Serializer Launch 1

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Serializer Launch Sequence

Ahhh ...the Serializer launches.

You know, up until that time I didn’t really realize the true
power of Mass Control.

I’ll never forget how amazed I was during the first milisecond
of the first launch ...when that first order for $10,000.00 came

The first seminar sold out in like 9 minutes or so. It took me

about a full week to finally accept the fact that yes, you can
sell $10,000.00 Internet Marketing seminars online.

What amazed me about this launch is I never actually told anyone

what the Serializer system was.

I felt like I couldn’t really do that without giving away trade


So the launch succeeded on the use of shock-n-awe numbers and

the proof that I provided.

As you’ll remember, those are two key elements to any successful

Mass Control campaign.

Subject: {Name} open up. It's important.

Hi Name,

I'll make this quick:

Go here and check out this book:

Or you can just go to your local bookstore and get a copy if they have one left. It's called "The
Game" and the author is Neil Strauss.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

It just hit #2 on Amazon...and is #16 on the New York Times best seller list.

(Maybe you've seen all the buzz about this on T.V.?)

Anyway, here's why you MUST read this book.


(But it has *NOTHING* to do with marketing.)

The book is a non-fiction "exposé" (sort of) and it's all about the secret society of professional
pickup artists.


But here's why this is important to you:

The book gives you a complete A-Z insider's view of a subculture as it grows from a tiny handful
of people into a global multimillion dollar niche.

You also see EXACTLY how three different players moved in and DOMINATED this niche. And
got rich.

Plus you see real world PERSUASION tactics that are in my opinion, the most advanced
persuasion strategies ever.

Here's where you can see the book, read reviews, and so forth:

I'm telling you, this book is a million dollar education in Niche marketing.

That's not what the author intended...but that's what it is.

It's also a damn good read , even if you could care less about picking up women.

Here it is again:


©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

P.S. I liked this book so much that I actually hunted down the author and have scheduled a
conference call with him for today.

I'm going to TRY to get him to get on a group call with my subscribers and talk about this Niche,
and talk about why they're such rabid buyers.

I'll let you know how it goes.

P.P.S. This is not an affiliate promotion. I'm just telling you about this book because I think it will
help you make more money.

The reason why I think it will help you make more money is because you get to see a niche get
totally mined for cash right before your eyes.

Here it is:

Also, I'd like to let you in on this FIRST before some wannabe guru type tries to charge you a
couple of hundred bucks to tell you about it.

(In my opinion, the marketing lessons taken from this cheap little paperback book are priceless.)

P.P.P.S. As you read the book, notice how similar their subculture is to OURS.

Almost ALL niches have subcultures like these.

And when you find a way to get in front of them, it's like walking into Fort Knox.

OK - here's the link. It's take you to the book on Amazon:

Subject: {Name} - URGENT VIDEO (keep it secret please).

Hi Name,

I have a MAJOR announcement to make, and it's in this video I just made for you:

Please don't share this with anyone.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

The video shows you:

1. The result of my 11-month study called "Operation Hermit.”

2. The "weird" thing that happened last month while everyone was glued to their T.V.s watching
the news...and while business was supposed to be horrible.

3. Concrete proof that laws of marketing CAN be broken (you'll see when I show you what
happened in August.)

Here's the video:

I just made it this morning, so excuse me if my voice sounds tired.

I had my 15 year high school reunion on Saturday and let's just say my mind thinks I'm still
17 years old, but my body doesn't agree :-)

Anyway, in all seriousness, you NEED TO WATCH THIS:

...Especially if you think this whole "make a ton of money online thing" has to be hard.

Talk soon,

P.S. I've probably never told you this, but you're on a CLOSED LIST.

I haven't added a new subscriber to my newsletter since January.

In fact, it's IMPOSSIBLE to get on this list you're on right now.

THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS. And that reason is simple:


I don't want the whole world knowing what I'm up to. And I don't give a damn about being a
"guru" or whatever.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

With that said, please keep what you're about to see a SECRET.


Here's the video again:

P.P.S. This video is a hair over 9 minutes. Please watch it all. Important announcement at the end.

Subject: Name - This is going to be big.

Hi Name,

Thanks for your interest in my upcoming class.

