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Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia

1 BUILDING _________________________
2 SQUARE _________________________
3 DOWNTOWN _________________________
4 BELOW _________________________
5 ABOVE _________________________
6 MAP _________________________
7 SIGN _________________________
8 CLOSE TO _________________________
9 BESIDE _________________________
10 BRIDGE ___________________________
11 RECREATION CENTER ____________________
12 HARBOR ___________________________
13 MUSEUM ___________________________
14 THEATER ___________________________
15 ART GALLERY ___________________________
16 UP ___________________________
17 AROUND ___________________________
18 DOWN ___________________________
19 ALONG ___________________________

1 A drawing that shows you where places are (map, sign, building)
2 not far away from (beside, close to, above)
3 a big structure that has walls and a roof (building, sign, map)
4 you do this to get from one side of the street to the other
(map, sign, close to)
5 my school si very (above, below, close to) my house, so I walk
to school
6 the movie theater is (square, below, cross) the restaurant. Go down
the stairs
7 I live on the third floor. My friend lives (below, above, cross) me
on the fourth floor
8 when the light is green, it's safe to (map, cross, above)the street
9 you can go there to play basketball (museum, harbor, recreation center)
10 this is an area of calm water where ships are safe (harbor, bridge, museum)
11 this is a place where you can watch a play (theater, harbor, art gallery)
12 this is a place where you can see old things (museum, harbor, theater)
13 people go there to see paintings (harbor, theater, art gallery)
14 you can walk on this to cross a river (art gallery, bridge, museum)

Read andto

1 Jack Doesn't listen (today / everyday)

2 do you (often / right now) look for information on the internet?
3 is your mom helping you with your homework (sometimes / today)?
4 Does she study in the library (now / Tuesdays)?
5 Joe is talking about his new skateboard (everyday/now)
berdasarkan gambar diatas tuliskan keterangan waktu untuk

simple present present progressive

e, museum)

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