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Student name: Trần Vĩnh Luân Student ID number: 21000906

Student name: Nguyễn Anh Thư Student ID number: 21000621

Student name: Hoàng Lê Thảo Linh Student ID number: 21000651

Student name: Vắn Hoàng Văn Student ID number: 21000577

Student name: Lê Trần Mỹ Thư Student ID number: 21000739

Student name: Đoàn Trúc Quỳnh Student ID number: 21000618

Student name: Nguyễn Lưu Phúc Hảo Student ID number: ISB21000044


Unit name: Organizational Behavior Unit number: MAN201

Tutorial/Lecture: Class day and time: Wednesday, 03/08
Lecturer or Tutor name: Dr. Gareth Craze


Title: OB-T222PWB-1_Group Report_Group 2

Length: 3592 words Due date: 10/08/2022 Date submitted: 08/08/2022

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Student’s signature: Thảo Linh
Student’s signature: Hoàng Văn
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UEH – International School of Business

Organizational Behavior – MAN201

Lecturer: Dr. Gareth Craze


Luan, V. Tran, Thu, A. Nguyen, Linh, L.T. Hoang,

Van, H. Van,Thu, T.M. Le, Quynh, T. Doan, Hao, L.P. Nguyen.

August 08, 2022

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... 6

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 6

2. Overview about company ......................................................................................... 7

3. Team Literature review of key concepts to the chosen organization ................... 8

3.1. Previous research about diversity and inclusion policies and their degree of
conformity in Accenture's organizational culture. .................................................. 8

3.2. Previous research about the role of Accenture's recruitment in supporting a

diverse culture. .......................................................................................................... 9

3.3. Previous research about the role of Accenture's leadership practices in

diversity. ................................................................................................................... 10

3.4. Previous research about the effectiveness of different policies in ensuring a

diverse workplace in Accenture. ............................................................................ 11

4. Research Objectives. .............................................................................................. 12

5. Summary of Methodology used. ........................................................................... 12

6. Team Research findings and application of key concepts to the chosen

organization ................................................................................................................. 12

6.1. The efficiency of the recruitment process in promoting organizational

diversity. ................................................................................................................... 12

6.2. The importance of leaders in enhancing diversity policies. ......................... 14

6.3. The performance of employees in the diverse culture of Accenture's

workplace. ................................................................................................................ 15

6.4. Some minor limitations of diversity still exist at Accenture. ........................ 15

7. Conclusion. ............................................................................................................. 16

7.1. Summarize what is said.................................................................................... 16

7.2. Practical conclusion. ........................................................................................ 17

7.3. Limitations. ........................................................................................................ 18

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 19

Appendix 1: Limitations of the report and Implications for further research. .... 19

Appendix 2: Focus group interview questions ..................................................... 20

REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 39


Organizations have both obstacles and possibilities as a result of diversity. Many

aspects of diversity and inclusion have distinct impacts and effects inside the
organization. Remarkably, in this article, we review the most significant factors ensuring
diversity at Accenture, including HR policies, recruitment strategies, and leadership
practices, as well as employees' degrees of conformity in a diverse work environment.
The research objectives were elucidated through online focus group interviews with
current and former Accenture employees, ranging from new hires to experienced
specialists and managers. Using our research findings, we evaluated Accenture's
diversity and inclusion situation based on four criteria: recruitment process, leadership
role in promoting diversity, employee performance, and minor limitations. Aside from
that, the paper provides some practical recommendations for Accenture's future

Keywords: organizational diversity, workplace diversity, and inclusion, diverse

workplace, diverse culture.

1. Introduction

In her speech at the 2009 ceremony of Sciences Po Paris to emphasize diversity and
inclusion in the workplace environment, Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, "We will all profit
from a more diverse, inclusive society, understanding, accommodating, even
celebrating our differences, while pulling together for the common good." In light of that,
it is becoming increasingly clear that having a diverse workforce is essential to
enhancing a company's performance and that businesses cannot continue to ignore it.
Despite acknowledging the value of diversity and inclusion, many firms continue to
reject working in a diversified environment. As a result, many talents are unable to
contribute to the workforce, and the organization continues to struggle to generate

With a goal of emphasizing the significant value of an inclusive and diverse workplace,
this article will present a typical company with a diverse working style - Accenture - and

highlight the strengths of the company's diversity policies. Besides, the report will also
focus on applying Accenture's diversity policy effectively by providing a summary of the
company and its diversity policy. Furthermore, Accenture has implemented a very
effective method for enhancing company performance, as demonstrated by prior proof
of the expression of diversity in corporate culture in the literature review part. In addition
to highlighting new areas of diversity with our methodology, we will also provide useful
recommendations that will aid the company's future development.

2. Overview about company

Accenture is a global company specializing in strategy, consulting, digital technology,

and operational services, with approximately 700 thousand workers by 2022. The
company was founded in Dublin, Ireland, in 1989, operating in over 200 cities across 50
nations, and has been licensed by many reputable clients in over 120 countries
(Accenture, 2022). As named the most admired information technology service provider
in the world by Forbes magazine, Accenture was also in the top 12 best management
consulting firms in the US in 2017.

At Accenture, diverse and inclusive culture has significantly contributed to its stellar
reputation, with the objective being to fulfill the potential of technology and human
creativity, and its commitment to people, clients, and communities is to advance equality
for all. Therefore, Accenture has been attempting to build and maintain a workplace
where all employees, high-level leaders, and managers have equal opportunities
regardless of gender, sexual orientation, racial and ethnic background, or even physical
abilities. Besides, due to their widespread recognition that equality promotes innovation,
Accenture is continually searching for fresh ideas, solutions, and perspectives (Shock
and Sweet, 2019). Recognizing the importance of diversity and equality in the
workplace, the leaders of Accenture effortlessly launch many training courses to enrich
their employees’ awareness of diverse and inclusive culture and set the visions for the
company to promote these values. Thus, achieving gender parity by 2025 is a critical
element of their growth strategy, and they are also committed to addressing ethnicity to
achieve more equity and enhance representation throughout the organization.

3. Team Literature review of key concepts to the chosen organization

3.1. Previous research about diversity and inclusion policies and their
degree of conformity in Accenture's organizational culture.

