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Writing a thesis can be an arduous and challenging task, especially when delving into sensitive and

complex topics such as hate groups. Researching and analyzing the various aspects of hate groups
require extensive time, effort, and expertise. From gathering relevant literature to formulating a
coherent argument, every step demands meticulous attention to detail and critical thinking.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a thesis on hate groups lies in navigating through the vast
amount of information available while ensuring accuracy and reliability. Additionally, the emotional
and ethical considerations involved in studying such contentious subjects can further complicate the
writing process.

Moreover, crafting a thesis that not only presents a comprehensive understanding of hate groups but
also contributes meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge requires a high level of proficiency
in academic writing and research methodologies.

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This digital citizenship video webquest will engage your students with short videos and visually
appealing graphic. Silko must choose an buy research causes of hate crimes, audience to write to
writing order, that will feel sympathetic to her situation. Even accounting for “alternative
explanations” besides race for different “strike rates” — for instance, excluding those who expressed
ambivalence about the death penalty — the study found blacks were still more than twice as likely to
be dismissed. These groups usually contain persons of a similar membership. Hate crime
victimization is a very prevalent and serious issue that exists amongst our society today that is often
used to demonstrate a form of hate towards a particular group of people; primarily minority groups.
Jury Bias: In 173 cases between 1990 and 2010, the study examined decisions involving 7,421
potential jurors (82 percent were white; 16 percent were black). On a more scientific standpoint,
contrasting literature provides the new point that a cause of hate crimes may be generated or
produced by taught values growing up. This interactive notebook unit will keep your students
organized, engaged, and on track! It’s. Which lead to stereotyping, which they could have a negative
effect on society, that particular group or on a micro level, a single individual. Precisely, have the
rules promoted social equity through reduction of hate crimes against minority groups. This then
results in some individuals thinking negatively toward the newcomers for obtaining the goals that
they feel aren’t there’s to obtain (Agnew, 1992). Many people do not report hate violence, and even
when they do, it could be hard to prove a bias motive. Wave data shows a frightening toll of illegal
immigrant criminals. Strain theory exhibits that dominate groups wanting to keep the socio-economic
power, preventing the minority from climbing the socio-economic ladder, then blaming the minority
for the imbalance in society. People sometimes commit them unaware of the consequences due to the
lack of understanding what a hate crime really is. This text is free, available online and used for
guidance and inspiration. Where an individual could decide to discriminate one outer group but not
the other. The group mentality makes them act out and inflict violence upon other individuals. It is
now known from current research that the aftermath of a hate crime is direct victimization. In many
situations, it is not easy, as we can see from the situation today. You’ve found the perfect resource
with this engaging interactive notebook unit over the fundamentals of economics. Mentions of
multiple different hate groups within the same article were each counted separately. On the other
hand, Asians and AIANs target members of their racial groups when they engage in hate crime as
opposed to those from different ethnicities. Otherwise law-abiding young people who see little
wrong with their actions carry out most hate crimes. Today, hate crime laws are getting more
enhanced hate crime essay by day from all of the hate crimes that 's occurring. They will receive an
automated email and will return to answer you as soon as possible. Disclosure of anonymous
information about hate crimes to police websites is also encouraged in order to include as many
citizens as possible in the process to eliminate hate crime. Besides, the data used in this evaluation
was gathered from reliable sources which made its application and relevance critical for this study.
Social identity theory outlines the differences between groups which lead to discrimination among
one inner group to an outer group. This then brings upon the second type of hate crime, where the
dominant group placing blame on the minority group as a means to justify the disequilibrium in the
social structure (Young, 1999).
Furthermore, even if there is not enough information to identify the offender of a hate crime the
police still encourages victims and witnesses of hate crime to report what they have seen because
their information could be invaluable for the build up of a case against. When you think of immature
thrill seekers, typically bored and drunk young men rampaging through neighborhoods comes to
mind. The key decision makers in death penalty cases across the country are almost exclusively
white. The beneficiaries of the monetary framework have also expanded and doubled their efforts
and are not prosecuted for their crimes in most cases. Historically in America, many times offenders
are triggered by a black family moving into “their” neighborhood or workplace, triggering the
offenders to use “defensive” violence. Resulting in minority groups becoming incriminated by the
dominant members of society such as media and other influential platforms, blamed for socio-
economic problems (Walter, 2011). Montaldo, Georgia Hate Crimes Law Tossed by Court, 2004).