This is going to be BIG for the select few people I decide to work with.

Just a few tidbits of information:


The tenative dates are Friday, 11/18 through Sunday, 11/20. I'm looking at the Hard Rock Hotel
in Orlando as a venue.


It is a hands-on “class.” I will be teaching you a brand new marketing strategy that NOBODY is

Plus I'll be giving you custom software that makes this strategy work...and I'll be teaching you
how to use it.

There will be no theory. It's 100% how-to-do-it. You will leave knowing exactly what to do, how
to do it, and why.


You're not getting access to an event that's going to end up as part of a marketing course later on.
There will be no cameras or tape recorders allowed.


©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

There's a reason for this (and yes, I know that 37 sounds like a made up number).

The reason is two-fold.

A: I've identified 43 markets where I think my strategy will work almost instantly. I'm going to
GIVE YOU these markets if you attend.

I'll even work with you in partnership if you want (on a fee + royalty basis) to help you
dominate them.

This will be done on a first come, first-served basis. So if you're the first to register, you get your
pick of the markets. If you're the last, you get what's left.

ALL of the markets are equally as good so try not to worry about anyone "beating you to the
good stuff.”

(I know 43 "million dollar markets" are more than enough for 37 people. I'm still limiting it to 37
as a "just to be safe" move.)


...And I don't want many people knowing about this strategy.

The tools I give you will literally give you an unfair advantage over ANYBODY online.

Big promise, I know, but the people who see what this is will immediately thank me for keeping
it so quiet.

Anyway - if a bunch of people knew about this, it wouldn't be as effective. Plain and simple.

That's why anyone who attends will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. I'll actually have
my attorney in the room during the's that serious.

O.K. Name - that's a bunch of info I've just laid out for you and I'm sure you'll have questions.

I'll have an official web page for the event ready to go on Monday, October 17th.

That page will explain what this is all about a little more clearly than what I've done in this

Also, I'll be in touch between now and then with updates.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

Talk soon,

P.S. It looks like 2 people have already committed to attend. So that means there are 35 slots left.
(My copywriter told 2 people about it and they're demanding to be let in.)

P.P.S. This is NOT a rehash of the Underachiever System. My method can be used to attack and
dominate HUGE markets by either creating a sales letter and sending traffic to it (my favorite) or
by using SEO tactics to drive Adsense revenue. (Lucrative...but in my opinion, boring.)

It uses several "Black Ops" software applications that nobody has.

What I'm trying to tell you is this is ALL NEW, CUTTING EDGE material.

Subject: Name - a few announcements

Hi Name,

Just a few quick things to go over today:

Your Questions Answered

I've been getting swamped with questions about this upcoming class for almost 24 straight hours.

First of all, it's great to hear from some of my clients!

You guys should write me more often.

Anyway - I know you want answers, and you'll get them.

I'm putting together an FAQ for you and I'll send it out tomorrow.

Frank Under Fire (AKA "Blame It On Harlan")

Yesterday, I let it slip that my copywriter had already gotten two of his clients into my upcoming


©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

So much that I called him up and said, "Man, you got me in trouble! Now get me out of trouble!"

So this morning, he sent me this and asked me to forward it to you:

A Personal Apology to Frank's Subscribers


This is Harlan Kilstein, Frank's copywriter.

A bunch of people got real upset at Frank because his email mentioned that two of the 37 places
were already taken before the details have even been made public.

I'm to blame for that error, not Frank.

When Frank described the system he will be revealing to the world next week to me, I
immediately sensed the huge potential involved here.

As a matter of fact, having had a close up look at the methodology, I'm ready to hang up my
spurs as a copywriter and use Frank's unique system full time.

(This is a huge statement considering I personally cleared over $322,000.00 in my FIRST YEAR
as a copywriter.)

Frank made me sign an iron-clad non-disclosure agreement so I couldn't tell any of my clients
the details of this system but…

They've learned to trust my judgment and when I told them to sign up for the seminar, they set
siege to Frank's email address offering to send checks, PayPal the tuition, and name their first
born after him.

Today, Frank has told me I can't get any more of my clients in early.

