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Mazamorra Morada

½ kilogram of maíz morado

½ ounce of lemon juice

1 cup of chuño flour or potato starch

6 liters of wáter

1 cup of sugar (to taste)

3 cinnamon sticks

4 pineapple rind

Clove (To taste)

apple slices (Optional)

First, we prepare the chicha morada. To do this, we put 6 liters
of water in a pot and, when it boils, we add the purple corn,
cinnamon, cloves to taste and the pineapple peel. Optionally,
we can add some fruits, like a couple of apples. We will let it
cook over low heat until the water is purple. This can take us
around 45 minutes.

When the water has turned an intense purple color, we

remove 3 liters to make the mazamorra morada and pour it
into another pot to also put it on the heat. We can leave the
rest in the pot, adding a little more water, to make a
concentrated chicha that we can drink.

We add the sugar to the pot and stir so that it dissolves. Now,
it is possible to add pieces of fruit, such as quince, apple or
pineapple. In this case, it will be necessary to wait for it to boil
again before pouring in the lemon juice. If you don't add fruit,
you can add the juice directly. Once incorporated, we let it boil
for 8-10 minutes.

Separately, we dissolve the chuño flour in a little chicha. It can

also be dissolved in water, but this way the mazamorra
morada is more concentrated. Once dissolved, we add it to the
pot little by little and without stopping stirring.

We continue cooking until the mazamorra morada acquires

the desired consistency. If we see that it is very liquid, we can
always dissolve a little more chuño flour and add it to the pot.
Just before serving, add the guindones and raisins.

We serve the mazamorra morada sprinkling cinnamon powder

on top. This dessert is perfect for winter, although in Peru it is
common to eat it throughout the year accompanied with rice
pudding, a mixture known as "classic."

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