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Câu hỏi về bài giảng có thể được gửi trong phần thảo luận

Q&A được lập trên website

1) ELECTRONIC DEVICES, 9th edition, Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice Hall
2) Semiconductor Physics And Devices, 3rd ed. - J. Neamen
3) Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 8th Edition,
Prentice Hall
4) Linh kiện bán dẫn và vi mạch, Hồ Văn Sung, NXB Giáo Dục, 2007
5) Giáo trình linh kiện điện tử, Trương Văn Tám, ĐH Cần Thơ, 2003.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
1. Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)

2. Full-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu toàn sóng)

3. Power Supply Filters and Regulations (Hỗ trợ cho

quá trình lọc và điều chỉnh điện áp)

4. Diode Limiting and Clamping Circuits (Mạch hạn

biên và Mạch kẹp)

5. Voltage Multipliers (Bộ nhân điện áp)

6. The Diode Datasheet

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Diode can be used in a rectifier circuit which allows to
convert the Alternating Current (AC) input power into a
Direct Current (DC) output power.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices3
Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)

Half-wave rectifier.

Condution region (0  T/2)

Noncondution region (T/2  T)

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices4
Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)

An average value determined by

Vout (t) = Vm.sin (t) if (0< t < )

Vout (t) = 0 if ( < t < 2)

 Vdc = VAVG = = 0.318 Vm
Half-wave rectified signal

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices5
Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)

The effect of using a silicon diode with VF = 0.7 V on half-wave

rectified signal

Vm - VF

VF = 0.7V

Vi << 0.7 V: the Si diode is still in an open-circuit state  Vo = 0 V

Vi > 0.7 V: the Si diode conducts  Vo = Vm - VF

Determine the average value with a relatively high level of accuracy

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices6
Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)

Vi > 0.7 V: the diode conducts  Vo = Vm - VF



Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices7
Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)


Sketch the output Vo

Determine the dc level of the output

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices8
Full-Wave Rectifiers-Bridge Rectifier (Chỉnh lưu cầu)

Full-wave rectifier

Conduction path for the positive region of Vi .

Conduction path for the negative region of Vi .

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices9
Full-Wave Rectifiers-Bridge Rectifier (Chỉnh lưu cầu)

Vout (t) = Vm.sin (t) if (0< t < )

Vdc = VAVG =
1 𝜋
V𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑡) 𝑑𝑡 An average value determined by
𝜋 0

 Vdc = VAVG = = 0.636 Vm

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Full-Wave Rectifiers-Bridge Rectifier (Chỉnh lưu cầu)
The effect of using a silicon diode with VF = 0.7 V on half-wave
rectified signal

With Vm >> 2VF: Determine the average value with a relatively high
level of accuracy

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Full-Wave Rectifiers-Bridge Rectifier (Chỉnh lưu cầu)


Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Full-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu toàn sóng)

Examples of Bridge rectifier diodes

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Center-Tapped Transformer Full-Wave Rectifier

Center-tapped transformed

Conduction path for the positive region of Vi

Conduction path for the negative region of Vi

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Center-Tapped Transformer Full-Wave Rectifier


Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Determine the output waveform?

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
the output waveform is

2 2

1 2 1 Vo = ½ vi =1/2 (10V)
Vo = 5V
3 3
1 1

1 2
2 Vo = ½ vi =1/2 (10V)
Vo = 5V
3 3
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Block diagram showing parts of a power supply.

Basic capacitor filter

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Vp (in)

capacitor Khi diode phân cực thuận, tụ bắt đầu nạp điện tích và tăng dần điện áp

Khi áp đặt vào đạt giá trị cực đại, diode bị phân cực nghịch ngưng dẫn. Tụ phóng điện
qua điện trở tải
Vin (exceeds)

Tụ điện trở lại đỉnh của đầu vào khi diode trở nên phân cực thuận.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Tụ điện chính là một thiết bị điện tử không thể thiếu trong các mạch
lọc. mạch dao dộng và các loại mạch truyền dẫn tín hiệu xoay chiều.

Tụ điện có vai trò lọc điện áp xoay chiều thành điện áp một
chiều bằng phẳng bằng cách loại bỏ pha âm. Tụ điện được cấu tạo
bởi hai bản cực son song, cách điện 1 chiều nhưng nhờ nguyên lý
phóng nạp để cho dòng điện xoay chiều đi qua.

