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The Negros Forest Park, a beloved green lung in Bacolod City, is poised for a transformation.
This redevelopment project prioritizes both ecological preservation and revitalization. The goal is to
create a harmonious space where the existing rainforest ecosystem thrives alongside improved
accessibility for all visitors. Imagine educational programs unveiling the park's secrets, low-impact
recreational areas fostering a connection with nature, and sustainable practices woven into the park's
operations. Through collaboration with the community and thoughtful design, this project envisions a
future where the Negros Forest Park becomes not just a place of leisure, but a model for sustainable
urban development and a vibrant hub for environmental education. This project is more than just a
facelift; it's a chance to create a model for harmonious human-nature interaction, and a testament to
Bacolod City's commitment to a sustainable future.

Negros Forest Park, Bacolod City


 Unique Ecosystem: The park's rainforest environment provides a habitat for diverse flora and
fauna, making it a significant conservation area.
 Central Location: Situated within Bacolod City, the park offers easy access for residents and
tourists, promoting connection with nature.
 Educational Potential: The park can serve as a valuable educational tool for environmental
awareness and appreciation of biodiversity.
 Recreational Opportunities: The park has the potential to provide recreational activities that are
low-impact and encourage passive enjoyment of nature.
 Community Support: Public interest in preserving the park can be a strong force for its
redevelopment and future success.


 Limited Accessibility: Current accessibility features (ramps, walkways, restrooms) might be

inadequate, excluding some visitors.
 Outdated Amenities: Existing amenities like trails, visitor centers, or recreational facilities may
require upgrades or replacements.
 Encroachment by Development: Surrounding development projects could threaten the park's
size, air quality, and noise levels.
 Unsustainable Practices: Park operations might lack practices that minimize environmental
impact (waste management, energy use).
 Limited Public Awareness: There might be a lack of awareness about the park's importance and
the ongoing redevelopment project.


 Redevelopment Project: The current project presents an opportunity to revitalize the park while
ensuring its ecological integrity.
 Enhanced Accessibility: Improvements can attract a wider range of visitors and foster a deeper
connection with nature for everyone.
 Sustainable Practices: The project can incorporate eco-friendly solutions in design, construction,
and park management.
 Educational Programs: Develop engaging programs to educate visitors on the park's ecosystem
and its value.
 Community Engagement: Involving the community in the project's design and management
fosters a sense of ownership and long-term support.

 Loss of Biodiversity: Development pressures and unsustainable practices could threaten the
park's rich flora and fauna.
 Pollution and Noise: Encroaching development and inadequate waste management could harm
the park's environment.
 Funding Limitations: Securing sufficient funding for the redevelopment project and ongoing
maintenance could be a challenge.
 Public Disinterest: A lack of public awareness or negative perceptions towards the park could
hinder its success.
 Climate Change: The impacts of climate change, such as increased temperatures or extreme
weather events, could pose a threat to the park's ecosystem.


Conservation and Sustainability:

 Sensitive Integration
 Sustainable Materials
 Habitat Protection
 Water Conservation
 Waste Management

Accessibility and User Experience:

 Universal Design
 Signage and Interpretation
 Rest Areas and Amenities
 Varied Walking Experiences
 Wayfinding and Orientation

Additional Considerations:

 Night Lighting: Develop a sustainable lighting plan that minimizes light pollution and disrupts
wildlife patterns.
 Buffer Zones: Create buffer zones with native plantings around the park's perimeter to mitigate
noise and pollution from surrounding areas.
 Research and Monitoring: Establish a long-term ecological monitoring program to track the
park's health and the effectiveness of conservation efforts.


Conservation and Sustainability:

 Mitigate any potential negative impacts of development on wildlife.
 Utilize native plants with low water requirements.
 Implement a composting system for organic waste and a comprehensive recycling program for
park users.

Accessibility and User Experience:

 Develop informative signage throughout the park, including translated versions for wider
accessibility. Utilize interactive elements, audio guides, or augmented reality for a richer
 Provide designated rest areas with benches, shade structures, and clean drinking water
fountains. Consider incorporating eco-friendly vending kiosks or cafes.
 Design a network of trails catering to different abilities and interests. Include short, leisurely
paths, as well as more challenging hiking trails.
 Create clear signage and maps to help visitors navigate the park easily. Consider digital
wayfinding tools through a park app.

Education and Recreation:

 Offer guided nature walks, workshops on local flora and fauna, or talks on environmental
 Create designated areas for community gardens, promoting urban agriculture and connecting
people with nature.
 Designate areas for bird watching, picnicking, or yoga, all promoting passive enjoyment of the
natural environment.
 Consider incorporating sculptures or art installations that celebrate the park's natural beauty
and cultural heritage.

Community Engagement and Management:

 Organize workshops and meetings to involve the local community in the design process and
gather valuable input.
 Develop volunteer opportunities for park maintenance, environmental monitoring, or
educational programs.
 Explore partnerships with local businesses or organizations to support the park's development
and maintenance.
 Establish a park ranger or security presence to ensure visitor safety and enforce park regulations.
Implement a sustainable maintenance plan to preserve the park's health.
 Explore possibilities for creating local employment through park operations (e.g., eco-tourism
guides, concessionaires) while ensuring they align with sustainability goals.

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