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Instructions for the Sunday School Beginners examination

1. The question paper will be divided into two sections:

(a) Drawing and coloring
(b) Question and Answer (Oral)

2. They will be asked to draw on two topics. (20 points each)

(a) From the list below, draw any 4 of God’s creation:

Day 1: Day and night
Day 2: Sky
Day 3: Land and plants
Day 4: Sun, moon and stars
Day 5: Birds and water animals
Day 6: Land animals and Adam and Eve.

(b) Just as God took care of Elijah, draw a picture of

how God takes care of you everyday.

3. Any five questions will be asked from each given chapter.

Each question will carry 4 points. (Total 4x15=60 points)

4. Children must bring their own pencil, eraser and colours for
the examination.

5. Please help them revise each story lesson.


David and Goliath

1. Who killed Goliath?

A: David killed Goliath.

2. Who was David?

A: David was a shepherd boy.

3. How many stones did David pick up from the small stream
(or river)?
A: David picked up five stones from the small stream.

4. What did David use to kill Goliath?

A: David used one stone and sling to kill Goliath.

5. Who was covered in arms (weapons) and armour during the

A: Goliath.

6. Who helped David defeat Goliath?

A: God helped David defeat Goliath with no sword or
Noah’s Ark

1. Why was God angry at the people?

A: God was angry because the people were doing bad
things and did not obey him.

2. Who was Noah?

A: The bible tells us that Noah was a good man who
obeyed God.

3. What did God tell Noah?

A: God told Noah to build an ark.

4: What did God decide to do to punish the people for all the
bad things they were doing?
A: God was going to send a great flood to destroy
everything on earth.

5. Was Noah killed in the flood?

A: No. God protected Noah and his family in the ark.

6. How many humans were inside the ark? Who were they?
A: 8. Noah, Noah’s wife, Noah’s three sons and their wives.

7: For how many days and nights did it rain?

A: It rained for 40 days and 40 nights.
God takes care of Elijah

1.What was Elijah’s job?

A: To talk to God and tell God’s people what God said.

2. After King Ahab married Jezebel, what god did he worship?

A: King Ahab worshipped Baal.

3. What message did God send to King Ahab through prophet

A: There will be no rain in Israel for a very long time.

4. Did God take care of Elijah?

A: Yes. God hid Elijah from King Ahab.

5. If there was no rain for a long time, how did Elijah get water?
A: God sent Elijah to a small river (brook) where he could
drink water.

6. How did Elijah get food?

A: God sent a raven to bring bread and meat in the
morning and in the evening, everyday.
Instructions for the Sunday School Pre Beginners

1. Question paper will be divided into two sections:

(a) Coloring
(b) Question and Answer (Oral)

2. They will be asked to color on two topics. (20 points each)

(a) Color any 3 of God’s creations.
(b) Color Noah’s ark.

3. The questions will come as given on the paper. Each

question will carry 4 points. (Total 4x15=60 points)

4. Children must bring their own colours for the examination.

5. Please help them revise each story lesson.

Pre Beginners

David and Goliath

1. Who killed Goliath?

A: David.

2. Who was David?

A: David was a boy who took care of sheep.
David was a shepherd boy.

3. How many stones did David pick up from the river?

A: 5 stones.

4. What did David use to kill Goliath?

A: One stone and a sling.

5. How did David win the fight?

A: God helped David.
Noah’s Ark

1. What did God tell Noah to do?

A: To build an ark (or a big boat).

2. What was God going to do?

A: God was going to send a big flood to punish the bad

3. Did Noah and his family die in the flood?

A: No. They were inside the ark.

4.What else was inside the ark?

A: Animals and food.

5. For how many days and nights did it rain?

A: 40 days and 40 nights.
God takes care of Elijah

1. What did God ask Elijah to tell King Ahab?

A: That it will not rain for a long time.

2. Did God take care of Elijah?

A: Yes. God took care of Elijah.

3. How did Elijah get water?

A: From a small river.

4. Who brought food for Elijah?

A: A raven (or bird).

5. What food did the raven (bird) bring?

A: Meat and bread.

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