and cultural traditions,
which pass on collective wisdom of a society. Each approach offers different insights and
methodologies for interpreting the world, and they can be complementary. For a well-
rounded perception of truth, it’s important to consider multiple approaches and recognize
the value that each brings to our understanding of our existence and the universe.

Harley Sambo Favor


C. PAGE 82

1. What is the good life?

The "good life" is a philosophical concept that reflects what it means to live well and find
fulfillment. While the definition varies historically and culturally, it generally encompasses
aspects such as happiness, well-being, prosperity, virtue, and the realization of personal
potential. Philosophers have debated the dimensions of a good life for centuries. Aristotle
associated it with the concept of eudaimonia, which implies living in accordance with
reason and virtue. Many contemporary interpretations also include factors such as
emotional and mental health, rich interpersonal relationships, meaningful activities, and
achieving a sense of purpose.

2. What is the relationship between the good life and science?

The relationship between the good life and science can be seen through science's role in
enhancing the quality of life. Science can extend life expectancy, improve physical health
through medical advances, and provide the technology that facilitates everyday tasks,
enabling individuals to pursue personal interests or leisure activities that contribute to
their sense of the good life. Furthermore, through psychological and social sciences, we
can gain insights into human behavior, which can help facilitate better personal and
community relationships, thereby potentially enhancing overall well-being. However, the
relationship is complex, as the use and direction of science are governed by human values
and choices, which can either promote or detract from the good life.

3. Does technology always lead us to the good life? How and Why?
Technology does not invariably lead to the good life; the link between them is conditional
and dependent on the ways in which technology is employed. At its best, technology can
alleviate burdens, provide tools for education and personal development, foster
connections, and free up time for individuals to engage in fulfilling activities. However,
technology can also contribute to challenges such as job displacement, privacy issues,
and increased stress or anxiety. Its impacts can be unevenly distributed, sometimes
exacerbating social and economic disparities. Therefore, whether technology contributes
to the good life depends on factors such as accessibility, the intention behind its use, the
context of its application, and the management of its consequences. The ethical and
mindful development and implementation of technology are crucial in determining
whether it will enhance the good life for individuals and society.

Harley Sambo Favor


D. PAGE 99

1. Do people really need Technology in their lives? Is it really a necessity?

Certainly, whether technology is deemed a necessity depends on one's lifestyle, values,
and societal context. In the most basic evolutionary sense, primitive forms of technology
were crucial for the survival and development of human societies, but in modern contexts,
the role of technology is more nuanced. For most people living within contemporary
society, technology underpins key aspects of daily life—it boosts productivity, facilitates
learning, ensures health, maintains social connections, and contributes to comfort and
entertainment. It is deeply woven into the fabric of modern existence to the point where
living without it would represent a significant departure from the norm, affecting
everything from individual quality of life to global economic structures.
Consequently, for the majority, technology could be considered a practical necessity,
enabling not just survival but a certain standard of living that aligns with current societal
expectations and norms. However, it's also critical to acknowledge that some people and
communities do choose to lead low-tech or even technology-free lifestyles, which
demonstrates that technology is not an absolute universal necessity but a component
that most of society has deemed essential for achieving various goals—be it efficiency,
safety, health, or comfort.
These goals reflect a broad consensus on what constitutes a desirable way of life in the
21st century. Thus, while not indispensable to the point of basic survival, technology has
undoubtedly become a fundamental aspect of how modern society operates and evolves.
It is perhaps the scalability of technology—from the simplest tool to the most complex
system—that makes it so integral to various facets of life, allowing for an array of
applications that can fulfill both the most fundamental needs and the most sophisticated
desires of humanity.
2. How do you reconcile the 'need' for technology and the dilemma/s it
Reconciling the 'need' for technology with its associated dilemmas is a complex task that
necessitates a balanced approach, combining appreciation for technological
advancements with a commitment to addressing the challenges they present. On one
hand, the benefits of technology are clear, driving improvements in healthcare, education,
and infrastructure, and making daily life more convenient. On the other hand, these
advancements produce significant dilemmas—ethical questions surrounding AI, data
privacy concerns, the digital divide, and sustainability issues, among others.
To manage this, it is crucial to develop ethical frameworks and robust regulatory
measures that ensure technological innovation progresses in a way that is responsible
and in line with societal values. Promoting digital literacy is also essential, empowering
users to navigate technology with understanding and caution.