Accenture has developed numerous diversity and inclusion policies, one of which is
combating racism. According to Accenture (2022), the company creates anti-
government training programs to enhance the representation of African Americans,
Blacks, Hispanics, and Latinos in its workforce and leadership. Moreover, Accenture
effortlessly attempts to pursue not only racial diversity but also ethnic one. Jesiah and
Kalakada (2013) have stated that further to encourage racial and cultural diversity in
Accenture's workplace, the company has developed Diversity and Inclusion initiatives,
including a leadership development program for people from minority communities.
Besides that, Accenture also strives to retain and enhance its diverse culture through
accelerating gender equality, which aims to establish a work environment where women
can thrive and be treated equally to men and perceive where they feel they belong
(Bersohn, 2018).

Although Accenture has numerous strategies to establish and strengthen its working
culture, its degree of conformity cannot be ignored. Statistically, 97% of the citizens in
the United States, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, and the United Kingdom have
completed the mandatory training on recognizing racism, speaking out against it, and
reporting it, showing a high commitment to implementing policy (Birch, 2022). In the
report of Jesiah and Kalakada (2013), it is revealed that because of Accenture's policy
on gender equity to develop a diverse culture, female workers who have children return
to work within a year comprising over 90% and 35% of Accenture employees believe
they have the opportunity to work flexibly. These numbers demonstrate that female
employees are unquestionably satisfied with this strategy in terms of the policy aimed at
increasing gender equality. Regarding the commitment to protect minority groups in the
Accenture workplace, 80% of available employees participated in antiracism and
unconscious bias training to build an inclusive workplace culture (Jesiah and Kalakada,
2013), suggesting a strong commitment to contributing to a diverse and inclusive

3.2. Previous research about the role of Accenture's recruitment in
supporting a diverse culture.

An organization that prioritizes its people, regardless of their race, religion, gender, age,
sexual orientation, or physical disability, has an advantage over its rivals in a
competitive market (Inegbedion, 2020). Recruiters are progressively aware of the
benefits of a diverse workforce that taking on new staff from diverse backgrounds can
stimulate innovation, boost productivity, and yield new market insights. According to
Robert Walter (2019), Accenture's HR Department is responsible for 35% of the
company's diversity strategies development. Thus, to ensure that any recruitment
strategy attracts diverse talent effectively, the Recruitment Department or HR
Department will need to collaborate with senior management and marketing
departments. Additionally, apart from others, at the end of the hiring process. Accenture
will always give candidates some feedback and advice to help with future interviews,
and those getting their offers will be able to require further discussions before making
decisions that can help candidates learn more about their company before becoming a
new joiner at Accenture.

In an ever-evolving world, the competition from emerging economies and the aging
demographics in the developed world are driving up the demand for talent. It is crucial
for businesses to utilize their current workforces to the fullest extent possible while
attracting talented individuals from various pools for their future workforces. Jesiah and
Kalakada (2013) stated that Accenture's recruitment objectives and strategies are
executed by "Diversity and Inclusion Leads" at all levels and functions. The majority of
employees—nine out of ten—believe that Accenture is committed to developing a
comprehensive and diverse labor force. To diversify its workforce, Accenture HR
Department established an apprenticeship program to give more people access to
digital economy jobs and further advance its equitable hiring approach, focusing on
skills, experiences, and potential. As a result, the vast majority — 960 people, or 80%
— joined the company without a four-year college degree.

3.3. Previous research about the role of Accenture's leadership practices in

Diversity must be maintained with the support of the leadership since learning about
diversity best happens when the company's leaders demonstrate it (Cox, 2001). As a
result, to change a culture within an organization, leaders need to reflect on themselves
and make personal changes toward diversity. When employees perceive the company's
executive supports diversity, they are more likely to support it themselves. Additionally,
workers often follow the examples of their superiors and agree with the values they
uphold (Ogunfowora et al., 2021). Leadership entails upholding the organizational
culture through authentic communication, actions, and decisions that reflect the core
company values and beliefs. Furthermore, passionate, and inspiring leaders can
influence employees' behaviors by communicating the company's culture throughout the
organization. Therefore, a leader must serve as a role model regarding diversity.

Regarding Accenture, as a result of its leader's unique strategy and policy for both
companies and employees to enhance organizational diversity, the company stands out
amidst other staffing agencies that prioritize quantity over quality and successfully
remains diversity as a vital pillar of its global training initiatives. Besides live and online
training sessions, the company offers customized training programs such as
"Developing High Performing Women" and "Minority Leadership Development" (Perrin-
Monlouis, 2021). Inclusion & diversity increasingly plays a vital role in the company's
agenda. As part of Accenture's "Skills to Succeed" program, people with disabilities
from all backgrounds are equipped with the knowledge and competencies to succeed in
the workplace (Hernandez & Frank, 2019). Besides, Accenture introduced its Black
Founders Development Program to help Black entrepreneurs advance their technology
businesses (Heaslip, 2021). Overall, Accenture's leadership practices play a pivotal role
in shaping the organizational culture toward diversity and for initiatives to successfully
support its goal of creating a comfortable workplace for all workers regardless of their

3.4. Previous research about the effectiveness of different policies in
ensuring a diverse workplace in Accenture.

According to Kossek and Lee (2020), diversity is immensely emphasized in Accenture’s

environment. In fact, Accenture was recognized in the DiversityInc Hall of Fame and
ranked first in the United States for its diverse workplace. Furthermore, it is deemed that
individual career success and Accenture's effectiveness are influenced by the diversity
of policies inside a company and by employees' distinctive contributions and
relationships with coworkers (Jesiah & Kalakada, 2013). For example, Accenture
assists and guides women via initiatives like the Accent on Gender Network, which
results in Accenture now employing over 300,000 women. Subsequently, women
comprise 27% of the global management committee and 50% of the board of directors.
This policy engages Accenture's female and male employees globally to spur change
and collaborate on efforts to achieve gender equality.

Besides that, it is also published that Accenture also built the LGBTQ+ Ally program,
which contains more than 120,000 members from 45 countries responsible for
enhancing workplace diversity (Mallory & Sears, 2016). Specifically, the global LGBT
collaboration, as well as preventing discrimination at the company on the basis of
sexual orientation or gender identity, is emphasized in Accenture’s LGBTQ+ Ally
program. By encouraging strong and influential advocates for equality throughout the
organization, more and more people become very successful LGBT role models and
corporate managers as they continue to advance their professions. Furthermore,
Accenture also releases Accelerate, which holds the primary role in enhancing Black
employees in the organizational environment (Crismundo, 2021). As a result, between
2018 and 2021, there were more than 840 Black employees who contributed to
Accenture’s workplace. The law requires training in recognizing racism and speaking
out against it, as well as community investments that will promote change. In
conclusion, Accenture immensely emphasized the role of diverse workplaces in their
approach; consequently, they have offered numerous policies as well as programs in
order to create inclusion and equality.

