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_; the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City MAR 05 2024 DHRDD{UTPOD}240118-73. TRAINING DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 2024-01 1 PNP MASTER TRAINING ACTION PLAN FOR CY 2024 (In-Service Programmed Training) REFERENCES: a Executive Order No. 605 (s. 2007) issued on February 23, 2007, Institutionalizing the Structure, Mechanisms, and Standards to Implement the Government Quality Management Program; National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) Memorandum Circular (MC) No, 2016-002 issued on March 7, 2016 entitled, “Revised Rules of Procedure before the Administrative Disciplinary Authorities and the Internal Affairs Service of the Philippine National Police; NAPOLCOM MC No. 1994-008 issued on March 2, 1994 entitled, “Creation of In-House Training Institution under PNP National Support Units”; |. NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 1992-036 approved on October 15, 1992 entitled, “Approving the Revised Organizational Structure of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and Providing Policies and Guidelines in the Implementation Thereof’; PNP MC No. 2023-056 dated September 15, 2023 entitled, “Comprehensive PNP Field Training Program”; PNP MC No. 2023-038 dated June 8, 2023 entitled, “Guidelines on the Grant of Instructors’ Duty Pay to Uniformed Personnel Assigned or Detailed in Training Institutions Who Act as Lecturers, Instructors, and Resource Persons’; PNP MC No. 2021-142 dated October 5, 2021 entitled, “Guidelines and Procedures in the Prompt Payment of Training Subsistence Allowance of PNP Personnel Undergoing Schooling in PNP Training Units, Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC), and Other Local Training Units"; |. PNP MC No. 2019-026 dated June 10, 2019 entitled, “Institutionalizing Completed Staff Work in the PNP (Revised); PNP MC No. 2014-046 dated October 22, 2014 entitled, “PNP Standards for In-Service Training"; PNP MC No. 2013-013 dated October 17, 2023 entitled, “Policy Guidelines in the Wearing of Training Badges", PNP MC No. 2009-018 dated October 7, 2009 entitled, “Implementing Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Functions of the PNP Training Service with the Absorption and Exercise of Administrative and Wy Page 1 of 16 Ref. No: DHRODU)24-01-18-73, Operational Control and Supervision Over Alll Existing Training Units in the PNP as well as the Regional Special Training Units", |. PNP MC No. 2004-002 entitled, “Philippine National Police Guidelines in the Implementation of Gender and Development (GAD) Program Vis- @-vis Utilization of the GAD Funds Representing Five Percent (5%) of the Agency Budget”, m. PNP Command Memorandum Circular (CMC) No. 22-2020 dated November 2, 2020 entitled, “Modified Handgun Marksmanship Training’; n. Command Guidance during the PNP Command Conference held on December 13, 2023 at the PNP Multi-Purpose Center, Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City; ©. Memorandum from the CPNP dated October 24, 2022 with subject: Amendment to the Moratorium of Mandatory Relief of Personnel Undergoing Mandatory Training; p. Memorandum from TDHRDD dated June 16, 2023 with subject: PNP In-Service Trainings for NUP; q. Memorandum from TADHRDD dated January 8, 2023 with subject: Guidelines in the Conduct of Combat Medics Course for PROs; DHRDD Quality Management System (QMS) Guide; and s. DHRDD Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) No. 2014-02 entitled, “Guidelines and, Procedures in the Development of Standard Training Packages (STP)" dated October 23, 2014. 2. RATIONALE: In response to the call of the current President, Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr., urging PNP members to combat corruption and uphold the highest ethical standards, the PNP aligns with the focused agenda, emphasizing Morale and Welfare, Community Engagement, Integrity Enhancement, Information and Communication Development, and Honest Law Enforcement Operations toward a new era of policing within the country. The emphasis is on fostering aggressive and honest law enforcement operations that respect human rights and increase conviction rates, boosting personnel morale and welfare, enhancing integrity, investing in information and communication technology, and engaging with the community. Moreover, the PNP acknowledges the importance of infusing human rights- based policing concepts to address public and international concerns. Recent incidents necessitate a comprehensive approach to uphold human rights principles in the discharge of duties and responsibilities, fostering trust and transparency in the Process. 3. PURPOSE: This Master Training Action Plan (MTAP) serves as a comprehensive guide for the Area Police Commands (APCs), Directorial Staff (D-Staff), Personal Staff (P- Staff), National Support Units (NSUs), and Police Regional Offices (PROs) in conducting In-Service Training (PNP-certified training/courses/seminars). These programs are essential for both uniformed and non-uniformed personnel, aligned with Page 2 of 16 BACONc PILIPINAS Ref, No.: DHRDD-{U)24-01-18-73 the program thrusts of the PNP, underscoring COMPETENCE, EXCELLENCE, and PROFESSIONALISM. The continuous implementation of standardized training contributes to the realization of the PNP’s vision for a highly capable, effective, and credible police service by enhancing the knowledge, attitudes, skills, values, and habits of PNP personnel. The certified in-service training programs outlined in this plan have undergone rigorous evaluation, ensuring readiness and completeness prior to implementation. These programs will address contemporary challenges faced by the PNP, including operational readiness, functional effectiveness, crisis management, disaster response, and counterterrorism. 