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Gospel Light’s
Let the little children come…
and learn to love Jesus.

Gospel Light’s
Make sure your nursery inspires and nurtures little ones with these great products.
They are also the perfect gift for new parents and visitors!

Use in nursery and as a gift for parents.

Gospel Light’s

teacher’s guide
I Love to Sing!
Gospel Light’s

Gospel Light’s

I Love Posters
to Look!
teacher’s guide
SONGS for babies and toddlers
Reproducible • 42 songs

I Love to Sing!
Music CD for Babies & Toddlers
UPC 6-07135-01492-8

18 to 36 months

18 to 36 months

I Love to
Wiggle & Giggle! I Love to Look! 39 Big, Colorful Posters!
• Teacher’s Home Pages for Easy At-Home Preparation
Bible Story Picture Cards
Nursery Posters • 12 Monthly Bible Themes
ISBN-10: 0-8307-4670-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-8307-4670-5 ISBN-10: 0-8307-4497-5
INSTANT ACTIVITIES with babies and toddlers
ISBN-13: 978-0-8307-4497-8 • Two Years of Parent Newsletters
I Love to Wiggle & Giggle!
Instant Activities with
ISBN-10: 0-8307-4671-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-8307-4671-2

ISBN-13: 978-0-8307-4669-9

Sample Lesson
ISBN-10: 0-8307-4669-2

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children Includes links to all related resources

9 780830 746699 © 2008 Gospel Light, Ventura, CA 93006. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
18-36Contents 4/11/08 1:52 PM Page 1

Guidelines for Photocopying

Reproducible Pages
Permission to make photocopies of or to repro-
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© 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photo-
copy granted to original purchaser only. Baby
Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months
Editorial Staff
Senior Managing Editor, Sheryl Haystead
• Senior Editor, Debbie Barber • Writer,
Joan Lansing-Eigenhuis • Contributing Editors,
Allison Jolley, Lisa Key, Danette Starksen,
Tracy Trexler • Art Director, Lenndy Pollard
• Designer, Annette M. Chavez
Founder, Dr. Henrietta Mears
• Publisher, William T. Greig
• Senior Consulting Publisher, Dr. Elmer L. Towns
• Senior Consulting Editor, Wesley Haystead,
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible,
New International Version®. Copyright © 1973, 1978,
1984 by International Bible Society. Used by per-
mission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights
© 2008 Gospel Light, Ventura, CA 93006. All
rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
18-36Contents 4/11/08 1:52 PM Page 2


How to Use the Baby Beginnings Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Teaching Toddlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Loving and Guiding Toddlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Why Use Curriculum? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
September I See God’s Love at Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
October Jesus Loves Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
November God Gives Me Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
December Jesus Was a Baby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
January God Helps Me to Grow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
February My Family Loves Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
March Jesus Loves Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
April God Makes Growing Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
May People at Church Help Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
June God Cares for Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
July God Made Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
August God Gives Me Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97

CD-ROM Parent’s Home Pages

Parent’s Home Pages—18 to 36 Months
Introductory Parent’s Home Page
Year 1 Year 2
September September
October October
November November
December December
January January
February February
March March
April April
May May
June June
July July
August August
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How to Use the Baby Beginnings Curriculum

If You Are the Children’s Pastor or Nursery Coordinator

• Prior to the start of each month, send home the appropriate month’s overview (first two pages of
each month’s section) to each caregiver in the nursery.
• If you have a regular, consistent staff for the month, include the activity pages for the month as
well and encourage your staff to plan together which activities they will prepare and provide each
week of the month. (For example, one person would be prepared to lead a God’s Wonders activity
each week while another person would be prepared to lead an Active Play activity each week.)
• If you have a rotating staff, select several of the activities yourself. Collect any needed supplies and
place them in the appropriate rooms along with the page of instructions (highlight or mark the
activity). Alert the staff to look for these items when they arrive to serve.

