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Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

This document composes of 4 main parts of installation

Part 1 Installation of “Java Runtime Environment” program
Part 2 Security setting of Internet Explorer
Part 3 Date & Time’s setting
Part 4 Installation of component in Internet Explorer

 Before setting the above 4 parts login to the using computer by user that has local administrator
level ( If no user please contact network administration officer of your office)
 After installation of above 4 parts you can login by any user (no need to login by user that has
local administration level anymore)

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Part 1 Step of “Java Runtime Environment” program installation


We can notice that the using computer already installed “Java Runtime Environment” program or
not by look at “Fleet Expert Pro” program. If computer didn’t install “Java Runtime Environment”
program when open “Fleet Expert Pro” program, the screen will not show for Map and detail list as
picture1.0 so it needs to install “Java Runtime Environment” program as the follow step

Picture1.0 show the main screen that didn’t install “Java Runtime Environment” program

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

1. Double click “Internet Explorer” icon (IE) as picture 1.1

Picture 1.1 show “Internet Explorer” icon

2. After run Internet Explorer, you can download Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6 update 13
from the website or For example, We
choose download Java Runtime Environment (JRE) from by type
“ ” in the “Address” column then
press “Enter” as picture 2.1

Picture 2.1 show typing of URL

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

3. Click “Download JRE” as picture 3.1

Picture3.1 show the screen for downloading “Java Runtime Environment” program

4. Select Windows Platform, Check correct at “I agree to the Java SE Runtime Environment 6 with JavaFX
License Agreement .” and then click “Continue” button as picture 4.1

Picture 4.1 show the screen of “Java Runtime Environment” program‘s confirmation

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

5. Click “jre-6u13-windows-i586-p.exe” to download Java Runtime Environment as picture 5.1. After that
the download screen will appear and click “Run” button as picture 5.2. so wait for a while as picture
5.3, after that the screen will show “Internet Explorer – Security Warning” and click “Run” button as
picture 5.4

Picture 5.1 Show the screen for download Java Runtime Download Information

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Picture 5.2 Show the screen Java Runtime Environment download

Picture 5.3 Show the screen for Java Runtime Environment download status

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Picture 5.4 Show the screen for Java Runtime Environment install confirmation

6. After click “Run” button, The screen will show “Welcome to Java and JavaFX” then click “Accept” button
as picture 6.1

Picture 6.1 show the screen of “Java Runtime Environment” program‘s approaching

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

7. After click “Accept” button, the screen will appear for install Java Runtime Environment… wait for a
while as picture 7.1, when the system finished installing, the next screen will appear to inform that
already installed the program, then click “Finish” button as picture 7.2

Picture7.1 show the screen of “Java Runtime Environment” program’s using status

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Picture7.2 show the finishing screen of “Java Runtime Environment” program’s installation

8. After click “Finish” button, the step of install “Java Runtime Environment” is finished
*** You can check that the program’s installation is complete or not as follow

8.1 Go to Start  Control Panel  “Add or Remove Program” and then check that there is “Java
Runtime Environment” or not. If has “Java Runtime Environment” it means program’s installation is finish
as picture 8.1, if there is no “Java Runtime Environment” install program once again by follow step 1-7

8.2 Go to Start  Control Panel  “Java” Click “About…” button. After that the screen will appear
to show Java Runtime Environment version as picture 8.2. If there isn’t version 6 update 13, please
uninstall other version and install program once again by follow step 1-7

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Picture8.1 show the screen of “Java Runtime Environment” program’s position in “Add or Remove

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Picture 8.2 show the icon of “Java Runtime Environment” program at the window task bar

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Part 2 Step of Internet Explorer’s security setting

1. Double click “Internet Explorer” icon (I E) as picture 1.1

Picture1.1 show “Internet Explorer” icon

2. Click “Tools” and choose “Internet Option” as picture 2.1

Picture2.1 show the beginning screen of “Internet Explorer”‘s security setting

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

3. Choose “Security” tab and click “Sites” as picture 3.1 assign URL of desired Web site in Zone. Make sure
the option of “Require server verification (https) for all sites in the zone” is unchecked. Then click
“Add” button as picture 3.2, after that the desires Web site will be kept in Zone then click “Close”
button as picture 3.3

Picture3.1show the screen of security’s setting

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Picture3.2 show the screen of adding program URL in list Web sites

Picture3.3 show the finishing screen of adding program URL in list Web sites

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

4. Assign security level for this zone by click ”Custom Level” button as picture 4.1,and assign topic
“Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe” to “Enable” as picture 4.2. After that, look at
the “ActiveX” installation document. Assign topic “Download unsigned ActiveX Controls” to “Enable” as
picture 4.3. After that assign topic “Allow script-initiated windows without size or position
constraints” then click “OK” button as picture 4.4.

