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Danis Benevolensa/ 05010423008


Entering college on UIN Sunan Ampel Suarbaya was a transformative experience, marked by a
mix of excitement and nervousness as I navigated through a larger academic environment.
Alongside the diverse range of subjects, including Arabic and English classes, the dynamic
interactions with professors added depth to my journey. The intricacies of learning a new
language, be it Arabic or English, provided unique challenges and rewarding moments. These
language classes not only expanded my linguistic skills but also broadened my cultural
understanding. Interacting with professors, whether in language or other disciplines, became a
crucial part of my enriching college experience. The newfound independence in learning and the
ability to explore various academic realms made the initial days memorable. As I embraced the
challenges of college life, the journey unfolded into a thrilling and intellectually stimulating
adventure. I happy with my New surroundings! Alhamdulillah

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