If You Are the Toddler/2s Classroom Coordinator or Teacher

• Each teacher in the classroom needs a copy of the monthly overview and activities. (Print out
copies from the CD-ROM that comes with the Baby Beginnings Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months.)
• Teachers plan together which activities they will prepare and provide each week of the month. (For
example, one person would be prepared to lead a God’s Wonders activity each week while another
person would be prepared to lead an Active Play activity each week.)
Note: Consider creating for each room a box for each month that contains the supplies for the
month’s learning activities as described in the Baby Beginnings Teacher’s Guides. At the begin-
ning of the month, the box is placed in the appropriate rooms for use by teachers.

For Parents
• Distribute a copy of the reproducible I Love to Sing! CD to each family.
• At the beginning of each month, send home (or ask your children’s pastor to send home) both the
appropriate month’s I Love to Look! Bible Story Picture Card and Parent’s Home Page. Parent’s Home
Pages are available on the CD-ROM that comes with this book, as well as in Nursery Smart Pages.
Purchase one set of I Love to Look! Bible Story Pictures for each family.

© 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months  3
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Teaching Toddlers

Somewhere between infancy and the preschool waiting. It is helpful to have more than
years, is the wonderful world of the toddler. God one of a favored toy available.
has made each child unique, and it is important • Toddlers’ vocabularies are limited, but
to get to know each one, and their families, per- expanding rapidly. They understand
sonally. Teachers should develop good commu- more than they can articulate. A rich
nication with each family and learn about each language environment is important,
child’s strengths, challenges and needs. Howev- including adults who speak often and
er, there are some characteristics that describe respectfully with them, and who listen
most typically developing toddlers. Taking these and respond to what they say. Reading
characteristics into account will make your short, illustrated stories to toddlers will
teaching much more effective. help expand their vocabularies.
• Toddlers are active. They love to move • Toddlers have a short attention span.
and explore. They learn about the world They will stay with an activity as long as
by using all of their senses, by manipu- they are interested. It is best to let them
lating objects and by imitating the move to another activity when they are
actions of others. Learning activities ready. When doing a group activity such
should involve things to look at, listen as singing or moving to music, it is im-
to, touch, smell and do. portant to let toddlers join and leave the
• Toddlers live in the here and now. Make group as they choose. Stories work best
the most of “teachable moments” by when read to one or two toddlers at a
connecting the curriculum learning aims time.
to what a child is doing at the moment. • Toddlers’ concepts of God, Jesus, church,
Such guided conversations can help tod- the Bible and prayer are very formative.
dlers begin to understand spiritual con- They need adults who will demonstrate
cepts. For example, when a child offers a God’s love and then connect that love
toy or comfort to another child, a teacher to the name of Jesus. The concepts and
can say, “That was a very loving thing to stories in this curriculum have been cho-
do. Jesus wants us to love each other.” sen because they can be tied to children’s
• Toddlers need close supervision. Their own experiences. For example, when
drive to explore may lead them to wan- they see things that God has made and
der, climb, or do things they are not are told that God made them, toddlers’
ready for. Some may still be putting concepts of God begin to take shape.
fingers and objects in their mouths. It • Toddlers have a short memory. Just
is important that everything in the tod- because you said something once, do
dler’s environment is safe, too large to not expect toddlers to remember it la-
choke on and non-toxic. ter. Repetition of learning concepts,
• Toddlers want autonomy! They often use and classroom rules, is important.
the word “no,” even when they mean “yes.” Let the example of Jesus be your guide in relating
They may cry when their will is thwart- to toddlers. The Bible tells us that He welcomed
ed. Good teachers understand these them even though He was very busy. He took
feelings, while still setting and enforc- them in His arms and blessed them. You can
ing limits. demonstrate the love of Jesus for His precious
• Toddlers have difficulty waiting. It is children with your loving words, your smile, and
important to have things ready for snack your touch.
or other activities in order to minimize

4  © 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months
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Loving and Guiding Toddlers