4, OBJECTIVES: a. To ensure the delivery of high-quality in-service training, fostering competence, motivation, values-oriented, and disciplined PNP personnel; b. To provide standardized in-service training to improve the skills of PNP Personnel, promoting efficiency and effectiveness in their duties; c. To develop acceptable knowledge, attitudes, skills, values, and habits among personnel, preparing them for specific law enforcement responsibilities to elevate police service; d. To professionalize and equip the Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP) with the necessary management tools and knowledge, enhancing the agency's performance in basic administrative services; and e. To enhance individual proficiency and overall unit operational readiness for enhanced level of preparedness. 5. DEFINITION OF TERMS: For purposes of these training directives, the following shall be defined as follows: a. Administrative Training — These in-service training aim to enhance the overall knowledge, skills, and attitudes of PNP personnel in police administrative functions, such as but not limited to organizational planning and accountability, functional efficiency and effectiveness, human, logistical, and financial resource management, as well as effective internal and inter-agency communication b. Modes of Instruction - These encompass diverse teaching strategies facilitating communication among students, teachers, and peers through face-to-face, distance, and blended learning approaches. sity Page 3 of 16 BAGONG PILIPINAS Ref, No. DHRDD-(U}24-01-18-73 c. Operational Training — These are in-service training that develop the overall knowledge, skills, and attitudes of PNP personnel in police operations functions such as but not limited to Public Safety Operations, Law Enforcement Operations, Internal Security Operations, Special Police Operations, Intelligence Operations, Investigation Operations, Scene of the Crime Operations (SOCO), and Police Community Relations. 6. TRAINING DIRECTIVES: a. General Training Directives The in-service training for CY 2024 shall be conducted collaboratively with the PNP Training Service (PNPTS) through the Regional Special Training Units (RSTUs). However, only officially certified in-service training by the DHRDD and included in the Training Action Plan (TAP) will be offered, As a general directive, upon the issuance of a Training Order by the DPRM to APCs and D/P-Staff participants or the respective ARMDs and RPRMDs to NSUs and PROs participants, all in-service training participants are detailed to the training implementor concerned throughout the training duration. However, this excludes participants occupying key positions such as Provincia/City Director, Force Commander (Regional/District Mobile Force Battalion or Provincial/City Mobile Force Company); Chief of Police of City/Municipality; Station Commander of NCRPO Numbered Police Stations; Regional Chief, NSUs; and Provincial Chief, NSUs. Personnel holding these positions shall be relieved from their designations as these key positions are considered critical. Hence, they are required to perform their duties in full capacity. b. Programmed Training Description In addition to the prioritized in-service training programs integral to the TAP for all PNP offices/units, they are directed to conduct the following mandatory in-service trainings: 1) Firearms Proficiency Program - Modified Handgun Marksmanship Training (MHM7). MHMT is a regular firearms proficiency training program. It aims to standardize, develop, increase, and sustain the level of confidence and proficiency in the use of issued firearms by all PNP personnel. The program has three phases, namely: a) Phase | — Handgun Familiarization and Precision Training (HEPT); ells, Page 4 of 16 BACONE PILIDINAS Ref. No.: DHROD-(U)24-01-18-73 b) Phase II — Handgun Qualification Marksmanship Test (HQMT); and c) Phase Ill - Handgun Classification Marksmanship Test (HCMT). Monthly Marksmanship Accomplishment Reports shall be submitted by Crame-based offices/units and PROs, as well as the consolidated report of PNPTS to DHRDD every 20" day of the month through e-mail The report shall include the (1) Analysis of the Performance by Stage (Phase |, Il, and Ill); (2) Issues and Concerns, and (3) Over-All Assessment. 2) Combat Medics Course (CMC) Pursuant to the Command Guidance during the PNP Command Conference held on December 13, 2023, the CMC shall be incorporated to the respective RTAPs of PROs for CY 2024 in view of the mandatory inclusion of medically trained personnel during combat operations and the execution of Warrant of Arrest and Search Warrant on High Value Individual/High Value Target (HVI/HVT). Participants shall comply the following pre-requisites: a) Graduate of Basic Internal Security Operations Course (BISOC),; b) Physically, mentally, and medically fit; c) Must pass the Neuro-Psychiatric Examination and Drug Test; and d) Has no pending criminal, civil, and/or administrative case. PROs requesting participation must request clearance from SAF two months before the scheduled opening considering the limited number of Subject Matter Experts and qualified clinical instructors, They shall likewise establish a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with a hospital institution that can accommodate the CMC participants in the 17-Day On-the-Job Training (Hospital Immersion). A copy of the MOA shall be submitted to DHRDD and SAF for reference. 