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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Langston Hughes Research Paper Outline

Crafting a comprehensive research paper on a literary giant like Langston Hughes is a daunting task
that many students find challenging. From navigating through the vast array of his works to
conducting in-depth research on his life and influences, the complexities of creating a well-structured
thesis can be overwhelming. In the pursuit of academic excellence, students often seek assistance to
ensure their work meets the high standards expected in scholarly endeavors.

Constructing a solid research paper outline demands a meticulous approach, requiring a thorough
understanding of Hughes's contributions to literature, social movements, and cultural contexts. It
involves delving into the nuances of his poetry, essays, and other writings, while simultaneously
exploring the historical and societal backdrop against which he expressed his unique voice. As
students grapple with these intricacies, many realize the need for expert guidance to streamline their
efforts and produce a coherent and insightful thesis.

For those navigating the complexities of creating a Langston Hughes research paper outline, seeking
assistance from professionals can prove invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ stands as a reliable
platform offering specialized services tailored to the unique challenges posed by such academic
endeavors. The platform is committed to providing comprehensive support, enabling students to
produce well-researched and meticulously structured theses that showcase their understanding of
Hughes's literary legacy.

⇒ ⇔ employs a team of experienced writers well-versed in the intricacies of

crafting research papers on literary figures like Langston Hughes. Their expertise extends to
understanding the historical, cultural, and social contexts that shaped Hughes's work, allowing them
to assist students in creating a compelling and insightful thesis. By entrusting the task to
professionals, students can focus on grasping the essence of Hughes's literary contributions without
being bogged down by the complexities of outlining a research paper.