Frank is going to post the sales letter next week at 9 AM East coast time at and I suggest you get online early to snag one of the remaining

Also, this would be a real good time to clear the week end of November 18th through the 20th
and get a reserve on some tickets to Orlando.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

The class isn't going to come cheap but my client list includes people who trust my judgment and
demanded seats regardless of the price.

So I wanted to apologize for letting some of my clients jump to the head of the line.

I hope you are one of the lucky ones I get to meet in Orlando.

Harlan Kilstein
Frank's Copywriter

This Is Getting Serious.

1,282 people are now on this Priority Notification list.

I'm pretty sure this is going to result in a sell out.

And no, I'm not trying to hype you up here.

It's either right for you or it isn't.

But if you're thinking, "Yeah, I'll bet this is gonna be a good move for me", then please be ready
when I release the site on Monday.


P.S. In the event that a sell-out doesn't happen immediately, an un-named HEAVY HITTER has
asked if he could let his list know about this...


I agreed, but only under the condition that everyone of you...most of you have been with me for
years and I recognize and appreciate that…get ample time to hop on board.

So I'll give it about 2 hours on Monday morning.

After that, I'm letting the "Mystery Marketer"(gee, I'll bet it's really hard to figure out who that
is...) mail his list.

Subject: Name, this is a big one. (Your questions answered.)

Hi Name,

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

First off, I want you to be on the lookout for a new video tomorrow.

It features one of my "Test Subjects" and you can see how he used just 10% of my system to
bring in big bucks.

I think you will like the video - it's pretty cool.

But I'm not going to have that ready until tomorrow.

Right now, I'm going to answer your questions. Here are the main questions I keep getting.

Why Are You Doing This?

OK – fair enough. Especially after I pretty much told everyone that I was vanishing from the
Internet Marketing scene.

One obvious reason is because it'll make me money.


See, making huge amounts of money while essentially doing nothing is GREAT...for a while.

And then you get restless.

That's what's happened to me, anyway.

And I've come to the realization that *ONLY* working on these "money machine" web sites isn't
all that fulfilling.
I mean yeah, the money's good (real good!)...but after a while you ask, "Is this IT?!?"

Surely there's something more, right?

Think about it. How many giant TVs can you buy?

I have two and I don't want any more. Same thing with fancy cars. There's more to life than just
cash...and STUFF.

So I'm looking to do something that's a little more fulfilling. And for me personally, the "juice"
comes from helping people.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

Well, let me clarify that:

It comes from helping *FUN* people who actually *DO* what I teach them and then tell me
about their results.

I'll give you an example:

Yesterday, I made $2,717.19 in a business that I completely ignore.

I could have been hit by a train yesterday and that money would have still come in.

That's great and I'm thankful for it.

But I also got a very important email yesterday from a past customer.

His email basically said that he has studied my stuff...and studied other guys like John
Reese ...and he was able to quickly start making about $1,000 a day using what he'd learned.

And things were going great until...HE GOT CANCER.

He had to have multiple surgeries, got infections, and was basically going through hell for a
number of months.

He obviously couldn't really tend to his business at that time.

So when he finally was able to check his stats and see what was left of his business, he

HE WAS STILL MAKING $500.00 A DAY even though he hadn't even thought about the
business for months.

So his email was basically thanking me and saying that John, Ed Dale, and I (and I think Yanik
too) are basically responsible for his family being able to eat and live WELL during their time of

He said that he puts our DVDs on and watches them with his young daughters while pointing to
us and saying "these guys are the reason everything is OK for our family."

And to top it all off, he's well on the road to a full recovery. Cancer free!

So Name, I want you to listen very closely:


©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

Nothing can.

And emails like that one are the *real* reason I'm teaching this class.

And sure, I'll make some money (after all, you can do the math - all indications are that this thing
will sell out almost immediately) but that's not my real motivation. It's nice, but it's not my
driving force behind this.

Hell, you've seen my Clickbank statements so you know what I mean. I'm not exactly going

And here's another thing. Even if I lived to be 100, I STILL don't think I'd scratch the surface of
you can do with the method and tools I'm going to give you.

The method I'm giving you changes everything.

Even if the 37 people I teach this to ALL lived to be 100 and they ALL worked every day, there'd
STILL be a bunch of money left over for a few generations.