3) Integrated Training Program for Mandatory Seminars on Moral Advancement/Recovery Program (MRP), Human Rights (HR), and Gender Awareness and Development (GAD). The following mandatory seminars, which are integral to police programmed activities in accordance with national directives and PNP- ty, Page 5 of 16 BACONE PILIPINAS. Ret, No: DHRDD{(U}24-01-18-73 issued memoranda, shall be conducted solely by the PNPTS through its RSTUs for all PNP offices/units: a) MRP Aligned with the government policy pursuant to Executive Order No. 319, entitled “Institutionalizing the Moral Recovery Program (MRP) in all Government Departments, Offices, Agencies, and Government-owned and controlled Corporations through the Establishment of Integrity Circles,” and LOI 17/10 “SUGO" (Spiritual Upliftment and Growth of the Organization) b) HR This seminar ensures the PNP's commitment to delivering community-oriented police services in accordance with internationally accepted Human Rights Laws. It also aims to apply laws affecting the duties and responsibilities of PNP personnel in upholding, protecting, and fulfilling respect for human rights in the performance of their duties. All Training Directors are encouraged to initiate "Constructive Engagements" with the Commission on Human Rights, inviting personnel from the Commission to serve as Resource Persons/Subject Matter Experts for lectures. c) GAD Pursuant to the PNP MC No. 2004-002, the PNP shall conduct seminars related to gender awareness development to enhance the policewomen’s full capacities in policing and participating in the development process in ways equal to men. The 5% of the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) of police offices/units shall be allocated for GAD seminarsitraining. 4) Doctrine of Completed Staff Work (CSW) in the PNP Pursuant to the PNP MC No. 2019-026, the CSW Doctrine will be incorporated in the curriculum as a module/subject in the Specialized Courses of NSUs and PROs. It will also be integrated into the Competency Courses of D-Staff, as well as a separate seminar- workshop program will be conducted by DHRDD through its training arm, PNPTS to PROs nationwide. 5) Focused Reformation/Reorientation and Moral Enhancement for Police Officers in Line with Internal Cleansing Efforts (FORM POLICE) tl, Page 6 of 16 Ref. No. DHROD{U)24-01-18-73, Aligned with its mission and functions, the PNP shall conduct Personnel Transformation/Moral Recovery and Reorientation to instill discipline, character, and positive attitude among its erring members. PNPTS will spearhead the 30-day FORM POLICE training for personnel with serious offenses at the School for Values and Leadership Annex, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, Olongapo City, Zambales. PROs will conduct the 7-day FORM POLICE for training personnel with minor offenses prior to their reassignment. 6) Resource Enhancement Through Academic Development (READ) Program for NUP and Supervisory Development Course (SDC) As the implementing arm of DHRDD, the PNPTS and all PNP offices/units, shall program and conduct training for NUP to professionalize them and equip them with the necessary management tools and knowledge. 7) Field Training Officers Course (FTOC) for Police Commissioned Officers (PCOs) and Police Non-Commissioned Officers (PNCOs) The FTOC for PCOs and PNCOs shall be included in the TAP of all offices/units concerned for appropriate funding and implementation, pursuant to PNP MC No. 2023-056. 8) Other in-service training related to Internal Security Operations (ISO): Based on the former Chief, PNP, PGEN OSCAR D ALBAYALDE's approval of the recommendations in the CY 2019 After Activity Report Re: Operational Review and Performance Audit of the Police Mobile Forces (PMFs) (formerly Public Safety Forces), and the CY 2019 Assessment and Cascading of the PNP Campaign Plan Double Barrel Alpha to PROs 6 to 13, the PROs should conduct the following trainings, depending on the prevailing situation in their AOR: a) PNP Special Weapons and Tactics Course (PNP SWAT); b Basic Explosive Ordnance and Disposal (BEOD) Course; °) Police Explosive Reconnaissance Course (PERC) (formerly Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance Agent); d) Explosive Detection Dog and Handlers Course (EDDHC) (formerly Basic K9 Course); e) Hostage Negotiation Course (HNC); sit Page 7 of 16 BACONE PLIPINAS. Ref, No. DHRDD-(U}24-01-18-73 f) Basic Internal Security Operations Course (BISOC); and g) Basic Trafficking in Persons (BTIP). 