In conclusion, writing a research paper outline on Langston Hughes requires a deep understanding of
his multifaceted contributions to literature and society. Recognizing the challenges inherent in this
task, many students turn to external assistance to ensure their theses meet the highest academic
standards. ⇒ ⇔ emerges as a reliable resource, offering specialized support to
guide students through the intricacies of constructing a well-organized and insightful Langston
Hughes research paper outline.
Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky, 2006. Print. (Page number: 119). McLaren, Joseph.
Langston Hughes: Folk Dramatist in the Protest Tradition, 1921-1943. These were spoken words of
desperation from Langston Hughes. Life has been difficult for her and she wants to make sure that
her. Working- class literature: Within the context of the literary world, Hughes’ contributions to the
working-class literature are remarkable. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004. Print. (Page
number: 37). Miller, R. Baxter. The Art And Imagination of Langston Hughes. Hughes’ work named
as Not Without Laughter portrays the protagonist’s attempt to follow the footsteps of eminent
African American leaders. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997.This book provides an excellent
guide to Langston Hughes’ work as a playwright. The Harlem Renaissance, a period spanning
roughly the decades of the 1920s and 1930s, is frequently referred to as a literary movement, but the
movement also encompassed a great explosion of African-American expression in many venues that
celebrated the unique heritage, art forms, sights and sounds that were the African-American
experience. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004. Print. Miller,
R. Baxter. The Art And Imagination of Langston Hughes. This book is exactly what it claims to be,
a collection of poems written by langston hughes. Give me your paper requirements and I connect
you to an academic expert. Compare Plath and Hughes treatment of death in their poetry. Upload
Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel
Next What is Scribd. Com mo nal itie s can be dra wn on var iou s lit era ry and mus ica l dev ices
effe cti vely utilized to instill a feeling of poignancy, regardless of race or affiliation. According to
Maulucci (2009), the way in which the poet divides his or her lines is often based upon the rhythm of
the poem, but is also a matter of intuition, such as in determining just where to break the line for
greatest effect. What’s done in the dark should always come to the light. One can see that working
class- literature and African American literature provide importance to the problems faced by the
working-class and the African Americans in the mainstream society. Westport: Greenwood
Publishing Group, 1997. Print. (Page number: 1) Wallace, Maurice Orlando. This novel ignited the
spirit of cultural nationalism among the African Americans and influenced the African American
writers. I would also like to examine whether or not Hughes’ overt political activism resulted in the
suppression of his work or brought negative consequences to himself as a person. The father speaks
awfully about women and the female body saying it is just a “toy” he talks of some coloring,
indicating bruises from his sexual abuse. Maulucci, A.S. “Writing Rhythmic Poetry.” Interaction
Media Group. (2009). May 6, 2010. To be specific, Hughes utilized working-class themes in his
works. DiYanni, Robert. Literature: Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Second. Once this is
allowed to happen, Hughes is sure that the brilliance, creativity and spirit of his people will be
recognized for the beautiful substance it has as will the contributions the black race has made to the
development of the country. Langston Hughes Thanks to the increased urbanization brought on by a
growing industrial revolution and the subsequent bringing together of many of the country’s African
American citizens, primarily within the region of New York City known as Harlem, a great artistic
movement that would eventually change the nation began to take root. Norton Anthology of African
American Literature. Ed. Henry Louis Gates Jr., and Nellie Y. McKay. New York: Norton, 1996.
1254. Print.The literature of African American became protean in twentieth century. Throughout the
poem, he continues to point to the larger metaphor of the dream as the individual’s potential and
goals in life. Through his gained fame as a writer, he was even considered as the voice of the
African-American community to the world.
Langston Hughes, Prolific Writer Of Black Pride During. Summing, Hughes’ childhood memories
deeply influenced his life and contributions to literature. After he passed away they put his ashes
beneath the floor Medallion in the Center of the hall in the Schomburg Center for the Research in
Black Culture in Harlem. Looking at the life of Nancy Lee and other people of color, it is evident
that hughes forms his story around the themes of the American dream, equal rights, and racism. The
poems titles help to convey the tone by positioning the reader to sympathise the African Americans.
The first page is requirements, and the second page is a pre-written outline which provides
scaffolding sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph. According to Arthur Davis’s article “The
Tragic Mulatto Theme in Six Works of Langston Hughes” he explains that the mulatto meaning is
“light colored, mixed blooded character who suffers because of difficulties arising from his bi-racial
background”. As he allows the notes of the blues player’s song to drift off the end of the page into
the reader’s imagination, he soothes his readers into a deeper connection with the meaning of the
poem. According to Maulucci (2009), the way in which the poet divides his or her lines is often
