Data Base Managment System

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Q1.A database approach uses different data models.

Common database models include

the relational model, the network model and the hierarchical model. Which data model
should be chosen under which circumstances and why?


The common database Models are as under with the respective circumstances when to use them:

1. Relational Model:
A relational database model is the most commonly used model when constructing or
redesigning a database. The relational model consists of multiple tables that bear some
relationship with each other. Each table contains attributes that are the key that forms these
Advantages of Relational Model
• Easy to use
• Flexible
• Scalable
• Precise
• Secure
Disadvantages of Relational Model
• Slow extraction
• High memory consumption
When to Use?
• Well-suited for applications where data relationships are clear and can be represented
in a tabular structure.
• Ideal for scenarios where the data is relatively structured and doesn't involve complex
• Commonly used in business applications, financial systems, and most modern

2. Network Model
The network database model is similar to the hierarchical model. It was introduced in the late
1960s as a response to the inefficiencies of the hierarchical model. The major inefficiency
solved by the network model was the many-to-many relationships that allowed for faster
searches. This new efficiency was crucial for businesses. It uses the two fundamental concepts
i.e. sets and records. The records contain file which can be in hierarchical form and sets which
are used to define the many-to-many relationship among the records.
Advantages of Network Model
• Easy to understand
• Business compatible
Disadvantages of Network Model
• Expensive
• Inefficient
• Prone to anomalies
• Difficult to modify
When to Use?
• Suitable for scenarios where data relationships are more complex than what can be
represented by the relational model.
• Useful when dealing with interconnected data where a single entity may be related to
multiple others.
• Historical significance, as it was a precursor to the relational model, but is now less
commonly used.

3. Hierarchical Model:
The hierarchical database model is a very structured top-down way of organizing data. That’s
to say that the data in this model is organized in a tree-like structure with the top of the tree
being the top of the hierarchy.
The hierarchical database model is mostly used when there is a need for maintaining an
information management system. And when you need a system where you have one to many
relationships. No doubt it is a traditional way of modeling a data related to natural hierarchies
of data.
Advantages of Hierarchical Model
• Easy addition and deletion of data
• Relates to natural hierarchies
• Supports one-to-many relationships
Disadvantages of Hierarchical Model
• Not scalable
• Not flexible
• Difficult to Query
• Slow to search
• Prone to anomalies
• Doesn’t support many-to-many relationships
When to Use?
• Appropriate for representing data with a clear hierarchical structure.
• Often used in scenarios where data naturally follows a tree-like organization, such as
organizational charts or file systems.
• Less common in modern database design due to its limitations in representing more
complex relationships.

Relational Model: Choose when your data can be structured into tables with clear relationships,
and when the flexibility of SQL queries is important.
Network Model: Consider when your data has complex relationships that are difficult to
represent in a tabular structure. However, it's worth noting that the network model has become
less popular compared to the relational model.
Hierarchical Model: Select this when your data naturally fits a hierarchical structure, and you
don't require the complexity of relationships provided by the network model.

In practice, the relational model is the most widely used due to its simplicity, flexibility, and
the widespread support of SQL-based database systems. However, the choice ultimately
depends on the specific requirements and characteristics of your data and application.
Q2. Study the DreamHome case study presented in Section 11.4 and Appendix A. (a) In
what ways would a DBMS help this organization? What data can you identify that needs
to be represented in the database? What relationship exist between the data items?


Study the Wellmeadows Hospital case study presented in Appendix B.3. In what ways
would a DBMS help this organization? What data can you identify that needs to be
represented in the database? What relationship exist between the data items?