9) Additional in-service training related to Internal Security Operations (ISO) Similarly, recommendations during the National ISO Validation Committee meeting for CY 2019 presided over by then former TDCO, PLTGEN ARCHIE FRANCISCO F GAMBOA, which shall be mandatory for PNP Mobile Forces (PMFs) include: a) Basic Communications and Electronics Course (BCEC); and b) Intelligence Basic Course (IBC) for PNCO. 10) Unprogrammed In-Service Training In addressing specific policing concerns and issues not covered by this training directive, unprogrammed in-service training may be initiated by the office/unit concemed, subject to the outsourced support extended by LGUs or NGOs. 11) Inclusion of Case Study Module vis-a-vis Competency Training This involves the incorporation of case studies, based on factual and sensational cases into the ongoing competency training. These case studies aim to assess the success of PNP interventions for the aforementioned cases, document lessons learned from past mistakes, prevent their recurrence, and enhance the effective and efficient implementation of PNP programs (see Annex “A”) Prior to the Opening of In-Service Training 1) Programmed In-Service Training. All offices/units shall promptly notify the DHRDD within ten working days prior to the commencement of programmed in-service training based on the approved MTAP 2024 (see Annex “B”) along with the In-Service Training Checklist (see Annex “C") indicating complete compliance with pre-training requirements to expedite and simplify the procedure; 2) Unprogrammed In-Service Training. A memorandum requesting the conduct of an unprogrammed in-service training shall be submitted to DHRDD within ten working days prior the commencement of the same, along with the In-Service Training lly Page 8 of 16 Aconc pLipiNas Ref, No.: DHROD{U)24-01-18-73, Checklist indicating completed compliance with pre-training requirements, subject to the approval of DHRDD; 3) Aside from the conduct of unprogrammed in-service trainings, memorandum requests addressed to DHRDD shall be required in cases where the training OPR exceeded the allowable number of students per class under the PNP MC No. 2014-046; and/or other circumstances or cases peculiar to the said policy or this training directive; 4) Participants in all in-service trainings shall fill out an In-Service Training Waiver (see Annex “D”); and 5) Training OPR must ensure that the training venue can accommodate all training activities, including students, and training staff, etc. d. Before Engaging in Strenuous Physical Acti Actual Implementation of Any In-Service Training ies During the 1) All students shall undergo medical consultation or assessment and fill out their Individual Medical Assessment Form (see Annex “E”); 2) Training OPR must ensure that all students have sufficient sleep, food, and hydration; 3) Training OPR shall check and monitor the PAGASA weather forecast to determine the current heat index (Maximum heat index of 38 degrees Celsius); and 4) Training OPR through HS and/or RMDU must provide at least one ambulance (medically equipped) with a Medical Response Team (MRT) composed of Medical Doctor/s and/or Nurse/s on standby. At least one PNP vehicle with a siren should be available for emergency transport, ensuring proper hydration with accessible water stations. e. Submission of After-Training Report (ATR) An ATR must be submitted through Online Communications Imaging and Monitoring System (OLCIMS) after the opening and culmination of the program training with the following details and attachments: 1) Training Details Hereunder are the important details to be incorporated into the After-Training Report a) Background of the in-service training: oy Page 9 of 16 BACONC pILIPINAS 2) Ref, No.: DHRDDU)24-01-18-73 b) Title of the in-service training; ¢) Training Duration (Date and Number of Days); d) Number of students/participants should not exceed 50 (includes PCO, PNCO, and NUP); e) Training Venue; and ) PNP office/unit conducting the training. Attachment of Pertinent Documents a) For in-service training with more than ten training days duration, the following reports shall be submitted to DHRDD: (1) After Opening Report to be submitted three days after the commencement of training, containing the following documents: (a) Training Order/Roster of the Participants; and (b) Action pictures (Opening Ceremony and other important pictures). Q) After Closing Report to be submitted within three days after the termination of training, containing the following documents: (a) Declaration of Graduates; (b) Final Order of Merit (if applicable); {c) Action pictures (Closing Ceremonies, lecture, workshop, and practicalifield exercises) of the in- service training; and (d) In-Service Training Evaluation Summary using the DHRDD Survey Forms: Instructors Evaluation, and Training Evaluation. b) For in-service training with less than ten days duration, the After Training Report shall be submitted to DHRDD three days after the culmination of the training with the following documents: (1) Declaration of Graduates; (2) Final Order of Merit (if applicable); (3) Action pictures (Opening/Closing Ceremonies, lecture, workshop, and practical/field exercises) of the in-service training; and ‘ willy , Page 10 of 16 BACONC PILIPINAS. Ref, No.: DHRDD-{(U)24-01-18-73 (4) In-service Training Evaluation Summary using DHRDDD Survey Forms: Instructors Evaluation; and Training Evaluation. f. Specific Training Directives 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) DHRDD shall oversee the implementation, review, and improvement of the system and procedures outlined in this Training Directive; PNPTS, through the RSTUs, is the designated Office Primarily Responsible (OPR) for implementing priority training programs for PROs in coordination with the Regional Director (RD) through the Chief, Regional Learning and Doctrine Development Division (C, RLDDD). D-Staff and NSUs shall coordinate with the PNPTS for competency/specialized in-service training within their areas, following the functions of the PNPTS in PNP MC No, 2009-018, which dictates