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ISSN: 0048-2706 (Print), ISSN: 2227-9199 (Online) Pak Heart J 2023;56(03)

Kautilya’s Arthashastra and Indian Military Reforms

*Rhitwique Dutta
**Kaushik Dutta
***Hemeswari Bhuyan
*Rhitwique Dutta is a doctoral scholar in the Department of Political Science, Bodoland University
**Kaushik Dutta is a Ex-Student, Department of History, Dibrugarh University
***Hemeswari Bhuyan is Professor and Principal of RNC, Guwahati


The ancient work on statecraft and governance known as Kautilya's Arthashastra is used as a lens to examine
Indian military reforms in this research article. The purpose of the study is to shed light on how Kautilya's
teachings continue to influence Indian defense plans and policies today. This research attempts to draw
comparisons between traditional knowledge and contemporary military activities by examining major concepts
from the Arthashastra, such as fighting tactics, organizational design, and resource management. This study aims
to clarify how Kautilya's teachings have influenced the development of the Indian military system throughout the
centuries through a thorough assessment of historical sources and academic literature. This research aims to
discover potential areas for development and adaptation to address modern security concerns by comprehending
the underlying philosophy and strategic insights given in the Arthashastra.
Keywords: Arthashastra, Indian, Kautilya, Military, Reforms

Introduction socioeconomic landscapes. Kautilya understood the

importance of a sound economic base for a
The Arthashastra, an ancient Indian treatise on
flourishing polity. His views on monetary policies,
politics, economics, and military strategy, has
taxation, and trade laws provide insightful guidance
withstood the test of time and continues to be
for governing contemporary economies (Roy, 2018).
profoundly relevant in today's society. This ground-
The Arthashastra promotes a well-functioning
breaking treatise, attributed to the esteemed scholar
market economy, ethical business conduct, and the
Chanakya, also known as Vishnugupta or Kautilya,
careful distribution of resources.
was written more than 2,000 years ago, in the fourth
century BCE (Saad & Wenxiang, 2020). Although it These values are consistent with modern economic
was initially composed in Sanskrit, its ideas and theories, which emphasize the significance of
concepts have cut beyond linguistic and cultural equitable growth, sustainable development, and the
barriers to become a timeless manual for social, formation of an environment that is favorable to
political, and economic policies. Modern business. Arthashastra's thorough understanding of
policymakers, diplomats, and leaders can learn vital diplomacy and international relations is one of its
lessons from the Arthashastra's fundamental ideas enduring contributions (Boesche, 2003). It provides
despite the enormous temporal and contextual tactics for creating alliances, dealing with
variations between ancient and modern nations adversarial states, and winning discussions.
(Therborn, 2021). The Arthashastra explores the Understanding the dynamics of international
practice of governance and places a strong emphasis relations is more important than ever in today's
on the value of a fair and effective government. It connected world. The teachings of Kautilya provide
describes the duties and obligations of a ruler and a practical strategy for handling diplomatic
offers helpful advice on how to guarantee the well- challenges and promoting friendly relations between
being of the nation and its people. Leaders can learn states. The Arthashastra includes a wide range of
from Kautilya's teachings to develop strategic military topics, such as intelligence gathering, battle
thinking, decisive decision-making, and the ability tactics, and the command of armed forces (Sheikh &
to balance divergent interests for the benefit of Rashid, 2020). Kautilya's emphasis on intelligence-
society as a whole in current times when there are driven decision-making, disciplined armies, and the
complex geopolitical issues and quickly shifting significance of homeland security remains important

ISSN: 0048-2706 (Print), ISSN: 2227-9199 (Online) Pak Heart J 2023;56(03)

today despite the fact that modern combat has essentially chaotic and motivated only by self-
greatly changed (Billing, Fordy, & Friedl, 2021). interest (Jervis, 1998). This strategy supports smart
These historical ideals can serve as inspiration for and compassionate leadership that prioritizes the
modern defense and security initiatives for welfare of the state's constituents while advancing
politicians and military planners. This piece society as a whole. A stable and wealthy state,
attempts to explore the intricacies and challenges of according to Kautilya, derives not just from military
Indian military reforms through the lens of the might but also from the fair and just management of
Arthashastra. We have utilized a realist the business of the state. Although the importance
conceptualization of international relations for our of power and survival in the practice of statecraft is
study along with Kautilya’s ideas, integrating acknowledged by both the realist tradition in
elements from these similar and yet diverging international relations and Kautilya's viewpoint,
traditions. their conceptualizations of war and government are
very different. The desire for power and security is
Conceptual Framework
given priority in realism, which sees conflict as a
The pursuit of power, security, and self-interest by reasonable tool in a chaotic world. On the other
nation-states in the international arena is emphasized hand, Kautilya's Arthashastra integrates dharma
by the realist tradition in international relations, a concepts, focusing on moral leadership and
well-known theoretical framework. According to emphasizing the significance of moral behavior in
realism, there is no centralized authority to impose combat. The difference between these two
laws and order, hence the international system is viewpoints demonstrates how Kautilya's views
fundamentally anarchic (James, 1993). States are remain relevant today, providing a more thorough
therefore motivated by a self-help attitude, trying to and compassionate approach to statecraft that is in
enhance their authority and ensure their survival in line with modern ideals for peace and good
a setting marked by rivalry and the possibility of governance.
violence. Realists view war as an unavoidable and
logical weapon that states utilize to advance their
interests or defend their own at the expense of other In order to study and comprehend the current Indian
countries. The idea that measures taken by one state military reforms, this research article uses a
to improve its security may be viewed as a threat by qualitative and descriptive technique (Busetto,
other governments, leading to a spiral of tensions Wick, & Gumbinger, 2020). It does so by using a
and armaments buildup, is known as the security theoretical framework that combines realist
dilemma and is a key concept in realism. Realists interpretations of international relations with
contend that a state's military might and strategic Kautilya's legacy. The use of qualitative research is
prowess are essential in thwarting prospective rivals, preferred because it enables a thorough examination
and as a result, war is occasionally viewed as a and analysis of complicated occurrences, resulting
necessary tool to protect a state's sovereignty and in a deeper comprehension of the topic. By
vital interests (Kapferer, 2004). In contrast, investigating the underlying motivations,
Kautilya's view of battle, as presented in the difficulties, and repercussions of the Indian military
Arthashastra, takes a more subtle and reforms, the study's descriptive nature aims to give a
comprehensive approach. Kautilya's concept goes thorough and extensive description of them. This
beyond a simple quest for power and highlights the research paper's theoretical approach combines
moral and ethical components of war while Kautilya's legacy with realist views of international
admitting the pragmatic necessity of fighting for affairs. The pursuit of power, security, and self-
state survival. According to Kautilya, war should be interest by nation-states in an anarchic international
fought sparingly and only as a last resort to prevent system is highlighted by the realism perspective, a
needless death and damage. well-known theoretical approach in international
relations. This framework will shed light on the
He advocates for moral behavior and the righteous
variables influencing India's military reforms, such
treatment of defeated foes, emphasizing the
as national security concerns and the nation's
significance of upholding dharma (righteousness) in
regional and international standing. The
combat. Kautilya's Arthashastra provides the idea of
Arthashastra, an old Indian treatise on statecraft,
dharma-based governance, which contrasts with the
which articulates Kautilya's heritage, is also
realism approach, which sees the global system as

