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La Universidad Anáhuac Mayab, La Unión Latinoamericana de Ergonomía, y La Sociedad de Ergonomistas de México. A.C.

avalados por la
International Ergonomics Association, Colegio Nacional de Ergonomía en México y la Federación Nacional de Salud en el Trabajo
otorgan la presente


Arturo Realyvásquez-Vargas
Por su presentación del trabajo de investigación
durante el
Mérida, Yucatán, México - 5 ,6 , 7 y 8 de octubre del 2022

Mtro. Ing. José Luis Escalante Dr. Carlos Espejo Dr. Enrique de la Vega
Asesor Facultativo Presidente ULAERGO Presidente
Universidad Anáhuac Mayab Presidente SEMAC CNEM
Ergonomía Ocupacional. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones. Vol 15 2022



Arturo Realyvásquez-Vargas, Karina Cecilia Arredondo-Soto, Guadalupe

Hernández-Escobedo, Amalia Carmina Salinas-Hernández, Samuel Alvarado-

Department of Industrial Engineering

Tecnológico Nacional de México/ Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana
Av. Castillo de Chapultepec 562, Tomás Aquino
Tijuana, Baja California 22414

Corresponding author’s email:

Resumen: Esta investigación tiene como finalidad conocer el nivel de riesgo al que
se encuentran expuestas las personas por el uso de las computadoras en un
escritorio durante sus clases en línea. Para esto, se aplican los métodos OCRA,
RULA y ROSA a una sola estación de trabajo donde un alumno toma clases en
modalidad virtual. En base a los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación de estos
métodos que se aplican, se harán recomendaciones de mejora, buscando reducir el
nivel de riesgo al que se encuentran expuestas las personas que usan una
computadora para sus clases en línea, en este caso, el alumno a investigar.

Palabras clave: OCRA, RULA, ROSA, movimientos repetitivos y posturas


Relevancia para la ergonomía: La relevancia de esta investigación apoya a la

ergonomía, pues después de analizar y desarrollar los resultados, se concluye en
que existe un alto de nivel de riesgos en todo el mundo, ya que, debido a la
pandemia del 2020, muchas personas se vieron obligadas a continuar sus trabajos
y estudios a través de clases en línea, evitando el contacto social al no tener que ir
a las empresas, universidades, escuelas, etc. Muchas de estas personas corren el
mismo riesgo, ya que necesitan de estas herramientas como el Internet, el escritorio,
la computadora y demás, para poder adaptarse al nuevo cambio. Por lo cual este
trabajo de investigación expresa el nivel de riesgo que presentan estas personas y
fomenta a la concientización y análisis específico para cada persona que cuente
con esta estación de trabajo, con la finalidad de cuidar el bienestar y salud de todos
los que hacen trabajo desde su casa y toman clases en línea.

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the level of risk to which people
are exposed using computers at a desk during their online classes. For this purpose,
the OCRA, RULA and ROSA methods are applied to a single workstation where a
student takes classes in virtual mode. Based on the results obtained in the
application of these methods, recommendations for improvement will be made,
seeking to reduce the level of risk to which people who use a computer for online
classes are exposed, in this case, the student to be investigated.


Ergonomía Ocupacional. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones. Vol 15 2022

Keywords: OCRA, RULA, ROSA repetitive movements, awkward postures

Relevance to ergonomics: The relevance of this research supports ergonomics,

because after analyzing and developing the results, it is concluded that there is a
high level of risks throughout the world, since, due to the 2020 pandemic, many
people were forced to continue their jobs and studies through online classes,
avoiding social contact by not having to go to companies, universities, schools, etc.
Many of these people run the same risk, since they need these tools such as the
Internet, the desktop, the computer and others, to be able to adapt to the new
change. Therefore, this research work expresses the level of risk that these people
present and encourages awareness and specific analysis for each person who has
this workstation, in order to take care of the well-being and health of all those who
do work. from home and take classes online.


