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I. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the verb in parenthesis.

1. Alicia (work) ____________ as a 2.Tom (study) _____________ English

flight attendant for American Airlines. everyday.

3. The dog (have) ____________ a 4. The students (play) ___________

long tail. during the break.

5. The doctor (assist) _____________ 6. My grandmother (visit)

the patients in his office. _______________ me every Saturday.

7. John (like) _____________ 8. The baby (cry) ____________

to play soccer. every night.

9. The phone (ring) ____________ all 10. You (listen) ______________ to

day at the office. music after school.

II. Write the following sentences in interrogative and negative forms.

1. She drinks chocolate for breakfast. 2. Ana reads a book.

Int. ________________________________ Int. ________________________________

Neg. ________________________________ Neg. ________________________________

3. My friends go to the supermarket. 4. The teacher teaches Mathematics.

Int. ________________________________ Int. ________________________________

Neg. ________________________________ Neg. ________________________________

5. The students take an exam. 6. The computer works well.

Int. ________________________________ Int. ________________________________
Neg. ________________________________ Neg. ______________________________

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