The heart of good teaching is relationships. It • Call or send notes to families when their
is important for teachers to form a relationship children are absent.
with each child in their class as well as with the Creating an age-appropriate environment will
child’s family. Children respond more readily to prevent many behavior problems from happen-
guidance from those they love, and families are ing. To do this, you can:
more open to input about their children if they
know the teacher knows, understands and loves • Make sure all toys, furniture and equip-
their children. ment are safe and child-sized.
To build strong relationships with children and • Store things that children should not
families, you can: touch out of their reach.
• Provide duplicates of popular toys.
• Pray regularly for each child and family.
• Carefully supervise all children at all
• Give parents a form to fill out requesting
information about the child and family
(see registration forms in Nursery Smart • Have enough adults available to
Pages). respond quickly to children’s needs.
• Greet each child and parent by name • Avoid making children wait longer than
when they enter the classroom. necessary.
• Express your joy that they have come. • Keep a consistent routine (the same
activities in the same order), but be
• Ask how their weekend is going to get
flexible with the time taken for each.
an idea of how the child might be feeling.
• Help children with transitions from one
• Remember the names of siblings and
activity to another by giving them some
others important to the child and make
warning and helping them do what you
reference to them.
are asking (clean up toys, throw away
• Join a child in a favorite activity. trash, etc.).
• Notice and comment on pro-social
behaviors. (“Thank you for sharing the
play dough. That was kind.”)
• Assist children when you sense they
need help.
• Comfort children who are distressed.
• Give appropriate physical affection as
you sense a child wants or needs it.
• Follow the child’s lead in warming up to To guide children’s behavior in a way that is help-
the classroom environment. ful, teachers must have realistic expectations of
toddler behavior. These include:
• Tell parents how the child’s time in the
classroom was spent, giving details that • High levels of activity. Toddlers need
show you know their child. Be sure to space to move both indoors and out.
tell parents about any event that might • Short attention spans. Toddlers need the
be upsetting to a child (getting hurt or freedom to change activities frequently
frightened). on their own schedule.

© 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months  5
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Loving and Guiding Toddlers

• Short memory. Toddlers need frequent • Expression of empathy. (“I know you want
reminders of what is expected of them. the toy, but Maria is having a turn.”)
• Low tolerance for frustration. Toddlers • Demonstration of appropriate behavior.
may cry or lash out when they cannot (“We don’t throw sand. Put it in the bucket
have what they want. like this.”)
• Self-centeredness. Toddlers have difficul- • Redirection to another activity. (“Jason is
ty understanding the feelings and needs using the red truck. Let’s see if we can
of others. find one for you.”)
• Resistance to limits. Toddlers resist, but • Removal from a situation when inappro-
need, limits on their behavior. priate behavior persists. (A child who
• Limited ability to express themselves persists in throwing sand after remind-
through language. Vocabulary is devel- ing and demonstration should be
oping rapidly, but many children express removed from the sand area and
themselves physically, especially when encouraged to find another activity.)
they are upset. If there is a child whose behavior consistently
• Accidents and mistakes. Toddlers may exceeds limits or harms others, ask teachers to
spill their juice, wet themselves or break observe the child and be ready to prevent or
things. stop inappropriate behavior and to demonstrate
appropriate behavior.
Appropriate guidelines for toddlers include:
If the interventions above are not sufficient, the
• Children should use gentle touches and child’s parents should be consulted.
kind words. They should not be allowed
to hurt others with their bodies or their Teachers should never:
words. (“We say kind words.” “I can’t let • Use any type of physical punishment,
you hurt our friends at church.”) including a slap on the hand.
• Children should use toys and materials • Shake a child.
appropriately. (“We need to roll the
ball.”) • Raise their voices in anger.