“The federal hate crime laws do include the term “sexual orientation”. “As of July 2004, seven states
have no hate crimes law at all, 20 states have hate crimes laws that do not protect sexual orientation,
and 24 states have hate crimes laws that do include sexual orientation. Impacts such as mental and
physical health disorders are part of the life of the affected people. The government has led the way
in preventing hate crimes by making policies and regulations which prevent racial discrimination and
promote equality, especially in the workplace. Therefore, using Raphael’s model of analysis, the paper
discovers that the concept of hate speech means any form of expression online or offline, spoken or
written, which includes images. Silko must choose an buy research causes of hate crimes, audience
to write to writing order, that will feel sympathetic to her situation. This interactive notebook unit on
sociology and culture is your answer. Thereby, giving them the power to suppress the groups that fail
to fit with their norms or beliefs, because they fear they may lose their power and prosperity to this
outer group (Walter, 2011). The final type of offenders is known as retaliatory offenders. But I bet
they’re very interested in how they became who they are. One key factor in differentiating hate
crimes from a regular crime is the specific motive. Hate crimes, in particular, is a unique form of
deviance in their own right, where the focus of the crime is on the meaning and impact of the
offence itself (Perry, 2002). Disability Bias Individuals with disabilities face harassment,
intimidation, and. These prejudices and biases lead to various stereotypes of different groups.
Victimization has not been studied besides the following literature that was included within this
review. According to the FBI’s most recent statistics report, there has been a 17 percent increase in
reported hate crimes, compared to other years and religion-based hate crimes increased to 22
percent. The year was the most horrific year in American history hate crime essay terms of racial
violence. David F. Krugler clearly describes the horrendous events that occurred during this year in
his bookThe Year of Racial Violence: How African Americans Fought Back. With black defendants,
like Mr. Robinson, the disparity was even greater. Bias and prejudices may not be eradicated but
they should be kept at a level that does not develop into hate so as not to lead to violent crimes. The
resolving of this problem will ensure America’s welfare as a supportive and diverse nation that
accepts a variety of values, and allows for anybody regardless of religion, race, sexual preference,
and any other value, to live freely without fear or anxiety caused by a potential hate crime attack.
The SPLC has been working to identify anti-LGBT hate groups since 2010, and it currently counts
48 anti-LGBT groups nationally, five of which SPLC has extensively profiled. In 2002, 12,073 law
enforcement agencies reported 7,462 hate crime incidents, according to the FBI Hate Crime
Statistics 2002”. (Montaldo, Hate Crime Laws and Sexual Orientation, 2004). Of the 1,575 victims
of an anti-religious hate crime, 71. 9 percent were victims because of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias,
8. 4 percent were victims because of an anti-Islamic bias, 3. 7 percent were victims because of an
anti-Catholic bias, 2. For the society to address hate crimes in the community, then, it requires to
embrace a number of aspects which includes and are not limited to, supporting victims of hate
crimes, speaking up their stories in order to expose the criminals and denounce hate, avoiding to
attend any hate rally, staying engaged for the purpose of promoting acceptance and addressing the
bias before another hate crime can take place. Not only has it been a problem in the past but
gradually continues to evolve into a bigger problem.