According to the International Ergonomics Association, ergonomics (or human

factors) is the scientific discipline that is responsible for the study of the interactions
between humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies
theory, principles, data and methods to the design in order to optimize human well-
being and the overall performance of the system. In this research, the ergonomic
risks of the use of the computer during online classes will be evaluated, with the
current economic and social situation the possibility of working from an office is
restricted and part of the population does not have a work area. study at home.
Therefore, the document presents the risk factors evaluated by the posture that
people can take during online classes, since they can resort to ergonomic risks by
maintaining inappropriate positions for several hours every day, and in this case, the
investigation will evaluate the risk factors present at present. The main risk factors
for sitting for more than 8 hours are:
 Weight gain. The body by not having activity gains weight.
 Postural problems. Sitting for a long time combined with a sedentary life in
your spare time has clear disadvantages for your muscles and your joints. In
addition, the bad postures that we place while we work cause the appearance of
contractures, herniated discs, protrusions, neck pain, and even headaches.
 Impairment of heart health. Your heart and pulse can also be affected. In
fact, accustoming the heart to be in a relaxed pulse can influence later when it comes
to doing some physical activity.
 Impaired metabolism. The body gets used to sitting and resting and it is
increasingly difficult for you to go out to do any activity. The body gets used to sitting
and resting and it is increasingly difficult for you to go out to do any activity.
There are 3 types of people who regularly have these problems:
 People with sedentary jobs. For example, clerical and administrative
 Housewives and retired people.
 Students


Ergonomía Ocupacional. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones. Vol 15 2022


The objective of this research is to identify the ergonomic risks of continuous

computer use during the school day.


3.1. RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) Method

The RULA method evaluates individual positions and not sets or sequences of
positions, therefore, it is necessary to select those positions that will be evaluated
from among those adopted by the worker in the position. Those that, a priori,
suppose a greater postural load, either because of their duration, or because of their
frequency, or because they present a greater deviation with respect to the neutral
position, will be selected.
To do this, the first step consists of observing the tasks performed by the worker.
Various work cycles will be observed and the postures to be evaluated will be
determined. If the cycle is very long or there are no cycles, evaluations can be
performed at regular intervals. In this case, the time spent by the worker in each
position will also be considered.
This method provides us with general information about the activity of the
workstation to be analyzed. Table 1 lists action levels according to the final score

Table 1. Action levels according to the final score obtained. Source: McAtamney, L.
Y Corlett, E. N., (1993)

Score Level Action

1o2 1 Acceptable risk

3o4 2 Changes to task/workstation may be required; it is

convenient to deepen the study.

5o6 3 Task/ workstation must be redesigned.

7 4 Urgent changes to the task/workstation are required.

3.2 OCRA (Occupational Repetitive Action) Method

Check List OCRA allows assessing the risk associated with repetitive work. The
method measures the level of risk as a function of the probability of the appearance
of musculoskeletal disorders in a certain time, focusing on the assessment of risk in
the upper limbs of the body. The OCRA (Occupational Repetitive Action) method


Ergonomía Ocupacional. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones. Vol 15 2022

considers in the assessment the risk factors recommended by the IEA (International
Ergonomics Association): repetitiveness, inappropriate or static postures, forces,
forced movements and the lack of rest or recovery periods, assessing them as length
of the worker's activity time. Consider other influencing factors such as vibrations,
exposure to cold or work rhythms. For this reason, there is international consensus
on using the OCRA method to assess the risk of repetitive work in the upper limbs,
and its use is recommended in the ISO 11228-3 and EN 1005-5 standards. Table 2
shows the risk levels and the implications of each section.

Table 2. OCRA risk levels and implications. Source: Diego-Mas, J. A. (2015).

Check List Risk level Recommended Equivalent OCRA index

OCRA action

<5 Optimum Not required <5

5.1 - 7.5 Acceptable Not required 1.6 - 2.2

7.6 - 11 Uncertain Job analysis or 2.3 - 3.5

improvement is

11.1 - 14 Unacceptable Job enhancement, 3.6 - 4.5

Mild medical supervision,
and training

14.1 - 22.5 Unacceptable Job enhancement, 4.6 - 9

Medium medical supervision,
and training

> 22.5 Unnaceptable Job enhancement, >9

High medical supervision,
and training

3.3 ROSA (Rapid Office Strain Assessment) Method

ROSA, acronym for Rapid Office Strain Assessment, is a checklist whose objective
is to assess the level of risks commonly associated with office jobs. The method is
applicable to jobs in which the worker remains seated in a chair, in front of a table,
and operating a computer with a data display screen. The most common elements
of these workstations (chair, work surface, screen, keyboard, mouse and other


Ergonomía Ocupacional. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones. Vol 15 2022

peripherals) are considered in the evaluation. As a result of its application, an

assessment of the measured risk is obtained and an estimate of the need to act on
the position to reduce the level of risk. Table 3 shows the risk levels of ROSA

Table 3. Risk levels used in the ROSA method. Source: Diego-Mas, J. A. (2015).

Score Level Risk Action

1 0 Inapreciable Action no necessary.

Some elements of the task or warkstation can be

2-4 1 Mejorable improved.

5 2 High Action is necessary.

6-8 3 Very High Action is necessary as soon as possible.

9-10 4 Extreme Action is urgently needed.


The methodology in this research is transversal, not experimental. This section

shows the materials necessary to carry out the investigation, as well as the steps of
the procedure to follow.

