Lesson 03 04 Community Engagement Quarter 1 - 1

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Learning Module in


(Weeks 3 & 4)

Prepared by:
Name:_______________________________________ Grade Level: _____

(Week No. __)

Learning competency/ies:
The learner is able to compare and contrast the definitions of
community using various perspectives, e.g., social sciences, institutions,
civil society, and local/grassroots level (HUMSS_CSC12-IIa-c-2)

This lesson aims to:

a. define community based on different perspectives;

b. illustrate symbols that represent each perspective of community; and
c. identify existing issue/problem present in the local/grassroots
community level.

Share your Experiences!
Directions: Answer the following questions based on your experiences in
the past. Write your answers on the blank provided.

1. Have you ever participated in a community-based program that aims

to help your purok/barangay or city in the problems existing like
environmental problem, peace and order problem and other societal
problems? What did you do on the said program? How did you feel about
your experiences?

Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Community-Based Perspective sees the community as an agent for

intervention and change. This would mean to say that:

a. the community is mainly defined by geography in order to have a

definite territory for identification.
b. the community provides resources for realizing regular needs of the
citizens residing in a designated area.
c. the community denotes the goal of creating healthy environment
towards its constituents.
d. the community aims to address particular issues, such as crime
prevention, environmental protection, or waste management

2. Which of the following defines Civil Society Perspective?

a. A cosmopolization of community which encouraged reflection of issues.

b. A community not just limited to a congregation of people living in a
geographically bounded location.
c. A community where people pay close attention to power actors and the
key people in the community structure because of their significant roles
in the society.
d. A community with a wide array of nongovernmental organizations and
volunteer groups that provides solutions for the disadvantaged sectors.

3. Community-based perspective to be effective, Lao Tzu stated that Start

where the people are. This means that:

a. it is a prerequisite for the commencement of duties and responsibilities

as members of and officers of the community organization.
b. people need to meet regularly to discuss community problems, plan as
a community, formulate implementing rules and mechanisms.
c. community must map out its linkages and stakeholders in order to
provide a picture of strengths and weaknesses of the people who are
involved in providing resources.
d. It requires vigilance in assessing community structures and processes
and thorough understanding of the community in order to determine
appropriate solutions.

4. Communities are built in pursuit of advocacies, causes and goals.
Examples of these communities are Non-governmental Organizations
(NGOs) and People’s Organizations (POs). What perspective of community
does it refer?

a. Social Science Perspective c. Ecological Perspective

b. Civil Society Perspective d. Institutional Perspective

5. Community is an informally organized social entity, characterized by a

sense of identity. What perspective of community does it refer?

a. Social Science Perspective c. Ecological Perspective

b. Civil Society Perspective d. Institutional Perspective

The definitions of community vary among different perspectives. Thus,
it is important to be familiar with the definitions and different
perspectives of community to appreciate how things are seen and
perceived when it comes to community interventions.
Lesson 2 defines community based on the different perspectives. This
includes what people say and do depending on their perspectives on the
aspects of community.

Different Perspectives on the Definition of a Community

1. Social Science Perspective

Community is an informally organized social entity, characterized

by a sense of identity. It is a group of people living in the same defined
area, sharing common basic values, organization, and interest. It is a
group of people whose connections and relations are formed by their
shared histories, experiences, geographies, and identities.

2. Institutional/Sectoral Perspective

Communities have a mechanism for coordinating values, goals and

actions of its individual members. Social institutions perform this
function. These are seen as a system which is comprised of individuals
and sectors with diverse characteristics and interrelationships
(Thompson, et al., 1990).

3. Ecological Perspective

Communities include practices, norms, traditions, culture, conduct

and belief systems of a community. These are not codified or written, but
are nonetheless embedded in communities, operating due to the
interactive process of preference exchanges and social expectations that
occur therein.

4. Civil Society Perspective

Communities are built in pursuit of advocacies, causes and goals.

Examples: Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and People’s
Organizations (POs). These groups are fighting for solutions to social
issues that continue to worsen the condition of the disadvantaged sectors
of society, especially the poor.

5. Organic/Community- Based Perspective (Local and Grassroots


The community-based perspective sees the community as a setting

for intervention, target for change, resource and agent. An organic
perspective of community refers to local or grassroots groups within a
particular locale that are driven and organized because of community
issues and concerns. It aims to address particular issues, such as crime
prevention, environmental protection, or waste management.

Self-Check Activities
Activity 1: Identify the Key Points!
A. Directions: Based on the definitions of community above, identify the
key points on the different perspectives of community through a graphic
organizer. Write the key points on the space provided for each

Social Science


Ecological Perspective

Civil Society Perspective

Based Perspective
(Local and Grassroots Level)

Activity 2: Let’s Illustrate a Symbol!
A. Directions: Based on the definitions of community above, illustrate a
symbol that would represent each perspective of the community. Draw
creatively and you may use coloring materials.

Social Science Perspective

Institutional/Sectoral Perspective

Activity 3: Let’s Spot the Difference!

Directions: Identify

Ecological Perspective

Civil Society Perspective

Organic/Community- Based Perspective

(Local and Grassroots Level)

Key Concepts
Community as a concept is not solid. The varying viewpoints come as a
result of the distinct perspectives of the different academic disciplines and sectors.
Their perspectives are influenced by their academic or sectoral orientation,
philosophy and values. This led to the different perspectives of the definitions of
community based on social science, institutional/sectoral, ecological, civil society
and community-based/grassroot level perspectives of community.

Directions: Write True if the statement is correct, and False if otherwise.
Write your answers on the space provided.

__________1. Civil Society generally defined as a wide array of

nongovernmental organizations and volunteer groups that are fighting for
solutions to social issues.

__________2. Sectoral perspective views behaviour as perceived not only
as a product of knowledge, values and attitudes of individuals but also as
a result of social influences.

__________3. Social perspective views community as a congregation of

people unified by at least one common characteristic.

__________4. Community-based perspective sees community as a setting

for intervention, target for change and agent.

__________5. To survive, communities must have well-integrated sectors

that manage accountabilities for the welfare and safety of the community.

Enrichment Activities
Activity 4: Cite Examples!
Directions: Give one (1) example of situation, sector, organization, place
or community that represents a community based on the perspective
described above.

Ex: Sectoral/Institutional Perspective- DSWD

1. Social Science Perspective- __________________________________________

2. Institutional/Sectoral Perspective-___________________________________

3. Ecological Perspective- ______________________________________________

4. Civil Society Perspective- ____________________________________________

5. Community-based Perspective- ______________________________________


Melegrito, M. & Mendoza, D. (2016). Zeal for action: community engagement,

solidarity and citizenship. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.


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