It is indisputable that this situation posits a critical concern for the entirety of the United States. As
if that is not all, the president’s campaigns before the elections were rife with sentiments directed
against minorities. Last year, the U.S. also had 101 anti-Muslim and 100 White Nationalist
organizations. 99 neo-Nazi groups were also identified, along with 78 categorized as being Racist
Skinhead. The explosive figures show that illegal aliens are three times as likely to be convicted of a
murder as murderers if the general population and account for far more crimes than their 3. Further
acts were passed in an attempt to cover all borders of a hate crime, in an effort to prevent any further
actions. According to social learning theory, usually, a child grows up in a household listening to the
parent’s negative prejudices. Fashola, a researcher within the Department of Justice Canada, focuses
his literature around the idea that the hate crime is committed against a community and not an
individual. In supporting this claim, the study noted that the counties and states with most Trump
supporters went on to record the highest increase in these crimes. Besides the hateful messages
propagated across social networking platforms and micro-blogging sites, the recent rise of live-
streamed hate has also captured public attention forcing governments and internet providers to
contend with the issue of how to prevent and punish such online activities. Most religiously
motivated hate crimes are acts of vandalism, although personal attacks are not uncommon. This
paper aims to offer a philosophical perspective on hate speech by examining its two constituent
elements: language and hate. Researchers have studied and produced various literatures regarding
not only the history of, but the causes of violent hate crimes. The above is a strong view on Hate
crimes in that it is based on this that he can place a distinct definition to depict the difference
between love and hate, and how the two relate to one another. An investigation into the extent of
homophobic hate crime and the leaders i. Today, more than ever, the incidence rate of hate crimes is
high and continues to increase. Disability Bias Individuals with disabilities face harassment,
intimidation, and. It could be friends and relatives which makes reporting more difficult than when
strangers are involved. Download Free PDF View PDF Suzanne Whitten (2018): A recognition-
sensitive phenomenology of hate speech Critical Review of International Social and Political
Philosophy Suzanne Whitten One particularly prominent strand of hate speech theory conceptualizes
the harm in hate speech by considering the immediate illocutionary force of a hate speech 'act'.
Furthermore, the type of crime committed against this group has not changed much since the 19th
century; it still includes bombing and vandalizing churches, burning crosses on home lawns, and
murder. She accompanies her thoughts and facts about the Border Patrol with experiences from other
individuals who have come across the same type of writing paper like us, you, problems as she
encountered. According to research from the Southern Poverty Law Center released earlier this year,
917 hate groups were spread out across the U.S. in 2016 compared to 892 in 2015 and 784 in 2014.
Birmingham police recommend as alternative places to report hate crimes: Neighbourhood Offices,
public access offices, a local organisation combating racism or the Commission for Racial Equality.
A hate crime has many victims as it not only victimizes the immediate victim, but also impacts the
larger community by creating fear and insecurity among all members of the group that the victim
represents. Herek (2012) proposes within his literature that hate crimes have a more negative impact
on Lesbians and Gay men than any other targeted group. Creative writing retreatCreative writing
retreat, arundhati roy collection of essays. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. This usually happens at home, when parents and
family members have a prejudice against certain groups of people and that child sees it. Hate crimes:
Crimes against People based on Ignorance Hate crimes can come from many different types of
prejudice including gender, the color of skin, sexual orientation, and political differences. Then,
others develop stress, anxiety, and depression disorders. Frida's strength and determination allowed
her to survive and make a remarkable recovery.
Thus feeling angry and frustrated with this circumstance that will lead to the individual in obtaining
their goals in an illegitimate manner (Agnew, 1992). With many American states implementing the
anti-hate policy, the result has been anything but commendable. I thought Krugler's book was an
incredibly hate crime essay read because it gave honest, raw details of anti-black acts of violence and
was focused on various African Americans' perspectives during this critical time. The police can not
be omnipresent but by encouraging communication in local communities and by bringing people
together in the combat of hate crime provide both proactive and reactive support to victims of hate
crime and all the people affected by it. In this regard, the evaluation of the policy concerned with the
determination of reported incidences in the wake of the law. Statements from various organizations
including the term “hate group” that were quoted by outlets were included. In Andrew Sullivan’s
essays, he discusses a specific kind of hate: the hate crime. Herek (2012) also concluded in his
research that hate crime victims tend to have higher levels of depression, stress, and anger for as long
as 5 years (Herek 2012). This is not to say that neo-Nazis or skinheads do not partake in criminal
hate activities. Therefore, the dominant group commit hate-related crime, which goes two ways, the
first is where hate crime is used as a way to prevent the minority group (e.g. LGBT or racial
minority) from climbing the socio-economic ladder, which then takes with them resources and power
and that changes the way the dominant group live. We use cookies to create the best experience for
you. Hemingway's novel uses the timeless theme of buy research online causes, man versus nature to
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research us, you discover the online crimes meaning of life through nature. The visibility of the unit
is guaranteed because members of the unit attend a number of community events to promote the
work against hate crimes being undertaken, and are supported by colleagues across the city of
London police. Only 6% of all murders in Alabama involve black defendants and white victims, but
over 60% of Black Death row prisoners have been sentenced for killing someone white. This means it
can be treated as a racially aggravated or motivated attack. It was expected that the implementation
of the policies would reduce the incidence rate in hate crime-related health issues affecting people
from minority groups. For example, the Great Manchester Police collaborates with other agencies in
order to encourage people to report hate crime emphasizing that the main role of officers addressing
hate crime is to help everyone influenced. There will be real world examples of hate crimes or bias
crimes and ways or programs that are set up to protect citizens. Future research should compare and
contrast the experiences of each group in a means to intensify the effect of hate crimes. The thrill
seekers are often immature and are driven by an itch for excitement and drama. Media Matters
analyzed news coverage of anti-LGBT hate groups from June 1, 2014, to June 30, 2016. On the
other hand, Asians and AIANs target members of their racial groups when they engage in hate crime
as opposed to those from different ethnicities. People would pursue their objective with no regard
whatsoever to how they may impact on others and this on a large scale would amount to chaos.
