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Although magistrates and clergy tended to be more familiar with demonological theory, as they
learnt greater insight by reading thesis such as Kramer’s “Malleus”, the common people also needed
to have knowledge for the development of the witch hunt to take place. The conference would start
on May 20th at 2pm and would end on May 21st at 5pm. Why was it so difficult to decide between
true and false visions and appari. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as
your own, that is cheating. Also you. Modern society considers women as dependents of men owing
to the entrenched patriarchal order. Domestic Workers Witch-hunting led to the perception of
women as domestic workers who do not contribute to the labor force. Nonetheless, in the last few
decades, an inflow of archival research along with the original analysis has led to the opening of an
essentially new chapter in the manner scholars treat this phenomenon. The inquisitorial procedure
made it easier to prosecute all crimes, but particularly heresy and witch craft. Thomas says that the
witch-craze was a “broyle against old women” 5. The adoption of ethical and legal practices has
forced plantations to comply with the demands of corporate social responsibility in the labor
industry. Although some scholars, like Anne Llewellyn Barstow, continued to assert the central
significance of the original question of whether or not the witch hunt was a deliberate woman hunt,
most historians began to rethink the question while still acknowledging the importance of including
gender in the analysis of witch hunts. The formation of gendered roles makes women domestic
workers, but it positions men as professionals. Contemporary evidence supports this, for example
George Gifford 6, a Protestant priest from Essex, who wrote two books on witchcraft, in 1587
“Discourse of the Subtle Practises of Devils by witches and Sorcerers” and in 1593, noted. Key
Industries Michigan City offers competitive advantages that make starting or moving your business
here an easy decision. Surprisingly the plague did not very often serve as the catalyst for specific
witch hunts. The Witchcraft Act of 1735 repealed the Witchcraft Laws, instead making it illegal to
claim magical powers or that anyone was practicing witchcraft. Women had to learn how to live with
fears that were conceivably bigger that the present fear of rapes and assault. Wilkin, Rebecca May.
2008. Women, Imagination and the Search for Truth in Early Modern France. More on his adaptation
of Irish and his attempts to proselytize among the Catholic population is available on History Ireland.
There is a propensity in the woman archetype for the application of contemporary concepts and
outlooks of sexuality and gender to the early contemporary period. In modern society, men consider
impotence as an issue that affects based on their social and cultural practices. Therefore these
explanations may be exaggerated by those who blamed women for witchcraft. We may never know
the real reason for the events in Salem Village, but we can continue to come up with theories.
Remember! This is just a sample You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers Get
custom essay Currently, women possess the identity of communal good because men, employers, and
society collectively abuse and exploit them for selfish reasons. Many scholars have argued that it was
the women who seemed most independent from patriarchal norms especially elderly ones living
outside the parameters of the patriarchal family -- who were most vulnerable to accusations of
witchcraft”4. A consciousness of the expert interests of the writers of these works, together with the
connection of specific works to specific occurrences of prosecution is required so that their
significance can be evaluated. The social-political effects of witch-hunt are evident in the way
women’s slavery persists in the labor market, particularly in agricultural plantations. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work
published on IvyPanda. Since women were languishing in poverty, they had no power to prevent
exploitation and abuse by men, employers, and slave owners.
I disagree with him because of MacForland’s evidence that the worst time of witchcraft persecution
was during the 1580’s and the 1640’s. However, those who were educated, such as Dee, who
practised alchemy and crystal gazing, were often respected, protected by their education and status
in society. In essence, independent women were perceived as rebellious and insubordinate to
patriarchy. Also the acts that were passed corresponded with times of religious upheaval. It does
appear that the witch-hunts were actually a form of control the ruling classes inflicted upon society.