the administrative and operational control and supervision over all PNP training units and RSTUs; A face-to-face mode of instruction is highly recommended for in- service training to enhance the students’ participation and ensure integrity of tests, examinations, exercises, and workshops, among others. Nonetheless, training OPRs may opt for other modes if necessary; Training funds and logistical support shall be drawn from the regular MOOE allocations of PROs and NSUs for CY 2024 based on the approved MTAP; Training funds intended for programmed in-service training shall not be utilized for unprogrammed in-service training; Only contingency/reserved funds of PNP offices/units can be utilized for unprogrammed in-service training; Only students and lecturers/instructors of programmed in-service training under the MTAP with appropriate orders, regardless of the mode of instruction, are entitled to Training Subsistence Allowance (TSA) and Instructors Duty Pay (IDP), respectively; Training OPRs shall ensure the submission of complete documentary requirements to DHRDD for processing the TSA and IDP claims for validation prior to issuance of TSA orders by the DPRM; Release of funds for TSA and IDP shall be through the issuance of Notice of Funds Availability to the training schools and centers by els, Page 11 of 16 BACONE PILIPINAS. Ref. No: DHRDD-(U)24-01-18-73, the Directorate for Comptrollership, to be transmitted to Finance Service with the corresponding Notice of Cash Allocation for its further processing; 10) A Standard Training Package (STP) development and the review of all training programs with DHRDD are required for any in-service training without a comprehensive STP, whether programmed or unprogrammed; 11) The incorporation of previously considered mandatory subjects, such as the MRP, HR, GAD, P.AT.R.O.L. PLAN, Protocols in Explosive Investigation, and Financial Literacy, will not be required for all STP courses. Inclusion will depend’ on relevance and necessity for specific courses; 12) Strict adherence to the PNP In-Service Training's STP for training/courses/seminars to ensure standardization and uniformity. Modifications, alterations, and variations of the existing STPs and Program of Instructions shall be recommended by the in-service training proponent for approval of the DHRDD In-Service Training Certification Board; 13) RD, PROs and D, NSUs shall provide the necessary personnel, logistical, and financial support for program implementation through the Chief, RLODD, and in coordination with the Chief, RSTU, and PNPTS; 14) The issuance of participant's Training Orders for the in-service training conducted by the D/P-Staff as OPR, detailing the same to the training school/office/unit concerned during the duration of the training, shall be requested by the training OPR concemed to DPRM through DHRDD for the issuance of Training Orders. Training Orders from NSUs and PROs as Training OPRs shall be issued by their respective ARMDs and RPRMDs. Further, the detailed participant must automatically return to his/her office/unit upon completion of each in-service training; 15) For competency training badges, representation in the issuance of appropriate orders to wear the same shall not be requested to the DHRDD. Under PNP MC No. 2013-013, the PNP training office/unit that conducted the training programs entitled to the conferment of a competency training badge shall issue the “AUTHORITY TO WEAR’ to the graduates of such training program. Said authority shall form part of the Declaration of Graduates for the class. Only a copy of such shall be submitted to the DHRDD for reference; 16) For Marksmanship or Classification Badges, it shall be certified and awarded to qualified PNP personnel by authorized and certified PNP Range Safety Officers (RSOs) and Instructors, duly oly Page 12 of 16 BacONc PILIPINAS Ref, No. DHROD-{U)24-01-18-73, authenticated/signed by the Chief of Offices/Units. Thereafter, requesting units shall adhere to the following rules: a) RSTUs shall submit to RLDDD the list of qualified and certified PNP personnel for the issuance of appropriate orders for firearm classification badges; b) Crame-based office/units shall submit to DHRDD the list of qualified and certified PNP personnel for further endorsement to DPRM for the issuance of appropriate orders for firearm classification badges; 17) Badges shall be simply handed to the graduating personnel along with their respective certificates and/or medals for purposes of uniformity in the conduct of in-service training; 18) Alltraining proponents/implementers shall allocate a minimum of 10 percent of the total number of participants per course for qualified NUP in all programmed in-service trainings, especially to in- service/competency trainings offered by the D-Staffs and NSUs, where NUP are eligible to participate. 