Tuần 3 - Diode chinh luu

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Câu hỏi về bài giảng có thể được gửi trong phần thảo luận

Q&A được lập trên website https://courses.uet.vnu.edu.vn/

1) ELECTRONIC DEVICES, 9th edition, Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice Hall
2) Semiconductor Physics And Devices, 3rd ed. - J. Neamen
3) Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 8th Edition,
Prentice Hall
4) Linh kiện bán dẫn và vi mạch, Hồ Văn Sung, NXB Giáo Dục, 2007
5) Giáo trình linh kiện điện tử, Trương Văn Tám, ĐH Cần Thơ, 2003.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
1. Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)

2. Full-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu toàn sóng)

3. Power Supply Filters and Regulations (Hỗ trợ cho

quá trình lọc và điều chỉnh điện áp)

4. Diode Limiting and Clamping Circuits (Mạch hạn

biên và Mạch kẹp)

5. Voltage Multipliers (Bộ nhân điện áp)

6. The Diode Datasheet

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Diode can be used in a rectifier circuit which allows to
convert the Alternating Current (AC) input power into a
Direct Current (DC) output power.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices3
Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)

Half-wave rectifier.

Condution region (0  T/2)

Noncondution region (T/2  T)

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices4
Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)

An average value determined by

Vout (t) = Vm.sin (t) if (0< t < )

Vout (t) = 0 if ( < t < 2)

 Vdc = VAVG = = 0.318 Vm
Half-wave rectified signal

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices5
Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)

The effect of using a silicon diode with VF = 0.7 V on half-wave

rectified signal

Vm - VF

VF = 0.7V

Vi << 0.7 V: the Si diode is still in an open-circuit state  Vo = 0 V

Vi > 0.7 V: the Si diode conducts  Vo = Vm - VF

Determine the average value with a relatively high level of accuracy

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices6
Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)

Vi > 0.7 V: the diode conducts  Vo = Vm - VF



Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices7
Half-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu nửa sóng)
Lỗi SV mắc phải:
Example: 1. Không quan sát cách mắc diode
2. Không phân tích mạch theo 2 nửa chu
- Sketch the output Vo
- Determine the dc level of the output

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices8
For ideal diode, we have

For silicon diode, we have

Sketch the output Vo

2 For silicon diode

For ideal diode

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices9
Full-Wave Rectifiers-Bridge Rectifier (Chỉnh lưu cầu)

Full-wave rectifier

Conduction path for the positive region of Vi .

Conduction path for the negative region of Vi .

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Full-Wave Rectifiers-Bridge Rectifier (Chỉnh lưu cầu)

Vout (t) = Vm.sin (t) if (0< t < )

Vdc = VAVG =
1 𝜋
V𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑡) 𝑑𝑡 An average value determined by
𝜋 0

 Vdc = VAVG = = 0.636 Vm

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Full-Wave Rectifiers-Bridge Rectifier (Chỉnh lưu cầu)
The effect of using a silicon diode with VF = 0.7 V on half-wave
rectified signal

With Vm >> 2VF: Determine the average value with a relatively high
level of accuracy

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Full-Wave Rectifiers-Bridge Rectifier (Chỉnh lưu cầu)


Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Full-Wave Rectifiers (Chỉnh lưu toàn sóng)

Examples of Bridge rectifier diodes

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Center-Tapped Transformer Full-Wave Rectifier

Center-tapped transformed

Conduction path for the positive region of Vi

Conduction path for the negative region of Vi

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Center-Tapped Transformer Full-Wave Rectifier


Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Determine the output waveform?

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices

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