Also, a lot of prior research tend to focused on the LGBTQ experience with hate crimes. Arguably,
this is a worrying trend given the fact that it is expected that the nation should be moving towards an
era of tolerance and cohesiveness. The theory outlines that for a group to positively differentiate
themselves from the outer groups, the inner group put emphasis on their superiority in some valued
dimension, like race, sex, religion or even sexual orientation (Tajfel, 1974). Of that total, more than
25 percent were motivated by anti-immigrant sentiments. The chapter then ends with a discussion of
oppression and the situation of oppression that arises if not properly regulated. Even information
without any personal details is useful in the efforts to eliminate hate crime because the police even
then can use information about location and indicate in which geographical areas hate crime is likely
to occur. We have subjected our ten-year-old son to endless documentaries and trips to museums and
libraries for which, we hope, he will someday be grateful.
Its development from the previous manual includes learning points from the Stephen Lawrence
Inquiry and the combined efforts of staff in many police forces, in partner agencies, organisations,
groups and individuals to eliminate hate crime. Also, the review of literatures pertaining to this topic
will assess the political and economic effect prejudice holds. Can Someone Do My Essay
Investigating How The Volume To Boil. Silko wrote this literary work for white-collared Americans
who watch too much television. A person who has read Ernest Hemingway's final novel, The Old
Man and the Sea, and writing regeneration has interpreted the protagonist as a lover of all creatures
is manipulated by Hemingway's usage of biblical allusions to suggest a concealed Christ figure in the
old man, Santiago. Over the two-year period, The New York Times mentioned four out of the five
profiled anti-LGBT hate groups surveyed (The Family Research Council, Liberty Counsel, the
American Family Association, and Westboro Baptist Church) a total of 60 times, and never clearly
defined any of them as a current hate group. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain.
According to research from the Southern Poverty Law Center released earlier this year, 917 hate
groups were spread out across the U.S. in 2016 compared to 892 in 2015 and 784 in 2014. Statistics
provided, whether yearly or not, show criminologists and other researchers the increasing or
decreasing rates so that they either innovate new policy amendments or reconsider old policies and
security methods in order to decrease the instance of hate crimes. Hate CrimesSullaway (2004)
describes ' hate crimes as crimes in which the victim is selected because of his or her actual or
perceived race, color, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin' (Sullaway, 2004, p.
