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ACADEMIC YEAR 2021 - 2022

Subject: Islamic Studies Day, Date: Thursday, June 2, 2022

Grade : 3 Duration: 90 Minutes

Name :

Class :

1. Match Asmaul Husna to the meaning.

Al Wahab
Allah is a good giver

Al Alim
Allah hears everything

As Sami Allah knows everything

2. Please complete conditions that can cancel sholat Jum’at.

3. Arrange the steps of sholat Jum’at in order ...

4. Write the time to do sunnah in the blanks.
Duha ….

Qabliah …

Ba’diah …

Tahajud …

5. Doing Sunnah is the best way to worship Allah. What is the meaning of sunnah?

6. We have to do sholat fardhu or wajib five times a day. What is the meaning of wajib?

7. The first recitation of sholat is Iftitah. What is the meaning of Iftitah?

8. ‫َاَهللُ ا َ ْكبَ ُر كَبيْر‬, is the recitation of iftitah. Write the meaning of it.

9. Arrange the steps of adab bepergian in the box.

1. Reciting hamdalah
2. Reciting prayer before going out
3. Reciting prayer before getting on the vehicle
4. Sit down nicely on the car
5. Say salam to your parents

10. Write dos and don’ts of adab bepergian.

Do’s Don’ts
Please choose true or false by giving a circle ...

11. Abu Lahab is the uncle of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

● True
● False
12. Maesaroh is the father of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
● True
● False
13. Siti Khadijah is the wife of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
● True
● False
14. Siti Khadijah was married to Prophet Muhammad SAW when she was 40 years old.
● True
● False
15. Prophet Muhammad married to Siti Khadijah when he was 25 years old.
● True
● False
1. Allah gives us everything that we need freely. Allah gives us oxygen, lots of food sources, and
many more. To remember Allah, we do dzikir and sholat five times a day. Tell the proof that
Allah is The Good Giver.

2. Sholat Jum’at is wajib for boys. Write terms and conditions for sholat Jum’at.

3. In Islam there is sholat fardhu (wajib) and sholat sunnah. Write the difference between them.

4. When Prophet Muhammad SAW went to Syams, there was a Christian priest said something
to Maesaroh. What did he say about Prophet Muhammad SAW?

5. What were the people of makkah said about Prophet Muhammad?

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