0 MECLABS Customer Min

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Discovery Triad

Observe Customer Behavior h = hypothesis

Customer Attributes

Customer Desires

Customer Fears

Customer Context



“HOW?” “WHAT?” “WHY?” “HOW?”

Uncover the business objective (or business This series should encompass both quantitative This enables us to make a series of educated Ask a second, more refined “How”
question). This objective should be broad as (e.g., on-page clicks, next page visits, etc.) guesses as to why the customer is behaving in question (research question) that
it will be refined in the next “HOW?” series. and qualitative questions (e.g., What is the a certain way. Refer to the Conversion Heuristic identifies the best testing objective.
customer’s experience on this page?). (C = 4m + 3v + 2(i-f) - 2a) for help.

ex: “How do we sell more blue widgets?” ex: “Where are visitors to page A going if they ex: “Why are only 5% of visitors ex: “How do we increase CTR from
ex: “How do I get more leads?” don’t make it to page B?” starting the free trial from this page?” the blue widget product page to
ex: “What is happening on this webpage?” the shopping cart checkout page?”

Use the Hypothesis Apply

Test your Hypothesis
Development Framework Hypothesis
to Build your Control Treatment
A summary description of the “mental lever” your primary change will pull, usually a
cognitive shift you are trying to achieve in the mind of your prospective customers.
Treatment LOGO LOGO


This statement lists the variable(s) or set of variables (variable cluster) you are testing.


The desired result you hope to achieve from the changes you are proposing.

The relative increase or decrease

BECAUSE (CUSTOMER INSIGHT) based on the Hypothesis test.

The metric identified in your WILL statement either increased or decreased because
the change you made resonated or did not resonate in the mind of your customer.

Integrate Findings
The Marketer as Philosopher by Flint McGlaughlin with Customer Theory
Customer Theory describes, explains and predicts customer
@MECLABS behavior based on repeatedly confirmed patterns of action that
have been observed and associated with ontological attributes.

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