19) No participant shall attend two different training at the same duration nor shall be a participant and as an instructor on the same training; 20) RD, PROs shall refrain from requiring police stations to conduct training contained in their TAP. Only the police regional and provincial offices will be responsible for implementing in-service training for its lower unit's personnel; 21) The Director, PNPTS or his authorized representative shall monitor the implementation of these programs, and shall conduct inspection and visitation to the area where training is ongoing; 22) Instructors shall maximize the use of training materials, conduct demonstrations, and shall encourage active participation from the participants; 23) Civilian and PNP Instructors for in-service training must be certified and accredited through the PNP Instructor Certification and Accreditation Program (ICAP); 24) The involvement and support of LGUs and stakeholders in the in- service training programs are highly encouraged as part of realizing and completing the desired training program; 25) RDs, PROs/D, NSUs shall strictly prioritize and complete all their respective programmed in-service trainings; % wi 5 Page 13 of 16 BACONE PILIPINAS. Ref, No: DHRDD-(U)24.01-18-73 26) All unprogrammed training/courses/seminars that are new and peculiar to a specific office/unit funded by LGU/Stakeholder or require the release of PNP funds, shall comply with the DHRDD In- Service Training Certification Process to determine readiness, completeness, and standard prior to the approval of conducting proposed courses/training/seminars; 27) Unprogrammed training/seminars lasting one to two days, new and peculiar to a specific unit or PRO may be conducted following the training standard, while seminars with a duration of three to nine days shall comply with the DHRDD Seminar/Workshop Certification Process; 28) For specialized or competency training, the PNPTS is responsible for issuing General Order (GO) Numbers, Certificate Control Numbers (CCNs), and Class Numbers. For seminars, only GO Numbers will be issued; and 29) Monthly MTAP Accomplishment Reports shall be submitted to DHRDD every 5" day of the month through e-mail The said report shall include the (1) Analysis of the Report; (2) Issues and Concerns, and (3) Over-All Assessment. Format for the said report shall be disseminated by DHRDD upon approval of this directive. 7. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: a. Prior to any PNP In-Service Training, the training OPR must coordinate with the in-service training proponentowner sufficient to ensure the proper conduct of the training; All programmed trainings in this MTAP shall be implemented immediately in accordance with this Training Directive and/or other policies, guidelines, and directives issued by DHRDD. Close coordination with DHRDD (Attn: C, UTPDD) should be made ten days before the training commencement for training notation, monitoring, and initial accreditation as training accomplishment upon completion; PNPTS, RSTUs, and all training offices/units shall strictly adhere to the provisions of PNP MC No. 2014-046 entitled, “PNP Standard for In- Service Training”; All in-service training must be properly coordinated with PNPTS for the issuance of Class Number as may be appropriate; Three days before the training completion, a request for a GO Number for the declaration of graduates and a CCN/Certificate of Conferment Control Number (CCCN), as may be appropriate, shall be made addressed to the Director, PNPTS (Attention: Training Managers, wily Page 14 of 16 BACONE PlUPINAS Ref, No.: DHRDD-(U}24-01-18-73, School for Specialized Courses (SSC), School for Field Training and Technical Services (SFTTS) or School for Skills and Sports Development (SSSD) depending on the in-service training conducted. The said request shall be accompanied by the list of graduating students, photocopies of the daily attendance, and the Program of the Closing Ceremony. Any training conducted independently by any unit without proper coordination with PNPTS will not be recognized and accredited, and thus cannot be used as valid eligibility for promotion or designation to any position requiring such training; The Director, PNPTS, and the Director of sponsoring PNP office/unit should sign the certificate of completion. The Declaration of Graduates will be duly signed and issued by the Director, PNPTS; . Incomplete training reports will not be considered as unit accomplishments and it will eventually affect the UPER. Further, the request for TSA/IDP will not be endorsed by DHRDD for DPRM's approval; . The Training Director and training staff should exercise resourcefulness and flexibility in accomplishing the program objectives; Random drug testing is highly encouraged before or during the opening of training; Successful participants/students will receive appropriate cerfificates and diplomas. The Director, PNPTS co-signs the certificates of completion with the Director/Head of Office of the OPR/Sponsor for the D-Staff/P-Staff in-service training, while Chief, RSTUs co-signs for RDs, PROs. The declaration of graduates for in-service training is issued and duly signed by Director, PNPTS; . Depending on the prevailing national situation, concern, and organizational program prioritization, MTAP implementation may be temporarily suspended upon DHRDD's recommendation for approval of the Chief, PNP; Amendments/revisions on the approved MTAP of PNP offices/units are highly discouraged, except for Command Guidance disseminated by DHRDD, and/or other meritorious reasons requiring §MTAP amendment/revision; . Allowable amendment/revision to the office/unit's programmed training included in the approved MTAP shall be endorsed by the office/unit concerned for approval of the Chief, PNP through TDHRDD copy furnished PNPTS; All training directives remain in effect. Any directive inconsistent with the aforesaid statements shall be deemed replaced; and wil Page 15 of 16 PAcONc PILIPINAS Ret, No DHRODU)24-01-18-73 ©. Lapses or negligence in implementing the existing approved MTAP and these training directives shall be sanctioned accordingly. Further, inconsistencies with the submitted requirements to DHRDD will be thoroughly investigated, and those found responsible will face appropriate sanctions to ensure strict adherence to the established guidelines and maintain a high standard of quality and consistency in all submitted requirements. 