Nguyên lý phóng nạp của tụ điện được hiểu là khả năng tích trữ
năng lượng điện như một ắc qui nhỏ dưới dạng năng
lượng điện trường.

Nó lưu trữ hiệu quả các electron và phóng ra các điện tích này để tạo
ra dòng điện. Nhưng nó không có khả năng sinh ra các điện tích

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Capacitor filter operation

Full-wave rectifier voltage Filtered output voltage

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Ripple Voltage Vr (RMS)

Approximate output voltage of capacitor filter circuit

where Idc is in milliamperes, C is in

microfarads, and RL is in kilohms.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Comparison of ripple voltages for half-wave and full-wave rectified
With the same filter capacitor and load and derived from the same
sinusoidal input voltage

Larger ripple means less effective filtering


Smaller ripple means more effective filtering

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
A half-wave rectified signal

A full-wave rectified signal

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Half-Wave Rectifiers & Full-Wave Rectifiers – Brigde Rectifier

The period of a full-wave rectifier voltage is half that of a half-wave

rectified voltage
The output frequency of a full-wave rectifier is twice that of a half-
wave rectifier

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Voltage Regulators (Bộ điều chỉnh điện áp)

Combination of capacitor-input
78XX Output
filter with integrated circuit
voltage regulator

 the input to the regulator is
first filtered with a capacitor to
reduce the ripple to<10% 3 terminals: input,
 The regulator reduce the ripple output & reference
to a negligible amount
(acceptable level)

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Copyright Ikhwan H Muhamad, Universiti Malaysia PahangElectronic
© 2010 Devices
Voltage Regulators (Bộ điều chỉnh điện áp)

Percent Regulation – present the performance of

a voltage regulator
• Line regulation specify how much change occurs in the
output voltage for a given change in input voltage
 VOUT 
Line regulation    100%
 V
 IN 
• Load regulation specify how much change occurs in the
output voltage over a certain range of load current

 VNL  VFL 
Load regulation    100%
 V
 FL 
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Copyright Ikhwan H Muhamad, Universiti Malaysia PahangElectronic
© 2010 Devices
Voltage Regulators (Bộ điều chỉnh điện áp)

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Clipper and clampper

 Explain and analyze the operation of diode limiting & clamping

 Explain the operation of diode limiters
 Determine the output voltage of a biased limiter
 Explain the operation of diodes clampers

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Diode Limiter - Clipper (Mạch hạn biên)

A diode network that have the ability to “clip” (cut

short/crop) off portions of signal voltages above or below
certain limits, i.e. the circuits limit the range of the output
Vo Vi

2 general of clippers:
Parallel Clippers: Diode in a branch parallel to the load.
Series Clippers: Diode is in series with the load.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Diode Limiter - Clipper (Mạch hạn biên)
Series Clipper

series configuration

variety of alternating waveforms

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Diode Limiter - Clipper (Mạch hạn biên)
Series Clipper

Series clipper with a dc supply.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Diode Limiter - Clipper (Mạch hạn biên)
Series Clipper

Ex: Determine the output waveform for the sinusoidal input

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Diode Limiter - Clipper (Mạch hạn biên)
Parallel Clipper

Determine the output waveform ?

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Diode Limiter - Clipper (Mạch hạn biên)
Parallel Clipper

Parallel Clipper with a DC supply

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
0 < t < T/2 T/2 < t < T

Open circuit Short-circuit state

Id= 0 mA  IR = 0V vo = V
vo = vi

If vi > V
If vi < V

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
0 < t < T/2 T/2 < t < T

Open circuit Short-circuit state

Id= 0 mA  IR = 0V vo = V
vo = vi

If vi > V
If vi < V

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Clamper (Mạch dịch mức điện áp)
A clamper is a network constructed of a diode, a resistor, and a capacitor
that shifts a waveform to a different dc level without changing the
appearance of the applied signal
Clamping networks have a capacitor connected directly from input to
output with a resistive element in parallel with the output signal. The
diode is also in parallel with the output signal but may or may not have a
series dc supply as an added element.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Clamper (Mạch dịch mức điện áp)

Diode “on” and the capacitor Determining vo with the diode “off.”
charging to V volts.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Ex: Determine vo

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
diode in the “on” state

Diode in the “off” state

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Bài tập lớn

Nộp vào 15/04/2022

Tại phòng 706 nhà E3

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices

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