Harley Sambo Favor

At the core of this reconciliation is the drive towards sustainable technology that respects
both human rights and the environment, necessitating a collective effort from
policymakers, the tech industry, and civil society.
Only through sustained and cooperative efforts can society harness the full potential of
technology while minimizing its pitfalls and guiding its trajectory towards the greater

3. Should there be an ethics of technology?

Absolutely, there should be an ethics of technology. An ethical framework for technology
would guide the development and implementation process to benefit society while
minimizing harm. It could set out principles to ensure the respect for human rights,
privacy, equity, accessibility, and ecological sustainability. As technology becomes more
ingrained in our daily lives and the impact of technological decisions becomes more
significant, the ethical considerations surrounding technology use become increasingly
important. Ethical guidelines can help navigate questions of what should be developed,
how it should be used, and who should have access to it, ensuring that the advancement
of technology aligns with the values and well-being of society.

Harley Sambo Favor


E. PAGE 119

1. Who are the contributors of the technological advances of the

information Age?
Among the luminaries who contributed to the technological advances of the Information
Age, Charles Babbage stands out for his foundational work in the field of computing;
he is often referred to as the "father of the computer" for conceiving the first automatic
mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine. However, the others listed—Paul Gottlieb
Nipkow, Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton, and Boris Rosing—were all pioneers
in the development of television technology, which preceded the Information Age but set
the stage for the later explosion of media technology. Nipkow invented the scanning disk
which was a key component in early mechanical television, while Campbell-Swinton
and Rosing contributed to the development of electronic television. Martin Cooper,
another key figure, was crucial to the Information Age in a different way; as a pioneer in
the field of mobile communications, he led the team at Motorola that developed the first
handheld mobile phone, which has become a central device in the age of information.
2. Aside from communication, what other aspects of society is/are being
influenced in the Information Age?
The Information Age has had a profound influence on numerous aspects of society
beyond communication. Education has been transformed by the accessibility of
information and the rise of e-learning platforms, allowing for remote, flexible, and
personalized learning experiences. The workplace has also shifted dramatically, with
information technology enabling remote work, teleconferencing, and digital collaboration
across the globe. Furthermore, in health care, the Information Age has facilitated
telemedicine, electronic health records, and data-driven approaches to diagnosis and
treatment. The financial sector has been reshaped by online banking, digital transactions,
and the advent of cryptocurrencies. Finally, governance and civic engagement have been
impacted through e-government services and social media's role in societal discourse and
political mobilization.
3. What other technological advancement can possibly be developed in the
Looking to the future, technological advancements are likely to proliferate in numerous
areas, fueled by ongoing research and increasing investment. One significant area of
development could be in quantum computing, which has the potential to revolutionize
data processing and problem-solving abilities beyond the capabilities of traditional
computers. Advancements in artificial intelligence are expected to continue, potentially
reaching new heights with AI systems that could exhibit forms of general intelligence or
creativity. Biotechnology advances might well lead to enhanced gene editing techniques,
with CRISPR technology offering the promise of treating or even curing genetic diseases.

Harley Sambo Favor

The fields of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are set to become more
integrated into daily life, potentially transforming entertainment, education, and
professional training. Additionally, space technology is on the brink of not just exploring
further reaches of our solar system but also in enabling the commercialization of space
through tourism, manufacturing, and habitation.
These advancements, coupled with the ongoing evolution of the internet and connected
devices in the framework of the Internet of Things (IoT), suggest that the future could
hold an even more deeply interconnected and technologically sophisticated global society.

Harley Sambo Favor


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