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Conformity refers to the tendency of individuals to adjust their thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and

behaviors to align with those of a larger group or societal norms. It involves yielding to social pressure,
whether explicit or implicit, in order to fit in or be accepted by others. Conformity can occur in various
contexts, including social settings, organizations, and cultural groups. It can manifest in behaviors such as
adopting fashion trends, conforming to group norms, or adhering to societal expectations. Conformity
plays a significant role in shaping social cohesion, group dynamics, and cultural norms, but it can also
lead to the suppression of individuality and critical thinking.

I. TikTok is now the favored platform for Gen Z

TikTok's Versatility: We chose this title because TikTok has become the go-to platform for Generation Z
due to its versatility in content, offering everything from entertaining videos to educational content and

Popularity Among Gen Z: Our observation reveals that TikTok has garnered immense popularity among
Gen Z users, surpassing other social media platforms in terms of engagement and active user base,
making it a significant cultural phenomenon.

Reflecting Current Trends: By highlighting TikTok as the favored platform for Gen Z, we aim to reflect the
current trends and preferences of the younger generation, emphasizing the platform's influence on
shaping cultural norms and behaviors.

II. They are the ones that we have observed to be using TikTok regardless of the proper and the
improper ways to use it

Youthful Engagement: Our choice of title reflects our observation of the predominant use of TikTok
among younger demographics, who are often more willing to explore and engage with the platform
regardless of conventional norms or expectations.

Uninhibited Expression: We acknowledge that Gen Z users tend to embrace TikTok as a space for
creative expression and self-discovery, often pushing boundaries and experimenting with different
content styles, regardless of societal judgments.

Addressing Nuanced Usage: By acknowledging both the proper and improper ways of using TikTok, our
title underscores the complexities of the platform's impact on users' behaviors and attitudes, inviting
further exploration and discussion on responsible social media usage

III. Not everyone knows the great impact of TikTok especially to the future generations of Filipinos

Awareness of TikTok's Influence: We chose this title to highlight the need for increased awareness of
TikTok's significant impact, particularly among future generations of Filipinos who may be unaware of
the platform's cultural, social, and economic implications.

Educational Purpose: Our title serves as a call to action to educate individuals, especially parents,
educators, and policymakers, about the importance of understanding and monitoring the influence of
TikTok on young Filipinos to promote responsible digital citizenship.
Implications for Future Development: By emphasizing the future generations of Filipinos, we underscore
the long-term implications of TikTok's influence on societal norms, values, and behaviors, prompting
stakeholders to consider strategies for positive platform engagement and regulation.

IV. We are also under the influence of Tiktok

Personal Connection: Our title acknowledges the personal impact of TikTok on our own lives and
behaviors, reflecting the widespread influence of the platform on individuals' daily routines, social
interactions, and cultural preferences.

Relatability: By openly acknowledging our own influence by TikTok, we aim to establish a sense of
relatability with our audience, recognizing that many others may also find themselves similarly immersed
in the platform's content and trends.

Self-Reflection: Our title encourages self-reflection on the ways in which TikTok shapes our thoughts,
attitudes, and behaviors, prompting critical examination of our digital consumption habits and the
potential effects on our well-being and relationships.

V. Unveiling Tiktoks Impact and Highlighting Influence Dynamics

The title we presented underscores the notion of "power of influence," suggesting that TikTok plays a
central role in shaping the behaviors of Filipino youth. While we do see the positive aspects of TikTok's
influence, such as creativity and self-expression, it also invites scrutiny of potential negative effects, such
as social comparison, digital addiction, and misinformation. This certain problem that we are informing
in the title encourages people to think carefully about how social media influences young people's
behavior in today's world.


G: Generate Awareness - The title aims to generate awareness about the significant influence of TikTok
on Filipino youth in the modern age, shedding light on the platform's impact on behaviors and attitudes.

O: Open Discussions - By discussing this topic, we encourage open discussions about the implications of
TikTok's influence, fostering dialogue among various stakeholders such as parents, educators,
policymakers, and young people themselves.

A: Advocate for Empowerment - Our discussions aim to advocate for the empowerment of Filipino
youth, providing them with knowledge and skills to navigate TikTok safely, critically evaluate online
content, and make informed decisions about their digital engagement.

L: Lead Change - Ultimately, the goal of the title is to lead change by promoting digital literacy,
advocating for positive digital experiences, and fostering a safer and more supportive online
environment for Filipino youth in the digital age.

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