4. Research Objectives.

This research paper was carried out with four main objectives in order to clarify the
current situation and level of commitment to diversity and inclusion at Accenture. The
first objective is to comprehend the efficiency of the recruitment process in promoting
organizational diversity at the company. Next, the second is to investigate the
importance of Accenture’s leaders in enhancing diversity policies. Then the third is to
examine the performance of employees in the diverse culture of Accenture's workplace.
Finally, the fourth goal is to identify some minor limitations of diversity that still exist at
Accenture to develop insightful solutions.

5. Summary of Methodology used.

For the purpose of gathering information to elucidate the research objectives, we have
conducted online focus group interviews with some current and former staff at
Accenture, which included various levels, from new employees, and seasoned
specialists, to certain managers. During the interviews, our group, as “moderators,”
have one-to-one conversations with the respondents to get valuable insights on
diversity and inclusion policies and practices in the organization's culture through many
aspects such as recruitment, leadership, and exposure opportunities to such policies.
Besides, through the staff members' responses, we have also gained more knowledge
about employee productivity and creativity when working in Accenture’s diverse and
inclusive environment. Last but not least, thanks to the information from a former
manager, some of the remaining problems with the company's diverse culture were also

Note: For the detailed interview questions and answers, please view them in Appendix

6. Team Research findings and application of key concepts to the chosen


6.1. The efficiency of the recruitment process in promoting organizational


It is apparent that the recruiting process has a vital role in maintaining diversity in
organizations. Regarding the case of Accenture, there are some key factors that lead to
an effective applicant-screening process.

First of all, the Accenture HR team concentrates on talent and skills more than
background information, and it is clearly shown through Accenture’s recruitment
process. According to the respondents in our focus group interview, Accenture conducts
three rounds, including Aptitude Test, Technical Interview, and HR Interview. The first
two tests are to examine applicants’ technical skills, while the final one takes the role of
learning about their strengths and personalities. Throughout these rounds, our
interviewees all reported that the HR team did not require any information that related to
their religion, sexual orientation, and other personal characteristics.

Secondly, in the last round of the recruitment process, the Accenture HR team not only
discusses experience and personalities but also provides the most potential applicants
with real-life situations that are related to the topic of diversity and asks them how they
would approach the circumstances. Some of the questions asked include “What step
will you take to eliminate bias from your working environment in case you get this
position?” or “Please tell us what measures you would take to promote a sense of
inclusion, belonging, and equity on a daily basis.” These kinds of questions are
challenging the applicants’ awareness of such problems and whether they have the
mindset that Accenture desires.

Lastly, fairness and equity are strongly emphasized at Accenture. Based on our
interview results, 87% of the participants said that Accenture’s recruitment process is
fair to everyone who wishes to join the organization. Moreover, Accenture’s job
opportunities, requirements, and recruitment rounds are transparent since they are all
specifically stated on Accenture’s official website. Therefore, whoever wishes to work at
Accenture can freely find the needed application information and prepare carefully for
the three rounds.

6.2. The importance of leaders in enhancing diversity policies.

It is obvious that an environment is always subject to innovation and development, and

in the matter of developing diversity policies, leaders play a very critical role.
Accenture's case is not an exception, and as evidenced by the findings of our focus
group interview, the leadership role is crucial for resolving issues, promoting equality at
work, and maintaining the appearance of harmony inside the organization.

Firstly, problem-solving sometimes requires the help of the top management, and more
than 80% of our interviewees said that diversity issues were thoroughly addressed by
the leader. Therefore, when asked about the issues and solutions, the staff are usually
very happy to answer that there is almost no serious issue with diversity, and if so, they
are given their opinion at meetings every Friday morning.

Secondly, in terms of equitable work, they assert that fairness is based on capacity and
experience, not on quantity. Approximately 60% of participants indicated that in order to
ensure everyone's work and avoid favoritism, a leader must be present. Therefore, the
leader has an important role in the team because they are the ones who understand
each member clearly and divides the work in the most effective way. Furthermore, the
team members strongly support this division of labor, and it is evident in the way they
work and their outcomes.

Lastly, Accenture’s staff have said that the appearance of the leader is also the
appearance of harmony. In fact, 65% of participants admitted that the presence of a
leader is critical in stabilizing the harmony of the working environment. Team members
are assisted by leaders to execute duties as quickly and effectively as possible.
Additionally, when a company arranges diversity programs, the leader serves as both
the presenter of the programs and the person who best understands the employees'

6.3. The performance of employees in the diverse culture of Accenture's

As illustrated, Accenture stands out from other technology organizations thanks to its
diverse culture. In order to ascertain whether there is a correlation between diversity
and employee performance, two key factors that we would want to examine are
productivity and creativity.

First, when it comes to productivity since Accenture’s employees have the opportunity
to work with others who have different backgrounds and come from various parts of the
world, they can access a variety of novel perspectives which do wonders for their jobs.
Furthermore, as Accenture emphasizes talent and skills rather than personal
characteristics in the recruitment process, they shall not miss out on talented and
promising applicants, which leads to a fiercely competitive work environment and,
finally, will boost productivity among employees.

Next, the importance of diversity within people's networks (i.e., differences among the
actors, ties, or contacts of a social network) have been highlighted in previous research
based on the idea that creativity is the result of combining various information and
perspectives that emerge from social interactions (Baer et al., 2015). At Accenture, we
can see the effect of diversity on its creativity as a remarkable example. According to
our participants in the focus group interview, they believe working in a diverse
workplace like Accenture makes them become more open to new ideas and
experiences. They also tend to share their unique perspectives of a problem. Besides,
some of them mentioned that learning a new language to communicate effectively with
their colleagues actually helps them perceive brand new pieces of knowledge. In fact,
Accenture has won many awards, and it has been recognized on the Fast Company
World Changing Ideas Awards list for three years.

6.4. Some minor limitations of diversity still exist at Accenture.

Although staff evaluations of Accenture's commitment to and execution of diversity and

inclusion are generally positive, there are still a few minor limitations in this process.

Based on results from focus group interviews, these constraints involve language
barriers, conflict in group decision-making, and challenges with social etiquette.

