Example of Research Paper About Illegal Logging

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Your applied knowledge of research ethics is examined in the safeguards built in to your study
design, methods, and procedures. Source: img-aws.ehowcdn.com Dr abdul rahman — director
general at the forestry department — told the star at this month's 16th malaysian forestry conference
that the decision to use rfid was spurred by pressure. Template:environmental law illegal logging is
the harvest, transportation, purchase or sale of timber in violation of laws. All audio data, used in the
present evaluation, were collected from freely available online sound data repositories, and were all
down sampled at 8 kHz with resolution analysis equal to 16 bits per sample. The classification
accuracy (in percentages) of the acoustic wood logging utilizing the postprocessing for the best
performing support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The presented methodology is modular and
since it relies on audio evidence, it can be adapted to different forest characteristics and can be
operated equally well during day and night. He went to college at Harvard and after graduating he
went straight into politics. The level of illegal logging in Leuser has more than doubled since 2016
according to estimates by the nonprofit Leuser Conservation Forum (FKL). Forest Governance and
Trade: Exploring Options Chatham House, 24 January 2007. Questions. Please let us know what you
think of our products and services. Tagged: illegal logging indonesia Leuser rainforests deforestation
YOUR INBOX. Key concepts: Logging for all-or-nothing atomicity Write ahead logging
Checkpoints. The audio processing performed at the server station is based on short-time analysis of
the acquired recording and decomposition of the signal in sequences of audio feature vectors. When
determining the ecological damage in monetary terms it is important to account not only for the cost
of restoring the damaged natural environment, but also the irreversible environmental losses. The real
magic starts with you, so we like to celebrate the wonderful world of print right here. Implication of
agricultural practices, commercial logging and forest conserva. Illegalities may also occur during
transport, including illegal processing and export from other country. In order to be human-readable,
please install an RSS reader. In addition to forest sounds and noises, low levels of signal-to-noise
ratio are expected during the acquisition of the audio when the sound source (the wood logging
sounds in our case) is not close to the microphone sensors of the monitoring stations set up in the
forest. The detection is performed using pretrained acoustic models for logging and the classification
is binary, i.e., detection of logging sounds or not. First, it looks at the process of problematization:
An analysis of the compatibility between current forestry management provisions and the effective
implementation of cites listing for timber species in malaysia. A large amount of the timber
processed in vietnam comes from malaysia, lao, cambodia, malaysia, myanmar and indonesia. Once
trees are cut down, they are transported by tractor along the newly formed roads, which double as
easy-access hunting routes. Metsateatise saab esitada metsaregistris, saata elektrooniliselt taidetud ja
digitaalselt allkirjastatud metsateatise Keskkonnaameti e-postile, esitada isiklikult Keskkonnaameti
kontoris voi posti teel Keskkonnaameti buroosse. Regarding the server side, the captured audio
signal, which is wirelessly transmitted from monitoring station m, is preprocessed and parameterized
before being analyzed by machine learning methods for classification to detect logging sounds.
Huynh van van, 59, would have to spend another 16 months in jail if he cannot pay the fine. Many
times, he added, certificates for legal forestry activities are filed on paper, making it hard to cross-
reference the database of certificates with the images. There is, however, no perfect method for
determining and quantifying Box 2. Source: s3media.freemalaysiatoday.com Illegal logging or forest
loss is the cutting down of trees, transporting them, or using their products such as timber for
economic gains against the prohibition by law. In addition, observation towers are often used by
specialized personnel for visual detection of illegal activities and fires.
But the country's national forests, all of them protected, cover millions of hectares, making detection
by the authorities difficult. Logging, however, has recently become an unprofitable and low-wage.