• Children should be seated while eating • Deny food or beverage as a punishment.

and drinking. (“Here is the place for you • Deny physical activity as a punishment.
to sit while you eat.”) • Restrain a child, except for safety reasons.
• Children should walk when running • Use “time out” as a punishment. Children
might be dangerous. (“We need to walk may need to be removed from an area
when we’re inside.”) until they calm down. The purpose
• Children should obey their teachers’ should be to help the child.
instructions. (“I need you to listen and
do what I say. Thank you.”)
Helpful teacher interventions when toddlers
exceed limits include:
• Staying close enough to intervene when
a child uses aggressive behaviors.
• Frequent reminders of what is expected.
(“Touch your friend gently.”)

6  © 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months
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Loving and Guiding Toddlers

• Use God as a way to control children’s • Incorporate parents’ suggestions, if

behavior (by saying things such as, “God appropriate.
doesn’t like it when you do that”). • Invite the parents to observe in the
Speaking with parents about their child’s behav- classroom.
ior will be easier if you have already built a good • Provide parenting classes for all families.
relationship with the family. However, you should
not be surprised if parents respond defensively. Special circumstances: Toddler behavior may be
Parents believe that their child’s behavior reflects outside the norm in circumstances of family
on their parenting abilities. The following ideas stress, such as divorce, moving, the birth of a
can make talking to parents go more smoothly: new sibling or any other significant change in
the family’s life. Behavior should improve with
• Pray for guidance before speaking to the time and loving support. Toddlers with identi-
parents. fied developmental delays, allergies or other
• Consult a more experienced teacher or special needs may require extra support or alter-
children’s ministry staff person. nate strategies to be successful in your class-
room. This should be discussed with the parents,
• Talk to parents in private, not when
and teachers may need specialized training.
others are around to hear.
• Tell parents positive things about their Remember that God made each child unique,
child. with a unique temperament, personality and
timetable of development. We have only a few
• Tell parents you have observed some glimpses in the Bible of Jesus’ interactions with
behaviors that concern you. children. It is clear that children were important
• State the nature and frequency of the to Him. He made time for them while adults wait-
behaviors. ed, He rebuked those who tried to keep them
• Avoid using any labels (“hyper”), sug- away, He took them in His arms and blessed
gesting a diagnosis (ADHD), or making them. The most important thing we can do for
a value judgment (“aggressive”). the toddlers in our care is bless them with our
words and actions as Jesus would. They can
• Ask parents if they have noticed the begin to know the love of Jesus through our
same behaviors at home. If they have, love. Love must be at the heart of our relation-
ask them how they handle it. ships with toddlers.

© 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months  7
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Why Use Curriculum?

“These kids simply need to be fed, changed and In every session, plan to provide several of the
played with . . . what can they possibly learn learning activities. Play portions of the CD, re-
about God? Why would we need curriculum for peating the same songs frequently. The sounds,
them?” words, actions and most of all, the feelings that
are created in this casual setting will flow into
First of all, our goal in using curriculum is not
a natural pattern of teaching and learning that
to get a child to spout theological concepts!
will eventually build a young child’s understand-
Instead, our goal is to individually (one-on-one)
ing of God, Jesus and the loving comfort found
teach each child through natural learning pro-
in the people around him or her at church. And
cesses what he or she can begin to learn about
using a curriculum with monthly themes helps
God. Curriculum is designed to help you, the
provide continuity to the activities in the nurs-
teacher, use the time you spend at church with
ery, especially when teachers change frequently.
little ones to build spiritual foundations.
In a large classroom where there are many chil-
Secondly, using curriculum also benefits you,
dren and adults in the same room, designate
the teacher, as much as the child. Singing and
certain learning activities for each adult to pro-
talking about Jesus is a powerful reminder that
vide for children throughout the session. For
what you are doing is not just custodial care, but
example, one teacher may position him- or
ministry in its truest sense. The same is true for
herself on the floor with large cardboard blocks,
parents. Just as young children need to hear
building and talking about them with interested
about Jesus, their parents need to begin talk-
children. Another adult may sit near an open
ing comfortably about Him with their child. The
area of the room with a container of rhythm
model the church provides of how we care for
instruments, playing them and singing songs
and “teach” children is intended to help parents
with children in that area of the room. However,
catch on to the fact that they can and should do
as the session progresses, adults need to be ready
the same things at home.
to move to “where the action is.” Flexibility is key.
Curriculum provides you with ideas and words
A child’s learning takes place all the time, as a
that help make your natural teaching effective.
natural part of living. So the teaching in your
Since the best kind of teaching for toddlers is
classroom is accomplished by your every look,
primarily one-on-one, don’t expect that these
word and act while you are in the presence of
young children will sit in a circle or have a group
children. Your teaching is ministry just as surely
time, or even remain interested in what you are
as teaching a theology class for adults would be.
doing for very long. But as you sit on the floor
This curriculum helps you to focus your playing,
talking and playing with two or three children,
talking, caregiving, singing and finger plays in
make frequent use of the conversation ideas
ways that familiarize a child with God’s name
and songs suggested in your curriculum. Look
and His love. Awareness of God’s love for each
for teachable moments—times when you can
child takes your time in the nursery far beyond
talk about the child’s actions and connect them
the level of just singing “Itsy-Bitsy Spider” again!
to the monthly theme. “Jocelyn, you used your
hands to roll the red ball. God made your hands.”