Firstly, regarding linguistic obstacles, 68% of respondents agree that such obstacles are
unavoidable because the Accenture workplace is diverse and includes people from
various nations. As a result, they occasionally struggle to communicate their ideas in a
way their colleagues can understand. However, they responded that the situation
recently improved when the company adopted a worldwide learning platform called
GlobeSmart, which attempts to enhance communication among employees regardless
of their cultural backgrounds.

Secondly, in terms of group decision-making conflict, nearly 80% of the participants

reported that they experienced conflicts and information overload many times when
participating in group decision-making. This was because "nine people come up with ten
ideas" and "each idea is totally different from the others." Nevertheless, the respondents
considered conflict in Accenture "healthy conflict" because it gives them a chance to
improve their knowledge and negotiation skills. It is also the way they can build a strong
team bond after the conflict is resolved.

Last but not least, regarding difficulties in social etiquette, while 48% of the interviewees
claimed that they had no difficulties with these manners, the remaining 52% stated that
they did not know how to act appropriately and politely on their very first days at work.
However, they all reported that the former employees were excellent and would not
mind if a new member made mistakes. Instead, they would empathize with the new
employee's actions and instruct them on the proper course of action to follow.

7. Conclusion.

7.1. Summarize what is said.

In conclusion, the report has first provided information about Accenture as well as an
overview of its diversity and inclusion. Following that, we discussed how diversity is
manifested in the organization’s culture. Then, as we have discovered in our literature
review, Accenture's policies, recruitment strategies, and leadership practices to ensure

a diverse workplace and their degrees of conformity have all been explicitly mentioned.
Additionally, our research methodology has assisted in revealing new aspects of
diversity before moving towards self-clarification. In the research findings, we have
analyzed Accenture's diverse and inclusive situation by conducting interviews with staff
members and applying critical concepts of Organizational Behavior to evaluate four
criteria: the recruitment process, the importance of leaders in promoting diversity, the
employee performance in Accenture's culture, and some minor limitations concerning
diversity. Lattermost, in order to help Accenture develop further in the future, some
practical conclusions will also be recommended in the following part.

7.2. Practical conclusion.

From the report, the first significant practical conclusion is that Accenture should
continue to focus on recruitment as well as leadership training, which are the main
factors that motivate the diversity and inclusion they have in the working environment.
Throughout the research, the current success of Accenture's diverse workplace is
emphasized immensely by leaders and the recruitment process. In addition, Accenture
is also good at providing numerous policies as well as programs; as a result, they ought
to gain nonstop up-to-date information about global trends such as human rights and
equality policies.
Furthermore, after finishing research, there are some recommendations for the
limitations of Accenture in creating diversity. Firstly, regarding the language barriers,
Accenture should increase more language classes so that employees can mutually
understand each other. Language programs not only help employees interact smoothly
but also enhance diverse knowledge, which contributes to the growth of innovation and
creation. Additionally, businesses might spend on creating automated translation tools
to convert the material into suitable languages for each individual. Otherwise, a
company can consider using a specialized translation agency that is conversant with the
lingo used in your sector. Furthermore, Accenture should appoint an arbitrator for each
department, whose duty it is to resolve disputes and make decisions on disagreements
in order to lessen conflict throughout the decision-making process. Subsequently, to
assist the parties in debating and coming up with solutions, the mediator will meet with

them. In terms of social etiquette, Accenture should have more open communication
channels to encourage sympathy as well as mutual understanding between members.
In addition, Accenture also created an opening bounding program that requires the
participants of all newbies, which is a powerful opportunity for them to understand the
company's culture. Last but not least, Accenture should be more active listening to the
needs of employees so that they can tackle the issues quickly and efficiently.

7.3. Limitations. (Please view this part in Appendix 1)


Appendix 1: Limitations of the report and Implications for further research.

However, a few restrictions must be kept in mind while interpreting these findings.
Firstly, a limited sample size from employees of Accenture, which includes just four
participants. Therefore, bigger sample size is required to guarantee that the population
is distributed in a representative manner and to be regarded as representative of the
groups of individuals. As a consequence, it is unreliable, which may be caused by bias
in the result of the research of Accenture. In addition, we implied the qualitative method
to conduct this research which may lead to respondents’ personal perspectives.
Consequently, there are some prejudices as their viewpoint could not reflect the actual
opinions of all employees at Accenture. Furthermore, there were some barriers during
the interview discussion. One constraint is that participants were not immensely willing
to answer honestly because of the security policy of the company. Subsequently, they
may only answer the positive things about their environment. Another is that information
could be lost or delayed due to a shaky internet connection and poor sound quality.

Moving to the implication for future research, our research can encourage the
expansion of the conceptual framework of diversity as well as Accenture’s workplace
environment. In addition, the obvious place to start for ideas for future study is to reflect
on it and reevaluate the further researchers’ results as well as their conceptual
framework. Furthermore, they can rely on this due to the detailing of Accenture's
activities to conduct programs, tools, and performance. For instance, writers of policy
papers can use our research to generate effective strategies that the majority of leaders
will have a substantial role in explicitly promoting diversity. This will empower them to
make the necessary adjustments to their training programs in leadership. As a result,
this sort of data might be a crucial source of insight for an organization's long-term

Appendix 2: Focus group interview questions

Discussion Guide
OB - Group 2
Project: Diversity and Inclusion Practices in Accenture

Total timing: Warming up and 60 minutes of discussion

Target respondents: employees who have worked as well as working at Accenture
• The current scenario of diversity and inclusion practices and their degree of
conformity in Accenture organizational culture.
• The role of Accenture's recruitment in supporting a diverse culture.
• The significant role of Accenture's leadership practices in diversity.
• The effectiveness of different policies ensures a diverse workplace in Accenture.
• The limitations of diversity in Accenture's diverse workplace.
Research objectives:
• Understand the situation and level of commitment to the diversification and
inclusion programs at Accenture.
• Understand the efficiency of the recruitment process in promoting organizational
• Understand the importance of leaders in enhancing diversity policies.
• Understand the productivity, creativity, and performance of employees in the
diverse culture of Accenture's workplace.
• Understand some minor limitations of diversity that still exist at Accenture to
develop insightful solutions.
Note: The following document outlines the structure of the discussion and lists the type of questions to be
asked. However, the discussion is not limited to the questions listed here and may be expanded or re-
phrased as the moderator sees fit.

Part 1: Warming-up (5 minutes)

Key objectives
• Encourage discussion and open communication by acquainting responders with
dialogue and conversation.

