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Media, AI and the Metaverse

Assessment specification
Module ILOs

As part of our commitment to ensuring that each Module is clearly outlined and identifies
the key skills you will develop during the course, we define ‘Intended Learning Outcomes’
or ILOs.

For this module, the ILOs have been defined as:

Module Specific Knowledge:

Outline the basic business models of global screen and audio industries, and particular
fields such as games and esports.

Explain and interpret contemporary issues regarding social networks and creator
economy models.

Exemplify the impact that AI technologies are having on the media in development,
production, distribution and monetisation.

Personal and Key Transferable skills:

Structure and narrate a clear articulation of a specific media organisation.

Structure and narrate a clear articulation of a specific media project

The assessment (see below) is designed to give you the opportunity to test and display your
learnings around some of those ILOs.
Assessment information

Media, AI and the Metaverse

BEM 3070
Final Assessment
Due March 28 2024

3500 Words

The assessment required is for a structured essay, in defined sections,

You will describe and analyse the value creation process of a single media company or
project, and additionally analyse the degree to which it is being changed by new
technologies such as AI and the Metaverse. Here is the detailed breakdown. You should
assume that the words allocated by section match to the percentage of marks allocated.

1) COMPANY: Define and briefly describe the specific media company (or
project) you are looking at and what activity it does. This company must be
non-UK, non-US, and sub $2 billion market capitalisation. (200 words)

This can be any media company or specific media property (e.g. Squid Game) globally but
not UK or US owned or located. This is because we want to make you research, think,
and look at diverse source materials. We know from experience that this will make you
come up with a less obvious and well-trodden example. We are very open to companies
from any country other than UK or US. The reason we want the company to be a smaller
one is that there will be less off-the-shelf analysis available of smaller companies - which
again helps you practice your skills.

2) CONTEXT: Describe and analyse the industry the media company works in.
Set the context in terms of industry size, geographic scope, competition,
customer base, dynamics for success within the industry and any other useful
dimensions. (700 words)

So for instance if you were writing about a professional football team in Saudi Arabia, you
could describe and analyse the league structure, the way teams were financed, the way
teams could monetise their activity through ticketing, merchandising and the sale of media
rights, and the overall financial size of both the football league, and Saudi sports in general.
Strive to give us analytical insights into the drivers of success/profitability/value in that
industry, rather than simply describing it.

3) BUSINESS MODEL: Describe and illustrate in detail the value creation

process within your chosen company, using the four-stage framework from the
course textbook(s)*, in terms of
Development/Production/Distribution/Monetisation, and other frameworks
directly from the course. (1900 words)
At each stage, describe and analyse the key inputs or investments that the firm needs to
make, the key dynamics for success and the key deliverables that it aims to achieve at the
end of that stage of the value creation process. As part of your exposition of the four
stages of value creation, provide a detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the
firm's content creation and monetisation model. Make sure you directly reference course
materials throughout, so that we know that you attended the course and listended (b) you
didn't use a large language model to source the essay.

4) IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY: Evaluate and analyse the degree to which the

value creation process of your chosen business is being impacted by new
technologies, such as (but not limited to) Artificial Intelligence or Metaverse
technologies. (700 words)

Describe, analyse and illustrate that impact, and highlight in detail any particular
opportunities (e.g. cost savings) or risks (e.g. legal/copyright) that might arise as well as
mitigation strategies that could be put in place.

* Media Management and Artificial Intelligence, by Dr Alex Connock

Word count

• Submissions must not exceed the stated word count (+10%).

• Any additional text beyond this limit will not be considered in the marking process,
thereby limiting your opportunity to score well on this module.
• If you choose to write less than the recommended word count, you may do so but
you could be limiting your chances to score well on this submission.
• The header page, index, appendix and reference list are not included in the word
• In-text references and headings are included in the word count


• We need to see the sources you have used, as this gives us a chance to understand
the range, quality and depth of your research.
• Please therefore do provide a full reference list at the end of your document
• Please use APA 7th Edition style referencing for your in-text citations and reference
• A detailed A to Z guidance on referencing is available on ELE: In addition, you can use your
University login to access Cite Them Right, which contains a range of useful referencing

Style & Presentation

• Please use a serif font (e.g., Times New Roman or Bell MT) or sans serif font (e.g. Ariel)
for the body and headings. Minimum 12 point font. Please use either 1.5 or double
spacing (to make it easier for us to read).
• You are encouraged to include relevant figures/tables/images in your essay, referenced
below the figure itself. Further details on referencing charts and figures can be found
in the Business School guidance (link above)

How to submit your work

• Please submit your work as a PDF. All submissions must be readable files, not links to
One Drive or other online sites.
• The submission link will be emailed to you in advance.
• Failure to submit on time may incur a penalty and could be capped at the pass mark.
Please see Business School Guidance on late submissions for further information.

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism and collusion are serious offences and will not be tolerated. Your work must be
your own and correctly referenced using the Business School standard APA format. For
further support please visit the Referencing pages of the Academic Development

Please note that we are alert to the use of AI tools such as ChatGPT. You must not use
them, except in very specific instances where they are directly relevant to the discussion of
AI technologies, in section 4 only of your submission. If you do use any AI tool to create
content, you must identify what tool you have used, and directly quote, with identification,
small amounts only of AI-created text

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