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Problem 1: A 10 cm long cylindrical core sample was subjected to a laboratory linear flow test under a

pressure differential of 3.4 atm using a fluid of viscosity of 2.5 cP. The diameter of the core is 4 cm. A flow
rate of 0.35 cc/s was obtained.
Calculate the permeability of this core sample.

q k dp
u= =−
Ac μ dl

u: fluid velocity, cm/s.
q: flow rate cm3/s.
k: permeability of the porous rock, Darcy (0.986923 μm 2)
Ac: cross-sectional area of the rock, cm2.
μ : viscosity of the fluid, centipoises (cP).
l: length of the rock sample, cm.
: pressure gradient in the direction of the flow, atm/cm.
q= 0.35 cc/s= 0.35 cm3/s
l= 10 cm
=3.4 at m

Ac= ¿ ¿ =

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