• Specify the chat's rules.
o The interview's moderator introduces himself, does market research, and
provides a succinct explanation of the interview's goal.
o The ground rules are set by the moderators: talk freely, freely, and have
no right or incorrect opinions.
o It's crucial to support individual viewpoints.
o Moderators enquire about the respondent's identity (name, age, place of
employment, etc.) and whether they have any knowledge of the cosmetic
o Moderators ensure confidentiality and explain audio and video recordings.
o The moderator requests that participants turn off or quiet their cellphones.
o Moderators provide a relaxed, welcoming environment.
o Introduction questions were posed to the respondents.
• Would you please introduce yourself? (age, gender, job position, etc.)
• Are you familiar with workplace diversity?
• How long have you worked as Accenture’s employee?
• Why did you decide to work at Accenture?

Part 2: Specific Objective (55 minutes)

Objective 1: Understand the situation and level of commitment to the
diversification and inclusion programs at Accenture (10 minutes)

1. Would you please share your experience when working at Accenture? (about
the company policies, your co-workers, leaders, etc.)

Respondent's typical answer: I really enjoy working at Accenture because of the many
policies set by the company. First, working in a diverse environment, the laws and
policies on this issue, the company must be put first. One of my favorite policies is a
workplace free of disrespectful behavior or harassment. It states that all issues of
harassment, disrespect, and discrimination within the company are considered "illegal."

2. What does a diverse workplace look like, in your opinion? Does Accenture's
workplace culture reflect this?

Respondent's typical answer: In my opinion, a diverse working environment would be a

very scary place because we have to work with both working pressure and stigma and
harassment. But at Accenture, it's the complete opposite. People with different skin
colors are on the same team and work very efficiently and without any friction.
Furthermore, promotion is purely due to ability and performance: there is no bias or

3. At Accenture, have you ever had many opportunities to interact with

colleagues or leaders who come from the LGBT community or have some
differences from most employees in terms of their skin color, ethnicity, and
beliefs? Would you show us how the others in your company treat them?

Respondent's typical answer: Working at Accenture has allowed me to meet a lot of

people with different skins and different religions, and people from the LGBT community
are no exception. take my group as an example, the leader of my group is black from
Africa, he is really talented and well-spoken. I really respect him. Moreover, our team
also often has drinking parties after the projects.

4. In some short words, how do you describe and evaluate the current action and
level of commitment of Accenture to diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Respondent's typical answer: One word: "fair." In terms of diversity, everyone is treated
equally and fairly. Many people said that it was the law that the company had set up, but
in my opinion, everyone was thrilled to treat each other fairly and intrinsically; no
obligation whatsoever. In terms of inclusion, everyone involved in a given project must
be present at the meetings to capture all the background information.

5. Do you think a diverse environment brings positive outcomes to employees?

And specifically, what are the benefits that employees at Accenture received from
the company‘s commitment to diversification and inclusion?

Respondent's typical answer: Yes, of course! The business allowed me to be free of
the constraints of stigma. I have worked in many places and witnessed terrible
discrimination, such as many people taking advantage of their family background to get
promoted while having no qualifications, or black people being treated badly and bullied
who were exploiting labor with very little salary.

Objective 2: Understand the efficiency of the recruitment process in promoting

organizational diversity (10 minutes)

1. As clearly stated on Accenture’s official website, Accenture conducts three

rounds in the recruitment process, including Aptitude Test, Technical Interview,
and HR Interview. The first two tests are to examine your technical skills.
Therefore, the HR Interview is the only chance that Accenture can get to know
your strengths, personality, etc. According to your own experience, did
Accenture ever ask you about anything such as your religion, sexual orientation,
and other personal characteristics?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: Actually, when I took part in the last round of
recruitment, which was like what you said, the HR interview, the interviewer didn’t ask
me any questions about my religion, sexual orientation, or any kind of my personal
characteristics. The conversation was just around general topics about myself and my
experiences in conjunction with several specialized topics and situations about my
reactions and thinking toward the specific case given by the interview. It was kind of
similar to behavioral tests that you could see in other companies’ interview
processes. However, in the question, there were some mentioned about diversity, such
as “ How would you react if you heard a coworker say something racist, ableist,
homophobic, or otherwise inappropriate?”, “ How do you approach understanding co-
workers from different backgrounds?” or “How would you advocate for diversity with a
coworker who doesn't understand its importance?”. The questions appeared to be tough
with many employees who have never known or engaged themselves in a diversity and
inclusion environment before. But I have worked for many diverse organizations and
checked the company background carefully before the interview. Therefore, I know that
Accenture is considered “The World's Most Diverse and Inclusive Company,” and I

understand that questions about diversity will be asked during my interview. But
definitely, the way that Accenture constructs this question to find talents that can work to
promote their diversity commitment is incredibly thorough and creative.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Hmm, if my memory serves me right. In the final round
of recruitment, they actually didn't deeply ask about my sexual orientation. Because I
already mentioned the information about my religion or nationality in my CV, I just need
to answer some questions about personal characteristics to check my perception of
working in a diverse workplace.

2. If yes:

• What was the attitude of the HR team when you answered those
questions? Did the Accenture HR team show respect and understanding
when you mentioned your weaknesses?

Respondent typical answer: Maybe for the interviewer of Accenture, diversity is

always an interesting topic for them. Therefore, when I honestly mentioned my
weaknesses and some things that I have lacked when working in a diverse team, I
found them listening very carefully to my answers, and even sometimes they took
note of the key points in my speech to ask me later. In general, HR appreciated my
answer very much, and we shared a lot of views with each other. At some moments, I
didn’t feel I was in a stressful interview, but it was like a normal conversation to gain
ideas between friends.

• How did you feel when the HR team asked you these kinds of questions?

Respondent's typical answer: Oh my god, it was indescribable, like the elephant in the
room. I mean, the questions were really thoughtful, but it was really hard and covered
many difficult aspects and put the interviewee in challenging situations to deal with.
Like they asked me, “Could you provide me with an example of how you create a
regular sense of inclusion, belonging, and equity for your direct reports?” or “In the
event that you are hired for this position, what steps will you take to remove bias from
your working environment?”

If no:

• What did they ask instead?

Respondent's typical answer:

- In your opinion, what is the most challenging aspect of working in a diverse


- What is your approach to understanding the perspectives of colleagues from

different backgrounds?

- Please share with us what diversity, equity, and inclusion mean to you and why they
are important.