Both aim to govern the 'problem' of illegal logging. It is not always possible to detect illegal logging:
remote sensing images only reveal areas of widespread clearfell logging, whereas illegal logging often
targets individual trees with the most valuable wood (whose absence is difficult to detect). In July
2014, Amazon Indians —previously unconnected with the outside world—emerged from a Brazilian
rainforest due to illegal logging. Use the tips below to prepare and refine your essay 1 you can tweak
the introduction later once you are more aware of your although these essays are often called
personal statements, they are not an autobiography. Carbon dioxide, Deforestation, Global warming
442 Words 2 Pages fiction movies, but the real thing. Illegal Logging and associated trade in illegally
sourced wood products are important causes of deforestation and forest degradation in many
developing countries, but the destruction of our environment is not the only issue here. Extraction
without permission, or from a protected area. In the case of a noisy environment (i.e., for SNR value
of ?6 dB), we could see that performance improvement was up to 2% as compared with the case in
which no postprocessing was applied (. Forest fires are another known environmental effect of
logging: Clearing areas emits large amounts of carbon dioxide, which in turn becomes fuel for
intense blazes. This report uses the wood balance method to estimate losses to the Russian economy
from illegal logging. Despite the efforts of the authorities to clamp down on the practice, illegal
logging is going on unabated in malaysia's forests. The Mexican smuggling business began to slow
down though, due to stricter regulations on customs and border patrol. Only after the criteria has
been met and the product is considered low risk can the company then make this legal declaration
and continue to import the wood based product. Moreover, the late fusion logging sound recognition
results, after postprocessing, are illustrated in Figure 5. Illegal logging refers to the harvest of timber
from outside authorized areas or in quantities exceeding the assigned quotas. A program that
educates the public on the future problems of deforestation and ways to reduce the impact of the
problem can be sponsored by the government and taught in individual areas of the nation. The
certification means the wood was sourced in compliance with local laws and with respect for the
rights of indigenous peoples. It's been weeks since I spent the day with the illegal logging teams, and
I can't help but wonder how many more nights Udin has spent out there in the forest. More
specifically, we can see that the window length equal to three offers the best performance across all
the evaluated signal-to-noise ratio values. Illegal loggers and log traders rely on their own smart staff
or their cronies in government agencies who can devise ways of evading the government about 60
per cent of production was illegal in india, more than 50 per cent in brazil and 35 per cent in
malaysia. In a given month, they can move across several districts in Aceh, hopping from hill to hill
in the vast Leuser ecosystem. In particular, sessions will focus on the following. Raw material, re-
harvesting, energy consumption and recycling after use. Except for audio recordings of the wood
logging activity, audio recordings from forest sounds and environmental background noise such as
rain, wind, the sound of the leaves, as well as bird vocalizations were also used. Logging is useless
these days for any aspect in which we use tree properties for. Government officials have tried to stop
drug trade and usage introducing many rules and regulations. Where and why has devolution of
forest rights contributed. An example is forest certification, a market-based response to the failure of
intergovernmental processes to establish a global convention on forests.
These results are higher than those reached in other attempts to use the wood balance method to
estimate. To date, we have detected 10 groups he said the department had detected 27 cases of
illegal logging in the state from march until now. The Arduino Nano framework was utilized and
GSM modules provided information to the guard patrols in the forests. If a person has wronged
them, he or she cannot sue that person in court or call the police. The benefits to you are that you can
be sure that any wood based product you purchase within Australia has been subjected to the due
diligence criteria and is almost certain to have not contributed to the world wide issue of illegal
logging. But what sticks with me most of all is how all these men told me that it was poverty that
drove them into the forest. Chachada, S.; Kuo, C.-C.J. Environmental sound recognition: A survey.
This report reveals the scale of illegal logging in Russia based on the best available, most up-to-date,
expert data. Illegal logging is the harvest, transportation, purchase or sale of timber in violation of
laws. Many factors affect the existence and the sustainability of the forests. Presently, no effective
methods have been adopted for assessing the amount of illegal logging in the Russian Federation.
Illegal logging threatens the ecological sustainability there has been limited progress in tackling
illegal logging and related trade in malaysia since 2010. While under the influence of drugs, many
people do not realize the wrong they are doing. International Union of Forest Research Organisations
(IUFRO) and IUFRO-Taskforces. Government officials have tried to stop drug trade and usage
introducing many rules and regulations. Logging is useless these days for any aspect in which we use
tree properties for. Presentation On Logging Ban Moratorium Final Long Presentation On Logging
Ban Moratorium Final Long Implication of agricultural practices, commercial logging and forest
conserva. The authors introduced different time-domain methods; the first method relied on
autocorrelation function, while the second method relied on TESPAR. The modular structure of the
above architecture allows adaptation of any of its modules, according to the specific needs of a
forest management body, without loss of the functionality of the other modules. Large programs
should keep a written log telling about all the major events in the “life” of the program. Research
proposal. Check the guidelines ssmple your professor or sample prospectus for research paper to
make sure you're using the correct citation method write a essay on my best friend your bibliography.
Along that supply chain, there are countless methods of breaking logging laws. But not all logged
trees are turned into flooring, paper, and plywood. Subscribe to receive issue release notifications
and newsletters from MDPI journals. Template:environmental law illegal logging is the harvest,
transportation, purchase or sale of timber in violation of laws. Editor’s Choice articles are based on
recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. The institutions
say they set up the alliance to map, for the first time, logging in almost all of the Amazon. Source:
PanfilovA., 2014; Valentik I., 2016. Figure 4: The volume of illegal logging and associated losses
between 2013 and 2015. This number has risen by 3 million in only 10 years. Logging in the
Arkhangelsk Oblast decreased from 13.4 million m? in 2007 to 11.8 million m? in 2011.

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