So rather than horde my discovery like some miser, I'm going to show it to a select group of

And I'm hoping *those* people will stay in touch with me for years, and we can all mastermind
together and come up with ways to have even MORE fun and make MORE money.

I just want to share what I discovered with some like-minded people so we can all grow together.

Isn't that what it's all about anyway?

The next question is...

Will You Offer This Class Again?

The answer is probably NOT.

This class is sort of a test for me.

It's a test to see how much I enjoy working directly with people.

People with the knowledge and means to follow my advice and get the results they're after.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

If I enjoy it as much as I *think* I will, I'll most likely start looking for clients
I can partner with on a fee + royalty basis...and begin working with them exclusively.

(And, of course, the people in this class will be the first ones that I look to if I decide to start
partnering with clients)

Therefore, I won't really have time to teach this again.

And like I said earlier, it won't be recorded or filmed or anything.

Yes, I know that sounds ludicrous to the marketing crowd but as I said earlier...this ain't really
about the money for me.

Can I Bring My Wife, Husband, Partner?

I'd rather you didn't. The reason why is I want to keep the room small so I can work with you

But you might as well bring your "better half" down to Orlando and stay a while.

I'll be throwing a party on Sunday night and that'll be a blast.

(Free Champagne! John Reese Is Buying!)

And there's plenty of fun stuff to do while you're in the class.

Is This About Affiliate Sales Or Adsense?

Not really.

Well, you *can* use this method to really clean up with affiliate sales.

In fact, I'm currently doing that in one market and I'll show you how and why...

But I'd ultimately like to see you sell your own stuff...and get affiliates working for YOU instead
of the other way around.

The big money is in having your own product.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

As for Adsense, no.

This *can* work with Adsense stuff, but if you come I'll do everything I can to "convert" you
into a member of "The Church of Selling Real Stuff to Real People.”

My system was totally designed for long term stability and consistent income.

I'd hate to see you go through the process of building a business ...only to have it ultimately
depend on someone ELSE.

(Like search engines, or whatever.)

Plus, it's just plain easier to do it the way I'm going to teach you.

And Easy + Stable + Consistent = Good.

How Much Is It Going To Cost?

First, there's no doubt in my mind that I could present this system to "Big Businesses" and sell
them my tools and training for $50,000.00 a pop.

It's really that valuable, and I think the video I sent you Monday did a good job of proving that

(And the fact that *nobody* else has this doesn't hurt.)

Look at it this way:

At this pace, I'm looking to bring in over a million bucks in the next 12 months just with the little
businesses I showed you in the video.

So $50,000.00 is a bargain if you look at it that way.

Think about it. I'm ONE GUY in Georgia who spends 80% of his time either playing video
games or changing diapers ...and I *STILL* pulled in over $96,000.00 last month.


But I'm not going to go try to sell this to big businesses for big bucks...even though I could.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

Frankly, I think most of them are Big Idiots with Big Egos. So I'm sharing this with my long time
customers and subscribers. After all, you guys are the ones who have been with me for years.

I've known some of you longer than I've known my own children! And I'm not going to charge
$50,000.00 per person either.

The truth is, I don't know what I'm going to charge yet. I'm figuring somewhere between 3 and 5
times the amount of money it makes me in a day.

That's still a good chunk of change, but it's an obvious bargain for what you're getting.

And it looks like most people agree with me.

Would you believe I've had people already just send me their credit card numbers and say,
"I don't care what it costs, make sure I get in!"

So it looks like a sell-out is going to happen in a hurry. We're going to have a REALLY good

Talk soon,

P.S. Be on the lookout for tomorrow's video. You'll love it!

P.P.S. I promise tomorrow's email won't be so long :-)

Subject: Name - You'll love this one...

Hi Name,

I've been getting a lot of questions from people asking:

"How Long Does It Take Using Your Method To Go From Ground Zero To Making Sales?"

O.K. - here's the answer:


It depends on you, your efforts, and so forth.


©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

If it makes you feel any better, you can watch today's video and see what happened when I
showed a total rookie just a small portion of my new technique.

Here's the video:

In it, you'll see:

1. How long it took a fellow Georgia slacker-dude to make his first sale.

2. How much this complete newbie has made so far.

3. A pretty good idea of the potential this whole thing has.

Here's the video:

Keep in mind, this isn't me in the video. It's my first "test subject.”..and this was his first time
ever doing something like this.