• Did you feel comfortable answering those questions and sharing the

Respondent's typical answer: When answering these questions, I feel very confident
and comfortable. Because before I did that interview, I had already searched for
Accenture’s culture and knew that this company has extremely emphasized diverse,
equal and inclusive culture. So, these questions were not the big obstacles for me.

3. Did Accenture provide support when you had difficulties in the application

Respondent’s typical answer 1: In my case, I didn’t find any struggle problems in the
application process since the information on the company website was very careful
and instructive, so it was indeed easy to follow and know the steps that you need to
do. However, the HR team of Accenture was really helpful, hospitable, and attentive
as they sent emails to notify me and even made a phone call to remind me of any
important information for the interview rounds.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: I remembered that the interviewers gave me some
examples and situations for me to sharpen my mind easily. So, I could put myself in
that situation and answer the questions .. hmm … quite well.

4. In order to better understand employees’ abilities, experiences, and

motivations, a series of interviews—which may be conducted over the phone,
through video, or in person—is the second phase in the recruitment process of
Accenture. Furthermore, online testing for decision-making, natural talents, and
coding abilities may be necessary for some jobs. Do you think that Accenture
has conducted as stated?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: Definitely, yes, they implemented the round exactly
the same as what they stated. Their questions and real cases in this round were quite
challenging, and they tried to test many aspects of the technical skills of the
participants. I remember when I took the assessments, it consisted of five smaller
tests, including IQ tests, professional knowledge tests, problem-solving situations
based on the given information, decision-making questions, and EQ ones. With no
words, I could say the second round was meticulously planned, and there was a high
degree of candidate screening from the round.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Of course, yes. It is exactly what I experienced when I

was recruited by Accenture. Their interview process is quite unique, with different
case interviews to determine whether the applicant can show that he or she is
capable of solving a certain business challenge. I think Accenture’s interview round is
one of the best processes which can test interviewers' logical, problem-solving,
analysis or communication skills.

5. In your opinion, is Accenture’s recruitment process fair to everyone who

wishes to work at Accenture?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: Yes, their recruitment process is very fair and justice.
At Accenture, they also try their best to recruit talents that are not only outstanding in
their field knowledge but also in emotional intelligence in their working with other

colleagues and supervisors in the company. Therefore, they won’t let less qualified
employees take the position.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: I would say that at Accenture, opportunities are

similar for many people. Once you’ve decided which part of Accenture you’d like to
join, search for jobs that match your desire and expertise. Focus on the jobs that
excite you and match your skills, experience, and aspirations. From diverse areas of
expertise to backgrounds from everywhere around the world, you’ll work and learn
from some of the smartest, most generous people anywhere. Moreover, we also
provide an Accenture Alumni Network where you can search and apply for
opportunities, network with former colleagues and gain access to the latest news and

Objective 3: Understand the importance of leaders in enhancing diversity

policies (10 minutes)

1. Prior to the interview, applicants can review the company's website to see
what it has to say publicly regarding diversity. However, leaders may not
always live up to the commitment shown on the website. If so, how do they
communicate it and make sure that devotion permeates the whole

Respondent’s typical answer 1: You know that maintaining a 100% equal culture is
not a straightforward story. And it is undeniable to say that the appearance of hidden
unequally or negatively competitive behavior is still occurring in this company.
However, I think that every company and every culture also has its dark side in any
aspect, and so do diversity and equality. Through my evaluation and experience in
this workplace, I really respect the attempt of Accenture to build and maintain its
equal culture. They train from the top of the company - the high-level leaders - to each
member of the company about the equal mindset in a diverse environment.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Honestly, I'm not the type to go to the company
website to see the news because everything here is advised to each other through

word of mouth, text, or email. So, I'm not familiar with the accuracy between the
information on the website and the reality. But the leaders here are all very friendly
with the team to ensure that there is no friction or discrimination.

2. How often do your leaders have meetings to solve problems?

Respondent's typical answer 1: As a member of the marketing department, I would

say that we have a meeting every quarter to address issues and provide problems.
However, not all departments in my company hold meetings to solve problems; it
depends on the leader. The leader can choose any practices or techniques to work
toward effective solutions.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Honestly, problems are always around us even

though we have put in place regulations to reduce them. And it's the same in
Accenture, although the problems aren't that great. But to be fair, my leader has set
up a meeting every Friday morning so that everyone can give opinions and raise
issues that need the leader's help. In my opinion, this meeting gradually turned into a
chat or a work session with very little on diversity issues.

3. Do you consider high power distance from your leaders?

Respondent’s typical answer: Absolutely not. Maybe at another company, this

happened, but in Accenture alone, I have not yet recorded this incident. Everyone in the
team works very fairly and even the leader. In my opinion, the leader in the team is a
person who guides and leads the team to complete the best project.

4. Is it difficult for you to report discrimination?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: Our company encourages people to speak up if we

experience, see or become aware of any inappropriate behavior, including any form of
disrespect, harassment, racism, discrimination, retaliation, or any concerns about
unethical or illegal behavior. And we have zero tolerance for retaliation. Once our
company gets to the facts, we determine appropriate outcomes and ensure that they
are applied fairly and consistently on a global basis—regardless of seniority, position,

or contribution to Accenture. We communicate back to all parties to share when the
investigation is concluded. Often the outcomes of an investigation are confidential but
typically result in discipline, counseling, or termination.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: As I said above, every Friday morning, there will be a
meeting, or sooner I can speak directly or send direct mail. So it's straightforward to
report discrimination. But with a friendly working environment and strict policies that
the company has put in place, discrimination does not happen at all.

5. Do your leaders offer equitable jobs for each member?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: I have to say that there is not any absolute equality
but still at a relative level in my company. The leaders will give their employees jobs
that are in accordance with their skills and experiences and the level of that job. Each
member will have their own strengths and weaknesses, which suit some specific
tasks. Additionally, the leaders sometimes offer new tasks to those they think have
sufficient ability.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Honestly, the work is very difficult to divide fairly
because it is not an amount that is easily divided. Moreover, each person has their
own strengths, and the work is also divided according to each person's strengths.