4.1 Materials

The necessary materials to carry out this investigation are the following:
● Computer
● Software Online (Ergonautas)
● Internet
● Videocamera
4.2. Method

4.2.1. Subject

To carry out the research, the work performed by a 22-year-old student, in one
workstation, will be evaluated. This student has been studying Industrial Engineering


Ergonomía Ocupacional. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones. Vol 15 2022

for three years at the Technological Institute of Tijuana. His school day lasts 7 hours,
not counting the two-hour classes.

4.2.2. Procedure

The methodology of the present investigation is composed of seven stages. Figure

2 shows the stages of this methodology, being those described below.

Figure 2. Methodology and its stages.

Stage 1. Capture of equipment, postures, and movements. At this stage, the

student will be recorded, and photographs will be taken throughout his school day in
order to capture the movements he performs, as well as the postures he adopts
sitting at the worktable, where he carries out his activities.
Stage 2. Identification of movements and postures to evaluate. Once the
data and information of the first stage have been obtained, an analysis will be made
of the movements and postures that the student performs, identifying those that
represent a greater risk for the student when doing his activities.
Stage 3. Evaluation of the equipment at the workstation. Corresponding
information will be obtained from the seat, the backrest, and the armrest, and the
peripheral data corresponding to the screen, the keyboard, and the mouse will also
be entered, to carry out the corresponding diagnosis by applying the ROSA method
within the online software of Ergonautas.
Stage 4. Posture evaluation. After identifying the most critical postures and
movements, they will be evaluated to make known the level or degree of risk they


Ergonomía Ocupacional. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones. Vol 15 2022

present, helping us to locate these using the RULA method within the Ergonautas
online software.
Stage 5. Movement evaluation. The repetitive movements identified in the third
stage will be evaluated using the OCRA method available in the Ergonautas online
software to know the level of risk that these movements represent for the student.
These movements can range from using the computer keyboard, repeating the click
of the computer mouse, and even using the notebook to make notes by hand.
Stage 6. Analysis of results. Upon obtaining the results of the evaluations, an
analysis will be carried out where we can determine the risk of repetitive movements
when doing a task and the postures adopted by performing them, supporting us with
the RULA and OCRA methods.
Stage 7. Ergonomic improvement proposal. A proposal for improvements is
made in the study area in support of the degree of risk obtained in the analysis of


This section explains the results obtained for repetitive motion and postural load

5.1 Results of Repetitive movements

The results obtained from the analysis of repetitive movements indicated the
presence of fatigue and muscular tension in the elbow area when flexing constantly,
as well as in the joints of the hand, caused by a notable variation and without any
sequence, between size and weight. of the appliances. Table 4 shows the score
obtained by means of the OCRA method.

Table 4. OCRA results for the work area. Source: Own elaboration.

Factor Reason Score

Recovery The recovery period is included in the work cycle, where 0

Factor there are 10 minutes between classes or breaks.

Frequency ATD: Arm movements are slow, more than 50 actions / 6

factor minute when using the keyboard. Only occasional and
irregular small breaks are allowed.
ATE: The mouse is held for at least 5 consecutive seconds 4.5
with one or more static actions being performed for 3/3 of
the cycle or observation time.

Force factor Moderate strength most of the time. 8

Posture and PHo: The arm / s are not supported and remain slightly 1
movement elevated for more than half the time.


Ergonomía Ocupacional. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones. Vol 15 2022

factor PCo: The elbow makes sudden movements. 8

PMu: The wrist remains bent in an extreme position or 2
adopts forced postures (high degree of flexion-extension
or lateral deviation) at least ⅓ of the time. 8
PMa: You hold the monitor and mouse almost all the time.
PMu: There is repetition of identical movements of the
shoulder, elbow, wrist or fingers, almost all the time due to
the use of the keyboard.

Additional Fso: The pace of work is partially determined by the work 1

risk factor required while using the computer, with small periods of
time in which the pace of work can be slowed or sped up.

Duration MD: Networking time 421-480 minutes. 1


The result obtained through the OCRA CheckList shows a value of 15.5, which
indicates that the risk is unacceptable medium. Figure 4 shows said result calculated
by means of the Ergonautas software.

Figure 4. Result of repetitive movement with Check List OCRA. Source: Diego-
Mas, J. A. (2015).

5.2 Results of postural load

In relation to the postural load analysis, the worker presents fatigue in the lower
extremities and tension in the neck. Table 4 represents the score awarded by the
RULA method.