8  © 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months
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T E A C H E R ’ S

I See God’s Love at Church
Jesus Came to Church
(See Luke 2:22-38.)
“I like to come to church.”
(See Psalm 122:1.)

This month you will help each child:

• hear songs and words about God’s love;
• feel glad to be at church with people who demonstrate God’s love to him or her;
• participate in enjoyable activities at church.

As you watch and learn from the children you teach, notice how anxious each one is for food to sat-
isfy the pangs of hunger. No substitute will do! You may try distraction and play with toys, but a lit-
tle one’s requests for food will not stop until physical hunger is satisfied. This is one time when the
child knows exactly what he or she needs.
Read 1 Peter 2:1-3. The apostle Peter urges us to have the same single-minded drive in satisfying
our spiritual needs. Unfortunately, we often allow ourselves to be sidetracked. We try a wide variety
of ways to find fulfillment or to eliminate problems. But our spiritual hunger continues, often mak-
ing us as cranky as a hungry child! Peter tells us that only the pure milk of the word (see verse 2)
can nourish the deepest needs of the human
soul. Take time to be fed. Recognize the symp-
toms of your need and satisfy that hunger!
As a teacher, the gentle care you provide intro-
duces young children to the nurture and love
of the people who love God and His Son, the
Lord Jesus. Your tasks may seem to involve
only the physical care of changing, feeding,
playing, cuddling and singing. However, those
actions must be bathed in the warmth of
Jesus’ love. Such love will radiate from you as
you take time each day to “taste” the goodness
of the Lord (see Psalm 34:8). Just as children
single-mindedly demand to be fed, demand
“time out” from your busy schedule to feed
your soul from God’s abundant resources. During the month of September, display this poster at child’s eye
level. Talk about the way in which the children in the poster are
experiencing God’s love at church by playing with toys and friends.

© 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months  9
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I See God’s Love at Church

Do It!
Sing It!
I Come In
It’s Fun to Go to Church
I come in,
there’s a smile on my face. (Tune: “Farmer in the Dell”)
I come in, It’s fun to go to church!
my friends are in this place. It’s fun to go to church!
I come in, With all the other boys and girls
my friends say “hi” to me. It’s fun to go to church!
I’m in church,
what a happy place to be!

Tell It! I See God’s Love at Church


Jesus Came to Church I Come In

I come in,
When Jesus was a baby,
His parents brought
there’s a smile Him to church.
When Jesus was a baby, on my face.
People at church were
I come in,
His parents brought Him to church. my friends
glad to see baby Jesus.
are in this place. They talked to Him.
People at church were I come in, They smiled at Him.
my friends
glad to see baby Jesus. say “hi” to me.
They held Him close.
I’m in church, Jesus was happy
They talked to Him. what a happy It’s Fun to Go to Church
(Tune: “Farmer in the Dell”)
to be at church.
place to be!
They smiled at Him. It’s fun to go to church! You can be happy at church
because people show
HEAR IT! It’s fun to go to church!
They held Him close. “I like to come to church.” With all the other boys and girls,
God’s love to you here.
(See Luke 2:22-38.)
it’s fun to go to church!
Jesus was happy to be at church. (See Psalm 122:1.)
© 1997 Gospel Light. It is illegal to photocopy or
reproduce this material in any form without permission.