They are generally difficult to grasp since justice is exercised by the dominant. The people who
incontestably support this form of archetype discount the warning given by Karl Popper that in most
cases humanity is not aware that it operates with hypotheses and this makes them mistake
hypothetical representations for concrete things. From the economic perspective, women did not
have the privilege of working and earning wages since their work was treated as unproductive and
insignificant. Although Daly found Murray’s study convincing, her main criticism of Murray was that
much of her evidence came from witch-trial confessions, which Daly believed to be lacking in
credibility because they were given under torture. Gibbons, Jenny. “Recent Developments in the
Study of the Great European Witch Hunt”. According to Federici (2004a), the realization that
women were powerful and gaining influence over men elicited witch-hunt. This would explain why
witches were not tolerated at a time of increased political danger, such as the 1580’s, and in a period
of religious change. The minimum time our certified writers need to deliver. A number of historians
have started assuming that the witches of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries played critical roles
towards the decline on the status of women. It underlines the extreme plasticity of the accusation of
witchcraft and the categories of such a crime. For women to join the workforce, they had to explain
their needy situations, their inability to get support from their husbands and issue apologies for
violating cultural norms. In the current society, the devaluation of women’s labor is frequent because
there are gendered roles in the job market. See other similar resources ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews
Download Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Dr John Dee was an astrologer whose
interests were also crystal gazing, alchemy, and necromancy was reported to have spent much time
conversing with angels (according to Marsello and Dee’s detailed documents of these encounters). It
corresponds only partially with the concept of Sabbath that emerges in courts starting in the 15th
century. Edwards, Kathryn A. 2002. Werewolves, Witches, And Wandering Spirits. Conclusion The
examination of the witch-hunt, which dominated Europe during the 16 th and 17 th centuries, reveals
that it had numerous social and political consequences. The social-political effects of witch-hunt are
evident in the way women’s slavery persists in the labor market, particularly in agricultural
plantations. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?0.00 (no rating)
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Given that women are weak, they do not have physical, financial, legal, and political powers to
agitate for their rights. As his evidence is factual it suggests that there was an intensive period of
witch-hunting towards the end of the sixteenth century England. Women had to learn how to live
with fears that were conceivably bigger that the present fear of rapes and assault. Women did not
attain a respectable social status in society without getting married and accepting to depend on a
man. We may never know the real reason for the events in Salem Village, but we can continue to
come up with theories. Most of them were them persecuted and because of their heretics in the
society thus leading to people leaving in fear of witch -hunt (Kors, Alan, and Edward, P. By the end
of the trials, more than 160 people were accused of witchcraft, but less than half confesses to
practicing witchcraft, most were jailed, and many were deprived of their human rights.
Historian Alan MacForland has discovered that there was a remarkable increase in witchcraft
accusations during the 1580’s and the 1640’s. However, how widely distributed were these forms of
propaganda. Murray also had a significant impact on Wicca which emerged in the early twentieth
century and gained popularity in the 1950s. Hence, witch-hunt permitted the state to violate the
reproductive rights of women during the 16 th and 17 th centuries. Hutchinson died on 23 June 1739
and is buried at Portglenone, Co. Antrim. With the perception of women as objects of reproduction,
researchers have focused their innovations on the production of contraceptives and family planning
interventions for women. The importance of researching Early European Witch Hunts, will open new
arenas to researchers with the discovery of how critically important it is to explore this new inter-
disciplinary field, that has led many historians to acquire better data and not rely on old or outdated
data to further research this topic. In order for witch hunts to begin courts had to have jurisdiction
over witchcraft. Society still perceives women as perpetrators of infanticide due to high incidences
of abortion and infant mortality. The belief of those of the ruling and administrative elite was more
important nevertheless because they controlled the judicial process. As a consequence, women lived
at the mercies of unfair government policies, which hindered them from enjoying their rights to
reproductive health. This was because the Reformation dissolved much of the Catholic “counter
magic” (e.g. exorcisms and holy water), so the “victims” had little choice but to turn to the law.
