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Workplace Application Plan Accomplishment Report

I. Name of Learner: SHEILLA B. NGAYA-AN

II. Office / School: Tulgao Elementary School
III. Position: Teacher III
IV. Title of Learning and Development Activity: Finnachang we Tudtucho ( Panagsuro)
Fumarugwan na usgwila tau.
V. Date of Implementation: November 3-4, 2023
VI. L & D Provider: _____ CID _____ SGOD _____ OSDS ( Admin/ Finance/ Legal/ ICT)
VII. Name of Immediate Supervisor: Jessie A. Guyang
VIII. Significant Results of the WAP:
( Desribe the significant results of the implemented WAP. Its contribution to the improvement of the condition of
the workplace or improvement in the behavior or competencies of target employees. If the gap to be addressed
concerns learning outcomes, include data.)

Gaps in the workplace Significant Improvement Means of Verification

( learning outcome, competency behavior/
practices, facilities,etc)
1.I am incapable on how to do After the learning, I was able Copies of mapped
mapping curriculum. to experience how to map competencies.
curriculum. It is very
important for the teacher to
familiarize himself on the
curriculum guide and have a
copy of it. This learning gave
me the opportunity to browse
the different competencies
specially on the grade level me
2. as a teacher in a mono grade I was able to understand what Application of team
class, I never experienced team team teaching strategy and teaching in class.
teaching so I have no knowledge on was able to apply it in my
this strategy. classroom.
3. Before the learning, I am not in After the demo observation on Lesson plan
favor of team teaching since I have team teaching and understand Instructional Materials
negative perspective about this its impact to the learners, I Learning Package
strategy when it was first learned to appreciate its
introduced. purpose. It has a great impact
on the learners specially when
lesson plans, mapped
curriculum and IM’s are
Prepared By: SHEILLA B. NGAYA-AN Date: November 10, 2023

Reviewed By: JESSIE A. GUYANG_____ Date: __________________

School Head

MARIVIC D. WANDAGAN Date: November 3-4, 2023

PSDS, Southern Tinglayan

Recommending Approval : GINADINE L. BALAGSO___ Date: __________________


Approved: NATIVIDAD P. BAYUBAY_ Date: _____________________

Note: It is the Responsibility of the immediate supervisor to monitor the implementation of the WAP.

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