You can be happy at church SEPTEMBER TEACHING POSTER

Because people show God’s

love to you here. Display this poster at teacher’s eye level in your nursery. Tell the Bible
(See Luke 2:22-38.) story, sing the song, do the finger play and repeat the Bible verse to
one or more interested children.

Activities with Children

Choose one or more of the learning activities on pages 11-16 to provide for children during a ses-
sion. Consider your facility, the number of children and teachers and the supplies you have available
as you plan which activities you will use. The best kind of teaching for toddlers will happen as you
take advantage of teachable moments as children play and experience the learning activities you
have provided. Continue an activity as long as one or more children are interested. For more infor-
mation on using this curriculum, see “Why Use Curriculum?” on page 8.

10  © 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months
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I See God’s Love at Church  Active Play

Building a Church Driving to Church

Collect Collect
Toy construction tools (hammer, saw, etc.) Several age-appropriate ride-on toys (option-
Cardboard boxes al—child-sized chairs)
Do Do
Use boxes and tools Children ride on the toys, moving around the
to “build” a church. room as desired. (Optional: If ride-on toys are
Interested children not available, arrange chairs to make a car. Chil-
may imitate your dren sit on chairs and pretend to drive.)
Say Let’s drive to church. Which car do you want
God loves you, Seth. to drive?
I’m glad you came to our church today. I’m glad we can come to church!
What is this tool used for? God loves you! People at church love you, too.
I’m glad people built our church so we can Thank You, God, for the people at our church.
come here and learn about God’s love.
Walking to Church
Climbing Steps to Church
Collect Masking tape
September Bible Story Picture from
I Love to Look! or Nursery Posters
Child’s step stool, or a large wooden block Create a “path to church” on the floor of your
room using the tape. Remove tape at end of
Do session.
Show and talk about the Bible Story Picture. Demonstrate staying on the path while walk-
Encourage children to go up and down the step ing on it. Invite children to walk with you.
stool, or to step on and off the wooden block.
Say Let’s walk to church. Let’s stay on the path
Jesus came to church. Mary and Joseph together.
brought Him to church. The people at church At church, we learn about God’s love.
loved Jesus. God loves you, Chloe.
Let’s pretend we’re going up the steps to Bonus Idea: Walk in different ways on the
church. We can see our friends at church. path (jump, tiptoe, etc.).
I’m happy to see you at church today. God
loves you!
At church we can learn about God’s love.

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I See God’s Love at Church  Art and Sensory Play

People at Church Tire Track Roads

Collect Collect
Marker Length of butcher paper
Construction paper shape or drawing of your Tape
church building for each child Crayons
Glue sticks Toy cars with no small parts
Pictures of people cut from magazines or
catalogs Do
Tape butcher paper to top of child-sized table.
Do Let children use crayons to draw “roads” on
Print “I see God’s love at church” on shapes or the paper. Draw several roads yourself.
drawings of church. Children “drive” cars on the roads.
Child glues pictures onto church.
Say I’m glad you came to church today. Marcus,
I’m so glad you came to church today. At how did you get here?
church we learn that God loves us. Some people drive to church. Some people
Calvin, I’m happy to see you. People at church walk.
care about you. I like to come to church. At church, I learn that
God loves me.
What Did You Wear to Church?
Church Windows
September Bible Story Picture from Collect
I Love to Look! or Nursery Posters. Pieces of colored tissue paper approximately
Pieces of fabric in solid colors approximately 4 inches (10 cm) square
8 inches (20.5 cm) square Masking tape
Do Do
Show and talk about the Bible Story Picture. Let children watch
Spread fabric pieces on table or floor for chil- you tape tissue-
dren to see and touch. paper pieces to a
Choose a piece that matches a child’s shirt, window, at child’s
dress, etc. and hold it next to the article of eye level if possible.
Say Now our window
When Jesus was a baby, He came to church. has pretty colors.
Mary and Joseph brought Him to church. You This paper is red.
came to church, too! Some churches have pretty colored windows.
Devin, this cloth is blue, just like your shirt. We see God’s love at church. Thank You, God,
You wore a blue shirt to church today. for our church.
I’m glad you’re here. God loves you!