Therefore, the study of witchcraft seems to bear witness that this crime is a concept under
construction and in debate at the end of the Middle Ages. Comparatively, in modern society, the
issue of abortion is a continuation of the witch-hunt process. If you want a unique paper, order it
from our professional writers. The entrenched patriarchal system creates an ideal woman with
attributes and features that favor men and allow them to be slaves. King James believed in the theory
of divine right, and that he was accountable only to God. These extra Members of Parliament were
not gentry or lower nobility, but were well educated, competitive lawyers and administrators who
due to their education were much more confident in their decisions. Sometimes individuals
deliberately and maliciously brought charges of witch craft against their antagonists, political rivals,
economic competitors and sometimes even family members. In modern society, science borrowed
medical knowledge and skills from women who provided treatments using natural oils, herbal
extracts, and concoctions. In Great Britain, witchcraft stopped being an act punishable by law in
1735 after the Witchcraft Act, while in Germany, sorcery continued to be punished by the law well
into the late eighteenth century. The process of scapegoating in response to misfortune was probably
the most common trigger of European witch hunts, but it was by no means the only one. Stabile
(2015) argues that maternal decisions of reproductive health have been subjected to paternal interests
and government policies. What are some of the challenges of assessing the social causes of the witch
-hunts. A consciousness of the expert interests of the writers of these works, together with the
connection of specific works to specific occurrences of prosecution is required so that their
significance can be evaluated. The history of witchcraft with gender as a central subject is only a few
decades old, but there have been two major shifts since the 1970s. We may never know the real
reason for the events in Salem Village, but we can continue to come up with theories. Paul Thomas 4
agrees with Lotherington that it was mainly women who were persecuted; large numbers of women
were hanged after being accused of maleficium (doing of harm to people or property) by their
neighbours. More on his adaptation of Irish and his attempts to proselytize among the Catholic
population is available on History Ireland. Remember! This is just a sample You can get your custom
paper by one of our expert writers Get custom essay Currently, women possess the identity of
communal good because men, employers, and society collectively abuse and exploit them for selfish
When the European men were becoming colonizers and imperialists through forceful capture and
control of millions of indigenous people, the women suffered a number of the same ramifications. In
a biblically aware society thy believed evil had to be rooted out. When I teach this, I usually use the
example of McCarthyism already in a discussion with The Crucible, so I do not permit students to
use that incident. Women who got empowered and enlightened during the 17 th century were
accused of making laws and regulations that focused on curtailing the supremacy of their husbands
(Federici, 2004a). Although, many academics sources have discredited Margaret Murray’s claims,
few studies on gender and witchcraft do not mention Murray’s, even if simply to criticize her
argument which I find interesting. Women faced accusations, torture and execution for the first time
because they were female. The era of persecutions for European witchcraft, which was roughly
between the 15th and 17th centuries, has continued to be a recurrent subject in academic and
popular curiosity10. I use the discussion of McCarthyism to acquaint students with the inquiry
questions they will eventually answer about their own topic. Lotherington notes that most of the
English witchcraft cases were in Essex; over half of the villages in Essex had at least two witchcraft
cases in the Tudor and Stuart period. You can download the paper by clicking the button above.
When is ingested, it can cause many of the symptoms that Betty and Abigail were experiencing, like
dizziness, and hallucinations(PBS, web). The belief of those of the ruling and administrative elite
was more important nevertheless because they controlled the judicial process. The law. Essentially,
modern society continues to accuse women of infanticide and abortion, irrespective of maternal
health conditions and medical advice. As his evidence is factual it suggests that there was an
intensive period of witch-hunting towards the end of the sixteenth century England. Join our team of
reviewers and help other students learn. Healers Despite the accusation and persecution of witches,
witch-hunting led to the revelation that women played a significant role as healers in society.
Historian J A Sharpe agrees with Paul Thomas by suggesting that the witch craze in England did not
affect the activities of the intelligent, but rather it affected the activities of the peasants. The
possession resulted in fits, skin lesions, extra ordinary strength, speaking in tongues and abnormal
deep voice. During the witch-hunt, society humiliated and terrorized women by associating them
with demonic and evil practices and forces. Before witch hunts could develop, they had to begin.
The demand for manual labor and the existence of slavery excluded women from the labor force
during the 16 th and 17 th centuries when witch-hunting dominated the labor market. Report this
resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. The Queen herself came to
Dee’s aid when he became impoverished and rescued him with a small appointment. People who
were perceived to be heretics were identified and persecuted through the process of witch-hunting.