Talk soon,

P.S. The video is only 6 minutes and it's very powerful.

At the end of the video, you'll be taken to a new page where you can listen to a podcast by Ed
Dale where he talks about watching my system grow from a mere concept into a major money

(Results not typical.)

P.P.S. If there's anything you want me to pass along to the Rookie, let me know.

You'll see what I mean when you watch the video.

Subject: Name - BEST ONE YET!

Hi Name,

Here's the video I was telling you about yesterday.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

I'm trying to sound calm and collected in the video but in reality, I was about to jump out of my

You'll see why here:

This video does a great job of PROVING that the Serializer method is here to stay :-)

Talk soon,

P.S. Close to 1,600 on the waiting list now. Only 48 hours or so to go :-)

Orlando is going to be GREAT. Plus, we'll be staying at the Hard Rock Hotel, which is really,
really nice.

Oh yeah - if you come to my class, you're also invited to two days of parties.

(You will DEFINITELY have a reason to party.)

More on that to come...

Subject: Name - new video, 'My Lucky Mistake'

Hi Name,

In today's video, I want to show you my "lucky mistake.”

Here's the video.

In it, you'll see what I've been wrong about for years ...and why I'm really glad to have been such
a dummy.

It's only about 5 minutes long and you can watch it here:

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

Also, you'll get to see how much traffic my new marketing method has generated.


As you know, this class goes on sale Monday Morning at 9:00 AM.

The web site it will be for sale on is

(This is different from the one I originally planned on.)

Talk soon,

P.S. Tomorrow's video is the best of all.

It turns out (and this really couldn't be timed any better) that my new method hit a MAJOR
milestone today while I was eating soul food at H&H here on High Street in Macon.

It's a VERY POWERFUL video. Don't miss it.

Subject: Name - IT'S TIME!

Hi Name,

Seats to the Serializer Method Class are now available.

Here's the site:

NOTE: I'm typing this email at 8:49 AM. I turned the site on at 8:40 AM so I could test it and
make sure everything works OK.


So, if you want to come to Orlando, go here now:

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

Talk soon,

Subject: Name - quick announcement and more proof.

Hi Name,

I just wanted to show you this screenshot for more "Serializer Proof.”

Right now, it's 1:31 PM Eastern time on Sunday.

As you can see from the screenshot below, I'm about to hit $10,000.00 in sales…FOR THE

By the time this email goes out, the $10,000.00 mark will most like have been hit.

Anyway - I know it's sort of "tacky" to show your income like this, but I really don't know how
else to PROVE that the serializer method is the REAL DEAL.

Also - I think this class is going to sell out in minutes on Monday Morning.

The website that will have the Big Fancy Sales Letter on it is

It will be "live" at 9:00 AM Eastern Time tomorrow morning.

If the class hasn't sold out by 11:00 AM Eastern time tomorrow, John Reese has agreed to mail
his best customers and give them the opportunity to attend. They will undoubtedly reserve
whatever seats remain.

Frankly, I don't he'll even end up mailing since there are only 35 seats available...and because the
demand is very, very high.

I hope to see you in Orlando!


P.S. I spoke with John Reese earlier and he will be at the class. This will be a rare opportunity for
you to interact with one of the most successful, if not one of the most reclusive Internet
Marketers on the planet.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

It's only fitting that John shows up since I came up with this method at his house over a year ago.
We were sitting on the floor of his office eating Pizza at the time.

In fact, he's the one who named it "The Serializer Method.”

P.P.S. I'll be hard to reach until after Monday morning. Nora's school is having "Culture
Fest" today...and our family is bringing the food. I gotta help my boss Wife cook and get
ready. I'm lucky I was able to "sneak off" and write this message to you :-)

Subject: Name - HISTORY WAS MADE. (I can't take credit for it.)

Hi Name,

O.K. - yesterday was nuts.

I sold out my $10,000.00 per person Serializer class in MINUTES.

I turned the site on to test it at 8:40 AM.

It was sold out by 9:05.

I'm pretty sure that was the fastest product launch in our history.


Sure, I'd love to say I sold it out because I'm a marketing genius or whatever.