6. Have you ever felt inequitable?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: Honestly, I have never felt inequitable in my

workplace because my leaders directly show their commitment to transformation
through inclusion and diversity. You know that my coworkers and I come from
different nations, genders, and racial and ethnic backgrounds and have actually
different mindsets with diverse perspectives. However, we are treated equally in any
tasks and activities at work, such as contributing our ideas in the meetings, giving the
same well-being to employees, promoting, and so on. To be honest, when I first
moved on to my work in Accenture, I actually doubted if this workplace culture is
equitable. After such a time, the treatment of high-level leaders and managers to their

subordinates has changed my mind because each person in Accenture strives to
build and maintain a culture where people have equal opportunities.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Of course not; as I said above, the work is divided by
strengths. However, in the team, everyone helps each other to get the best results.
For example, in one project, I did a lot of paperwork, but my colleagues worked on
content creation. The work on drawing content ended quite quickly, so my colleagues
all supported me in completing my work. After that, of course, I treated a colleague to
a meal.

7. Do your leaders help enhance mutual understanding between members?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: Definitely, yes. The leaders of Accenture attempt to

provide an equal culture where employees are treated fairly. For example, the
workers are paid when considering the similarity of work, location, and tenure at the
career level. So it will not lead to conflicts about salary-related problems. Moreover, in
that culture, everyone highly acknowledges the existence of mutual understanding,
respect, enthusiasm, sharing, and harmony are very important.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Of course, this is a must in the Accenture working

environment. Working in such a diverse environment, without mutual understanding, it
will be difficult to cooperate. And the usual activities are meetings just to chat to learn
about each other, meals, and picnics.

8. Do your leaders have awards for members if they attend diverse company

Respondent’s typical answer 1: Let me see. In my opinion, building an equal culture

where people from different nations, genders and racial and ethnic backgrounds are
treated in the same way tends to be a personal perception. I mean that working in this
culture not only helps the workers feel more comfortable, confident, motivated, and
respected; but also increases job performance, including creativity, productivity, good
attitude, motivation, contribution, and so on. So, each member has the responsibility
to maintain this culture, not only for others but also for themselves. Thus, the leaders

in our company quite lack awards for the members if they attend diverse company
programs. However, when we achieved some rewards related to the diverse
company, they also indicated their grateful speech to every employee.

Respondent's typical answer 2: In my opinion, the reward is nothing. Because we

joined it voluntarily and like the original desire to work at Accenture was to embrace
diversity. Honestly, we accept each other internally. Therefore, the programs only
help to enhance trust and cooperation with each other.

Objective 4: Understand the productivity and creativity of employees in the

diverse culture of Accenture's workplace (15 minutes).

1. How do you boost your creativity in a diverse workplace?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: As you already know, Accenture gives us such a

great opportunity to work with people who come from various parts of the world. I tried
to make the most of it by exposing myself as much as I could to new experiences and
different points of view to enhance my creativity.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: I can boost my creativity by learning from others.

Communicating and sharing in the community of Accenture’s environment
encourages me to enhance new ideas since diversity is immensely emphasized at

2. Which factors affect your productivity when working in a diverse workplace?

(characteristic, language, culture, perspective,...) ?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: I think it is perspectives that have the most impact on
me in a diverse workplace since we have to discuss a lot in periodic meetings and
that when we figure out that we all have different points of view on different aspects.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: When I am working in a diverse workplace, I consider

that members, as well as the relationship, will affect my productivity. Since members
who hold close and direct connections with me from different cultures can achieve
new targets and innovation, in addition, I think that languages will also have an
important role in boosting my creativity. Since learning a new language can help me
explore a new world that I have never touched.

3. How do you deal with the reduction of creativity and productivity in a diverse

Respondent’s typical answer 1: Up to the present, I do not think that diversity actually
decreases my creativity. Regarding productivity, yes, it does. It is miscommunication
and misunderstanding that takes us more time to get to each other’s point.
Nonetheless, after some time spent working for Accenture, I learned that only when
you practice active listening can you make the communication process faster and
more effective. If you jump at the conclusion right away without listening to the full
sentence, everything will not work out.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: It is hard for me to answer this question. Since at

Accenture’s culture, I have had opportunities to explore new cultures as well as new
ideas. In addition, Accenture promotes a team-based workplace where everyone
works together. Moreover, In order to capitalize on our employees' enthusiasm for
developing cutting-edge technology solutions that have a good impact on society,
Accenture ANZ established the Social Innovation Challenge.

4. Does Accenture have any activities or programs as well as policies that help
employees improve their productivity and creativity?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: Accenture believes that only when you are able to
work in a diverse and inclusive environment can your creativity and productivity thrive.
Thus, Accenture provides employees with disabilities with accessible tools and
technology or formal accommodation programs. Accenture also holds training
programs for those without disabilities to boost integration.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Yes, there are many programs and policies to
enhance productivity as well as creation at Accenture. For example, ServiceNow
Predictive intelligence contributes to improving worker productivity and corporate

efficiency. It bears the possibility of enabling Accenture IT specialists and HR
representatives to operate more intelligently, quickly, precisely, and favorably.

5. How does it feel when working with people who have different levels of
productivity and creativity?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: For me, at first, it is quite frustrating since diversity
means that they are different from you and their working pace is also a far cry from
you. However, we soon get the chance to get to know each other and openly share
our difficulties due to physical or cultural differences. And that makes us understand
and support each other more at work and sometimes outside work.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: My experience at Accenture is extraordinary because

there are so many people with such different levels of productivity and creativity.
Personal experience has shown me that adapting my own style to fit the other cultural
nuances and working styles, specifically their productivity and creativity levels, helps
me achieve better results for myself and my team.

6. On a scale of 1 to 10 with increasing intensity, how would you rate your

performance in your current work environment?

Respondent typical answer 1: I belong to the ‘Openness’ type of person according to

the Big 5 Test that I have taken. I believe I can fit in my work environment easily.
Therefore, my current work performance would be 8.

Respondent typical answer 2: Around 8 for sure. When working in an environment

creating empowering environments where employees can be themselves, raise
concerns, and innovate without fear of failure, I felt like I belonged to the company
and tried my best to do my job.

7. In a diverse workplace, it is undeniable to face issues in evaluating the

performance of work depending on demographic characteristics such as
gender, race, ethnicity, and others. In many types of research, that situation
leads to inequality in the workplace.