Picture4.1 show the screen of Internet Explorer’s security level assignment

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Picture4.2 show the screen of “ActiveX controls(1)” assignment

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Picture4.3 show the screen of “ActiveX controls(2)” assignment

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Picture 4.4 Show the screen of “Miscellaneous” assignment

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5. In case of the program can’t open for any report. The step of “Block Pop-up” assignment as follow

5.1 On Internet Options go to “Privacy” tab Check correct at “Turn on Pop-up Blocker” and click
“Settings” button as picture 5.1

5.2 Assign URL “” in “Address of website to allow” and click “Add” button as
picture 5.2. After that click “Close” button to close the screen

Picture5.1 show “Block pop-ups” assignment

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Picture5.2 show the screen of adding program URL in Allowed sites

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Picture5.3 show the finishing screen of adding program URL in Allowed sites

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

6. To show “Trace Report” correctly, you need to set your PC as followings.

A. Internet Explorer, Internet Options, Advanced, Printing setting

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Choose “Tools”.
3. Choose “Internet Options”.
4. Choose “Advanced” tab.
5. Check on “Print background colors and images”. Then click “OK” button.

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Control Panel, Java, Advance, Java Plug-in setting

1. Go to Start  Control Panel.

2. Open “Java” icon.
3. Choose “Advanced”.
4. Uncheck “Enable the next-generation Java Plug-in”. Then click “OK” button.

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Part 3 Date and time’s setting

1. Go to Start  Control Panel  Regional and Language Options

Picture1.1 show the screen of setting in Control Panel

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

2. On “Regional Options” tab, assign “English (United States)” in Standards and formats menu as picture
2.1. After that click “OK” button for close the windows

Picture2.1 show the screen of language’s setting in Regional and Language Options

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Part 4 Installation of component in Internet Explorer

When finishing the program installation. User should try to make some report that has topic about
“Route” ”Daily Report” and “Report” at least 1 time to check that it can show the normal report or not.

1. If you make some report, the screen as picture 1.1 will appear it means that “Block pop-ups” didn’t set
up yet. So set “Block pop-ups” first and data will show correctly.

Picture1.1 show the screen of pop-up in case of didn’t set the “Block pop-ups” security yet

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

2. When try to make some report that has topic about “Route” ”Daily Report” and “Report” the screen will
show as picture 2.1,2.2 and 2.3 (in case of user is administrator) click “Install” button to install the
program that relate to the report.

Picture2.1 show the screen of program’s installation that involve with the report (Route)

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Picture2.2 show the screen of program’s installation that involve with the report (Daily Report)

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Picture2.3 show the screen of program’s installation that involve with the report (Report)

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

3. When the screen appears as picture 3.1 please contact your office administrator (in case of the user’s
not admin)

Picture3.1 show the screen of program’s installation that involve with the report
(In case of the user’s not admin)

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

4. In case of “ActiveX controls” didn’t install, in the step of security setting the screen will appear as
picture 4.1 when open the program to show the report, so have to back to the step of security setting.
This screen will not appear again.

Remark: In case of MI application upgrade, sometimes you need to download again. If same screen
appears again, please download. FYI, if your firewall prohibits it, please open it also.

Picture4.1 show the screen of program’s installation that involve with “ActiveX controls” (in case of the
user’s not admin)

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

The sample of perfect report

Ex. Report of Route

Ex. Report of Report

Fleet Expert Pro PC Settings Manual

Ex. Report of Daily Report

In case of following the above step but still have some problems so try to check the step as follow

1. If your office has Domain Controller (AD,ISA Server etc.) check Domain Policy that there is any
block of program installation and any protection in the part of IE Security such as ISA Server
2. There is any software that blocks the installation of program such as Winguard etc.
3. If your office has firewall check that there is any block port or screen.
4. The user still working on administration level or not.


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