ISSN: 0048-2706 (Print), ISSN: 2227-9199 (Online) Pak Heart J 2023;56(03)

incorporated into the study. Kautilya's theories add view firepower as a key element in thwarting
moral and ethical considerations to politics and prospective attackers and preserving national
combat, providing a more complex viewpoint than security. We have seen that India has not
realism. The research intends to examine how India's significantly reduced the size of its military, despite
military reforms correspond with ethical the desire for modernization and weaponry. This is a
considerations and long-standing Indian strategic thought-provoking statement since it calls into
thought by merging these antiquated concepts. question the effectiveness and efficiency of the
force. Lean, adaptable military forces that are
An extensive assessment of the literature from
capable of reacting rapidly and decisively to a
scholarly sources, official records, scholarly
variety of threats are frequently emphasized in
publications, and reliable websites is undertaken in
contemporary strategic thought. Maintaining a
order to compile pertinent data for this study. As it
sizable military could provide difficulties in
provides current and convenient information about
allocating resources and assuring the readiness of
India's military reforms and the larger geopolitical
the entire army. Let's now focus on how Kautilya's
backdrop, the Internet is a useful source of
theories of war have been modified by India's
information. Thematic analysis, a popular technique
military reforms. In the Arthashastra, Kautilya
for qualitative research, is used to qualitatively
emphasized the value of dharma (righteousness) and
assess the data that has been gathered. In order to
moral behavior in combat. He argued for fair
comprehend a topic better, thematic analysis entails
treatment of defeated foes and deliberate action to
spotting patterns, themes, and recurring concepts in
prevent needless death and damage.
the data. This examination compares and contrasts
Kautilya's tradition with realist conceptions of But in the current situation, we have seen situations
international relations in an effort to identify the in which India's political actions have been deviating
fundamental motivations, difficulties, and from this idea, with less focus on moral issues. This
implications of India's military reforms. Ethical departure from Kautilya's precepts may have serious
issues are crucial when doing this research. To give repercussions on a national and international scale.
due credit to the original authors and publications, In the home country, it can prompt concerns about
every source used in the study is properly credited the moral implications of military operations and
and acknowledged. Additionally, the research their effects on civilian populations (Watkins, 2020).
follows norms and criteria for using data from the On a global scale, it might have an impact on India's
internet, confirming the validity and integrity of the reputation and diplomatic status, possibly leading to
sources used. Like all studies, this one might have strained ties with other countries. Building alliances
some limits. Relying on Internet sources can be and trust was a key component of Kautilya's strategy
difficult when it comes to confirming facts and for warfare, but a move toward more forceful tactics
determining the reliability of online content. could have an impact on regional cooperation and
Furthermore, even if Kautilya's legacy and realism stability. Further, the impact of geopolitical
interpretations provide a comprehensive framework, dynamics is another point worth mentioning. Since
it may be important to carefully assess whether or Kautilya's time, the security environment has
not ancient theories may be applied to contemporary changed substantially, and India now faces
military changes. particular difficulties in its region (Kumar & Mohan,
2021). India's approach to military reforms has been
Discussion And Analysis
influenced by elements like local conflicts, border
Let's explore the intriguing realm of Indian military disputes, and the emergence of non-state players. It
reforms and how they relate to Kautilya's ancient might be challenging to strike a balance between
knowledge—or how they occasionally depart from traditional wisdom and contemporary strategic
it. According to our research, it appears that the thinking in such a complicated context. In fact,
Indian military has implemented reforms that are in India's military reforms show a trend toward
line with contemporary strategic thinking, one of contemporary strategic thinking with a strong
which is the emphasis on firepower. We have seen a emphasis on weaponry. To ensure maximum
strong focus on enhancing India's defence effectiveness, the country has yet to address the size
capabilities with cutting-edge equipment and of its military force. The revisions have also
cutting-edge technologies. This strategy is drastically departed from Kautilya's conceptions of
consistent with modern military doctrines, which war, which might have ethical and diplomatic

ISSN: 0048-2706 (Print), ISSN: 2227-9199 (Online) Pak Heart J 2023;56(03)

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