That it doesn’t explain socio-economic disadvantage to all hate crimes, while it’s accepted that most
hate affiliated crime is those of disadvantaged individuals, stain theory cannot explain from a wider
range of socio-economic backgrounds. Despite decades of evidence showing that the administration
of the death penalty is permeated with racial bias, courts and legislatures’ refusal to address race in
any comprehensive way reveals a fundamental flaw in America’s justice system. Moreover, the police
can act proactively providing links and further information to people from minority groups in order
that they understand their rights to live free from abuse and violence and those they don’t have to
tolerate hate crime. Of these, 21 were victims of “antiphysical” disability bias, and 74 of
“antimental” disability bias. The unit has ongoing projects, which examine all the legislative
requirements in relation to diversity as well as issues relating to improving service delivery to all our
communities. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. A pervasive feeling of fear
accompanies the victimization caused by the hate crime. This scavenger hunt is just the activity to
get your students out of their seats and thinking about socialization in the real world. However, this
theory can be improved upon and also improve society as a whole, where there should be more
research on the micro level, bridging the gap between macro and micro. These measurements could
allow society to detect this deviance and also allow for it to be prevented, where there could be
sufficient education within the community and resources allocated in preventing the strain within the
groups. It is useful to make public all information about how the police work in order to eliminate
hate crime because in London the media often discuss the police efforts to resolve hate crime
motivated by race diversity or sexual orientation. Therefore, the police play a crucial role against hate
crime in a proactive and in a reactive way depending on the public involvement in its work to
eliminate hate crime in our society. Saint Francis of Assisi was best known for his love of birds and
was believed to have the writing my research us, you too can be great ability to paper online causes
and effects communicate with them. In supporting this claim, the study noted that the counties and
states with most Trump supporters went on to record the highest increase in these crimes. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. This resulting in stain placed upon individuals who
desire these material chattels that are essential for one’s success. They also support the prediction of
future crimes, and potentially even more heinous crimes against the targeted group. These
simulations and activities are just what you’re looking for. Levin and McDevitt, the authors
suggested that hate crime offenders could be grouped into three major categories, according to the
motivation of the offender. This interactive notebook unit will take the guesswork out.
She was faced with several life threatening and life changing events. But research by the FBI, reveals
that fewer than 5% of the offenders were members of organized hate groups. The discussion of hate
crime has been very delicate over the past few months, hate crime essay, from ISIS to police
brutality. The small numbers reported by the FBI are generally considered more a reflection of the
relative invisibility of most hate crimes against disabled people than a true reflection of their
occurrence. For example, the Ku Klux Klan, al-Qaida, and many more hate groups. Hate crimes The
issue of Hate crimes has been a topic that is often discussed in hushed tones in various areas in the
United States. 2015, three individuals were sentenced to prison for alleged Hate crimes that led to
the death of one James Craig Anderson. This is why it is pertinent to deliberate on whether free
speech is really a right above all others, or are there justifiable reasons for restricting speech. Some of
the reasons for such hesitancies include the consequences from the haters groups or criminals or the
nature of the offense might not involve any physical harm or destruction of property. In pursuit of
my specialist degree, I conducted field research on generative grammar. Additionally, it designated
anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant groups as hate groups twice (6 percent of the total for each). Please
note that the code must be integrated into the HTML code (not only the text) for WordPress pages
and other CMS sites. More identified with their activities are violent and exhibition of criminal acts
believed to be consistent with their philosophies and beliefs and with utter disregard for social
responsibility.Personally, one believes that society must endeavor to create a check and balance
mechanism that would pre-empt and anticipate aggressive behavior and violence planned to be
perpetrated by these groups. The Tulsa race hate crime essay was a large scale, racially motivated
conflict that happened on May 31, June 1, The KKK attacked the richest black community in the
united states, which it ended up being burned to the ground. Another term for hate crimes is bias-
motivated crimes (Torres, 1999) or crimes of bigotry (Card, 2001). This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. However, in the state of Georgia
as we all know there is no such law for hate crimes. “The Georgia law allowed for increased
penalties for crimes when a victim is chosen because of “bias or prejudice”. Prejudices are not inborn
but rather they are a result of the prejudices that children are exposed to through their families,
friends, teachers, and the media. The effectiveness of the police depends on public involvement and
that increases by having programs in the media informing the public about the diversity of our
society and providing positive messages against hate crime and hate incidents. In certain situations