DreamHome offers wide range of high-quality properties for rent to clients registered at their
branches throughout the UK. Their ability to offer quality properties, of course, depends upon
the services they provide to property owners. During the past few years there is increase in
their branches and of course the data has also increased which led to the poor communication
between the branches and poor organization of data as they are still relaying on paper work.

a) Benefit of DBMS:
The best solution for this problem is the Data Base Management System as it will provide
following luxuries:

1. Data Centralization: A DBMS would centralize all the data related to staff, properties,
clients, and transactions. This ensures that all information is stored in a structured and
organized manner, making it easier to manage and retrieve.
2. Efficient Data Retrieval: With a DBMS, the organization can quickly retrieve relevant
information. For example, finding available properties in a specific location, tracking staff
details, or viewing client preferences becomes more efficient.
3. Reduced Redundancy: DBMS helps eliminate data redundancy by storing information in a
structured manner. For instance, staff details like names and contact information won't be
duplicated for each property they handle.
4. Improved Data Integrity: A DBMS enforces data integrity constraints, preventing
inconsistencies and errors. This is crucial for ensuring accurate and reliable information,
especially in transactions, lease agreements, and client details.
5. Efficient Reporting: Generating reports, such as lists of available properties, staff details, or
client preferences, becomes more straightforward with a DBMS. This supports informed
decision-making for the management.
6. Streamlined Communication: With data stored in a centralized system, communication
between different offices and branches can be improved. This addresses the issue of poor
communication and sharing of information mentioned by the Director.

b) Data to be Represented in DB:

Entities Attributes
Branch Data Branch Number, Branch Address, Number of Employees, Number of Properties
Staff Data Staff Number, Full Name, Sex, DOB, Branch Number, Branch Address, Telephone
Number, Position (Manager, Supervisor, Assistant), Salary, Date of Joining, Bonus
Client Data Client Number, Full Name, Branch Number, Branch Address, Property Type, Max
Rent, Registered by, Date Registered
Properties Data Property Number, Type, Rooms, Rent, Address, Owner Number, Person/Business
Name, Address of Owner, Owners Telephone Number, managed by staff, registered at
branch, Comments on Property
Lease Data Client Number, Client’s Full Name, Client’s Signature, Property Address, Property
Number, Monthly Rent, Payment Method, Rent Start, Rent Finish, Duration
Owner Data Owner Number, Full Name, Address, Business, Telephone Number, Property Number

c) Relationship between Entities:

➢ Each Branch has Staff, Properties and owner.
➢ Property and Owners and Clients are Registered by the staff.
➢ Each Property has Owners.
➢ Client rents the property through Lease.
➢ Client can view and comment on the property.

has has

registers registers

registers LEASE

signs & view
Q3. What are Structured Analysis techniques, in what scenarios, a specific data
requirements analysis can be applied?

Structured Analysis techniques:

Structured Analysis techniques refer to the methods and tools used in the broader system
development methodology of Structured Analysis. These techniques are employed to analyze
and model complex systems, considering both data and process aspects. The key Structured
Analysis techniques include:
➢ Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs): Illustrates the flow of data within a system,
representing processes, data stores, data flows, and external entities.
➢ Data Dictionaries: Provides detailed descriptions of data elements, including their
definitions, characteristics, and relationships.
➢ Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs): Models the relationships between different
entities in a system, defining how they are connected.
➢ Process Specifications: Describes the logic and functionality of individual processes
identified in the DFDs.
Structured Analysis is applied in scenarios where a comprehensive understanding of a complex
system is required.

Data Requirements Analysis:

Now, if we specifically focus on the aspect of Data Requirements Analysis within Structured
Analysis, it can be applied in scenarios where there is a need to understand, define, and
document the data needs of a system. This includes:
➢ Database Design: Before developing a database, Data Requirements Analysis helps in
identifying and defining the structure of the database, including tables, relationships,
and constraints.
➢ Information Systems: In the context of information systems, Data Requirements
Analysis is crucial for specifying how data will be stored, accessed, and managed to
meet the information needs of the organization.
➢ Software Development: In the broader context of software development,
understanding data requirements is essential for designing and implementing systems
that effectively handle and process data.

In summary, Structured Analysis techniques are applied in scenarios where there is a need to
understand, document, and analyze complex systems, while Data Requirements Analysis, as a
specific aspect of Structured Analysis, is applied when the focus is specifically on
understanding and defining the data needs of a system. Both are crucial for successful system
development and are often applied in conjunction.

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