12  © 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months
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I See God’s Love at Church  God’s Wonders

Nature Items Who Came to Church Today?

Collect Collect
Variety of nature items (leaves, grass, shells, September Bible Story Picture from
small branches) I Love to Look! or Nursery Posters
Unbreakable mirror
Set out nature items. Play a game like I Spy Do
with children to help them identify and describe Show and talk about the Bible Story Picture.
the items. Help one child at a time see his or her reflec-
tion in the mirror.
I spy something green and skinny. Elton, what Say
do you think it is? Yes, you pointed to the grass. Look at this picture of baby Jesus. He came to
God made grass. God loves us. At church we church. People at church loved baby Jesus.
hear that God loves us. Paloma, who is in the mirror? You came to
I spy some seashells made by God. God loves church today. Mrs. Boyd came to church, too.
us. I’m glad you’re here. God loves you!

I Am Loved at Church What Do You See at Church?

Collect Collect
Several pictures of babies and toddlers and Toy binoculars, or make pretend ones out of
several pictures of baby care items and toddler two cardboard tubes
toys cut from magazines and laminated (or cov-
ered with clear Con-Tact paper) Do
Show a child how
Do to look through the
Invite children to help you match the pictures binoculars. As child
of the baby items to the pictures of babies and looks around the room,
the toddler toys to pictures of toddlers. describe what the child
is seeing.
Where is the picture of the baby? Where is the Say
picture of the rocking chair? We have rocking I see my friend Kayley at church.
chairs at church for babies. People at church I see a picture of Jesus at church.
love babies. What do you see at church? We see our toys.
Where is the picture of the little girl? Where is We see people who love us. Thank You, God, for
the picture of the blocks? We have blocks at our church.
church for you to play with. I love to play with
you, too!
I’m glad we can come to church. We learn that
God loves us.

© 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months  13
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I See God’s Love at Church  Music

God Loves Me Walking to Church

Do Collect
Sing the following words to the tune of “Mary I Love to Sing! CD and player
Had a Little Lamb”:
God loves Nathan very much, Play “I See You!” and/or “Welcome.”
very much, very much. Encourage children
God loves Nathan very much. I love Nathan, too. to join you in walking
Say around the room to the
I know a song about how much God loves us. beat of the music.
Let’s sing it! Clap in time to the
At church we learn about God’s love. I’m glad music as you walk.
we’re at church together. Say
Bonus Idea: Play and sing along with Let’s pretend we are
“Together” from I Love to Sing! CD. walking to church.
Marco, I’m glad you
Happy Band came to church today.
God loves you.
September Bible Story Picture from Making Music
I Love to Look! or Nursery Posters
I Love to Sing! CD and player Collect
Variety of rhythm instruments Toy piano, toy keyboard or real electronic key-
Do board, or other musical toy
Show and talk about the Bible Story Picture. Do
Give several children instruments. Hold one Show one child at a time how to play the
instrument yourself. instrument.
Play “A Happy Place.” Children play instru- Let child experiment with the instrument.
ments with the music.
Say We make music at church.
Do you see baby Jesus in this picture? He is You can make music, too.
at church. Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to I’m glad you came to church. God loves you!
church. Thank You, God, that Carl and Katie came to
We’re at church today. At church, we sing church today.
about God’s love.
Alicia, I see that you are playing the bells. I’m
glad you came to church to play the bells today.
Caleb, let’s hear what the tambourine sounds
like. God loves you!