• Depending on your time experienced in Accenture, how do you feel about
this problem? Do the high-level managers of Accenture have any
policies to avoid it?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: I have worked at Accenture for almost three years
now, and I can see that sometimes women are underrated, yet, Accenture is making
a lot of progress to change that situation. I think the most powerful tool that Accenture
uses is its culture. They try to turn caring into doing and boost their culture day by

Respondent’s typical answer 2: There are two things I really love about working here.
One of our strengths is our technological prowess and our willingness to stay on the
cutting edge of emerging technologies. The second thing is our commitment to
inclusion and diversity - this is one company that has taken steps to address the
diversity gap. I remember my CEO once said: "You can only have a culture of equality
if you start with the belief that diversity matters." This is true because our commitment
to building an inclusive workforce has never been stronger.

As part of Accenture's gender-balanced workforce goal by 2025, our senior

executives set bold goals that support women's advancement and thriving. To
achieve that, they offer a strong mentoring program to help our people succeed at
every stage of their career, as well as flexible working arrangements, including job-
sharing and part-time work schedules, to meet our people's needs.

Despite our progress toward equality, I sometimes feel like we haven't yet reached
our destination, but together with our people, we will accelerate our progress and
unlock new potential for our people.

8. Do you think working with many coworkers helps you work more
productively and creatively because the more diverse the workplace, the higher
the number of supportive ideas? Why and why not?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: As I mentioned above, from my perspective, working

in such a diverse workplace as Accenture, I got the chance to approach new pieces of

knowledge and points of view. So, surely a diverse work environment would produce
more and more supportive and innovative ideas for a company.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Collaboration with people from different cultures is

one of the reasons I enjoy working at Accenture. My ability to increase my productivity
and creativity has been enhanced by working in different countries. These things have
forced me to go outside my safe zone and bring many greater opportunities for my
future career.

Objective 5: Understand some minor limitations of diversity that still exist at

Accenture to develop insightful solutions (10 minutes).

1. The company has a very diverse working environment and people from
different countries. So is there a language barrier problem in your company?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: Language barriers are often the most significant
business communication challenge, but the situation got much better since Accenture
has a global learning platform called GlobeSmart, which aims to improve how we
communicate no matter what culture we come from. It is available in multiple languages
to all Accenture employees. In the tool, individuals' work styles are compared with those
of colleagues from other cultures. The result is insightful, flexible, and individualized
guidance on how to collaborate successfully with coworkers from other cultures.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Honestly, to say a diverse company that has no

language barriers is impossible. However, at Accenture, such obstacles are limited due
to the practical and innovative approach of the company to creating an inclusive
environment among staff. In fact, I am currently working at Accenture with a subsidiary
based in Japan. Even though the majority of our workers can read Japanese and
English, our organization saw the need to adopt a proactive approach for more inclusive
employee communications by entirely ripping down any language barrier. As a result,
Accenture Japan decided to create a proof of concept (PoC) program based on the
feedback from employees. The firm has worked very hard on this program to assist
employees in feeling more at ease at work and overcoming linguistic difficulties.

2. Have you ever had a problem in your team where you have too many opinions
leading to conflict in the final decision?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: The fact that we have different backgrounds from
different cultures makes it easier for us to share our views and come up with great
ideas; however, we still experience conflict and feel overloaded with information.
Therefore, we practice effective listening, become comfortable receiving feedback, do
not be afraid to ask questions, and show empathy when working with teams across
borders, and particularly we never allow unconscious bias to cloud our judgment. This is
because when we take the time and make the effort to understand other cultures and
acknowledge people's unique, multidimensional backgrounds, we become truly human.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Absolutely yes, conflict is inevitable in every part of our
decision-making process when nine people come up with 10 ideas, and each idea may
be totally different and separate from the others. But I would rather consider conflict as
Accenture as “healthy conflict” due to it helps us a lot to improve our knowledge and
negotiation skills, and it is also a way in which we could build a strong group connection
after the conflict is solved. Let me take an example for you to visualize. Last month, I
worked on a project with five of my colleagues to improve the cloud-based information
system of the company to make the data more efficient. An interesting point here is all
six of us came from different backgrounds and specialized in specific parts of
technology. As a result, in the process of collaborating with each other, each of us
wanted a particular part of the program to be completed. For example, William himself
was very strong on coding resource pooling and emphasized that everyone should do
his plan called “ Broad network access.” But for Sophie, she was very talented at
making deployment methods, and she wanted everyone to build “On-demand self-
service” programs. By that, you can see it was not easy to come to a common voice in
the team. However, through planning several meetings to talk and debate together, our
team discussed which was the core problem and what actions should be done at that
time rather than making everything but didn’t solve anything.

3. Your company has human resources from different countries, so do you have
problems with social etiquette?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: No. Because human resources ensure opportunities
will be reinvented along with a culture of mentoring and building diverse teams by
providing creative training, leadership development, and career routes.

Respondent’s typical answer 2: I think the staff at Accenture won’t have much problem
with social etiquette, although each of them comes from different background. Maybe at
the very first date when a new staff member works at the company, they may find some
difficulties to behave and talk to other employees due to the fact that they didn’t know if
they behave in that way, whether it is polite or not. However, the former employees at
Accenture are totally fine, and they will not mind if you do wrong. Instead, they will
sympathize with your behavior and tell you which is the right way to do it. This is the
thing that I like most about the company.

4. To join a new working environment, taking a course is inevitable. So do you

ever have difficulty in learning as well as internship due to the difference in the
training system when joining Accenture?

Respondent’s typical answer 1: No. Since Accenture also provides a comprehensive

program, which encourages interns to adapt easily to work culture, comprises advanced
training, support networks, adaptable work schedules, coaching, tools for developing
mental toughness, equal rewards for co-calculators if local legislation permits, and more

Respondent’s typical answer 2: Actually, I have experienced several difficulties when

taking courses and training sessions at Accenture due to their ways of implementing
such programs, which are quite unique compared to other companies that I have taken.
I could say that the programs are quite “diverse,” just like the culture of the company
itself. At Accenture, we have something called “The Accenture training center
experience,” which is responsible for providing training sessions to employees.
However, as usual, employers will be the ones who assign the appropriate programs for
their subordinates. But for Accenture, it is not the case since we are given a chance to
choose the programs that we find interesting to learn. And after learning, we will have
an evaluation session in which the upper managers assess our performance after

finishing the courses. It may sound very cool when “the right to choose is given to you,”
and you don't need to learn what you don’t think just because someone told you to do
that. But in my opinion, this is also the difficulty for me when participating in the training
part as there are too many quality programs and I don’t know the starting point like
which courses should I take at first.

Part 3: Thanks and Close (5 minutes)

• Any further information, if necessary

• Sum up & thank respondents for their participation.


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