But the fact is, I sold it out because I copycatted some strategies I learned from Jeff Walker.

He's the un-disputed MASTER of sellout launches.

He's the guy that taught me. He's the guy that taught John Reese. He's the guy that Yanik. He's
the guy that taught Jason Potash.

He's also the guy who'll just flat out GIVE YOU some of his best info if you want it.

Details here:

You can get all kinds of stuff from his site.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

One cool thing is a teleseminar where Jeff had his most successful students (me, Reese, Yanik,
Jason Potash, Jim Edwards) explain how we pulled off massive product launches.

It was a killer call... and you can get the recording AND the transcripts.

(it's over 60-pages and it's explains why I'm now "afraid" of Paris Hilton.)

Here it is:

One more get the recording and the transcripts, you have to opt-in to Jeff Walker's
Power Launch list.

He'll be promoting a home study course on product launches that he's releasing on Friday.

It's a good idea to STAY on Jeff's list. Even if you could care less about his course.


Because you'll get a million dollar education just by WATCHING what he does.

Here's the site again:

Talk soon,

P.S. I have not seen the course.


So I'm a raving fan.

Jeff is a personal friend of mine. He is a smart guy. And his stuff works. I know from personal
experience. In fact, it put a whole lot of money in my pocket yesterday when I "launched" my
Serializer Method Class.

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

I used some strategies Jeff taught me, and I'm pretty sure yesterday's launch was the fastest
sellout EVER in the history of our industry.

Anyway - go here and you can get the goods from Jeff.

Subject: Name - Open this one first. Good stuff inside.

Hi Name,

Listen. I want you to know how important you are to me.

Yes, this sounds sort of weird, but it's true.

I'm not trying to get all mushy on you, I'm just telling you like it is.

As you probably know, my subscriber list is closed.

I haven't added a new newsletter subscriber since January.

And most of the folks on my list have been with me for YEARS.

Many were "there for me" when the nice folks in Washington had their "Shock and Awe" session
on my business.

And even better, many continue to write me to this day...telling me how they IMPLEMENTED
what I've taught them...and how it's changed their lives for the better.

And I could go on all day about how much that means to me.

Hell, the fact that people even want to hear what I have to say means a lot by itself.

Anyway - rather than just saying "thank you", I want to give you three very cool gifts.

Each one is from a period in my "marketing life" that was pivotal.

Each one is, in my opinion, invaluable.

You can get them here:

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

(There are close to 8 hours of recordings for you here.)


What a day yesterday was!

My serializer class sold out in minutes. This was much faster than I expected.

In fact, 48 people registered before I was able to take the site down.

(I refunded the extras.)

I learned a big lesson yesterday:


For example, I was pretty confident the class would sell out...even though the pre-launch list was
"only" about 1,600 people.

BUT, I was thinking I'd have to mail several times ...and that it would finally sell out after lunch
time. And maybe I'd need John Reese's help.

I had absolutely no clue that when I turned the site on at 8:40-ish to test it, there would actually
be people there waiting to order. A lot of people, in fact.

It's kind of like saying you're going to throw a party at 9:00...and then opening your front door at
8:40 to sweep off your steps only to find most of your guests are already standing there waiting
to get in!

Anyway - here's my point.


I had absolutely *no* evidence that the class wouldn't instantly sell out.

I simply created this imaginary scenario in my mind that it would take a while.

In fact, I almost never held this class because

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

I had this imaginary belief that it would be hard to sell...or that people wouldn't want to come
because it's close to Thanksgiving, and a host of other stupid and imaginary reasons.



And to think they were all made up in my head!

Here's what I'm getting at.


The fact is, people WANT to buy stuff. They want to buy all kinds of stuff.

The *fact* is, we probably have better odds of succeeding than we think we do.

The *fact* is, we can almost ALWAYS charge more, do more, sell more, or whatever.

The challenge is to know when you're IMAGINING reasons why "it won't work."

Here's a hint:


Anyway - I'm not trying to get all "Tony Robbins" on you or anything.

This is just an observation I've made over and over again from my own experience.

Is there anything you're imagining that's holding you back?


P.S. Don't forget your cool stuff:

©2008 Mass Control Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.

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