Ergonomía Ocupacional. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones. Vol 15 2022

Table 4. Results postural evaluation for a student. Source: Own elaboration

Part to evaluate Score Part to evaluate Score

Group A Group B
Arm 2 Flexed neck ˂ 20° 3
Abducted arms +1 Rotated head +1
Forearm 1 Trunk flexed between 0° and 20° 2
Forearm that crosses +1 Rotated head +1
the midline
Neutral wrist 1 Legs 1
Radial deviation3 of the +1 Load or force: Load between 2 and +2
wrist 10 kg repetitively
Type of activity: +1

Figure 5 shows the score obtained when applying the RULA method through the
Ergonautas software, in which an action level of 4 was obtained, which indicates that
changes have to be made immediately in the task or position.

Figure 5. Results for postural evaluation with RULA method. Source: McAtamney
and Corlett (1993).

5.3 Results of the equipment in the workstation

The ROSA score obtained is 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. This score corresponds to Risk
Level 1, which indicates that, although there is no significant ergonomic risk level, it
can be improved, and some aspects of the position could be optimized so that the
situation was completely satisfactory. The partial scores of the chair and the
peripherals can guide the measures to be adopted to reduce the risk level.


Ergonomía Ocupacional. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones. Vol 15 2022

Figure 6. Results of the equipment in the workstation. Source: Diego-Mas, J. A.



According to the objective of the research mentioned in the second chapter that
says: "Identify the ergonomic risks of continuous computer use during the school
day." It is concluded that the objective has been achieved by identifying ergonomic
risks through the use of the OCRA, ROSA and RULA methods, giving rise to an
opportunity to improve the comfort level for students on school days. After analyzing
the results obtained, it can be concluded that the station where you work and / or
study during the online classes is of a medium-high risk, considering the activities
that are carried out, so it is necessary to implement immediate changes. The risks
observed were work posture, repetitive work and physiological fatigue due to the
long work / study shift, as well as work pressure. Long-term work in this position can
cause health problems, so the institute or company in charge must implement
ergonomic improvements that improve and facilitate work and eliminate the risk that
these activities present to users. Some recommendations are presented according
to the results obtained to reduce the level of risk at the workstation:
● La mesa o escritorio de trabajo debe estar lo bastante extensa y espaciosa
para que se puedan colocar cómodamente todas las herramientas y
materiales necesarios para realizar el trabajo.
● El diseño de la silla de trabajo dependerá del alumno para que pueda
mantener, durante su trabajo, una postura recta y relajada, también una
posición no forzada el cuello. Así como permitir una buena circulación
extremidades inferiores.
● Se recomienda que la ubicación del teclado permita, al alumno, mantener
los brazos doblados por el codo, en un ángulo de 90º, con la espalda recta
y los hombros en postura relajada mientras trabaja. también debe poder
apoyar los brazos encima del escritorio.
● El trabajo con el ratón debe ser con la mano y la muñeca recta, el codo debe
mantener un ángulo recto y el brazo debe poder reposar sobre el escritorio.


Ergonomía Ocupacional. Investigaciones y Aplicaciones. Vol 15 2022

también tiene que existir un espacio mínimo de 10cm para apoyar brazos y
● Es recomendable la práctica del ejercicio físico, porque permite mantener
un ritmo muscular adecuado, que ayude a la prevención de lesiones y
asimismo a liberar la tensión acumulada durante la jornada estudiantil.
● The worktable or desk should be large and spacious enough to
accommodate all the tools and materials needed to do the job.
● The design of the work chair will depend on the student so that he can
maintain, during his work, a straight and relaxed posture, also a non-forced
neck position. As well as allowing a good circulation of the lower extremities.
● It is recommended that the placement of the keyboard allows the student to
keep the arms bent at the elbow, at a 90º angle, with the back straight and
the shoulders in a relaxed posture while working. You should also be able
to rest your arms on the desk.
● Work with the mouse must be with the hand and the wrist straight, the elbow
must maintain a right angle and the arm must be able to rest on the desk.
There must also be a minimum space of 10cm to support arms and hands.
● The practice of physical exercise is recommended because it allows for
maintaining an adequate muscular rhythm, which helps to prevent injuries
and also to release the tension accumulated during the student day.


Diego-Mas, J. A. (2015). Ergonautas. Evaluación del riesgo por movimientos

repetitivos mediante el Check List Ocra [en línea]. Valencia, España.
Recuperado el 07 de diciembre, de:
McAtamney, L. Y Corlett, E. N., (1993), RULA: A survey method for the investigation
of work-related upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics, 24, pp. 91-99.
Diego-Mas, J. A. (2015). Ergonautas. Evaluación de puestos de trabajo de oficinas
mediante el método ROSA [en línea]. Valencia, España. Recuperado el 07 de
diciembre, de:


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