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Unit 5.

Entertainment and School:

Date: Teacher’s name:
Grade 7 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Whizz-kids
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar
that this lesson general and curricular topics
is contributing 7.C3 respect differing points of view
to 7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.L1 understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support
on a growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson All learners will be able to:
objectives Pupils can read and knows new words.
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and listen about a text and can answer the questions
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and know about child prodigies
Planned Teacher’s activities Student’s Assessment Resource
timings activities s
Beginning Organization moment
of the Teacher greets students;
lesson students respond to Students Formative
greeting and take their respond to assessment is held Slide
places greeting through (useful
observation/monitori phrases)
Warm up. Ss answer the ng.
KWL questions
Know Want Learnt Pictures
to PPT
know Students think
exploring, Whiteboar
Ex.1What does prodigy developing, Emoticon d
mean? Do you know the evaluating and
making Writing
names of any prodigies? Workshe
choices about
their own and et
others’ ideas
Ex2. 2.17. Read and listen
to the text. Then choose the
correct summary
The author of the text
How different the life of a
prodigy is.
Main part
Ex3. Read the text again A learner Formative Whiteboar
assessment is held d
and complete the sentences
 reads through
with one, two or three the text for observation/monitori
global ng. Writing
understanding Workshe

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