8, COVERAGE: This training directive specifically covers only the programmed in-service training for CY 2024 Distribution’ ‘Command Group OIC, IAS Cmdrs, APCs D-Statf P-Staff D, NSUs. RD, PROs ASPA to the SILG Enclosures: Annex"A" - Annex'B.1" - Annex*B.2" - Annex‘B.3" - Annex*B.4" Annex"BS" - Annex"C" Annex"D” - Annex"E - flu “BENJAMIN C ACORDA, JR Police General Chief, PNP of GOCPNP semen $098158 Inclusion of Case Study Module vis-a-vis Competency Training APC Training Action Plan Program CY 2024 DIP-Staff Training Action Program CY 2024 NASU Training Action Program CY 2024 NOSU Training Action Program CY 2024 PROs Training Action Program CY 2024 In-Service Training Checklist In-Service Training Student Waiver Medical Consultation or Assessment Requirement per In-Service Training wy, Page 16 of 16 BACONE PILIPINAS. Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR HUMAN RESOURCE AND DOCTRINE DEVELOPMENT ‘Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City DHROD(U}26-01-18-72 ORGANIZATIONAL TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS (TNA) for CY 2024 Organizational Training Goals: It aims to train and develop PNP personne''s overall level of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in: a. Police administrative function such as organizational planning and accountability; functional efficiency and effectiveness; and human, logistical, and financial resource management, as well as effective internal and inter- agency communication; and b. Police operations functions such as Public Safety Operations, Law Enforcement Operations, Intemal Security Operations, Special Police Operations, Intelligence Operations, Investigation Operations, Scene of the Crime Operations (SOCO), and Police Community Relations Organizational Training Objectives: For CY 2024, a total of 4,280 training programs will be undertaken with the purpose of training and developing 216,802 PNP personnel, which is further subdivided into the following training needs: a. Administrative training consists of 655 training programs, with a target of 25,688 PNP personnel; b. Intelligence training consists of 116 training programs, with a target of 5,295 PNP personnel; c. Operational training consists of 2,920 training programs, with a target of 157,622 PNP personnel; d. Police Community Relations training consists of 216 training programs, with a target of 10,380 PNP personnel; and e. Investigation training consists of 373 training programs, with a target of 17,817 PNP personnel rt can Irnnoaae Inclusion of Case Study Module vis-a-vis Competency Trail Annex “A” ing PNP students will conduct case studies as part of their competency training to enhance their overall competency. The objectives of these case studies are as follows: a. To assess whether or not the PNP interventions for the aforementioned cases were successful; b. To document the lessons that can be learned from past mistakes and prevent a repetition of the same; and c. To further enhance the effective and efficient implementation of PNP Programs in various endeavors. The inclusion of Case Study Modules in some identified Competency Training will allow PNP students to critically analyze past cases, learn from its mistakes, evaluate interventions, and improve the implementation of PNP programs. It will help develop their problem-solving skills, decision-making abilities, and further enhance their overall competency as members of the PNP. The cited topics for Case Study Module shall be included but not limited to the following Competency Training Program of Instruction (POI): filed against prominent - Training Topics ee Study In-Service Training Proponent eens (OPR) _ 1. MAMASAPANO a. Intelligence Basic Course Operations that led to the | (IBC) for PCO death of 44 SAF DI Troopers b. Intelligence Basic Course (IBC) for PNCO. 2. Raid/Harassment of ©. Operations Officers CPP-NPA that killed PNP |" Management Course Do personnel in Labo, (oomc) Camarines Norte in 2021 during the stint of then RD, PRO 5, PBGEN d. SAF Commando Course BARTOLOME R BUSTAMANTE (Ret.) e. Combat Medics Course (CMC) for PCO and PNCO 3. Encounter between PNP (formerly Tactical Combat SAF SAF Troopers and Abu Casualty Care) Sayyaf Group (ASG) on October 14, 2022, killing | f. Basic Internal Security Most Wanted ASG with a Operations Course (BISOC) Warrant of Arrest ; 4. Dismissal of Drug Cases | * Cores ose meee coo _— personalities listed in the National Drug Watch List Criminal investigation Course (cic) . Drug Enforcement Course (DEC) PDEG . Investigation Officers Basic 5. Dismissal of Illegal Course (OBC) BIDM Gambling (Peryahan or | - E Sabor) cases filed in a Investigation Course court Introduction to Cybercrime ACG Investigation Course (ICIC) 6. Sexual Harassment case |“ ee iaeeN eres filed against a superior Involving Women and werc officer by a patrolwoman | Children for PNP-WCPD applicant Officers 7. Dismissal of murder case | ~ Gna ion) icers Basie filed by the PNP against DIDM a high-profile political aa ey figure in Mindanao ¥ ey Investigation Course . Intelligence Basic Course 8. Intelligence report that (IBC) for PCO was poorly evaluated DI