For an optimal experience, please switch to the latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge,
Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. Thomas says that the witch-craze was a “broyle against old women”
5. Weyer’s clemency for those accused to be witches along with the whole idea of witchcraft that
had developed from early 15th century and his inquisitive and unreliable condemnation of magicians
got the attention of those who defended the doctrine including Jean Bodin. Men exploit women
sexually by perceiving them as sexual objects, which they purchase and consume to satisfy their
selfish interests. Taking place in colonial Massachusetts, the trials began in late February 1692 and
lasted through May of 1693. This is a widespread fact that many historians disagree so markedly
about the causes of witch hunting in early modern Europe.
If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. The girls were said to move their
bodies in unnatural ways, faint, be pinched when nobody was near them, have unintelligible speech,
hallucinate, and even attempt to fly. See other similar resources ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews
Download Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. There are several actions that could
trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed
data. Download Free PDF View PDF Inversion, the Witch, and the Other: Conceptualizing
Persecution in the Early Modern Witch-Hunts Justin Niermeier-Dohoney Download Free PDF View
PDF Witch trials in the Garmian Muhammad Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
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existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The same can be said for the
woodcut of the vain woman, for it was considered sinful to be vain, so were these forms of control,
reminding people to follow a godly life. Refuting this fact, historians admitted that the Inquisition’s
goal was not to destroy the witches. Because Essex was near London, nonconformity must have
been perceived by the Government as a great threat, possibly a cause of rebellion, and endangering
the life of the monarch. Dissenting Voices, 6 (1), 21-31. Stabile, B. (2015). Ethics of regulating
reproductive technologies: Women as child bearers, rights bearers, and objects of paternalism. They
are generally difficult to grasp since justice is exercised by the dominant. One theory, popularized by
Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English in their 1973 pamphlet Witches, Midwives, and Nurses,
proposed that midwives were especially likely to be targeted in the witch-hunts. During witch-hunt,
as women were perceived as major perpetrators of infanticide, they were criminalized for violating
reproductive policies and norms. Federici (2004b) explains that women were accused of infanticide
and reproductive practices of birth control and pro-creative sex were criminalized and demonized to
encourage population growth. Since the family is the fundamental social unit, it comprises of a man
as the provider, in addition to women and children as dependents. This showed the combination of
sophisticated chemical apparatus and symbols of alchemy. Contemporary evidence supports this, for
example George Gifford 6, a Protestant priest from Essex, who wrote two books on witchcraft, in
1587 “Discourse of the Subtle Practises of Devils by witches and Sorcerers” and in 1593, noted.
Taking place in colonial Massachusetts, the trials began in late February 1692 and lasted through
May of 1693. Before he moved to Salem, Samuel lived in Barbados and tried to become a merchant,
but eventually he failed in doing so. If the repression of the diabolical sect could, in certain cases, be
exploited by individuals to satisfy their own agenda, oppositions to the concept of Sabbath or to
specific trials existed. Witch-hunt created a patriarchal system, which depicts men as powerful
figures and women as weaklings in society. In order for witch hunts to begin courts had to have
jurisdiction over witchcraft. Therefore these explanations may be exaggerated by those who blamed
women for witchcraft. The elite early contemporary theorists and supporters of witchcraft
persecution, included Kramer and Bodin, could have wished that their work would create a wider
sweep of the continent12, but since these texts were in broad circulation, their influence in the
average trial cannot be established definitively13. Transportation Perfectly positioned to provide
timely service to both regional and national markets. Thus, devaluation of women’s labor is persistent
in modern society as men do not only earn more than women but also dominate prestigious jobs and
workplaces. Slavery Women were subjected to slavery during the 16 th and 17 th centuries as witch-
hunt focused on disempowering them in society. In reproduction health, men continue to blame
women for medical issues related to impotence and infant mortality. Robin Briggs, who is a
witchcraft historian, focuses on this aspect and notes that it is imperative to avoid confusing the
rhetoric of justifications with actual motives of action. We may never know the real reason for the
events in Salem Village, but we can continue to come up with theories. Most of the misfortunes that
triggered witch hunts were individual in nature, but occasionally they were communal.

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