merely the presence of police officers can deflect the tension of a situation. Lastly, literature on the
effects of violent hate crimes will be reviewed in an attempt to show a commonality amongst risk
factors and common effects. The statistics for various categories of hate crimes are totally different,
for instance race is at its most high in the US with According to the National Population
Demographics blacks are 28 times more likely to be victims of hate crimes than whites. Hate crimes
against gay and a lesbian is probably the fastest growing form of hate crime. Despite the fact that
man has a tendency to writing my research us, you too can be great desecrate nature, there are those
who recognize and praise its power and make an effort to become one with it. That is a sharp
increase on 2014 when the country’s most infamous supremacist organization had 72 groups. Jury
Bias: In 173 cases between 1990 and 2010, the study examined decisions involving 7,421 potential
jurors (82 percent were white; 16 percent were black). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or
find out how to manage cookies. Hate crimes are criminal offenses, usually involving violence,
intimidation or vandalism, in which the victim is targeted because of race, sexual orientation, religion,
ethnicity, sex or political affiliation. Nevertheless, it is not essential that a victim of hate crime
belongs to a minority group. Levin and McDevitt, the authors suggested that hate crime offenders
could be grouped into three major categories, according to the motivation of the offender. When
people are ignorant to what hate crimes are, they are likely to fall victim, or even conduct them their
There has been a tremendous increase in the incidence of hate crimes in major cities all over the
nation. Disclosure of anonymous information about hate crimes to police websites is also encouraged
in order to include as many citizens as possible in the process to eliminate hate crime. Resulting in
minority groups becoming incriminated by the dominant members of society such as media and
other influential platforms, blamed for socio-economic problems (Walter, 2011). The aim is to
maintain unity in the midst of a multicultural c. According to social learning theory, usually, a child
grows up in a household listening to the parent’s negative prejudices. Some of the reasons for such
hesitancies include the consequences from the haters groups or criminals or the nature of the offense
might not involve any physical harm or destruction of property. But research by the FBI, reveals that
fewer than 5% of the offenders were members of organized hate groups. The examples represent
everyday discourse, which is an influential arena for the materialization of ideologies. These types of
hate crimes are defined as “being committed by perpetrators who attempt to justify their actions with
a threat supported by a different group”. Ironically, the perpetrators of these atrocities are often male
with a strong masculine ideology (Cheng et al., 2013). In effect, they cannot tolerate the idea of men
engaging in sexual activities with fellow men. Stotzer (2007) also provided some interesting figures
regarding the minorities or groups in US that are commonly targeted in the region: 8 in 100,000
African Americans face hate crimes every year. 12 in 100,000 Muslims become victims of hate
crimes every year. 15 in 100,000 Jews have been recorded as victims of hate crimes every year. 13 in
100,000 homosexuals become targets of hate crimes every year. On the other hand, Asians and
AIANs target members of their racial groups when they engage in hate crime as opposed to those
from different ethnicities. The three most important concepts that she uses are the online, specific
audience that she writes to, the paper causes of hate crimes, mental images that she creates
throughout the text and her credibility. The victims get suspicious of things and individuals around
them, for example. It is also unknown if there is any other reasoning for hate crimes than bias, as
those conclusions would alter the definition of a hate crime as well as what can be labeled a hate
crime. Of these people, over 3400 were African American and accounted for 72.7% of the people
lynched (Mack, 1998). Usually, men suffer the worst hate when they are gay. Montaldo, Georgia
Hate Crimes Law Tossed by Court, 2004). “The federal hate crime laws do include the term “sexual
orientation”. “As of July 2004, seven states have no hate crimes law at all, 20 states have hate crimes
laws that do not protect sexual orientation, and 24 states have hate crimes laws that do include
sexual orientation. Other forms of hate crimes are those committed against religious groups, groups
within faiths (sectarianism), asylum seekers, disabled people and refugees. Media Matters analyzed
news coverage of anti-LGBT hate groups from June 1, 2014, to June 30, 2016. October 2000. Guide
to identifying and combating hate crime. Patrick's Day, For All Subjects, Summer, Test Preparation,
End of Year, African History. They will receive an automated email and will return to answer you as
soon as possible. In 1990, Congress passed the Hate Crimes Statistics Act, which forced the police to
collect. The many types of prejudices within America began to reveal themselves. She turned to buy
research causes of hate alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes to ease her physical suffering. A people who
will believe anything that they are told. We also searched for the keywords “hate groups,”
“extremist,” or “Southern Poverty Law Center” in order to take into account the publications’ overall
application of such a designation. Also, a lot of prior research tend to focused on the LGBTQ
experience with hate crimes. Ever since the concept emerged in the late 1970s, laws were passed in
numerous U.

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