which led to the . Intelligence Basic Course unfortunate attack on the (IBC) for PNCO Municipality of Paniqui, . Operations Officers Tarlac Management Course DO (OOMC) 9. Intelligence report on the . Intelligence Basic Course impending attack by (IBC) for PCO MNLF in Zamboanga City Dl that led to a bloody . Intelligence Basic Course confrontation (IBC) for PNCO Intelligence Basic Course (IBC) for PCO DI . Intelligence Basic Course “Onli (IBC) for PNCO 10. Anti-Online Sexual Abuse |-— investigation Officers Basic or Exploitation of Children Course (IOBC) (OSAEC) and Anti-Child (loBc) ay Sexual Abuse or ae ae Exploitation Materials aie Investigation Course (CSAEM) cases Introduction to Cybercrime Investigation Course (ICIC) ACG Introduction to Digital Forensics Investigation |. Proactive Internet Investigation Course (PIIC) Identification and Seizure of Digital Evidence (ISDE) Course Trafficking in Persons Specialist Investigation Course WCPC, 11. Online Scams. .. Introduction to Cybercrime Investigation Course (ICIC) Introduction to Digital Forensics Investigation . Proactive Internet Investigation Course (PIIC) . Identification and Seizure of Digital Evidence (ISDE) Course ACG . Investigation Officers Basic Course (IOBC) Criminal Investigation Course (cic) DIDM 12. Data Breach . Investigation Officers Basic Course (IOBC) . Criminal Investigation Course (CIC) DIDM - Information and Communications Technology Management Course (ICTMC) DICTM . Introduction to Cybercrime _ Investigation Course (ICIC) . Introduction to Digital Forensics Investigation Proactive Internet Investigation Course (PIIC) . Identification and Seizure of Digital Evidence (ISDE) Course ACG 13. Cyber Bullying . Introduction to Cybercrime Investigation Course (ICIC) ACG b. Introduction to Digital Forensics Investigation c. Proactive Internet Investigation Course (PIIC) d. Identification and Seizure of Digital Evidence (ISDE) Course a. Investigation Officers Basic Course (IOBC) DIDM b. Criminal Investigation Course (CIC) DIDM c. Trafficking in Persons Specialist Investigation WCPC Course d. Introduction to Cybercrime Investigation Course (ICIC) 14. Online Dating Scams e. Introduction to Digital Forensics Investigation f. Proactive Internet Acs Investigation Course (PIIC) g. Identification and Seizure of Digital Evidence (ISDE) Course The following are the guidelines for the inclusion of Case Study Modules vis-a- vis Competency Training to ensure standards in the delivery of training: ‘a. Include a Case Study Overview using the Case Study Format to enlighten the student on how to conduct a Case Study; b. Case studies must be conducted as group activities by providing students with assigned case study topics at the start of their training to ensure sufficient preparation time; c. The topic for the case study is not limited to the provided list. Likewise, training proponents could add topics related to their training as well; and d. Additional and/or extension of training duration is prohibited unless approved by TDHRDD. Ml. vi. Vil. Vill. Case Study Format Title Introduction: (The introduction provides background information on the subject of the case study and the research question or objective of the study.) Literature Review: (The literature review provides a summary and analysis of the existing research ‘on the subject of the case study. This section should show the gap in the literature that the study aims to fill.) Methodology: (This section explains how the research was conducted, including the research design, sampling strategy, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.) Results: (In this section, the data collected is presented and analyzed. Tables, graphs, and figures can be used to present the findings.) Discussion: (The discussion section interprets the results in light of the research question or objective. The researcher should compare their findings with previous research, and identify the limitations and implications of their study.) Conclusion and Recommendation: (The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the study, answers the research question or objective, and provides recommendations for future research or practical applications.) References: (A list of sources used in the case study should be included in this section.) Appendices: (as applicable) (Any supplementary materials, such as survey questions or interview transcripts, can be included in the appendices section.) Master Trai 1g Action Plan (MTAP) CY 2024 ‘AREA POLICE COMMAND (APC) Annex “B.1” "AREA POLICE COMMAND - NORTHERN LUZON (APC - NL) wot Compton | Tie of CouresSinars Meo | ricinus | Freq |contestinteciss| Tota Cou Estrane| ¥Ptind pri of “raring Dap | eee Implementation [Foane Poko Trang Pe FFT) 7 o 7 ar Tres or) Menamanap | 1 [Fears Prtamey Tang (Pe 1-FONTT . o n ram Ta rr) [rears Prokenay Trang (Pre POM 7 = 1 sa EIST Mer ‘Cesar | 7 [bene Theos rupert Soy TUS) Sor oi 2 H ora “rs00 Wor tistence | 3 [Bac tmaten Coleco and Aras Seri HCAS) | 5 » 1 sz | 13750000 a Adncrane | 4 [Serer Wotan on Decinay aationDeceieny |g ” 1 ‘oacomn sawn Sepereee [raatTrnings | * Tel Cis Popa _ [ToutTronington | 387030 "AREA POLICE COMMAND - SOUTHERN LUZON (APC - SL) Neat Comptes | Tio Courtine Mt | paints | Fe Sena : “ ma | Com xtmate in| Tot Cont Etmate ain an | Pena mplemenaton 1 [Canis on erg Soins Waep 7 2 7 eo a Tay 7 Peon Dognet Sonar 1 = 1 1071000 voz1000 nny anwsrabe, |_3_|102y Sona on One of Care! 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