14  © 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months
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I See God’s Love at Church  Pretend Play

Getting Ready for Church My Bible

Collect Collect
Dolls September Bible Story Picture from
I Love to Look! or Nursery Posters
Do Several sturdy children’s Bibles with pictures
Children pretend they are getting dolls ready
for church. Do
Lead children to walk to another part of the Set out Bibles for children to explore.
room, pretending they are going to church. With an interested child, look at the Bible,
talking about the pictures as you or child turns
Say the pages. Show and talk about the Bible Story
Let’s get ready for church. We can bring our Picture.
dolls to church today. Ready? Let’s go!
I want to go to church to hear about God’s love. Say
People at church love you, Anna. The Bible helps us learn about God’s love.
God loves everyone! God loves you, Brandy.
Driving to Church Thank You, God, for loving us.
I see this picture of Jesus at church. Jesus
Collect went to church when He was a baby. People at
I Love to Sing! CD and player church were glad to see Jesus. They loved Him.
Large cardboard blocks or boxes (optional—
masking tape) Block Play
Small chairs
Plastic disc or sturdy paper plate for steering Collect
wheel Wooden or cardboard blocks (optional—
jumbo interlocking blocks)
Do Toy cars and people (too large to swallow)
Arrange blocks or
boxes to be a vehicle. Do
(Optional: Use mask- Help children build a church and one or more
ing tape to make a houses with blocks.
large rectangle on the Show children how to drive vehicles between
floor representing a church and home.
vehicle.) Place chairs
inside vehicle. Say
Encourage children to get in the vehicle and Let’s build a house. Who lives here?
sit on chairs. Let children take turns using the Let’s build a church. How can we get to our
disc or plate to steer the vehicle. church from home?
As you “drive,” play “A Happy Place” and sing I’m glad we can go to church to learn about
along. God’s love.
Bonus Idea: Make rectangular shapes on the
Say floor with masking tape. Children stack blocks
Evan, how did you get to church today? on tape to make houses.
Let’s build a car and drive to church. Who
would like to be the driver?
I’m glad you came to church today. God loves
you and so do I.

© 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months  15
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I See God’s Love at Church  Quiet Play

How Many Are Here? Puzzles

Collect Collect
September Bible Story Picture from Several toddler puzzles
I Love to Look! or Nursery Posters
Do Let children play with puzzles. Talk with children
Show and talk about the Bible Story Picture. about God’s love.
Count aloud the number of children sitting or
standing near each other. Say
Carlos, can you find where the ball goes in
Say this puzzle?
This picture shows baby Jesus at church. He is It’s fun to play with you. People at church love
happy to be at church. Let’s count how many you, Carlos.
people are in this picture. There are five! I’m glad you’re here today. I love you and God
I see three children who came to church loves you, too.
today. Ella, Brendan and Evan came to church.
I’m glad you are all here. People Come to Church
God loves all of you and so do I. Thank You,
God, for Your love. Collect
Toy people
God Loves Me Shoe box with a flap cut on one side

Collect Do
81⁄2x11-inch (21.5x28-cm) sheet of paper for Show children how
each child to “walk” people into
Marker the “church.” Then set
Stickers items on a child-sized
table or the floor for
Do children to play with.
Print the words “God loves (child’s name)” on
each paper. Say
Let children decorate their papers by placing The boy is going to church. Now the girl is
stickers on the papers, any way they like. going to church.
You came to church today. I’m glad to see you!
Say God loves you.
God loves you, Natalie. Bonus Idea: Use wooden or cardboard blocks
At church, we learn about God’s love. to build a simple structure.
I’m so glad that God loves Natalie. I’m so glad
that God loves James.
Bonus Idea: Let children hold and look at a
Bible. Say, “The Bible tells us that God loves us.”

16  © 2008 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Baby Beginnings® Teacher’s Guide—18 to 36 Months

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