based upon the rhythm of the poem, but is also a matter of intuition, such as in determining just
where to break the line for greatest effect. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
Students do not have to have read Hughes’ works to complete the activities in this product and of
course the activities can be used over more or less than five days, as it suits the teacher and the
needs of the class. Scott Fitzgerald 5 Days with Elie Wiesel 4 Days with Harper Lee and To Kill a
Mockingbird 5 Days with O. So, during the Harlem Renaissance period, Hughes made use of his
literary craftsmanship to ignite racial pride, and eventually led the African American community to
be proud of their cultural identity. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The “dream
deferred” passage appears on the bottom of the 1st page; in the second draft it begins at the bottom
of the first page and continues on the second. Hughes extends the motif across the next two pages.
Although Smith’s is the only article to deal specifically with Langston Hughes, comprehensive
information regarding the historical, political, and cultural contexts of Hughes’ work is spread
throughout the volume.;McLaren, Joseph. People,” he compares the beauty of the night, stars and
sun to his people, saying they are. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your
paper. One of his quotes is “ Perhaps the mission of an artist is to interpret beauty to people-the
beauty within themselves.”, I put this quote in my paper because, some white people still think black
artist aren’t talented like them and that black artists’ artwork isn’t nowhere near how good there’s
is.”. In each poem emotive language is used by Hughes to achieve a direct link to themes, such
examples of this are “let the page come out of you” ( Theme for English B, Line 4), “democracy will
not come” ( Democracy, Line 1) and “I Too Am American” ( I Too Sing America, Line 17).
Throughout his poem, Hughes forces his reader to consider what happens to the human soul when
they are unable to fulfill their dreams. He uses simile and metaphor to make his point as he continues
to ask a series of questions to answer his original opening question of “what happens to a dream
deferred?” (Fandel, 2005). His poetry has a common theme about racism, and the. Give me your
paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Negroes, documentary works, historical
works, dramatic pieces, which included plays. The father speaks awfully about women and the
female body saying it is just a “toy” he talks of some coloring, indicating bruises from his sexual
abuse. Langston Hughes Thanks to the increased urbanization brought on by a growing industrial
revolution and the subsequent bringing together of many of the country’s African American citizens,
primarily within the region of New York City known as Harlem, a great artistic movement that
would eventually change the nation began to take root. Joseph McLaren stated that, “As a
journeyman playwright, Hughes employed themes found in his 1920s poetry: African heritage, the
legacy of slavery, African American rural and urban folk culture, and racial oppression signified by
Jim Crow” (1). Imagery is displayed by the simile used in lines 15-16 when “freedom” is described
as a “strong seed planted in great need” to accentuate the longing of wanting to belong to society.
The scene is described as a night sky, and so is the moon and stars possibly representing the white
father and the yellow stars are his numerous children. These agreements mainly pointed at the literal
aspirations of people with the origin of African American thus laying the theoretical foundation and
indestructible culture which were meant to be built up by the upcoming writers. This is 100% legal.
You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The allusion in this
poem is how the Africans were brought to America and their struggles as slaves. The liberation that
jazz evokes can be referenced to the desire of the African American people to be viewed as equal,
and Hughes’ sparing use of rh ym e is a po in t of su bt le re be ll io n, ag ai ns t th e bi ase d ma li ce
of th e wh it e Americ an. Westport: Greenwood, 2004. 2. Print. Langston Hughes was born in North
America among the African American community. One can see that the Harlem Renaissance initiated
the protest against the white dominance in Art and literature. This poem was published when
Langston Hughes was still in his teenage years. This text is free, available online and used for
guidance and inspiration. The passages are: “Young Langston Hughes”, “Hughes in the World”,
“Hughes’ Rise as a Writer”, and “Hughes’ Final Years”. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and
she'll connect you with the best. An artistic, literary, and intellectual movement, the Harlem
Renaissance provided varied opportunities for group expression and self-determination for African
Americans living in Harlem and beyond. The Negro Speaks Of Rivers Analysis Of Langston
Hughes. The article “Give me a song for my Heart” Louis Wilson, states that the poet points out how
difficult times have been. He became the collective voice for all who has been oppressed,
manhandled and exploited. The present research has identified that the narrative structure of “My
Weary Blues” consists of a speaker in the first person viewpoint whom hughes rendered to provide a
melancholic yet creative account of a Negro player at Lenox Avenue. So, during the Harlem
Renaissance period, Hughes made use of his literary craftsmanship to ignite racial pride, and
eventually led the African American community to be proud of their cultural identity. Hughes sought
out a communism world, one with an ideology that offers to establish classless views, lack of social
status and get rid of segregation in the society. The image of those black hands on the pale ivory keys
implies the transf ormation of an instrument typical of Wes tern culture and idealisms, with a flavour
and flair characterized by the Harlem Renaissance. Langston Hughes was homosexual, so he never
married. The poetry that Hughes crafted was filled with sensual rhythms and beats. Hughes was
already wishing for a time when his people would have equal rights with whites. Langston Hughes
achieved many awards and fellowships. So, he made use of African American life as a tool to
portray the problems faced by them. The Harlem Renaissance literary culture led to the establishment
of accords that were much more productive. The speakers begin by claiming a connection to the
world’s ancient rivers that predated humans and that made his soul grow deep. Fortified black voices
broke out across the nation, effectively using rhythms and cadences so clearly defined by the
African-American culture, but the soulful voice that rose above the rest was the voice of Langston
Hughes. Analysis of “Dreams” by Langston Hughes On closer analysis, the poem reveals depths of
meaning which make it rich and particularly appealing to the reader. While he expresses his outrage
that he is still dismissed when company comes, he is also exultant that it won’t be long until many of
his brothers will be educated just like him and able to lift up their unique voices. Westport:
Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004. Print. (Page number: 37). Miller, R. Baxter. The Art And
Imagination of Langston Hughes.
The poems famous line is “My Soul Has Grown Deep Like The Rivers”. When he writes “end?” on a
draft, he may be referring to its possible arrangement in the larger suite of poems that make up
Montage of A Dream Deferred. Being a black writer made it possible for langston Hughes to depict
these stories in the most accurate way. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you
with the best. The parallel emergence of jazz and the blues, however, was rejected by many African
Americans who considered it low class, secular, and morally disfiguring due to its association with
drugs, alcohol, dancing, and other morally “loose” behaviors. Thesis statement: Langston Hughes’
contributions to working- class literature, African American literature, and the Harlem Renaissance
proves that his contributions are significant within the context of literature. Davis feels that Langston
Hughes portrays the mulatto image so often because subconsciously he portraying or symbolically
overcomes the conflict of his own personality. “Mulatto” begins with a son proclaiming to his
biological father that he is his son. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. To stave off
the loneliness he experienced as a child, he often occupied himself by reading. Annie Dillard's “The
Chase” and Langston Hughes ' “Salvation” mirrored some of the typical situations that children or
even adolescents find themselves in. What’s done in the dark should always come to the light. But
Hughes never tried to blame the upper class society. The passages are: “Young Langston Hughes”,
“Hughes in the World”, “Hughes’ Rise as a Writer”, and “Hughes’ Final Years”. I Too Sing America
depicts that whilst he is black, he too sings the national anthem of the country he is from. His poems
were meant do away with the aspect of discrimination against the Americans who had the African
origin. The scene is described as a night sky, and so is the moon and stars possibly representing the
white father and the yellow stars are his numerous children. For example, in the first lines by making
use of the repeated anaphora of “Let it be”, hughes acknowledges the fact that America is not what it
should be and informs the reader with his perspective in a. Students do not have to have read
Hughes’ works to complete the activities in this product and of course the activities can be used over
more or less than five days, as it suits the teacher and the needs of the class. The poems titles help to
convey the tone by positioning the reader to sympathise the African Americans. By stating that “I,
too am an American” in his poem, he illustrates that he is still an American even though he is black in
color and therefore should be treated fairly and equally to the whites. One of his quotes is “ Perhaps
the mission of an artist is to interpret beauty to people-the beauty within themselves.”, I put this
quote in my paper because, some white people still think black artist aren’t talented like them and
that black artists’ artwork isn’t nowhere near how good there’s is.”. These short statements help
Hughes illustrate his outrage that he is still dismissed when company comes, but the energy of these
lines suggest he is also exultant that it won’t be long until many of his brothers will be educated just
like him and able to lift up their unique voices to add to the cultural mix that is America. The
illustration of social class is enhanced by the use of literary features, themes and creation of
atmosphere and tone. As they do this, the thinking reader finds himself diving with them,
discovering dark and largely unknown things within themselves that are only visible in the
reverberating effects of the music sounding within them. Due to the fact that his father could not
provide for the family, he was forced to look for other means in order to survive. This poem
functions to give a voice to the disenfranchisement of blacks and all laws, rules and regulations that
have been broken. After he passed away they put his ashes beneath the floor Medallion in the Center
of the hall in the Schomburg Center for the Research in Black Culture in Harlem. From a young age
the white kids were taught to be prejudice. Langston Hughes achieved many awards and
fellowships. How do these changes help reveal the development of the text across various drafts.

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